
Comfy Morning [Anonymous]

May 15th, 2016
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  1. >You are Anon, hidden under deep maroon blankets, and proud sweetheart of the sweetest mare in Ponyville
  2. >Reality draws you from your dreamless sleep, but not completely
  3. >The world consists of the dull red light and the soft blankets covering your face
  4. >Slowly, you find yourself noticing the smooth sheets covering the lower half of your body, and the fluffier blankets holding the places where the former had been pushed off
  5. >One feeling stood out above them all: a soft, downy sensation on your left leg
  6. >The texture belongs with the warm embrace of your coverings, yet you know it isn’t any of those you know
  7. >Not yet ready for the higher thought patterns, your mind drifts away from the question of its source
  8. >A yawn builds up, deep in your chest, the air stretching each muscle as it makes it way out
  9. >The low moan steadily escapes your mouth, your body automatically stretching as you leisurely shake off your sleep
  10. >Through these motions, you find your leg rubbing along the mysterious texture from before
  11. >The texture of fur caresses your leg, and you feel the firm flesh behind it
  12. >Meanwhile, your knee connects to a hard, rounded surface that you recognize as a hoof
  13. >Memory returns to you, and you recognize the firm leg of your bedmate
  14. >Your heartbeat races as you find your body moving of its own accord
  15. >Ahead of any conscious thought, legs are intertwining with those of your mate, hands and arms are reaching, searching for her body, and a smile works its way around your mouth
  16. >Another low rumble escapes your throat as your hands find their prize, the fluffy stomach of the sweetest mare
  17. >You find yourself still in the role of observer as you encircle her precious body and lock your legs around hers
  18. >your head curls downward, and nuzzles the flowing mane that comes to meet it
  19. >A contented sigh emerges, your body now in the position it was always meant to be, wrapped around the mare of your dreams
  20. >Its met by the soft yawn of your lover, apparently awoken by your constriction of her
  21. >Your sight is still restricted, but you can feel her response as she presses herself back into, perfectly fitting into your position
  22. >Like a puzzle piece, fitting perfectly into a puzzle missing only it
  23. >She leans upward, opening her neck up, thus creating the perfect nook to lean your head into
  24. >You enter that space, and place a gentle, lazy kiss on her cheek
  25. >Previously facing away from you, she turns around to face you, untangling legs in the process
  26. >Such opens up a cold space between you, but the creator has no intention of letting it stay
  27. >her snout brushes against the side of your face
  28. >Still speaking only the most basic of languages, she lets loose an almost inaudible sigh as she sinks into the open cavity between you
  29. >Her hooves slide past you, one under and one over your body, both wrapping around your midsection
  30. >Your legs once more tangle, and your arms wrap around her once more, completing the embrace
  31. >Your mare sinks into your chest, her fur tickling you ever so slightly
  32. >Not that you mind
  33. >It is here, wrapped in each other’s embrace, that the two of you stay for what could be minutes or hours
  34. >But the dawn calls, and you slowly reach up to pull the covers away
  35. >Her hoof follows your arm as it rises through the sheets, either in protest or in the synchronization your bodies have achieved
  36. >Your hand crawls out of the cocoon holding you and your love, and wraps around the slightly chilly, courser lining of the blanket
  37. >You pull down on the blankets, with an eruption of frizzy, uncombed hair meeting you as it passes by your lover
  38. >You feel her limbs stiffen in shock as her comfy home is torn down
  39. >Oh boy
  40. >”EEEK!pullituppullitup!” a shrill morning voice demands, devoid of its usual poise
  41. >All four of her limbs constrict you, squeezing you tightly as she tries to steal all of your heat
  42. >Your chuckle is cut off by the sudden lack of air that results from her attempted theft
  43. >The solution found is a compromise: your hands flail for the sheet, eager to escape both the sudden chill and the chokehold upon your ribcage
  44. >Upon finding it, you wrap all but you and your lover’s heads in the thin, silky material
  45. >She rejects your move, sinking her head beneath the sheet and attempting to tuck it between your body and the mattress itself
  46. >For a being covered in fur, she sure is sensitive to the cold
  47. >You smile at her insistence, and take a look at the sun-bathed room
  48. >It’s been a few hours since the sun had risen, but neither of you had anywhere to be today
  49. >The golden glow coming from the window made the entire room shine
  50. >Your eyes needed a minute to get used to it, but after a solid blinking session, you were able to make out your home
  51. >The coffee-brown desk that she would work at, and the matching cabinet where both of your clothes were stored
  52. >It was mostly filled with her clothes; even though she went naked most of the time, she still had more than you did
  53. >There was the two bedside tables, both with lamps and your respective books, as well as a painting of a brightly colored forest hanging above your bed
  54. >It was home
  55. >Another yawn swells within you, and your muscles flex and stretch and you let it out like a roar
  56. >Your torso now fully above the sheets, you notice the chill once more, and reach for the discarded shirt at the bedside
  57. >As you pull it down over yourself, you notice the bright eyes of your bedmate peaking out from under the covers
  58. “Why hello there, Ms.
  59. “Care to join me?”
  60. >A furious shaking of the head responds
  61. “Even if I told you I was lonely out here in this cold world?”
  62. >A smile forms, with a furious shaking added to it’
  63. “Guess that means breakfast in bed for you then?”
  64. >In her excitement, she almost sits up, upsetting the sheet and causing it to fall off her
  65. >Her beaming expression turns to mock terror and she dives under the covers once more
  66. >Safe in her blanket cocoon, she nods her head
  67. >And that settles that: you’re off to make breakfast
  68. >You slide your legs out from under the covers, the chilly morning air greeting them
  69. >Impelled to escape the frigid tundra, you race to your pants
  70. >Unfortunately, they’d been thrown across the room in last night’s excitement
  71. >Bending over to reach them, you don’t notice your bedmate’s head lifting itself from the covers
  72. >A small smile crosses her face as she stares at your hind-quarters
  73. >The small commotion of her diving back under, to avoid getting caught, does get noticed, and you wonder what was happening under those sheets
  74. >You pull your pants up slowly as you watch the bed, where her head slowly lifts itself out
  75. >Upon seeing you staring with a confused look, she lets out an “eep!” and dives back in
  76. >You may not know what happened, but you do know cute when you see it
  77. >You pull out some clean socks and your comfiest slippers, and put them on
  78. >Still feeling cold, you pull your only sweater out of your cabinet and slip it on
  79. >It’s one of the ugliest Christmas sweaters you’ve ever seen, but damn if it isn’t warm
  80. >Before leaving, you stroll over to the side of your bed, and sit down besides the shape of your lover in the blankets
  81. “Hey.”
  82. >You pull the blankets down just a smidge, and see your tired little princess looking back at you
  83. “I love you.”
  84. >You lean down and kiss her forehead
  85. >She tries and fails to suppress her squee
  86. >You stand back up, smiling, and go to the door
  87. >As you’re leaving, your hear her soft voice whisper
  88. >”I love you too.”
  89. >Through the hall, down the stairs and past the living room, the kitchen
  90. >You take out a plate and nonstick spray
  91. >You take a look at the fridge, and find the butter, milk and a single egg
  92. >In the pantry, the flour
  93. >The pan gets fired up, and a bowl is placed on the counter
  94. >One part flour, two parts milk, and one egg across the board
  95. >You mix them in, then have a thought
  96. >You search and search through the cupboards, shoving aside the dozens of spices you’ve never heard of or used
  97. >And there it is
  98. >You add a couple drops of vanilla extract into the mix, and begin pouring small portions into the pan
  99. >You then rush it over to the sink and scrape it out with a spatula, then wash it thoroughly
  100. >Afterwards, you dry it off and spray it with the nonstick solution, like you should have done at the start
  101. >The pan goes back on the burner, and another small portion gets poured into it
  102. >This one’s probably going to take a minute, since the pan needs to heat up again
  103. >Leaning back on the counter, you look out towards the window; the pancakes won’t need your attention for a minute or two
  104. >The fields of grass beyond you are bathed in Celestia’s sun, the yellow light lending their brightness to the hills
  105. >You try to make out two moving shapes in the distance, but you can’t
  106. >The sun hasn’t risen too far, and still retains that pinkness of the sun’s rise
  107. >You lean back further, contentedly gazing at the beautiful sight you’ve been graced with
  108. >A sizzle makes your attention snap to the pancakes
  109. >No time to contentedly gaze now, you tell yourself, grabbing the spatula and flipping the pancake into the air and onto a nearby plate
  110. >The pancakes come quicker with the now-heated pan, and you empty the whole mixture in several minutes
  111. >You take out two more plates and fill them with a handful of pancakes each
  112. >The butter is carved into you squares and placed to the right of the pancakes, with a sweet apple cut up into slices on the side
  113. >Some people would say apple slices are for foals; you would say screw you apple slices are rad as hell
  114. >It’s not quite complete, however…
  115. >You realize what’s missing, and get out two very small bowls, filling them with zap-apple jam
  116. >There
  117. >Perfect
  118. >You balance the heavy plates carefully as you slowly move up the stairs
  119. >Successfully, you move down the hall and press down on the handle with your butt, the n pushing it forward
  120. >You find your mare sitting up in bed, reading the latest edition of Pony-Indiana-Jones
  121. >Her nose is pressed into the book, her eyes glued to the page
  122. >She only notices you when you’re placing the meal on her bedside with your right hand
  123. >She gasps in delight, and instantly moves towards you, holding you in a hug that rocks back and forth
  124. >Unfortunately, you still had your plate in your hand, and it teeters precariously in the sudden force rocking you
  125. “Um, sweetie? I’m gonna lose the other plate here.”
  126. >”hmm?” she replies, not loosening her grip
  127. >A few of your apple slices make their escape, and clatter on the floor
  128. >You stops the rocking and looks at the source, then sees the other plates slipping out of your hand
  129. >She leaps back, blushing slightly
  130. >”o-oops.” She stammers
  131. >You smile gently back, and pet her head with your free hand
  132. >Then, making your way to the other side of the bed, you set the plate down and climb under the covers
  133. >The cozy blankets, kept warm by your lover, welcome you back
  134. >You tuck your legs in and lean up against the board, while your sweetheart does the same
  135. >She reaches over and hugs you, now holding no tippable objects
  136. >”Thank you”
  137. >And before you can respond, she moves up and plants a soft kiss on your cheek
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