
Bullshitter 2

Nov 29th, 2016
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  1. @somefatfucker @HaydenScott10 HI! how's it going! sorry the delay in reply, I've had a hell of a few years, and to be honest, I'm pretty damned stressed out. About what? I don't know, but I want to extend a hand of "Howdy!" to y'all for keeping in touch. It's a thing that many of my followers don't really do. Which kind of explains why my popularity is in the crapper as much as it is. Or maybe that's just my weird way of thinking. we've known each other for a few years, and you guys should get some kind of role or ruling in my server, which i'll add sooner or later to the end of this thing, why? i dunno, I'm in kind of a blazey, Blaze... you know what the fuck i'm trying to say, right?
  2. Of course!
  3. Or maybe not, I do not know any mor,e maybe I'm slowly losing my mind? I don't know anymore, maybe it's because Ii'm staying up at all hours trying not to lose mym ind over something inconsequential, or maybe it's just another turn in my life where i'm forced to reconsider pretty much every stupid thing i've ever done and or said to get to this point. Kim kelly. not important, what is important is that you guys read this all the way through for some unknown reason. Who the fuck knows what i'm going to put in this thing, I mean honestly, how far till you just get bored and fuck off to try and land the Apex slide? If you made it this far, that's cool. If not, enjoy the trickshotting shit, whatever it is. I haven't really played BO2 in a long time because of one reason or another. I dunno, I've never really followed the trends. Maybe it's because i'm just random? Seriously.
  4. Or maybe it's because i'm trying not to lose my mind while struggling to figure out how to get a steady paycheck, as i've already a job, and no, it's not fucking your mothers or disappointing you on christmas day by slapping a dead walrus and naming it Sally. Who the fuck is Sally?
  5. I dunno, more importantly, I don't care. Maybe you find this funny, maybe you don't. i kind of had to put that part of myself behind me in light of recent events, no, we're not talking about donald fucking trump. Because that idiots going to nuke the surface of the planet and then we'll have fall out for realisies! thanks Bethseda, you bunch of whiny bitches.i'm just feeling cantankerous right now for some reason, leftover anger about one thing or another. I'm just a bit tired. I'm slowly losing my mind from drinking bad coffee.
  6. I've always said if the end's coming, let me be the first son of a bitch to get their head chomped off by a ludicrous clone. Because why the fuck not? Bad music is taking over the airwaves anyways, andl ove's just a crappy pile of stitches and nothing really happening. Though that's been my experience with it. I used to think it was out of choice, but now? i'm not so sure.
  7. Maybe I'm just tired, exhausted from dealing with stupid people day in and day out that haunts my ever loving nightmares, likethe pricklepear haunts mogli's brain while hesleeps fitfully under the bearskin rug he made as a sick, sick child.
  8. this reads like a nursery peom, except without the rhymes, the reasoning, or the niceness behind it. I'm sure you'll find one or two idiotic things i've written in this to make fun. y'all always do. but then again, without the angry tweeters, or tweekers, whichever you decide to go by, none my concern, ya dig?
  9. But, whichever you decide to go by, I think it's important that we concentrate on one or more things. i'm letting my mind wander in this, I don't like to focus on one topic for far too long or else I just enventually go to shit wiht my creativity. Or maybe it's just that I am slowly goingover the dge due social isolation, a constant barrage of guilt, social shaming, and one fucking nitwit that for somereason, I'm trying to become a boyfriend of, even though its REALLY clear that she doesn't seem e the same way. Mostly no one does. Kinda sad, kind of the way things are. I've accepted that this is my life, because how much worse could things get? Well, I could be dead. that's a thing, right? Death, self death, other death, any kind of death is bad. but if we have too little death, overpopulation, and if we have a lot of death, bad things will still happen. but if we have the right amount of death, things... Still go to shit. It's a strange thing, to think about ones mortality is such a way as to mock ones own inadequacies. but that's neither here nor there. I might as well keep writing until something distracts me, like a bug, or a random thought. Well, not going to focus on that, random thoughts and all.
  11. fun fact, my balls do not shoot lasers. Reality kind of sets in and tells me to fuck off, I don't know why though, not like i'm going to meet anyone anymore, or maybe I will? you never know. Hell that's the thing about people, everyone can be won over by a bunch of dumb things hapening all at once. It's best to just keep writing. If I keep writing, eventually I'll get to the point and we can all live happily ever after... that's life. going to sleep now.
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