

Dec 1st, 2015
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  1. options:
  2. 1: stone
  3. 2: stone
  4. 3: stone
  5. 4: stone
  6. 5: stone
  7. 6: stone
  8. 7: stone
  9. 8: stone
  10. 9: stone
  11. on script load:
  12. register new shaped recipe for monster spawner named "&dMonster Spawner" using {@1}, {@2}, {@3}, {@4}, {@5}, {@6}, {@7}, {@8}, {@9}
  13. options:
  14. cow: 5000
  15. cowVip: 4500
  16. sheep: 5000
  17. sheepVip: 4500
  18. chicken: 4400
  19. chickenVip: 4000
  20. zombie: 5800
  21. zombieVip: 5200
  22. skeleton: 6300
  23. skeletonVip: 6000
  24. spider: 6500
  25. spiderVip: 6200
  26. creeper: 8600
  27. creeperVip: 8200
  28. golem: 26500
  29. golemVip: 25000
  31. command /ssss <integer> <player>:
  32. trigger:
  33. if player-arg has permission "vip.spawner":
  34. if arg 1 is 1:
  35. if balance of player-arg is larger than or equal to {@sheepVip}:
  36. run player-arg command "essentials:spawner sheep" as op
  37. stop
  38. send "&6Nie posiadasz {@sheepVip}$" to player-arg
  39. stop
  40. if arg 1 is 2:
  41. if balance of player-arg is larger than or equal to {@chickenVip}:
  42. run player-arg command "essentials:spawner chicken" as op
  43. stop
  44. send "&6Nie posiadasz {@sheepVip}$" to player-arg
  45. stop
  46. if arg 1 is 3:
  47. if balance of player-arg is larger than or equal to {@zombieVip}:
  48. run player-arg command "essentials:spawner zombie" as op
  49. stop
  50. send "&6Nie posiadasz {@zombieVip}$" to player-arg
  51. stop
  52. if arg 1 is 4:
  53. if balance of player-arg is larger than or equal to {@skeletonVip}:
  54. run player-arg command "essentials:spawner skeleton" as op
  55. stop
  56. send "&6Nie posiadasz {@skeletonVip}$" to player-arg
  57. stop
  58. if arg 1 is 5:
  59. if balance of player-arg is larger than or equal to {@spiderVip}:
  60. run player-arg command "essentials:spawner spider" as op
  61. stop
  62. send "&6Nie posiadasz {@spiderVip}$" to player-arg
  63. stop
  64. if arg 1 is 6:
  65. if balance of player-arg is larger than or equal to {@creeperVip}:
  66. run player-arg command "essentials:spawner creeper" as op
  67. stop
  68. send "&6Nie posiadasz {@creeperVip}$" to player-arg
  69. stop
  70. if arg 1 is 7:
  71. if balance of player-arg is larger than or equal to {@golemVip}:
  72. run player-arg command "essentials:spawner irongolem" as op
  73. stop
  74. send "&6Nie posiadasz {@golemVip}$" to player-arg
  75. stop
  76. if arg 1 is 8:
  77. if balance of player-arg is larger than or equal to {@cowVip}:
  78. run player-arg command "essentials:spawner cow" as op
  79. stop
  80. send "&6Nie posiadasz {@cowVip}$" to player-arg
  81. stop
  82. stop
  83. if arg 1 is 1:
  84. if balance of player-arg is larger than or equal to {@sheep}:
  85. run player-arg command "essentials:spawner sheep" as op
  86. stop
  87. send "&6Nie posiadasz {@sheep}$" to player-arg
  88. stop
  89. if arg 1 is 2:
  90. if balance of player-arg is larger than or equal to {@chicken}:
  91. run player-arg command "essentials:spawner chicken" as op
  92. stop
  93. send "&6Nie posiadasz {@sheep}$" to player-arg
  94. stop
  95. if arg 1 is 3:
  96. if balance of player-arg is larger than or equal to {@zombie}:
  97. run player-arg command "essentials:spawner zombie" as op
  98. stop
  99. send "&6Nie posiadasz {@zombie}$" to player-arg
  100. stop
  101. if arg 1 is 4:
  102. if balance of player-arg is larger than or equal to {@skeleton}:
  103. run player-arg command "essentials:spawner skeleton" as op
  104. stop
  105. send "&6Nie posiadasz {@skeleton}$" to player-arg
  106. stop
  107. if arg 1 is 5:
  108. if balance of player-arg is larger than or equal to {@spider}:
  109. run player-arg command "essentials:spawner spider" as op
  110. stop
  111. send "&6Nie posiadasz {@spider}$" to player-arg
  112. stop
  113. if arg 1 is 6:
  114. if balance of player-arg is larger than or equal to {@creeper}:
  115. run player-arg command "essentials:spawner creeper" as op
  116. stop
  117. send "&6Nie posiadasz {@creeper}$" to player-arg
  118. stop
  119. if arg 1 is 7:
  120. if balance of player-arg is larger than or equal to {@golem}:
  121. run player-arg command "essentials:spawner irongolem" as op
  122. stop
  123. send "&6Nie posiadasz {@golem}$" to player-arg
  124. stop
  125. if arg 1 is 8:
  126. if balance of player-arg is larger than or equal to {@cow}:
  127. run player-arg command "essentials:spawner cow" as op
  128. stop
  129. send "&6Nie posiadasz {@cow}$" to player-arg
  130. stop
  131. stop
  132. on rightclick on mob spawner:
  133. cancel event
  134. if player has permission "vip.spawner":
  135. open chest with 1 rows named "&6Spawner Vip" to player
  136. wait 1 tick
  137. format slot 1 of player with 1 of sheep spawn egg named "&7Owca" with lore "&6{@sheepVip}$" to close then run "ssss 1 %player%"
  138. format slot 2 of player with 1 of chicken spawn egg named "&7Kura" with lore "&6{@chickenVip}$" to close then run "ssss 2 %player%"
  139. format slot 3 of player with 1 of zombie spawn egg named "&7Zombie" with lore "&6{@zombieVip}$" to close then run "ssss 3 %player%"
  140. format slot 4 of player with 1 of skeleton spawn egg named "&7Szkielet" with lore "&6{@skeletonVip}$" to close then run "ssss 4 %player%"
  141. format slot 5 of player with 1 of spider spawn egg named "&7Pajak" with lore "&6{@spiderVip}$" to close then run "ssss 5 %player%"
  142. format slot 6 of player with 1 of creeper spawn egg named "&7Creeper" with lore "&6{@creeperVip}$" to close then run "ssss 6 %player%"
  143. format slot 7 of player with 1 of iron golem spawn egg named "&7Golem" with lore "&6{@golemVip}$" to close then run "ssss 7 %player%"
  144. format slot 0 of player with 1 of cow spawn egg named "&7Krowa" with lore "&6{@cowVip}$" to close then run "ssss 8 %player%"
  145. stop
  146. open chest with 1 rows named "&6Spawner" to player
  147. wait 1 tick
  148. format slot 1 of player with 1 of sheep spawn egg named "&7Owca" with lore "&6{@sheep}$" to close then run "ssss 1 %player%"
  149. format slot 2 of player with 1 of chicken spawn egg named "&7Kura" with lore "&6{@chicken}$" to close then run "ssss 2 %player%"
  150. format slot 3 of player with 1 of zombie spawn egg named "&7Zombie" with lore "&6{@zombie}$" to close then run "ssss 3 %player%"
  151. format slot 4 of player with 1 of skeleton spawn egg named "&7Szkielet" with lore "&6{@skeleton}$" to close then run "ssss 4 %player%"
  152. format slot 5 of player with 1 of spider spawn egg named "&7Pajak" with lore "&6{@spider}$" to close then run "ssss 5 %player%"
  153. format slot 6 of player with 1 of creeper spawn egg named "&7Creeper" with lore "&6{@creeper}$" to close then run "ssss 6 %player%"
  154. format slot 7 of player with 1 of iron golem spawn egg named "&7Golem" with lore "&6{@golem}$" to close then run "ssss 7 %player%"
  155. format slot 0 of player with 1 of cow spawn egg named "&7Krowa" with lore "&6{@cow}$" to close then run "ssss 8 %player%"
  198. #Crafting :
  199. #Slot 1 - Diax Block
  200. #Slot 2 - zelazna krata
  201. #Slot 3 - Diax Block
  202. #Slot 4 - Zelazna Krata
  203. #Slot 5 - Netherowa gwiazda
  204. #Slot 6 - zelazna krata
  205. #Slot 7 - Diax Block
  206. #Slot 8 - zelazna krata
  207. #Slot 9 - Diax Block
  208. #W spawnerze zmiany mobów (Krowa, Owca, Wilk, Czerwona Krowa, Swinia,Kura, Zombie, Creeper, Szkielet, Pająk, Golem) Chyba tyle ;/ Zwierzęta cenę daj 5000 Potwory 7500 Golem 50000 Vip 25% Taniej i czy da się zrobić tą zmianę w GUI ?
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