

Jul 6th, 2015
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  1. 15:30 Oyuun but yeah anyway I was gone most of yesterday heard everybody sucked
  2. 15:30 Greg_ sucked at w0t
  3. 15:31 Greg_ terera?
  4. 15:31 Oyuun I heard people were being bitchy
  5. 15:31 Sylum ooh yeah
  6. 15:32 Oyuun Nah,in chat
  7. 15:32 Oyuun net is exploding on me
  8. 15:32 Greg_ somethin happen?
  9. 15:32 Greg_ I died last night, I think
  10. 15:33 Greg_ can't remember, had family over
  11. 15:33 Sylum Bud said something about your powers he wasn't even 100% sure of, you can disintegrate things via vibrations, Break took that as 'she can do my power better'
  12. 15:33 Oyuun Oh I know what happened
  13. 15:33 Oyuun Break got really really insecure and just started shitting on himself while Bud's internet was giving out and people started blaming him
  14. 15:33 Sylum yep
  15. 15:34 Oyuun And now Bud said something about indeterminately long absence
  16. 15:34 Oyuun so yeah good job team we made bud go away so that breakdown could have his own little pity party
  17. 15:35 Greg_ So was Break full out nagging other people about it or was he just shitting on himself?
  18. 15:35 Oyuun he was shitting on himself AND blaming other people about it
  19. 15:36 Oyuun basically just kind of having a hissy fit
  20. 15:36 Sylum seriously, he was mad about something Bud wasn't even sure about
  21. 15:36 Greg_ You manipulate Atoms, right?
  22. 15:36 Oyuun and from what I can tell guffy was being a fucklord as he sometimes does and swept in to cause bullshit
  23. 15:36 Greg_ Break just breaks down shit
  24. 15:37 Oyuun Oyu's ability is molecular oscillation, which is vibrating things down to a very very small level to either pass through other things or even destroy them
  25. 15:37 Oyuun that second part is almost never used
  26. 15:37 Sylum yeah, Oyuun can do something similar to him, but he has a blimp with weapons, the magnum suit, muscle [no offence to oyuun the character, but I'm sure Bd would win in a regular fist fight]
  27. 15:38 Oyuun Oyu really isn't much of a fighter, no
  28. 15:38 Greg_ Well yeah. I don't see that as a reason for his nagging.
  29. 15:38 Sylum there was none
  30. 15:38 Greg_ Two characters have something in common. Big whoop.
  31. 15:38 Oyuun but Breakdown had his own little breakdown or something over an offhanded comment made by buddy while his net was giving out
  32. 15:39 Greg_ I mean, look at the Round Table.
  33. 15:39 Greg_ Nearly every character is from the past, has a sword and uses magic. Nobody's giving in about that.
  34. 15:39 Oyuun and apparently people lined up to suck his dick when in all reality Breakdown shows up once in a blue moon, hardly adds much but his own art while not commenting on other people's things, and just kind of exists
  35. 15:39 Oyuun and apparently is touchy over character similarities
  36. 15:40 Oyuun so safe to say I ain't too pleased
  37. 15:41 Greg_ I don't mind if a character is like another one. I think it ties characters together a bit more.
  38. 15:41 Sylum Bud wasn't even talking shit
  39. 15:42 Oyuun anyway yeah if this is the kind of thing that goes down around here
  40. 15:42 Oyuun I don't stand for no circlejerk bullshit
  41. 15:42 Oyuun I'll ghost just as soon as its clear people don't want to make up
  42. 15:43 Sylum and when Bud was talking with me in pm, I brought up how one character is praised, and another is ignored, which happens to me, a lot as he said
  43. 15:44 Oyuun yeah nah lets not even pretend people get fair treatment around here
  44. 15:44 Oyuun I know for a fact that guffy and haze snicker about other people's characters behind backs
  45. 15:45 Oyuun because they've fuckin pm'd me doing so
  46. 15:45 Sylum holy shit really?
  47. 15:45 Oyuun They ain't really above that kind of stuff.
  48. 15:45 Oyuun It isn't even subtle when you think about how they act in chat
  49. 15:45 Wells Haze is a bit of a dick. Doesn't hide it
  50. 15:46 Oyuun take off the "a bit" modifier
  51. 15:46 Wells Guffy to a lesser degree
  52. 15:46 Greg_ Yeah, he really went at Sylum on Terraria for making a mistake.
  53. 15:46 Oyuun haze is just a straight up cunt that has been bothering me since day one
  54. 15:46 Greg_ I can understand being mad at a game but for fuck sake, no need to be shouting at other people over it, calm the fuck down.
  55. 15:47 Sylum not like using the minishark would stop hi from killing me
  56. 15:47 Oyuun guffy on the other hand either is too stubborn to admit to being a shitter to people or legit has problems because I don't know how many times I need to tell him to back off
  57. 15:47 Wells I wouldn't hold anything against any of you though. Considering we're a bunch of strangers playing online pretend.
  58. 15:47 Oyuun he don't listen
  59. 15:47 Wells Unless you're an irredeemable asshole
  60. 15:47 Oyuun yeah this is just supposed to be a fun place yeah?
  61. 15:47 Oyuun I don't know why they need to act like pricks to people
  62. 15:47 Wells exactly
  63. 15:48 Sylum bud was surprised I've stayed this long
  64. 15:48 Oyuun and I know that lock came by to put in his two cents, and he has been quoted in the past as saying "I'm only in this chat because of eri, guffy, and saint"
  65. 15:48 Oyuun and he doesn't add anything
  66. 15:48 Oyuun and he's shittalked people
  67. 15:49 Wells just share ideas, make content, make criticisms, accept criticisms, have fun above all
  68. 15:49 Wells not hard
  69. 15:49 Oyuun they want to make it a circlejerk thing
  70. 15:49 Wells I don't blame you for not wanting to be around when shit starts Oyuun
  71. 15:50 Oyuun I've been playing really quiet and neutral with people the run of this and trying to keep things fair
  72. 15:50 Oyuun but for fucks sake have some class
  73. 15:51 Oyuun haze tried to tell me off the other day that I should have oyu dump bud because he thinks its suffocating everything and he's holding me down
  74. 15:51 Oyuun and just like
  75. 15:51 Oyuun mind your own fucking business
  76. 15:51 Wells That's like. Your choice
  77. 15:51 Wells To do
  78. 15:51 Wells whatever the fuck you want
  79. 15:52 Sylum I'm honestly thinking if I should speed up the Invasion rp to [dont tell the others] blow up V-Tech, make bud a street guy 100%
  80. 15:52 Greg_ Why would that be an actual problem?
  81. 15:52 Oyuun and can I be frank Sy? I'm pretty surprised you've been able to put up with so much bullshit too
  82. 15:52 Oyuun you get the most of it
  83. 15:52 Greg_ If you wanna make it apparent that Oyu and Bud go out, feel free.
  84. 15:52 Sylum I know
  85. 15:53 Oyuun Its not even like it was sparked by some RP thing or canon thing
  86. 15:53 Oyuun I made an offhand joke in chat
  87. 15:53 Oyuun and he started talking about how I was ruining my characters by associating
  88. 15:53 Sylum I honestly think Haze hates me at times
  89. 15:54 Oyuun I take away that "at times" modifier because I feel like its certain
  90. 15:54 Greg_ That's very apparent. I think he hates most of us anyways.
  91. 15:54 Oyuun he's just a hateful shit
  92. 15:54 Oyuun all he really cares about is a weird obsession with guffy and eri
  93. 15:54 Oyuun maybe break
  94. 15:54 Oyuun he will rarely bring other people up
  95. 15:54 Oyuun unless he's criticising
  96. 15:54 Wells I wouldn't say he hates anyone. He's just super fucking frank.
  97. 15:55 Wells But like. I don't believe in hat
  98. 15:55 Oyuun No. No I can confirm he hates people.
  99. 15:55 Greg_ Naw, I say he has some pent up hatred.
  100. 15:55 Oyuun Again
  101. 15:55 Oyuun He has tried to talk to me before
  102. 15:55 Sylum and calling Oyuun and Bud suffocating is bullshit.
  103. 15:55 Oyuun and he's pretty frank there
  104. 15:55 Oyuun he just hates a lot of people in here
  105. 15:55 Oyuun not a rumor
  106. 15:55 Wells Dude needs a hug
  107. 15:55 Greg_ He can hide it at times when he's just trying to talk, but it's really out there.
  108. 15:55 Wells Like. I can see it
  109. 15:56 Wells The 'Call Wells a nerd' thing is funny
  110. 15:56 Wells But he adds a weird malevolence to it
  111. 15:56 Oyuun he's a shitter that wishes he could be in the old covengers days when it was an elite bunch fucking around threads
  112. 15:56 Wells I dunno why
  113. 15:56 Oyuun and he hates he has to put up with people who weren't big in those threads
  114. 15:56 Oyuun this is just facts
  115. 15:57 Oyuun he'll call people's things in here edgy but then have the character Haze do worse
  116. 15:57 Oyuun Listen, I just don't like the guy
  117. 15:57 Wells Haze is awful edge
  118. 15:58 Wells Powers, design, attitude
  119. 15:58 Wells But I aint gonna shun anyone.
  120. 15:58 Oyuun I've... tried really hard not to shun people
  121. 15:59 Oyuun but you can tell I'm at the end of my rope
  122. 15:59 Oyuun Guffy lives in a hugbox, Haze hates people
  123. 15:59 Wells Dunno if it's a good thing to be as tolerant as me.
  124. 15:59 Oyuun Eri can be a fuck at times but really doesn't mean anything bad
  125. 15:59 Wells I can associate with some real awfule people at times
  126. 15:59 Oyuun Lock is just a crusty shit
  127. 16:00 Wells Lock is just, a big jerk
  128. 16:00 Wells Head up his ass jerk
  129. 16:00 Oyuun and I mention all of those people because spoiler alert they are having their own little pm powwow
  130. 16:00 Greg_ I've never actually made a good conversation with Lock.
  131. 16:01 Greg_ Is he bad or can you actually talk to him at times?
  132. 16:01 Wells only ever pm Bud or Sy, and it's often times just content.
  133. 16:01 Sylum I'll probably regret this, but what has Haze said about me?
  134. 16:02 Oyuun lock has had conversations with me because I'm the neutral fuck that everybody has had some kind of Pm conversation with or at least normal one
  135. 16:02 Wells I aint heard anything much. Most complaints I get are usually just the whole Xenon/Guff/Eri affair
  136. 16:02 Wells Which we're fixing
  137. 16:02 Wells Minus Guffy's part of the equation
  138. 16:03 Oyuun and Haze just pretty much doesn't like your characters. your story. hates the way you act in chat. will even start grinding his teeth when you try to be diplomatic
  139. 16:03 Oyuun honestly I can apply the same thing to wells too, because Haze is like that
  140. 16:03 Wells oh well then
  141. 16:03 Oyuun and greg when you first came around he was ragging on you for being a newfag who didn't understand the "origins of the project"
  142. 16:04 Wells Ugh
  143. 16:04 Oyuun "8chan cancer" I believe was somewhere
  144. 16:04 Wells Elitism here of all places is pretty fucking stupid
  145. 16:04 Oyuun I know
  146. 16:05 Oyuun I think even deft has gotten a few jabs thrown his way
  147. 16:05 Wells I admit I don't like the 8chan crowd but Greg is a pretty fuckin awesome guy
  148. 16:05 Oyuun which is the most uncalled for thing in the world
  149. 16:05 Oyuun when has deft offended anybody
  150. 16:05 Wells Deft has no sins. He does little at all but maintain this project
  151. 16:05 Sylum the hell did Deft ever do? Hes a cool guy
  152. 16:06 Wells He's done a lot more for this than most people
  153. 16:07 Wells I suppose Haze is just the cynical asshole archetype that defines the overall demeanor of 4chan
  154. 16:07 Wells Never thought those people were real
  155. 16:07 Greg_ So Haze probably has something to say about everyone here, then.
  156. 16:07 Oyuun haze got pissy about the flareburst thing and thought they were forcing the "gay angle" too hard
  157. 16:08 Oyuun he also shat on flare a lot and we don't really see him around anymore do we?
  158. 16:08 Wells Never noticed that but now I'm a bit irked
  159. 16:09 Sylum I'll admit, the Flare Deft thing is a bit annoying, mainly cause its all just flirting, like they're just fuck buddies
  160. 16:09 Oyuun it wasn't that though
  161. 16:09 Greg_ Yeah, I didn't really believe the idea that Flare forgot the URL for the chat for an entire week.
  162. 16:09 Oyuun haze was straight up vicious about it
  163. 16:09 Greg_ Something was up.
  164. 16:09 Oyuun there's finding something bothersome and annoying
  165. 16:09 Oyuun and antagonizing people
  166. 16:09 Oyuun two different things
  167. 16:10 Sylum uh
  168. 16:11 Sylum sorry to change the subject but
  169. 16:11 Wells What does he contribute much anyway if he's gonna complain about everyone else and fap over Kamen Rider anyway...
  170. 16:11 Wells I just want worldbuilding.
  171. 16:11 Sylum
  172. 16:12 Wells hmmmm
  173. 16:12 Wells that's a template unique to us, no?
  174. 16:12 Oyuun well chops' templates were only ever around after the threads died and stayed in the project
  175. 16:12 Oyuun so
  176. 16:12 Oyuun yeah this is kinda fishy fuck
  177. 16:12 Wells the style is hard to pinpoint
  178. 16:12 Oyuun don't recognize the style though
  179. 16:13 Wells odd odd circumstances
  180. 16:13 Oyuun shrugs
  181. 16:14 Oyuun anyway, either I will or somebody can, I want to log this little confession of mine and send it over to bud
  182. 16:14 Oyuun I think it would be good for him to hear it
  183. 16:14 Wells Bud is cool. I like him. One of those guys I can confide in.
  184. 16:14 Sylum yeah
  185. 16:14 Greg_ Ye, Bud is chill.
  186. 16:15 Wells I like hoe universally liked he is over the course of this project
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