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Dec 8th, 2013
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  1. Whos Who!
  3. cost 2000
  5. player has mp5k, m1911, jugger nog
  6. player buys whos who
  7. when the whos who perk is given(when it appears on the screen) the check is on for when the player goes down
  8. when the player goes down, the player is down for 0.5 seconds before being respawned.
  9. everybody sees a white revive symbol over your original self.
  10. in the 0.5 seconds, it saves players location and points
  11. when the player is respawned the whos who intro sound starts to play. then when it is done playing the whos who loop sound will start to play instantly and loop.
  12. the player automatically has his guns and perks taken away from the game respawn system leaving him only with a m1911.
  13. if the player gets to himself and revives himself (syrette_sp gun) his perks and guns and ammo and knife/claymore and points that he had are given back to him.
  14. he is teleported back to the coordinates that were taken in the 0.5 seconds that he was down.
  15. do not add his original points onto the other points or you would have 2x as many points.
  16. his whos who perk is taken away when he gets his perks back. make it so that when he gets all his perks back, 0.1 seconds later whos who is taken away.
  17. if the player does not make it back to his body in 90 seconds, his original self will bleed out and the whos who loop will stop and so will the visual effects.
  18. he will then become the new original self.
  19. if the player buys whos who as the doppleganger, his original self will bleed out instantly. he will be the new original self.
  20. if the player downs as the doppleganger he goes into last stand and can be revived by either quick revive(SOLO ONLY) or be revived by another teammate, and then can revive his original self.
  21. if a teammate revives the original self the player becomes him again retaining everything.
  22. if a teammate revives the original self while the player is down, he will instantly get anonymously instant revived and teleported back becoming his original self retaining everything.
  23. retaining means keeping everything.
  24. if the player dies as the doppleganger on solo without quick revive its game over
  25. if the original self has quick revive, the doppleganger must survive 60 seconds before his original self is revived by quick revive. revive and whos who is taken away.
  26. on solo, the player should be able to self-revive with quick revive as the doppleganger and revive his original self quicker.
  27. if the original self has quick revive and and the doppleganger goes down and it wasn't 60 seconds its game over.
  28. on solo, if the original self has quick revive and the doppleganger has quick revive and the doppleganger goes down and it hits the 60 second mark, the doppleganger is instantly revived and teleported back becoming his original self.
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