
Intersex Awarenes Day - Ref. Sheet

Oct 7th, 2015
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  18. International Intersex Awareness Day - Monday, October 26th - 8pm CDT 2015 - Quick Reference Sheet for Supporters
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. Thank you for agreeing to support the first ever world-wide #Intersex Awareness Day (IAD) TwitterStorm. A twitterstorm (TS) is "a sudden spike in activity surrounding a certain topic on Twitter". Our TS will consist of a group of amazing people--such as your wonderful selves--coming together and agreeing to log-in Twitter at the same time to post as many tweets & share-graphics as possible using the same hashtags in order to increase awareness about intersex. The more people tweeting at the same time, the better chance we have of spreading our message!
  23. Our mini-goal for this first-ever annual event is to not let a single tweep on twitter escape learning something new about intersex folks and our quest for human rights, bodily autonomy and justice. How are we going to make that happen? Good question because that's where YOU come in.
  25. The most effective way to raise the largest amount of intersex awareness that evening is to get our hashtag TRENDING worldwide. When a topic trends on twitter it's "listed in many places, including the Home, Notifications, search results, and profile pages." There's no exact science to getting a topic to trend. Big goal? Maybe. But what's life without audacious goals? Besides, something tells me that with YOUR help it's going to be super easy to make our hashtag trend on IAD 2K15!
  27. Regardless if we trend or not, any "spike in activity" on twitter regarding intersex awareness is a wonderful outcome that we can all be proud of!
  29. *Don't forget to join the Facebook event (and let your friends know too!) -
  32. # #
  33. # # # # ## #### # # ##### ## #### ####
  34. ####### # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  35. # # ###### # # #### ###### # # # # ####
  36. ####### # # ###### # # # # ###### # ### #
  37. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  38. # # # # # # #### # # # # # #### ####
  39. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  41. Using the same (brand-new) hashtag at the same time (or as near to the same time as possible) is one of the best & easiest ways to trend a topic on Twitter. The hashtag we'll be using and encouraging others to use *ONLY ON THE 26th* is:
  44. - #intersexstories (*everyone, regardless if intersex or not, encouraged to use this!)
  46. # R E M E M B E R # Don't use this special #hashtag BEFORE October 26th! (Not using it before the 26th helps it trend). When spreading the word, please try not to use the hashtag & remind your friends to not do so as well.
  48. (example tweets using the unique hashtag are not provided in this doc because this reference sheet is focused on giving you the information and tools needed to help YOU help US spread the word and hype the TwitterStorm! Fear not, young tweep, a new pastebin with example tweets that can be copied & pasted will be shared in a forthcoming pastebin. (Have a knack for writing tweets and want to help create some for IAD 2k15? Contact me! email: )
  50. But how will people know what hashtags to use? Easy peasy. Just make sure to always share a share graphic with your call to action (links below) because they have the #hashtags and other pertinent information embedded in the image. Clever, eh?
  53. _______ __ __ _______ ______ _______ _______ ______ _______ _______ __ __ ___ _______ _______
  54. | || | | || _ || _ | | | | || _ | | _ || || | | || | | || |
  55. | _____|| |_| || |_| || | || | ___| | ___|| | || | |_| || _ || |_| || | | || _____|
  56. | |_____ | || || |_||_ | |___ | | __ | |_||_ | || |_| || || | | || |_____
  57. |_____ || || || __ || ___| | || || __ || || ___|| || | | _||_____ |
  58. _____| || _ || _ || | | || |___ | |_| || | | || _ || | | _ || | | |_ _____| |
  59. |_______||__| |__||__| |__||___| |_||_______| |_______||___| |_||__| |__||___| |__| |__||___| |_______||_______|
  60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. People on social media love images & graphics! Posts with images receive way more interaction than posts without them. Each platform has different size and resolution requirements. For this reason, I've shared links below containing site-specific share graphics.
  64. *Dropbox Share folder* w/ all images
  66. Share | G R A P H I C S ---->
  68. (make sure you use correct image for each platform. In a pinch, just use the instagram version for any platform. *There are 2 FB versions. One is to share as a regular post, and one is to change your cover pic. If using an iPhone to access this link, you can click on each image and download them to your phone individually.)
  72. /$$$$$$$$ /$$ /$$ /$$ /$$$$$$$$ /$$
  73. |__ $$__/ |__/| $$ | $$ |__ $$__/ | $$
  74. | $$ /$$$$$$ /$$| $$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ | $$ /$$$$$$ /$$ /$$ /$$$$$$
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  76. | $$ /$$$$$$$| $$| $$| $$ \ $$| $$ \__/| $$$$$$$$| $$ | $$ | $$ | $$$$$$$$ \ $$$$/ | $$
  77. | $$ /$$__ $$| $$| $$| $$ | $$| $$ | $$_____/| $$ | $$ | $$ | $$_____/ >$$ $$ | $$ /$$
  78. | $$ | $$$$$$$| $$| $$| $$$$$$/| $$ | $$$$$$$| $$$$$$$ | $$ | $$$$$$$ /$$/\ $$ | $$$$/
  79. |__/ \_______/|__/|__/ \______/ |__/ \_______/ \_______/ |__/ \_______/|__/ \__/ \___/
  80. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. The text we post with graphics is also super important. Find below some different sets of copy/text that I will be using when I share the graphics on social media. For facebook, it's best to write your own post that introduces the event and includes a call to action (CTA). Your CTA can be as simple as asking your friends and followers to help you spread the word & be sure to share this doc with them (the link is: ). We tend to skim social media have tons of things competing for our intention. People respond well to posts that include our own special touch. If this feels daunting you can always share my post that will be posted up at:
  84. Tweets are a different story. Feel free to copy word-for-word as many tweets from the list below as you want. I've tested them all out on twitter to make sure character count is okay taking into account that they will be used most often with graphics (thus a shorter character allowance than 140). Always use the graphic designed specifically for twitter (or your graphic may distort, clip or not show up) to increase the amount of views and engagement with your tweets. Remember, you can and should take advantage of automation apps that let you queue up posts to drop at 8m cdt for FB, twitter and Instagram using apps. Hootsuite (Desktop & mobile) & Buffer (only mobile) are free and two that I use which allow me to spend a few minutes creating and queuing posts that then get pushed out evenly throughout the week. These apps help us not clutter up our friends timelines and feeds.
  86. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. *Facebook/Instagram Copy* (reminder: It's alright to copy and paste for Instagram but please try not to use word-for-word on FB. Instead, share my post w/ a ditty about why YOU believe it's important. If not sharing, and creating your own original FB post, props to you and please don't forget to share the fb specific share graphic)
  88. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  90. [FB COPY]
  91. A NEW graphic to help you promote Intersex Awareness Day and increase participation in this worldwide event because together we can create a sensational future for intersex kids & their families. Discover how easy it can be to contribute by simply sharing this with your community as much as possible (so I’m not the only one spamming my friends ;) until IAD on Monday October 26th!
  93. Pro-tip: You can use Hootsuite or Buffer to automate your social media posts. Make sure your tweets are set to go off on Monday October 26th at 8pm CDT AND include the hashtag listed in graphic. (Graphic includes timezone info).
  96. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  97. *Twitter Copy* (reminder: Don't forget to attach the twitter specific share graphic)
  98. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  100. - New! To help you promote #Intersex Awareness Day & ++ participation in worldwide event happening Oct 26 8pm CDT!
  102. - Discover how easy it is to contribute by simply sharing w/ ur community…all day, errr’day until Oct 26 8pm CDT ;)
  104. - Pls share as much as possible (so I’m not the only one spamming my friends ;) until #Intersex Awareness Day Oct 26!
  106. - Queue ur hashtag’d tweets & share 'em during #Intersex Awareness Day's 1st annual Twitter-Storm. Oct 26th at 8pm CDT!
  108. - Discover how easy it is to contribute to #Intersex Awareness Day! Simply share w/ ur community until Oct. 26 8pm CDT!
  110. - ~4 mil #intersex people in the world & most folks don't even know we exist. Help us change that on Oct 26 at 8pm CDT!
  112. - We’re #intersexy & we know it. Problem is, no 1 else knows we exist. Help spread word about our IAD TwitterStorm!
  114. - #Intersex Justice Now! Spread the word & join the TwitterStorm happening on Intersex Awareness Day Oct 26 at 8pm CDT!
  116. - Int'l #Intersex Awareness Day is October 26th. But u already knew that…right? ;) Now please let everyone else know!
  118. - Make #intersex trend this Intersex Awareness Day! Oct 26 at 8PM CDT
  120. - Calling all #intersex folks, family & allies: We need YOU to tweet with us! TwitterStorm on Oct 26 at 8pm CDT
  122. - What does the 'I' stand for in LGBTQI? Find out! #Intersex Awareness Day TwitterStorm Oct. 26th at 8pm on da dot…!
  124. - Hey Hey, Ho Ho… #Intersex discrimination has got to go! Join the Twitter-Storm & make it happen. Oct. 26 at 8pm CDT
  126. - Seize ur chance to let the medical industrial complex know exactly how u feel! #Intersex Awareness Day Oct 26 8pm CDT
  128. - Where my #intersex allies at? I need YOU to share this with your community all the days until IAD on Oct 26 8pm CDT!
  130. - ~4 million #intersex folks & we're still invisible? Help us change that this Intersex Awareness Day - Oct 26 8pm CDT!
  132. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
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  143. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  145. Unfortunately, all the states and countries in the world aren't all in the same time zone :( This is a challenge because we want all of our tweeting to happen around the same time. No worries tho! Anyone anywhere can still participate, even if the TS happens while they are asleep or at work. All they need to do is set their automated #intersexstories tweets to post at the appropriate time listed below (these are also listed on the share graphics).
  147. Monday - October 26
  148. 10 pm ART - Buenos Aires
  149. 9 pm EST - NYC
  150. 8 pm CDT - CHI
  151. 7 pm CST - Denver / Mexico City (D.F.)
  152. 6 pm PST - LA
  154. Tuesday - October 27
  155. 1:00 GMT - London
  156. 2:00 CET - Berlin
  157. 3:00 EET - Bulgaria / Cape Town, South Africa
  158. 9:00 CST - Taipei / Beijing
  159. 12:00 AEDT - Sydney
  160. 14:00 NZDT - Wellington, New Zealand
  162. o__ __o o o
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  170. <\__ __/> <\__ __/> / \ / \ _\o__</ / \ <\__ __/> _\o__</ / \ <\__ __/> / \ / \
  171. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  174. I am so grateful to each and everyone of you who agreed to support this initiative and can't thank you enough. You helping to hype this event will make all the difference come October 26th. If you don't already--feel free to follow me on twitter @pidgejen or fb for updates.
  176. Expect another pastebin document before the event containing more tweets and share graphics tailored for the actual TwitterStorm! I'll blast out the link to those of you on my e-mail list where I share exclusive updates from time-to-time. If you'd like, you can sign up here: . I will also share the new pastebin on my social media accounts. If you have any questions feel free to send me DM or email at
  178. See you October 26th at 8pm CDT on Twitter! And once again...
  181. ,---------. .---. .---. ____ ,---. .--. .--. .--. ____ __ ,-----. ___ _ .---.
  182. \ \ | | |_ _| .' __ `. | \ | | | | _/ / \ \ / / .' .-, '. .' | | | \ /
  183. `--. ,---' | | ( ' ) / ' \ \ | , \ | | | (`' ) / \ _. / ' / ,-.| \ _ \ | .' | | | |
  184. | \ | '-(_{;}_) |___| / | | |\_ \| | |(_ ()_) _( )_ .' ; \ '_ / | : .' '_ | | \ /
  185. :_ _: | (_,_) _.-` | | _( )_\ | | (_,_) __ ___(_ o _)' | _`,/ \ _/ | ' ( \.-.| v
  186. (_I_) | _ _--. | .' _ | | (_ o _) | | |\ \ | | | |(_,_)' : ( '\_/ \ ; ' (`. _` /| _ _
  187. (_(=)_) |( ' ) | | | _( )_ | | (_,_)\ | | | \ `' / | `-' / \ `"/ \ ) / | (_ (_) _) (_I_)
  188. (_I_) (_{;}_)| | \ (_ o _) / | | | | | | \ / \ / '. \_/``".' \ / . \ / (_(=)_)
  189. '---' '(_,_) '---' '.(_,_).' '--' '--' `--' `'-' `-..-' '-----' ``-'`-'' (_I_)
  191. xoxy, Pidgeon
  193. ------------------------------------------------------
  194. Contact Info:
  196. Pidgeon Pagonis (USA)
  197. twitter- @pidgejen
  199. email-
  200. web-
  202. Lynnell Stephani Long (USA)
  203. AIS-DSD & AIC Board Member
  204. twitter- @LynellStephani
  205. email-
  207. Contact name: Morgan Carpenter (Aus)
  208. Intersex Day Project
  209. Twitter: @intersexday
  210. Email
  211. Web:
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