
Fluffy Town - 1

Mar 28th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Anonymous Wed 30 May 2018 14:05:51 No.16083355 | /trash/
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. >Anon didn't really care for them.
  4. >Not like he would pets.
  5. >But that didn't mean he liked to see them suffer either.
  6. >That's why when he found a fluffy pony rummaging through his trash, he didn't chase it away.
  7. >It's why, the next night, when he couldn't finish his dinner of reheated leftovers, he took a second of effort to place the paper plate gently besides the trash can.
  8. >He'd rather the thing not tip the can over again, he told himself.
  9. >A couple nights later, he spotted the fluffy again, this time with little splotches of color on it's back.
  10. >He tossed half a bag of stale chips out that night.
  11. >It was late autumn, and he saw on the weather channel that there would be a cold snap that night.
  12. >Unrelated, he decided to clear out his garage some, placing an old dog house outside with the ragged bed still within.
  13. >It was a sturdy, wooden thing for the dalmatian he once owned, the entrance blocked with plastic curtains meant to seal out the elements.
  14. >He spots the fluffies wondering in, dragging a plate of old food he had tossed earlier with them into the small shelter.
  15. >The next morning, he sees the blots of color moving within as he goes to his car for work.
  16. >A week later, the fluffies are still there, and the mother even tries to approach him.
  17. >He bunts it lightly when it called him daddeh with a questioning lilt, and it scurries back to the dog house.
  18. >He tosses a half-dozen bruised apples that night with some stale end pieces of bread.
  19. >One day, he finds a box of baby fluffies in an alley, crying over a dead mother.
  20. >Looks like someone stomped it's head in.
  21. >He takes the box with him and sets it by the dog house without a word.
  22. >He watches from the window as the mother hesitantly sniffs the trio of new fluffies before pulling them into the doghouse.
  23. >Another week, and he hears crying.
  24. >Checking in reveals a sick baby, and Anon begrudgingly offers to take care of it.
  25. >The mother cries louder and begs for him not to hurt it.
  27. >With a roll of his eyes, Anon snatches the baby and looks it over.
  28. >It has a fever and is damp with traces of piss and shit.
  29. >the inside of the dog house is far from clean.
  30. >Putting the baby back with the crying mother and four other babies. Anon goes inside and grabs some baby aspirin and a cup of water before returning.
  31. >Far too trusting, it doesn't take much for Anon to get the mother to let him give the tablet to the baby once he says it'll help.
  32. >He also makes them all shuffle out as he dumps the crap out of the dog house and takes it to the hose.
  33. >Spraying it out as the fluffy ponies watch, he blasts the bed as well and takes it inside.
  34. >He throws the ratty thing into the washer before heading back out.
  35. >Just once, he tells them, they can come inside for bathes.
  36. >Hesitant, the mother obeys, and is soon smiling in ankle-high, warm, soapy water.
  37. >Some of the babies nearly drown like idiots, and he has to hand wash the sick, sleeping one, but after fifteen minutes, he's blow drying some clean ponies.
  38. >By then, the bed is in the dryer and he's putting out a bowl of canned peaches for his unwanted guests.
  39. >When all is said and done, the bed is clean and wrapped in a garbage bag so they couldn't soil it again, and the fluffies are herded back out.
  40. >The mom tries to hug his leg, but he shrugs it off.
  41. >For good measure, he kneels down and flicks it's nose.
  42. >He wants it to understand that he wasn't their daddeh and they weren't living inside.
  43. >The sick baby was resting peacefully now and the doghouse was clean.
  44. >He tells her to try and poop and pee outside so that the young wouldn't get sick again.
  45. >She doesn't seem to understand and Anon rolls his eyes.
  46. >Later that knight, he brings some of his oldest, hole-ridden towels out and tells them they're blankets.
  47. >It's getting colder out and huddling together wouldn't provide enough heat.
  48. >The mom beams and drags the gifts in to her babies.
  50. >Later, Anon goes out with a spade and digs a small hole outside of the doghouse a couple yards away, not wide, but he makes it as deep as he can.
  51. >The mom peeks out curiously, and he explains it was to be a place for them to shit.
  52. >After a few seconds, she beams and declares it a poopsie hole like her parents once taught her to use.
  53. >A second later, she looks sad and says she misses them.
  54. >Anon didn't say anything, but he hears a squeak and looks curiously pass the mother to see one of the older foals from the trio he brought trying to hump one of the younger ones.
  55. >Yeah no, that's not happening.
  56. >He breaks them up and says a stern no.
  57. >the boy cries, and Anon resolves to nip this in the bud.
  58. >He might be willing to let these things live on his property, but he wasn't going to let them breed and take over the place.
  59. >Telling the mother is only a courtesy when he says they're going for a ride, and he stuffs the lot into an animal carrier.
  60. >With them crying in the back, he pulls up to the animal shelter.
  61. >At first, the workers are disheartened to see more fluffy ponies being dropped off, no doubt because they thought they'd be putting them down, but Anon asks if they do spay and neutering, and how much.
  62. >Luckily, they did them on discounts, and Anon ended up forking over a wad of cash to get them all fixed.
  63. >After the fact, once they were home, the trio and mother were all still crying, saying they had owies and lamenting their mutilated privates, the younger babies only crying out of pain as they didn't know what had happened.
  64. >This was alleviate when Anon brought them a big bowel of ice cream to share.
  65. >It wasn't sympathy; everyone deserved ice cream after a doctor visit.
  66. >Over the next week, he's satified to see the mom and older babies using the poopsie hole, and periodic checks shows they're all healing fine after the surgery.
  67. >The mom was very distrusting at first, but some non-old food quickly regained it.
  69. >Later, Anon is walking from a store when he hears the now familiar pitch of a fluffy's voice, and it's distressed.
  70. >Peeking down a narrow alleyway he spots a pair hovering over something, and he approaches.
  71. >One, a male whips around and puffs up while the female curls in on itself, shivering and shitting.
  72. >Anon makes a placating gesture and offers a tic-tac, which goes untaken as the male tells the other to run.
  73. >Anon rolls his eyes and kneels down.
  74. >He asks if they need help, and the mare responds.
  75. >"You.. you help babeh?"
  76. >She uncurls to reveal three babies, two quiet, but moving and third deathly still.
  77. >Anon frowns, but nods, telling them to follow him to his car.
  78. >The male tries to block his path, but he simply steps over them and gently grabs the babies, even the clearly dead one.
  79. >He doubts they'd leave without it.
  80. >The parents rush after him, and struggle into the back when he places the babies on the seat.
  81. >While they're driving, the mother says she couldn't make enough milkies without yummies.
  82. >Anon hums, but doesn't comment when they pull up to his home.
  83. >He directs them to the dog house, and the male becomes less distrusting when he realizes there are other fluffies here.
  84. >With that, Anon goes inside and riffles through some cupboards for an old baby bottle he had to use on his pup long ago, filling it with milk.
  85. >It'd have to do until the mom could produce more of her own, the banana he grabs hopefully helping their.
  86. >When he comes out, the newcomers watch as he feeds one baby some milk, then the other.
  87. >The mom asks why he isn't feeding the third, and he bluntly says that it's dead.
  88. >She wails and hugs the motionless foal while the other mother steps out to comfort her, curios foals poking their heads out of the dog house to see what's going on.
  89. >Anon ignores the drama and goes inside to his garage.
  90. >The dog house wasn't big enough for two more adult fluffy ponies, so he grabs a box.
  92. >The material is flimsy, and with winter fast approaching, wouldn't help much.
  93. >Plus those idjits would have the thing soaked through with piss and shit in a couple weeks.
  94. >He fixes that problem by lining one of the inner walls with neat rows of duck tape, effectively making that surface laminated.
  95. >He grabs another box of the same size and squeezes the first into it.
  96. >Well, it's sturdier, and technically twice and insulated, but that wasn't saying much.
  97. >He grabs a garbage back and goes outside, filling it with dry leaves from a pile, then carefully placing the box inside so that its opening and the bag's line up.
  98. >He then seals the bag and boxes together with more tape, effectively making a shelter with decent insulation that was waterproof to boot.
  99. >With some effort, he gets the odd thing set flat on the ground next to the doghouse, and steps back.
  100. >With a moments thought, he goes inside to grabs a cut square of cardboard, covered in more duck tape, and hung at the entrance of the shelter of tape-hinges to make a shotty door.
  101. >Toss in an old throw pillow and towel, and he stepped back to reveal the new home.
  102. >It literally looks like a pile of garbage, but the male is wide-eyed like it's a castle.
  103. >His mate doesn't notice, still morning the dead baby, and Anon sighs.
  104. >He asks for it, and explains he's going to bury it when she questions why.
  105. >That just makes her her more hysterical, and it takes both her mate and the other adult fluffy to calm her enough to surrender the dead baby.
  106. >It's unceremonious, Anon simply going out back and digging a simple grave to drop it in.
  107. >He still marks the spot with a big rock, and shows the grieving parent's where.
  108. >He has to tell the mother no when she tries to dig it up, but eventually, by nightfall, she is resting fretfully in her new home along side her mate and surviving two foals.
  109. >The next morning, Anon makes the fluffy ponies pancakes from a cheap mix with some cheap syrup, but they were ecstatic nonetheless.
  111. >Winter is near, and snow now falls regularly, though is not yet sticking.
  112. >Anon has taken to making several "poopie holes" for the fluffies.
  113. >They only take a few minutes to dig out, and less time to fill them in when they start to get full.
  114. >With the ground hardening, they wouldn't be an option for long, and he hopes the dumb creatures would be smart enough to shit behind the house and away from the places he walks.
  115. >Especially with the trio of babies he found now being old enough to wander outside and play.
  116. >The other babies will soon join them no doubt.
  117. >With the drop in temperature, Anon decides to hook up the dog house heater after digging it out of his garage, hanging it from the ceiling of the small den.
  118. >He sets the little thermostat to 45 degrees, not especially warm, but enough for the fluffies to survive the cold months without upping his energy bill too much.
  119. >That didn't help the other fluffies in the bagged-box.
  120. >Anon stops at a thrift store after work one day and picks up an crochet blanket for a few bucks.
  121. >He pauses while passing by the toy section, before begrudgingly picking up a ball and magnetic drawing board.
  122. >Fluffies were easily entertained, and these things would be paramount to a home theater for them.
  123. >The fluffy ponies of the box dragged the blanket in and formed a cave of the fabric, pretty much taking up all the shelter's volume when they snuggled within.
  124. >The toys were well received, as well, and he often spotted a fluffy pony kicking around a ball outside with others or them scribbling the magnetic screen full before erasing it with the slider to do it again.
  125. >Things went like this until Anon heard a scream one day.
  126. >Stepping out on the porch, it was just int time to see a coyote looking back at the house, one of the older babies clamped between its jaws.
  127. >It's brother and sister go to run after it, but they are restrained by the adults.
  128. >Anon knows it's too late for the babe, and he leaves the fluffies to mourn.
  130. >The next day, Anon goes to Home Depot and picks up some supplies.
  131. >He'd been planning to fence his yard for a couple years now, even having bought a bunch of boards a while back, but never got around to starting the project.
  132. >He lived on the outskirts of town and closer to wildlife, so he was no stranger to skunks and the like wandering unto his property.
  133. >The next week he spends most of his time working, and the job doesn't take all that long to finish.
  134. >He also ends up making another makeshift box home for a pregnant female fluffy pony he finds nearly frozen to death in town.
  135. >A night spent inside with a hair dryer sees it come back to life with only some frostbite, luckily not enough to amputate any limbs.
  136. >It gives birth a few days later, and he takes it, along with the couple and their two babies to the shelter.
  137. >He had given them a simple ultimatum, after all; no more babies, or he'd kick them out.
  138. >He gave them all shot glasses of hot chocolate later.
  139. >That winter, Anon watched the fluffy ponies survive the elements from the window, only allowing them inside the front entrance of his warm home during blizzards.
  140. One of the new female's babies died, bringing their total numbers down to three adult females, one adult male, an adolescent boy and girl, and eight babies of varying ages.
  141. >Anon was surprised to see the group acting like a little herd, the adults treating all the babies as their own whether they actually were or not.
  142. >He's also surprised to see them make it through the winter with so few casualties.
  143. >He kind of expected only the adults to survive, but by spring, he saw the now older foals playing in the sprouting grass.
  144. >By summer, three more families moved onto his property, two having wondered into the yard through the suspiciously left open fence, and another found in town.
  145. >For his part, Anon had picked up a dog house at a garage sale, and used a larger box to make another den, turning his yard into a fluffy pony village.
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