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a guest
Jul 8th, 2014
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  1. # -=-=-= Config - Plugin made by Wazup92 =-=-=- #
  2. # Leave On-PlayerDeath as 0 if you dont want players to lose anything, to active it the number must be 1 or bigger!!
  3. # Only use true/false!
  4. # Only use lowercase commands in Allowed-Commands
  5. # Each time you change 'Use-UUID' you have to reset your players.yml!
  7. Use-UUID: false
  8. On-PlayerKill: 5
  9. On-PlayerDeath: 0
  10. Killstreaks-Enabled: true
  11. Soup-Enabled: true
  12. Consume-Hunger: false
  13. Sponges-Enabled: true
  14. Upgrades-Enabled: true
  15. Can-PickUp-Items: false
  16. Leveling-Up-Enabled: true
  17. Max-Exp-Earn: 5
  18. Starter-Rank-Exp: 50
  19. Starter-Level-Up-Tokens-Gift: 50
  20. Survivor-Rank-Exp: 250
  21. Survivor-Level-Up-Tokens-Gift: 100
  22. Fighter-Rank-Exp: 750
  23. Fighter-Level-Up-Tokens-Gift: 250
  24. Immortal-Rank-Exp: 1250
  25. immortal-Level-Up-Tokens-Gift: 500
  26. God-Rank-Exp: 2500
  27. God-Level-Up-Tokens-Gift: 1000
  28. BroadcastLevelup-ForServer: false
  29. Display-Ranks-InChat: false
  30. Ranks-Prefix: '&6[%rank%] '
  31. Give-Book: false
  32. Required-GameMode: survival
  33. No-Falldamage: false
  34. Kit-Unlocker-Enabled: true
  35. Give-Kit-Unlocker-At-First-Join: true
  36. Give-Kit-Unlocker-At-Ranking-Up: true
  37. Allowed-Commands:
  38. - kb
  39. - kitbattle
  40. - tell
  41. - msg
  42. - mail
  43. - r
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