

Oct 12th, 2012
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  1. Kennel-Kun !T7OTsVRDi. 03/31/12(Sat)19:22 No.958089
  4. Hopefully my mojo has not drained overnight. Someone requested a little more Pinkie-Pain, so I comply.
  6. -2/∞
  8. >It's been a good five days since your last intervention, and you just picked up a powerwasher and an old tonka truck at a garage sale for a pittance. You think you're ready for some more entertaining (if messy) forms of reinforcement.
  10. >Bringing the trio out for "play-time", you disassemble the truck to produce two oversized wheels on an axle. On either end you tie a pony, spread eagle. You give it a few test spins to make sure they're not gonna be six feet under by dinnertime.
  12. >Demonstrating the toy to Yellow, you spin the axle back and forth with the palm of your hand. It giggles and thanks you for the new toy. The others seem a little uneasy, but otherwise unshaken. "Woa-oa-oh, dizzy! Hee hee!" Red seems to be enjoying itself for a bit, but that quickly sours as its giggles become more frantic. It emits a nervous, but not panicked, "EEeeeEeeeEeeeehhhhh" as it pisses itself. At this point it's spinning fast enough to be qualified as a sprinkler.
  14. >Pink, on the other hand, is in a trance. Suddenly, it tilts its head upward, puking into the air. "Bleeeech!" It starts crying, because puking sucks. You consider for a moment that puking "blows chunks", but even you are disgusted by your lame joke. It cries "No wan' dis! No pway!" between gags, something that surprises you as it's become increasingly difficult to get a rise out of it.
  16. >You decide you've seen enough, and you stop the contraption. Cutting the yarn holding the fluffies to the wheels, you scoop up yellow. You proceed to tell it that it is very special and pretty, and give it a few strokes of its mane, making sure the others are looking on. Yellow coos and jiggles in response, and it takes all of your willpower not to strangle the life out of it then and there.
  18. >You place Yellow back into the crate gently. Putting on a pair of latex gloves, you toss the other two back inside, close the gate, and cover the whole thing with a mess of towels.
  19. >You spray down the basement. It really needed it; it was getting rancid and today's little game didn't help much either. It was necessary, though, you had to make sure the fluffies had no doubt in their mind that the division HAD to exist. You've got big plans for them.
  22. >Once you're done with clean-up, you pull back the towels and fish the dirty ponies out of the cage, stuffing them in a plastic bag and carrying them upstairs. "Whe' goin'? Whee!" "Fwy, biwdie..." you hear from the bag, in hoarse, squeaky voices. You bounce the bag a little, teasing them. "Oof, owie!" "Ouchies! Sowwy!"
  24. >You shake the plastic bag onto your countertop, now covered in plastic wrap in anticipation of their immense filth. "Ouchies!" they practically peep in unison. Acting quickly, you flip the fluffies on their backs and line them up. You bunch up some loose plastic wrap and tie them together. Pink pedals its leggies ineffectually in the air, trying to escape. The red fluffy fruitlessly rocks side-to-side. You toss the sullied plastic bag in the garbage and wet a sponge.
  26. >Wiping away at their faces with the sponge, you wring it out occasionally and wet it again in the sink. Suffice it to say, you're glad you're still wearing gloves for this. Shit's hard to get off, and you really have to scrub. The ponies do not appreciate this at all. "Ouchies! No wike meanie gween!" "Don' huwt fwuffy, gweenie!" They're too stupid to realize you're the one cleaning them, not the sponge. Either way, you ignore their pleas and continue this for a few minutes.
  28. >You craft some makeshift head cones out of solo cups and force them on. Again they protest, but if you lift the cups a little, gravity forces their jaws shut and they can only mumble. You plonk them down in your sink.
  30. >Actually cleaning them is a bit more complicated, you'll have to listen to them bitch. Unhooking the spray hose from the sink, you give it a test squeeze.
  32. >As you hose them down, they shriek, "Fwuvvy no wike cowd!" "Scawy cowd wa'! Go 'way!" Used to the warmth of their fur, they are constantly shivering.
  34. >You almost die laughing. You thought you missed a spot on the pink fluffy, but as you wash, you realize it's a cutie mark: a pile of shit. Then you get a little bit sad.
  36. >After the ordeal, you dry them off, splash some rubbing alcohol on their leggies (you're hardly a surgeon) and wrap their ground-up hooves in a liberal amount of gauze.
  38. >You toss the plastic wrap and dump a fucking box of arm and hammer over the entirety of your sink
  40. >You bring them downstairs, then isolate all three in their own "sowwy boxes". Before you even leave the room, they seem to have forgotten they're being "punished". Yellow is playing some sort of game with itself, pink is trying to trot in its new gauze booties, but constantly bumps into its cardboard cage, every time emitting an "Ouchies!" The red one's just taking a breather. You leave them to their own device and drive off for some more stock.
  42. >The local mom & pop pet shop had a clearance on cages. You sigh, wondering if they're going out of business. Either way, you stop on your way back to a fluffy adoption center.
  44. >the clerk is listlessly drawing X'es in the eyes of a "have you seen this fluffy pony" flyer on his desk
  46. >The living conditions for these fluffies are horrid
  47. >literally a pile of pastel fluffies in a bin, if they weren't moving you'd swear it was a box of toys
  49. >you pick four fluffies from the top layer: a highlighter-green pegasus, a speckled white unicorn and two land ponies: one navy blue, one orange. As you pick up the blue one, a filthy, presumably-originally-yellow head pops up in the gap where it used to be, panting "Fwuvvy can' bweev!" Jeez.
  52. >Apparently, there are no release forms. You're not surprised. The adoption clerk stuffs them in a clear plastic garbage bag and sends you on your way.
  54. >By the time you get home, the unicorn had died, choking on its own saliva. Come to think of it, you thought you heard one of them babbling about spaghetti a little too much.
  56. >You toss the dead pony in the trash. You don't care, seeing as you're not a filthy hippie.
  58. >"Weww new fwien' go?" one of the fluffies asks. You explain that it has taken a nap. "Fwuvvy wan' nap choo! Sweepy!" It yawns a little, and the other two follow suit.
  60. >Fine.
  62. >Swinging the bag over your shoulder ("Ouchies!" "Boo-boos!" "Huggy mayg bedda!"), you carry them downstairs, new cage in your other hand.
  64. >As you open the door to your workshop, you discover almost nothing has changed. The fluffies have occupied themselves expertly, owing much of that to their short attention spans.
  66. >Pink seems to be eating a dump it took in its box. God dammit.
  68. >You align the bag's opening with yellow's box, and dump the three ponies inside. Before they can begin their usual insipid greetings, you toss red and pink in with them, and cover it with a thick blanket that doesn't allow any light in. "Gan' see!" "Sweepy! Nap!" "Ouchies!" "New fwien'?" "Sdop! Ged off fwuvvy!" The cacophany dies down into a soft, high-pitched snoring.
  70. >Finally, you can get to work on their new home.
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