
The Equestrian Pirate

Dec 18th, 2016
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  1. "Anon, I can't let you continue on being a pirate, come back to Canterlot quietly and I might be able to at least get you a life sentence"
  2. "Ye can't tell me what I can and can't do, ye fancy landlubber princey."
  3. >"You do not speak to a prince like that, you disgusting criminal!"
  4. >Shining Armor was getting in your face after he came aboard your ship, attempting to arrest you
  5. >You're coming with me, rat."
  6. >You swiftly pull out your sword and point it down at Shining's muzzle
  7. >"I'll have you know I was captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard. I am more trained in combat than you could ever imagine."
  8. "Well see about that, Shiny."
  9. >You swing at him, and he dodges
  10. >He tries to tackle you, but you're quick on your feet and stay a safe distance
  11. >Shining gets up and the two of you start circling around each other.
  12. >You wait patiently for him to make the next move, and you know he's waiting too
  13. >His horn begins to glow
  14. >You check your surroundings for anything
  15. >You spot a barrel floating through the air quickly
  16. >It's coming right for you
  17. >Before you can react, you are knocked down on the ground and your vision fades
  18. >The last thing you see is Shining's smug smile spread across his face
  20. >You blink your eyes open
  21. >You have a hell of a headache
  22. >You're in a wooden room, with iron bars on one wall
  23. >There's a window, out into the sea, also blocked by iron bars
  24. >You were caught
  25. >Dammit
  26. >You crawl up and take a peek out the window
  27. >There's a beach, and in the distance you see an enormous mountain with a castle on the side
  28. >Canterlot
  29. >Shit, you were going to get jailed for life
  30. >You frantically search for a way out
  31. >You weren't just going to give up to a life trapped in a dungeon
  32. >Outside your cell is a hallway
  33. >On the wall in a WANTED poster with your name and picture
  35. >"Crimes: Thievery, pillaging, mugging, murder suspect"
  36. >"Reward: 10,000 bits"
  37. >There was a knife lodged on your picture, holding the poster up on the wall
  38. >You continue observing for a way to escape
  39. >You check your pockets and sheath
  40. >Shining took your weapons
  41. >You shake the bars back and forth
  42. >They don't budge a single bit
  43. >You hear hoofsteps nearby
  44. >Shining Armor steps into your sight, and looks right at you
  45. >"Justice will be served, you filth."
  46. "Bah! Ye can't keep me here forever. I'll escape and you know it, boy."
  47. >"I don't think so."
  48. >You press you face up to the bars and glare at the same smug expression he gave you when you were bashed in the head
  49. >"See ya."
  50. >He spits on the ground in front of you and disappears back up the stairs
  51. >What a little shit
  52. >You punch the wooden wall in rage
  53. >It cracks a bit
  54. >There's your escape
  55. >With all your might, you punch and kick the wood
  56. >Not very strong
  57. >You step outside and find yourself in Shining's ship
  58. >That was easy
  59. >Too easy
  60. >Shining must have heard you, because he came dashing down to meet face-to-face with you
  61. >You trade expressions and he's pissed, while you simply grinned
  62. "What'd I tell ye."
  63. >"Oh, you're still going to have to get through ME, pirate."
  64. "Come at me."
  65. >You put up your fists and threw a hearty laugh
  66. >"So you're just taking me on with no weapons?"
  67. "I guarantee I'll beat yer arse, even without me tools."
  68. >"Very well, pirate"
  70. >You and Shining are standing on opposite sides of the deck
  71. >Neither of you take your eyes off each other
  72. >The two of you are ready to rumble
  73. >The only sound is the creaking of the ship
  74. >You charge right for him
  75. >He stands his ground
  76. >You jump over Shining, and pin him down
  77. >You throw harsh blows, but he's talented and reacts in the blink of an eye
  78. >He headbutts you, and you roll across the deck, while keeping your grip on him
  79. >You slap him across the face
  80. >He magically picks up a plank off the ground
  81. "Not this time, landlubber!"
  82. >You roughly slam him down
  83. >This disrupts the magic, and the plank falls to the floor
  84. >He pushes you off and you stumble back on loose feet
  85. >Shining wipes blood from his nose
  86. >"You haven't won yet, bastard."
  87. >He sprints after you and you step aside
  88. >He crashes into a barrel and is stunned
  89. >You take this chance to escape as fast as your legs can take you
  90. >Celestia's sun shines brightly over the ship and gleams off the sea
  91. >Your weapons are leaning over on a barrel
  92. >You swipe them and sheath your sword and gun
  93. >There's an escape raft hanging off the deck
  94. >You hop inside the raft and unsheathe your sword
  95. >Shining Armor comes up from the lower floors, and scowls at you
  96. "Nothing personnel, kid."
  97. >You chop the ropes holding the raft up and you plunge into the sea
  98. >The raft lands with a tremendous splash
  99. "Remember this day as the day you almost caught captain Anon E. Mouse!"
  100. >You burst into roaring laughter
  102. >A satisfied smirk curls upon your face
  103. >You float away into the sea
  104. >You're not going to be defeated
  105. >At the very least, not this easily
  107. >You, as Anonymous, were an adventurous and determined fellow.
  108. >Ever since you showed up in Equestria, ponies feared you
  109. >They thought you were just another monster from the Everfree Forest
  110. >You left Ponyville and traveled out onto the high seas, raiding villages with your crew
  111. >Your crew consisted of other creatures, feared by ponykind
  112. >A lone changeling, who hadn't been reformed
  113. >He was fierce, clever, and was out for revenge on ponies for taking his home
  114. >His name is Farignix
  115. >A griffon, only looking for treasure and riches.
  116. >She was agile, stubborn, and well-known among other pirates
  117. >Her name is Alida
  118. >And finally, a unicorn, who was raised in the dark alleyways of Canterlot, and learned to use many weapons, but mainly stuck with using explosives and knives
  119. >She's an optimistic adventurer and is talented in alchemy
  120. >Her name is Merrilee
  121. >And then there was you, captain Anonymous, or Anon for short
  122. >Though you did like when you were called 'captain'
  123. >You and your crew stuck together, at least for the most part
  124. >You had went out on a mission to get resources, but got caught by Shining on the way back to your crew's base
  125. >But now you were off to find your ship and sail back to your original destination
  127. >You checked around in the raft
  128. >All that was there were a couple paddles, some rope, and a net
  129. >You picked up the paddle, sat down, and began to paddle
  130. >You moved the paddle around in the water, pushing you through the waters
  131. >You did this until Shining Armor's ship disappeared on the horizon
  132. >You put the paddle down and sighed
  133. >Nothing but dark seas around
  134. >The sunset cast a palette of warm colors over the skies
  135. >Your eyes get heavy after the long day
  136. >A little nap wouldn't hurt
  137. >You lie down and rest your head down on the wooden bench of the raft and drift off into sleep
  138. >You show up standing in the middle of your ship at midnight
  139. >A cool stream of air breezes by, and suddenly the moon starts to glow
  140. >A blue figure soars down from the sky and lands right in front of you
  141. >"Greetings, Anonymous."
  142. >"I see you've successfully escaped one of our best fighters."
  143. "Aye, that's true."
  144. >She stares you down
  145. >"You and your crew's crimes will not be forgotten. I know the most personally about you and your crew."
  146. >"You will not raid another village, you will not mug another pony, and you will not commit another crime."
  147. "Aye, I don't think so. That's me job, princess."
  148. >You stare at Luna, and she stares you
  149. >"When I found your first dream when you slept in the Everfree Forest, I did not fear you."
  150. >"I understood you, and hoped you learned to make peace with the ponies."
  151. >"But now look at you. Turning into a criminal."
  152. >"Do you not feel regret?"
  153. "Hmmm."
  154. "Nah, the pirate life's good for me."
  155. >Luna gazes upon you, disappointed
  156. >"Goodnight, Anon."
  157. "G'night princess."
  158. >She disappears into the moon
  159. >You are suddenly and violently shook awake
  161. >You awaken in a fright, and you frantically look around
  162. >You see a light red unicorn with a yellow mane
  163. >Merrilee
  164. >She's grinning cheek-to-cheek
  165. >"Hey wakey wakey, sleepyhead!"
  166. "Don't wake me up like that, Merri, ya spazzy lil' mate."
  167. >"Whoops! Sorry to startle you cap'n!"
  168. >She lets out a bubbly giggle
  169. >"Come on over!"
  170. >She motions to another raft next to yours, and in the darkness, a Merrilee's ship is afloat in the inky waters
  171. >You get up and crawl into the other raft, and she follows you in
  172. >She levitates a paddle up and rows the boat to the ship
  173. >You pick up a paddle and start rowing, as well, through the murky sea
  175. >It's pitch black, the only light coming from the moon and the stars of the night sky, and a lantern on the floor of Merrilee's barge
  176. >"So Farignix sent me out to look for you. You don't usually take this long on missions!"
  177. "I was caught by that fancy boy, Shining. Not much 'a fight fer someone who's captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard."
  178. >"You beat Shining Armor?"
  179. >She gives off an astonished face
  180. >"But he's the most powerful soldier, now prince in Equestria!"
  181. "Hm. Maybe he wasn't feelin' it."
  182. "I know the boy could'a done better."
  183. >"Okay, cap'n. Whatever you say."
  184. >You and Merri close in on the ship
  185. >She drops a paddle and picks up a ladder
  186. >You drop your paddle and stand up in the raft
  187. >She props the ladder up on the side of her ship
  188. >She climbs up onto the deck, and you come up behind
  189. "Alright, Merri, we've got to find me ship. All the resources were there."
  190. >"Can do, 'Nonny."
  191. >She goes up to the steering wheel of the ship
  192. >A pink aura forms around her horn and an arrow appears
  193. >The pink arrow points-
  194. >You take out your compass
  195. "West!"
  196. >Merrilee takes the wheel and spins it around so that the ship is facing west
  197. >"Here we go!"
  198. >The sails are lowered, and the ocean winds carry her ship to your own
  199. >She goes down the stairs and goes into a room on the deck
  200. >"I'm going to bed now, there's another bedroom down the hall."
  201. >She skips in through the door
  202. >You go out into your own bedroom
  203. >The night is quiet, exceptions being waves crashing against the ship and the footsteps of your boots
  204. >You creak open the door, and go in
  205. >You pile yourself on the bed near the wall
  206. >Time for a good night's rest
  208. >Through a short-lived nap, you awake
  209. >The morning sun shines in through porthole
  210. >You roll out of your bed, and go out to find your ship, beached on an island
  211. >"Who took your ship?" you wonder
  212. >You observe the island closely
  213. >There's a band of pirates raiding your ship!
  215. >The look over at you and run deep into the forest
  216. >Merri yawns and appears behind you
  217. >"W-w-who?"
  219. >"Your ship's being raided!"
  220. >"Well we need to get over there right now!"
  221. >She dashes down to the lower deck and comes back up with a variety of weapons
  222. >Bombs, knives, and guns
  223. >She smiles and hands you a couple bombs
  224. >"Let's teach some fellas a lesson!"
  225. >You unsheathe your sword and hold it high above your head
  227. >The other pirates come over, rolling cannons up to the beach
  228. >"FIRE"
  229. >The light the fuse, and a cannonball flies past your head at a dangerous speed, giving you an adrenaline rush
  230. >You jump out and swim up to the beach, and Merrilee charges through the water and up to the pirates
  231. >She throws bombs and knives, and their cannons are destroyed
  232. >You sneak past the pirates, as Merri fights them off
  233. >You find their hideout, and one pirate is hiding your loot
  234. >You swing your sword and he dodges, to pull out a small knife of his own
  235. >You laugh at his tiny choice of a weapon
  236. >A knife like that can't do anything in the slightest
  237. >He attempts to stab you in the side
  238. >You disarm him in a flick of your sword, and you cut his face
  239. >He steps back and hold his face
  240. >You escape down the entrance to their hideout
  241. >You hear explosions and gunfire from above, and hope Merrilee is doing well
  243. >The hideout is dark, and the only light is coming off of the torches on the walls
  244. >You're searching for where those pirates had been storing your loot
  245. >There's a room full of your supplies
  246. >They're all in barrels, and you go right on inside
  247. >You need to hold this area, and wait for Merrilee to come down
  248. >Hoofsteps come closer and louder
  249. >"THERE YOU ARE!"
  250. >The pirate stallion pounces on you
  251. >He punches you with his hooves, as you try to block the blows and escape his defense
  252. >You roughly push him over, and you pull out your flintlock
  253. >You aim it at the pirate's leg, and squeeze the trigger
  254. >The gun fires off and hits the stallion's leg
  255. >He drops to the ground in pain
  256. >You hear more hoofsteps coming down
  257. >You ready your cutlass, prepared for another battle
  258. >A light red unicorn comes skidding down the hallway, with battle scars over her body
  259. >"You alright Anon? I heard gunfire!"
  260. "I be fine, though this drunken scally wag ain't."
  261. >"Good to hear. Hey, there are still some ponies out there to be taken care of."
  262. "Get the barrels and bring 'em to me ship. I'll fight these rat eatin', black toothed, crab infested, blistering sea dogs!"
  263. >"Okay, on it, cap'n!"
  264. >Merrilee takes the barrels and magically moves them up and out the pirate's refuge
  265. >You hold your cutlass out in front of you
  266. >Any sea rat that touches you or Merrilee, will be a dead pony
  267. >Merrilee carries the barrels to the ship, while you look out for the rest of the pirates on the island
  268. >She makes several runs back and forth, and you follow her
  269. >On the way back for the last barrel, a sudden sharp pain goes into your arm
  270. "AAUGH"
  271. >The cold blade is removed, and you turn around quickly
  272. >There's a pony with an ice-cold stare focused on you
  273. >Merrilee runs down from your ship, and finds you holding your bleeding arm
  274. >"Anon, what happened! You get shanked or somethin'?
  275. >She gasps and see the stallion holding a machete
  276. >The pirate swings at you, and gashes you across the chest
  277. >Merri bashes into the stallion and in a swift move, decapitates the assassin
  278. >His head rolls over the sand, and his body falls to the ground
  279. >"Phew, that was close. Are you alright? There's a deep cut in your arm and chest!"
  280. "I, I'll be fine"
  281. >You tread across the beach and climb up to the ship
  282. >"I'm a good medic, go to your bedroom, and I'll fix you up!"
  283. >You step onto the deck, and go straight to your bedroom, holding your chest
  284. >You take off your bloodstained coat, and lie in bed
  285. >Merrilee appears in the doorway
  286. >"I'll be back with medical supplies from my ship, okay?"
  287. "A-, alright."
  288. >She bounces away front the door and you close your eyes, breathing heavily
  290. >You lie there quietly, pain striking across your chest and in your arm
  291. >You fall asleep after several minutes of this
  292. >...
  293. >You wake up and Merrilee is standing over you
  294. >Your torso is covered in bandages, as well as your arm
  295. >"That was a pretty deep cut in you, but you'll be fine now."
  296. >"Here, take this healing solution I brewed up."
  297. >She levitates a cup of thick, red, fluid.
  298. >You take it and gulp the drink down
  299. >It stings your throat for a moment, but it then cools down and soothes your body
  300. >The areas where you were wounded get numb
  301. >You relax back in the bed
  302. >"I'll be departing my ship soon, so hope you get well quick!"
  303. "Aye."
  304. >She leaves and goes back to her own ship
  305. >You sit up straight and grab your coat
  306. >You set foot on the wooden floor
  307. >You stumble out onto the deck, and climb the stairs up to the top floor
  308. >You grab hold of the wheel and take out a map and compass from your pocket
  309. >Your crew's base was Northeast of your current position
  310. >You spin the wheel and lower the sails
  311. >You look over at Merrilee's ship, and she does the same
  312. >The two of you sail into the late afternoon seas
  314. >You arrive at the docks at sunset
  315. >You drop anchor and step down from the wheel
  316. >Merrilee follows behind and stops at the dock
  317. >You let down a ladder and climb down onto the wooden land
  318. >You and Merri go into the village that housed your crew's hideout
  319. >Pirates like you and Merri were welcome here, without worrying about getting caught
  320. >You walk up behind a tavern, to find a small hatch hidden in a bush
  321. >You lift it open, and jump in
  322. >Merrilee comes down with you
  323. >The underground base was where your crew lived
  324. >Sitting at a table was Farignix and Alida, playing cards
  325. >They spot you and Merilee
  326. >"So you found the captain? Good work."
  327. >"Did you get all of the supplies?"
  328. "I was on me way back, but that fancy landlubber Shining Armor caught me."
  329. "I beat that princy boy and was on me way out."
  330. >"I rescued him out of a raft, and took him on my ship"
  331. >"We found Anonymous' ship beached on an island, being raided by another gang of pirate ponies."
  332. >"They were no match, but Anon got a deep cut."
  333. >"He's healed now, and we savaged the resources on Anon's ship."
  334. >Farignix and Alida smile at each other
  335. >"Well done, Anonymous and Merri. That was a close call. While you two were away,Farignix and I went out to get some bits."
  336. >"And by 'get' I mean we robbed this one cheap town, not too far."
  337. "So we be good on stock?"
  338. >"Yep."
  339. "Well then."
  340. "I be out to bring in the loot."
  341. >You climb up the hatch, get back to the ship, and carry barrels back to the hideout
  342. >The sun sets over the horizon, and the setting gets quieter and cooler as day turns to night
  343. >You bring in the last barrel into the shelter late at night
  344. >You go inside and make your way to your room to take a nap after these past couple days
  346. >You show up lying on a barge, floating in the sea
  347. >Like the night before, Luna floats down and hovers above you
  348. >"Having fun with your gang of murderers and thieves?"
  349. >She glares at you
  350. "It's not fun when yer chest's chopped with a machete
  351. >"Don't you think you've had enough of this?"
  352. >"As some friends once taught me, even the worst people can change."
  353. "I don't think so, lil' miss."
  354. >"Please. Be good, you have plenty of potential."
  355. >"You have potential. You can change. Same goes for your crew."
  356. "Thar be no going back now. I'm wanted by every damn pony in Equestria."
  357. >"I'm trying my hardest to convince you to change. Please, just no more. I've been trying to help your crew, but"
  358. >"They just ignored me."
  359. >"You can do it, and I know it."
  360. >"I've had enough of you, your crew, all the other criminals in Equestria like you."
  361. >You lay there in silence
  362. >The waves of the sea move calmly
  363. >Luna is still looking down at you
  364. >She made you think, but you knew there was no going back from here
  365. >You had a life of adventure and crime as a pirate
  366. >You wanted to finally convince her that you would stay a pirate, but she didn't change her mind
  367. >She kept her faith in you, even after all of your crimes
  368. >You actually felt bad about letting her down like this
  369. >You genuinely felt regret for once
  371. >You wake up
  372. >Walking up to the door, you hear a loud crash
  373. >You kick the wooden door open and look out for what made the noise
  374. >An unrecognizable pony wearing a hood was carrying a bag up the hatch
  375. >Another pirate looking to steal from your crew's stash?
  376. >You grab your sword and run after the pony
  377. >They quickly disappear up to the surface
  378. >You're not going to let this bastard get away
  379. >You leap up after them
  380. >They're fast, and you try to catch up
  381. >You take a knife out of your pocket and fling it at the thief
  382. >It misses them, and they run faster
  383. >They escape your view into a snowy forest
  384. >You search up and down for the pony
  385. >A faint mumble sounds from deep into the sea of trees
  386. >You investigate the source of the mumble
  387. >There's a cramped entrance to a cave on the edge of the forest
  388. >You get on your hands and knees and crawl inside
  389. >There's a hallway with an open door at the end
  390. >You creep over to the door
  391. >You peer inside
  392. >The pony from before was putting the bag into a crate
  393. >They look back behind them, in your direction
  394. >In the blink of an eye, you hide behind a wall
  395. >You hear a sword being unsheathed
  396. >You whip out your own cutlass
  397. >The pony comes out and spots you
  398. >The pony was a stallion with a white coat and blue mane
  399. >Shining Armor
  400. >"Oh. It's you."
  401. >He points his blade up to your chin
  402. >"One more move and your dead"
  403. >You remove his weapon away from your face with your sword
  404. "Ah, yer no match. We've been through this already."
  405. >He pins your down with a hoof and levitates his sword down to your head
  406. >You try to kick him off, but he continues holding you down
  407. >Farignix come up behind him, out from the door, and pushes Shining Armor aside onto the floor
  408. >You get back up off the floor and attack Shining
  409. >He rolls under you and trips you
  410. >Farignix headbutts and bites at him
  411. >You grab Farignix and run out of the cave
  412. >On the was back, Faragnnix explains what happened
  413. >"They captured Alida and Merrilee during the night!"
  414. "They did, did they?"
  415. >Yes, and now they're getting a life sentence!
  416. "We need to get 'em back before they be thrown into the dungeon!"
  417. >You go into the hideout and grab some weapons from Merri's room and bits from Alida's stash
  418. "This'll be what we're goin' to work with and get 'em back with."
  419. >"Well then. Off we go then."
  420. >You, the human, and Farignix, the changeling were off onto a journey to rescue the captured half of your crew
  422. >You make your way back to the cave where you found Farignix
  423. >Through the entrance, you and Farignix go into the room
  424. >Both Shining Armor and the crate were missing
  425. >He must've taken them somewhere
  426. >You ponder where he could've taken
  427. >"He mus\st've taken them to his ship!"
  428. "Aye, yee must be right!"
  429. >You two run off across the forest and to the docks
  430. >A cloaked figure was departing
  431. >There's Shining
  432. "We've got to get to me ship."
  433. >You climb up onto the deck of your ship, raise the anchor, and Farignix comes up behind you
  434. >You lower the sails
  435. >Your ship leaves the docks and you're off into the seas
  436. >Shining's ship is just already off into the distance
  437. >He's got a faster ship
  438. >You take this time to devise a plan with Farignix
  440. "I think it be time to plan what we think we're goin' to do to save our crew."
  441. >You know Farignix is a great planner, having very much experience with stealth missions
  442. >He nods and you go into the lower deck
  443. >You two sit at a table with a map of Equestria on it
  444. >He studies the map closely
  445. "So we be here."
  446. >You take a tack and mark your location, in the Luna Bay
  447. >"That Shining boy mussst be going either through the Undiscovered west, or taking a train through Vanhoover"
  448. >"He mossst likely saw our ship, and is suspicious of us, and will try to lose us in the wesst."
  449. "So we'll be off into the Undiscovered west, eh?"
  450. >"That's true."
  451. >"Though there's a reason why it's the 'undiscovered west."
  452. >"No pony has ever dared to go in there!"
  453. "Shining Armor is a persistent landlubber, so I'm sure he's just as determined and brave as I."
  454. >You stand up and go over to look through a porthole
  455. >You grab a telescope leaned up against the wall, and look through it out the window
  456. >You focus on Shining's ship and he's at the wheel, with his own map open
  457. >He spins the wheel and his ship turns around in some direction
  458. >You check your compass for where he's headed
  459. >South
  460. >He looked forward, and steps down from the wheel
  461. "Aye. The princey be headin' down for the Undiscovered west."
  462. >"It looks like we're in for a dangerous journey into the unknown."
  463. >"Not even I know enough about that place to plan ahead."
  464. >And so the two of you were out to prepare for the unexpected
  466. >"I used some landmarks to find the time left until we get to the west."
  467. >"At the speed we're sailing, it'll be two days."
  468. "Two days, eh?"
  469. >Two days to get ready
  470. >The sun beats down through the cold northern air
  471. >The ship creaks and frigid waves crash over each other into the vessel
  472. >The fresh air seeps into your lungs
  473. >The seas are calm
  474. >Your coat flows in the wind
  475. >Shining's ship is off on the horizon
  476. >You know where he's going, and who he's bringing along for the trip
  477. >You don't fear much, but you did feel uneasy going here
  478. >Thoughts of dangerous monsters, unknown to all, poked at your mind
  479. >You had Merrilee's arsenal, Alida's stash of currency, and the skill and talent of Farignix
  480. >But you didn't have the healing of Merri and the charisma of Alida
  481. >It would be hard to work with half of a team, but you knew you and Farignix could work this through
  482. >It wouldn't be easy or quick, and even more so with the destination you're reaching
  483. >A land of danger and mystery awaited you and your stealthy crewmate
  485. >Be Merrilee
  486. >These last couple days sure were a blur
  487. >You go out to save the captain, then you beat up a bunch of pirates raiding your captain's ship, and now you get captured by the prince of the Crystal Empire!
  488. >You're stuck in a cramped crate, with Alida
  489. >Farignix escaped when you were being thrown into the crate to get help from captain Anonymous
  490. >That little shit, Shining Armor took your weapons, so what could you do? Nothing!
  491. >But hey, staying optimistic is a big thing of yours
  492. >You remain confident that you and Alida can escape
  493. >She already punched a small hole in the crate, and is trying to unlock the crate
  494. >You remember you smuggled a knife in your mane!
  495. >You take it out and hand it to Alida
  496. "Oh hey, can you try anything with this?"
  497. >"Sweet, a blade. This might work."
  498. >She hold out the knife and you hear the lock being opened
  499. >With the sound of the lock dropping on the floor, you kick open the top
  500. >Freedom!
  501. "FRE-"
  502. >Alida covers your mouth with her bird hand
  503. >"Shhhh."
  504. "Yeah."
  505. >She points to the door over on the other side of the room
  506. >You creep open the door and go through
  507. >Alida goes sprints forward and looks out a porthole
  508. >You take a look too
  509. >There's nothing but the sea outside
  510. >You were taken on Shining Armor's ship?
  511. >Yep. You were taken out to the ocean alright.
  512. >You have to assume the guy was taking you to Canterlot to rot n a dungeon cell
  513. >Like that's going to happen.
  514. >You sneak up the stairs to the top deck
  515. >You look outside the ship
  516. >No sign of the fella.
  517. >You climb up and feel the cold air send chills across your skin
  518. >You run up to the wheel, and find a map up there
  519. >You take the map and open it
  520. >There's a path marked from the Luna bay, down the Undiscovered west, and over to Canterlot
  521. >Why would he go through the west?
  522. >Who knows what's there
  523. >Out of the corner of your eye, you see something off into the distance
  524. >It faintly resembles a ship
  525. >That could be Anon and Farignix!
  526. "Hey Alida! Check this out!"
  527. >"Yeah, what's up?"
  528. "This map says we're headed to the Undiscovered west, and Anon's ship is over there!"
  529. >You point over to the ship
  530. >"Hmm."
  531. >"Seems like Shining's trying to get them lost on the voyage through the west."
  532. >A stallion comes up from the lower deck
  533. >There's Shining
  534. "Hide!"
  535. >You jump into a convenient barrel, and hope Alida finds a good hiding spot
  536. >Hoofsteps continue for several minutes, then fade out
  537. >You peek out of the barrel
  538. >He's gone back down
  539. >You hop out, and look for Alida
  540. "Pssst, Alida? You there anywhere?"
  541. >Another barrel falls over and Alida falls out onto the deck
  542. >"I'm here."
  543. >You giggle and sneak back down to the lower deck
  544. >You hide back in a room downstairs
  545. >You weren't sure where to go now, Anon and Farignix were too far away, and Shining Armor was out for you and Alida
  546. >Only time can tell
  548. >Be Captain Anonymous
  549. >You had been spying on Shining's ship, and you saw two new figures roaming around
  550. >They had to have been Alida and Merrilee
  551. >But how could they have escaped?
  552. >Shining could have caught them, and they would have been done for
  553. >You go back to deliver the news to Farignix
  554. >You find him sitting at the table with the map, reading a book
  555. >You had taught him to read soon after he came to join your crew long ago
  556. "Merri and Alida escaped and now they be out and about on the ship!"
  557. >"They escaped?"
  558. >He puts his book down
  559. >"I know Alida's good at unlocking things and hiding, and Merrilee's a skilled fighter, but Shining Armor still might catch them!"
  560. >This was still a possibility
  561. >While you could take on Shining with no weapons, it would be difficult for Merrilee and Alida to fight him off
  562. >You go back up the stairs to check Shining Armor's ship one more time before bed
  563. >The sun was setting, and no creature was to be found on the other ship
  564. >You go back to your room and lie on the bed
  565. >Time for another dream
  567. >This happened every dream
  568. >You're somewhere in Equestria, Luna comes down, and tells you to stop being a pirate
  569. >The moon shines brighter and here comes Luna
  570. >"Off on a journey to get your crew back, hm?"
  571. "Aye."
  572. >"While I appreciate you sticking up for your friends, they are not the friends to be out for."
  573. >You were offended at this
  574. "They be me crew."
  575. "And I will save me crew no matter the costs."
  576. >"Tell me Anonymous. Does your crew truly care for you?"
  577. "Of course they do. They will save me as I will for them."
  578. >"Well best of luck on your trip.", she mumbles
  579. >She nods and flies back up
  580. >"Just remember."
  581. >"You can change."
  582. >She was less stubborn to get you to stop, but still desired you to become more like a friend, rather than an enemy, to Equestria
  583. >Maybe she even started to grow fond of you
  584. >She leaves your dream, and you wake up
  585. >The sun hasn't risen yet, and it was still dark out
  586. >You look outside your room's porthole
  587. >Atop the horizon was land
  588. >There was the Undiscovered west
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