
SERBIA/CROATIA/SLOVENIA 11/11/2015 Wednesday 23:45 evening

Nov 11th, 2015
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  1. SERBIA/CROATIA/SLOVENIA 11/11/2015 Wednesday 23:45 evening
  3. GENERAL: Today again 10 000 refugees crossed the border between Greece and Macedonia. FOCUS: Situation very tense in Idomeni and Preševo. Slovenia is building wired fence on its border with Croatia, but still guarantees free entry to refugees. New ferry strike announced for 24hrs (complete Thursday 0:00-24:00) in Greece.
  5. Follow for detailed info (but be careful on the last updated date, compare info with this update).
  8. ===============
  10. PREŠEVO - Worst situation in many days, very tense and chaotic (also in Miratovac). 10 000 came today, queues up to 12-15 hours, thousands will be sleeping outside tonight and not all are equipped with blankets. Boots, socks, jackets, blankets needed. Financial help needed to arrange the food for refugees. At least 45 volunteers outside the camp and more of them not
  11. allowed at the moment. Due to huge numbers of refugees on the street it is also difficult to distribute food/water/clothes effectively, army present. Fo volunteers generally 2 days notice required and length of stay at least 1 week.
  12. Contact UVP - United Volunteers of Preševo: Dominik Weinberg +381 621 525 907 (calls) or +49 178 512 8713 (whatsapp),
  13. Or Xhelal Hasani from the Center of Solidarity and Advancement (2 000 EUR spent today) - Tel. +381 633 74 034, PLEASE if you can, send money to these organizations, they do great job and thousands of refugees depend on them.
  15. BUJANOVAC - Transit point at the moment, hundreds of refugees come here daily from Presevo as Bujanovac has got better transport connections – bus and train. UNHCR partner “Sigma Plus” on site. Sigma Plus say items that are needed here are: food, clothes, shoes and blankets.
  17. ŠID (train station) - Buses bring refugees here from Presevo. Refugees stay just half an hour at the train station, buses are stopped earlier (on higway close to Adaševci) and refugees wait in the bus (sometimes up to 6 hours) until the next train is ready. Serbian side has got capacity up to 1000 people in Principovac and other places around Šid in case the trains are not able to transport all refugees. Czech team is the only one allowed to help on site and under control. For more info, please contact coordinators Dalimil Petrilak or Martin Pridal.
  19. SLAVONSKI BROD - 7 500 reguees entered Croatia today so far today, 2 000 refugees reported inside camp. Trains come here from Šid, refugees spend just few hours and leave for Slovenia fluently. Refugees already coming to the camp, but situation calm, registration and trains to Dobova fluent. Accreditation needed for the camp - contact Maja Znika on FB or number below before you come, registration is complicated! Contact: +385-99-5021-926. Also - no material aid needed now!
  21. DIMITROVGRAD - Refugees: hundreds come daily. Needs: FINANCIAL HELP, TENTS, shoes, jackets, gloves, hats, socks. Medical help would be appreciated. VOLUNTEERS will be needed since Saturday. Contact: Katie Olsson (+381 643 22 10 38) or Christel Sirocchi (+381 64 25 18 468).
  23. BEOGRAD - Refugees here have the option to go to the Asylum Center at Krnjača, where they have access to hot meals, showers and a place to rest. From Belgrade, they can take the bus to Šid.
  25. At "Miksaliste" Volunteers are still NEEDED, despite it not being as sexy as direct field volunteering. Join us distributing clothing, shoes, food and hygienic items and creating a welcoming atmosphere for the stop-over in Belgrade. We're still accepting and also redistributing donations to border points, which requires help in sorting and packing. Find out more and please register at Volunteer Spot to see what is needed there and to sign up for timeslots.
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  30. DOBOVA - Around 3 400 refugees entered Slovenia by 12:00, hundreds in Dobova camp. Slovenian police is in control of the area, with ADRA and Caritas as head NGO's on the spot. Several thousand people cross Dobova Train Station per normal day. All of them are boarding directly on trains going to the Austrian border (Sentilj/Spielfeld) after spending a couple of hours there with the registration procedure. Hungarian volunteers also on site, they are asking for baby bottles, bags, socks (size 38-42), wet wipes, plastic cups, baby formula, cookies, chocolate bars, warm hats and scarfs.
  32. SPIELFELD/SENTILJ - 1200 refugees in Sentilj at noon. IMPORTANT: "Are you syrious" have problems in NML with authorities and independent volunteers - its no field trip, follow instructions! More info here: (you have to be registered before entering NML!). They have established 12 hours shifts (7 am - 7 pm) and take care of cca 5000 refugees daily.
  34. Volunteers may also sign up with Slovenska Filantropija through their online form (, but no volunteers needed at the moment. Volunteers welcome in Spielfeld, but only have access if registered with the Red Cross (Team Österreich) - See timetable to register for a shift here: For donations, please check this FB site:
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  39. - If you have enough time and sources to travel to Lesvos, Greece (or other islands), where situation is desperate, do that. Volunteers are saving lives from sea, but many desperate scenes including those refugees, who were not lucky enough and drowned in the sea. Read this volunteering guide to Lesvos:
  41. - Situation in Macedonia is chaotic, but official NGO's helping. Independent volunteers NOT able to help, accreditation with official NGO necessary!
  43. - Large amounts of supplies could be picked up in Zagreb, please call Lejla +385 91 456 77 05 if you are able to bring any supplies from Zagreb to any of the borders.
  45. - Also SIM cards for those who has to wait would be great so they can contact their relatives.
  47. - and don't forget to act:
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