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Jan 30th, 2014
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  2. g_debug = 0 # Sets the level of debug information (0 - none).
  3. g_externaleditor = # Sets the external script editor eg. for Sublime Text 'sublime_text.exe %s:%i:%i'
  4. k_rendersync = 0 # Sync rendering FPS with game ticks ~ 30FPS
  5. g_sort = 1 # Type of sorting in the server browser
  6. g_filterplayerlower = 0 # Lower bound of players to filter on in the server browser
  7. g_filterplayerupper = 100 # Upper bound of players to filter on in the server browser
  8. g_filtergold = 2 # How to filter on gold (full version) servers in the server browser
  9. g_filterpass = 2 # How to filter on passworded servers in the server browser
  10. g_filtermode = # Which gamemode to filter on in the server browser
  11. g_videorecording = 0 # If set to 1 will hide most of the interface for a clean video recording.
  12. m_width = 256 # Map generator width
  13. m_height = 128 # Map generator height
  14. m_seed = 666 # Map generator seed. Pick a random number.
  15. m_generator = Maps/generator_ctf_mountain.cfg # Map generator file config.
  16. g_kickvote_percent = 51 # Percentage of players needed for a kick vote to pass.
  17. g_mapvote_percent = 51 # Percentage of team players needed for a map vote to pass.
  18. g_vote_time = 60 # How long (in seconds) does the voting take place.
  19. g_kickvote_bantime = 30 # How long (in minutes) is the player banned after a kick vote.
  20. auth_autologin = 0 # Should authentication be automatic on game start with saved password.
  21. auth_login = # Portal authentication login
  22. auth_remember = 0 # Portal authentication remembered
  23. sv_gamemode = CTF # The gamemode that launched on start of dedicated server
  24. sv_mapcycle = # The default map cycle loaded on server start. See Base/Maps/mapcycle.cfg.example for an example. Leave blank if you want Rules to load their own cycle.
  25. sv_gravity = 9.81 # Sets the global physics gravity.
  26. sv_canpause = 1 # Determines whether the server can pause and sleep while there are no players to save CPU load.
  27. sv_test = 0 # This determines if the server is in development testing mode. For usage in scripts.
  28. g_measureperformance = 0 # Measures script performance. Reset to 0 after game restart. Use performance or performance2 console command to show.
  29. v_bpp = 32 # Requires v_restart to take effect.
  30. v_driver = 0 # Rendering driver (0 - null, 1 - software, 2 - software+, 5 - ogl).
  31. v_vsync = 0 # Vertical synchronization of video with monitor.
  32. v_showfps = 0 # Show the current FPS on screen.
  33. v_showminimap = 1 # Show minimap or not. Might solve performance issues.
  34. g_playerlistkey = 9 # The key used for showing the players list.
  35. g_screenshotkey = 115 # The key used for taking screenshots.
  36. g_reportbugkey = 116 # The key used for sending screen bug reports.
  37. g_tutorialkey = 112 # The key used for showing help.
  38. v_postprocess = 0 # Use fullscreen post processing effects.
  39. v_fastrender = 0 # Degrades visual quality for speed
  40. v_smoothsprites = 0 # Uses a filter to smoothen sprite pixels
  41. v_smoothmap = 0 # Uses a filter to smoothen map pixels
  42. v_screenshotquality = 100 # screenshotquality 92
  43. v_drawhud = 1 # v_drawhud 1
  44. g_fixedcamera = 1 # Uses a fixed camera on player. Disabling this makes the camera Soldat-like.
  45. g_kidssafe = 0 # Turns on/off violence & gore.
  46. s_soundon = 0 # Determines if the sound engine starts or not. Requires restart to turn sound on/off.
  47. s_volume = 0.5 # Sets the overall sound volume.
  48. s_musicvolume = 0.5 # Sets the music volume.
  49. s_effects = 1 # Use sound effects or not.
  50. s_system = 0 # Sets the sound system (0 autodetect; 1 DirectSound 8; 2 DirectSound; 3 Win MM; 4 ALSA; 5 Core Audio; 6 No sound.
  51. s_showmixer = 0 # Shows the music mixer debug.
  52. s_gamemusic = 1 # Plays music in game
  53. s_ambientmusic = 0 # Ambient music while playing game
  54. s_menumusic = 1 # Menu music on or off
  55. seclevs_whitelist_active = 0 # Set to 1 to allow only the names in the whitelist or 0 to disallow the names in the blacklist
  56. seclevs_whitelist = ../Security/whitelist.cfg # The file with the whitelist config
  57. seclevs_blacklist = ../Security/blacklist.cfg # The file with the blacklist config
  58. seclevs_ignorelist = ../Security/ignorelist.cfg # The file with the ignorelist config
  59. n_graph = 0 # Shows the network activity graph.
  60. n_log = 0 # Saves the session network data to a file.
  61. n_filechunk = 8192 # Max amount of file sent every packet (in bytes).
  62. sv_maxplayers = 48 # Maximum number of players allowed ingame.
  63. sv_enable_joinfull = 1 # If set to 1 then privileged users (join_full seclev feature) may join the server when full.
  64. sv_reservedslots = 0 # Number of reserved slots (additional slots on top of the max, accessible only to privileged players).
  65. sv_ip = 0 # Server communication IP address, this is where it listens for incoming clients. This is the IP address clients can connect to. Set to 0 for automatic detection.
  66. sv_ipv6 = 0 # Server communication IPv6 address, this is where it listens for incoming clients. This is the IPv6 address bound for anything but game traffic (currently). Set to 0 for automatic detection.
  67. sv_tcpr = 0 # Whether to enable the TCP RCON server on sv_port. Default: 0. Cannot be enabled on Windows.
  68. sv_register = 1 # Whether or not to register this server with the master list. You likely only want this set to 0 if this is a firewalled private server.
  69. sv_preferAF = 0 # Server AF preference for whether clients connect using IPv4 or IPv6. Set to 0 for clients to use whichever performs better when both are available
  70. sv_enableIPv6 = 0 # Whether to use IPv6 globally. Set to 0 to disable IPv6 globally including for API calls (NOT RECOMMENDED!).
  71. sv_port = 22000 # Server communication port, this is where it listens for incoming clients. Remember to open this port in your firewall.
  72. cl_port = 22001 # Client communication port.
  73. sv_password = # Sets the server password.
  74. sv_rconpassword = you really thought i'll show it there? # Sets the server remote console password.
  75. sv_require_auth = 1 # If set to 1 server checks client authentication via master server.
  76. disable_seclevoutput = 1 # If set to 1 then loading seclevs will not print them out.
  77. sv_allow_globals_mods = 1 # If set to 1 global KAG moderators and admins can kick/ban players on server.
  78. sv_deltapos_modifier = 1 # Controls the threshold for delta packet updating. Value higher than 1 will reduce bandwidth, lower increase.
  79. sv_compression = 1 # Compress network data or not. Disabling compression may improve performance. DO NOT change this while running the server!
  80. sv_fastdeltas = 0 # Faster deltas mean less CPU intensive but more bandwidth used.
  81. cl_name = Peasant # Sets the players name.
  82. cl_clantag = # Sets the players clan name.
  83. cl_classnum = 0 # Sets the players class number.
  84. cl_team = 1 # Sets the players team number.
  85. cl_sex = 0 #
  86. cl_head = 255 #
  87. cl_hat = 0 #
  88. cl_joinaddress = # Client only! Join address for the GUI box in menu.
  89. cl_password = # GUI: Join password.
  90. sv_maxping = 450 # Max ping allowed on server after which player is kicked. Large ping players will slow down server.
  91. sv_maxping_warnings = 300 # Because of ping spikes, warnings are issued if a player has ping over max number.
  92. sv_maxhack_warnings = 25 # Maximum amount of warnings where server thinks player is hacking.
  93. sv_alloweditor = 1 # If set to 1 players that have RCON can start map editor on server
  94. sv_name = The FUN CTF - 2.0.6 - NEW HOST! # Sets the server name displayed in server browser.
  95. sv_info = *Machine upgrade!* Check our page! . Class upgrades, new shops and much more! # Sets the server info displayed in server browser.
  96. u_transparency = 255 # Transparency of the game interface.
  97. u_showtutorial = 1 # Show controls tutorial
  98. u_shownames = 0 # Show team member names above head
  99. u_agreedterms = 0 # Agreed to terms
  100. c_dimension_x = 1 # Width of console in percents of screen.
  101. c_dimension_y = 0.9 # Height of console in percents of screen.
  102. c_linespacing = 1 # Space between lines in console.
  103. c_indent = 1 # Left indentation of messages in console.
  104. c_key = 36 # The key for opening and closing the console.
  105. c_history_size = 20 # Number of console commands stored in history.
  106. c_halign = 2 # Horizontal alignment of console 0-left, 1-center, 2-right.
  107. c_valign = 0 # Vertical alignment of console 0-top, 1-middle, 2-bottom.
  108. cc_linespacing = 1 # Space between lines in console.
  109. cc_indent = 8 # Left indentation of messages in console.
  110. cc_key = 84 # The key for opening and closing the chat.
  111. cc_key_team = 89 # The key for opening and closing the chat in team mode.
  112. cc_history_size = 25 # Number of console commands stored in history.
  113. cc_valign = 0 # Vertical alignment of console 0-top, 1-middle, 2-bottom.
  114. cc_killfeed = 0 # Show kill feed in chat console?
  115. g_reloadfiles_count = 5 # How many files to tick forward the file reloader each frame. High numbers will cause filesystem rape and lag.
  116. g_reloadfiles_wait = 5 # How long to wait between updates to the file reloader.
  117. g_rendergraph = 0 # Debug/optimization info. Turns on/off the rendering time graph.
  118. g_physicsgraph = 0 # Debug/optimization info. Turns on/off the physics time graph.
  119. g_scriptsgraph = 0 # Debug/optimization info. Turns on/off the scripts time graph.
  120. # END OF CONFIG
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