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FoE Prompt

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Sep 15th, 2014
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  1. The Talon’s Apprentice.
  3. * * *
  5. “Falke, you ready?”
  7. I looked up from the ground to face Kralle, my superior… my mentor.
  9. “Yes, Sir.”
  11. We were in the middle of what seemed to be nowhere. The setting sun was visible beneath the never-ending cloud layer, casting long shadows in it’s hellish red light. Kralle stared down at me, his piss-yellow eyes locking with my own. He was a rather large griffon, his broad shoulders gave him an imposing appearance. He wore a set of black Talon combat armor that covered his dark brown feathers and coat.
  13. “Good. You remember why we’re here, right?”
  15. I nodded. Gawd sent us. We were members of her Talon company, when she delegated this job to Kralle, he decided it would be the perfect opportunity for me to “practice.” We were to rescue a pony that was taken captive by a raider gang – if we succeed, Gawd gets paid, we get paid, the mare lives, and everybody’s happy. We fail… Well, there was no room for failure, that’s what Kralle always said, at least.
  17. I nodded, still facing Kralle. “Okay. This is all you, Falke. I’m just here to hold your talons,” the griffon said with a dark chuckle. “Now… what would be the first thing to do in this situation?”
  19. I thought for a moment, thinking back to training. “Get a feel for my surroundings?”
  21. Kralle just stared at me for a moment before speaking. “Yeah, why don’t you do that.”
  23. Slowly, I popped my head over the rock we were hiding behind. Around us was nothing but flat land that I suspected used to be a suburbs, most of it flattened in the balefire. What was left was a small town about two hundred meters away. I unlimbered my marksgriffon rifle and popped the lens-covers off of the scope. I scanned along the edge of the town, looking for movement, firelight… any evidence that ponies were there. Nothing.
  25. “It’s clear, Sir. I move up now, right?”
  27. I looked over my shoulder at the older griffon. “I don’t know, you’re driving, I’m just along for the ride. If you do anything wrong, I’ll stop it.”
  29. I was a little frustrated at his refusal to guide me further. Nevertheless, I hesitantly moved out from the cover of the boulder, flying low to the ground towards the town. My head on a swivel, I searched for any movement as I approached… just in case.
  31. I reached the edge of town, setting down as quietly as my wings would allow. The first thing I noticed when I walked between the first few buildings was what I could best describe as a “territory marker”. The flayed, decaying, desecrated body of a stallion was strung up on a telephone pole. Intestines hung from it, limbs dangled only by ligaments and a few flaps of skin, and I’m pretty sure the remains of the poor stallions genatailia were shoved in his mouth.
  33. Raiders.
  35. That’s not good… better stay alert.
  37. I took it slow, skulking through alleyways and behind houses, Kralle silently following a few steps behind. I came to the end of an alleyway, a wide open street before me. I rose to my hindpaws, balancing myself with my wings and tail, and leaned against the wall at the corner of the building. My rifle in my talons, I peeked around the corner. I spotted even more territory markers, violated corpses decorated skywagons, rooftops, fire hydrants, signs… everything.
  39. Movement. I shouldered my rifle and peered through the scope, sighting in on a two storey building that loomed at the end of the street. Shadows cast by a firelight danced against the walls of a room on the second floor. They were in there – probably not all of them, but it was the center of town, the obvious place to set up shop. “Kralle, I think I know where they are,” I said, pointing down the street with a talon.
  41. The bigger griffon looked at me, his eyes seeming to judge. He peered around the corner himself, then turned his attention back to me. “Way I see it, there’s two ways of going about this. Either engage them from a distance with your rifle, or… take them one at a time… quietly. Your choice.”
  43. I looked back at the raider den. Engaging from a distance sounded appealing; I was a good shot, and I really wanted a chance to try out my new tacticool DMR. But… my rifle was not quiet, and who knew how many raiders were in this town, we would quickly get overwhelmed if this whole place came down on us.
  45. “Stealth,” I said. Kralle’s face remained expressionless, not giving me any hint as to whether or not I had made the right choice.
  47. I planned out the route in my head, I had to stay out of the open – the sun-soaked main street was not an option. I looked back down the alleyway and saw a rusted metal door to the building we were next to. I would just have to go building to building.
  49. I slowly opened the door, applying pressure to the handle with a talon. It swung open, groaning slightly before the rusted metal hinges snapped.
  51. Shitshitshit!
  53. Kralle lunged forward to grab the door with both talons and rested it against the side of the building as quietly as possible. “That is not the best way to start this sort of thing out, Falke,” he growled, his eyes burning into my own.
  55. “Sorry,” I hissed, a guilty expression on my face. Kralle had a system, I was only allowed to make three mistakes. That makes one... After a moment, he gestured with a wing for me to enter. The building appeared to be a small grocery store, all of the shelves were bare with the exception of a few empty tin cans. A rat crawled across the stained tile floor, squeaking as it moved. I had an urge to pounce on it, but resisted. Moving at a slow prowl, I checked all of the aisles for any lookouts or guards. Nothing.
  57. I suppose it made sense… why have guards when nobody in their right mind would come near a raider town? Were we sane?
  59. I found another door at the back of the shop, opening it with a lot more caution than last time. Sticking my head out the door, I checked both ways down the alleyway and moved on, Kralle slinking along behind me.
  61. Another door, another bout of stress-filled anticipation.
  63. To my relief, it opened without a sound. The first room was clear, it was only a small closet, cleaning supplies lined the shelves: a vacuum cleaner, spray bottles, trash bags, rags.... I crept through it, light on my feet, and opened the door to the store proper. My guess was that it once sold records and videos judging by how the shelves were lined with them. A few posters hung from the walls, advertisements for different artists: Sweetie Belle, Sapphire Shores, The Ponytones, The Beach Colts…
  65. I quietly led the way to the other side of the store. There wasn’t anypony in here, but I didn’t exactly feel like broadcasting my presence. On this side of the store there was a doorframe, except it lacked a door, pink beads obscuring the room beyond instead. Creeping up to it, I held the bead strings aside with a talon and poked my head in.
  67. The shelves were bare; in fact, everything was gone. All that remained was a counter with a register and a pink shag carpet on the ground. What used to be in here? Guns? Ammunition? Why would it be connected to a video store? It had to be something valuable because it was all gone.
  69. Forgetting about the store, I stepped into the next alleyway through the back exit. We were very close to the raider house now, only two buildings left to go. I slowed down how fast I was taking it, listening for movement for a moment before continuing into the next building. The far off sound of raiders hollering got some adrenaline pumping. I looked back at Kralle only to receive a blank, yellow stare. He was being absolutely silent, hanging a few yards behind me and letting me get a feel for things.
  71. “Just remember what I taught you. Keep to the shadows, go slow, stay alert,” Kralle said after I turned away from him to press on.
  73. I swung the next door open slowly, cringing at the way it creaked. On the other side was a back room filled with large freezers. I ignored them and continued to the other side where the door to the front of the shop was. I took the corner quietly – after listening for movement, of course – to see that I was standing in a small restaurant of some sort. The counter itself was a freezer, a glass shield faced the side that the customer would stand on. I looked up behind me at the menu.
  77. It’s an ice cream shop.
  79. There was no side door in it, though. We would have to go out into the street. I took a few breaths, preparing myself. I looked back at my mentor, he nodded. Slowly, I stuck my head out of the shop, not wanting to risk any sudden movement.
  81. There was only one building left between me and the raider den, and I was almost certain it contained raiders.
  83. Once I was absolutely positive that nopony would spot me, I stalked into the street, keeping to the shadow of the building. I immediately turned down an alleyway between the ice cream shop and the building next to it, spotting a side door that would be perfect.
  85. It was wide open. I carefully peeked around it and surveyed the room. There were two raiders laying asleep on bed rolls, a third stood by the front door. I scanned the back of the room and couldn’t see anypony standing, but I took into consideration that there could be some laying down in the aisles of the store.
  87. How to do this? I thought back to the training that Kralle had given me – I should eliminate the alert one first, then kill the two that were sleeping; they would be easy targets, no struggling.
  89. I paused for a moment, staring down at the ground before me. Did I really just think that? It was so… cold and logical. Could I really bring myself to kill a living thing as it slept like Kralle could?
  91. Shaking off the emotion, I silently crept up behind the alert guard. I drew my combat knife, the feeling of the cold steel leaving it’s sheath caused my feathers to tingle. Kralle had me practise silent takedowns again and again back at R-7, it was time to figure out how well he had prepared me.
  93. Without further pause, I put a set of talons on the pony’s mouth, pulling his head into my armored chest as I dragged my blade across his throat in one swift, fluent motion. I had to struggle to keep him from thrashing free and dropping to the floor as he bled out in a matter of seconds.
  95. The only thing different from training was the amount of blood. I wasn’t phased by it, though. Under his mentorship, Kralle had me tear apart the carcasses of various creatures to desensitise me to gore. I thought it was sick at the time – I still do, but it did stop me from freezing up at the sight and feeling of warm blood on me.
  97. Now for the two sleepers.
  99. Carefully, I stalked towards the two sleeping ponies. The one closest to me, a rather large buck, was sleeping on his side, spread out on his bed roll. After a moment of hesitation, I shoved the knife into the back of his neck as far as it would go. The blade must’ve hit something vital, probably the spine, killing instantly. Did that hurt a lot, or was it painless? I silently hoped it was the latter.
  101. I moved on to the next raider, this one a mare. I hesitated again, this time for a lot longer, my body freezing up completely. Something about the way she slept made her seem so… peaceful. The mare was curled up tightly in her bedroll, wearing a satisfied smile on her face, as if having a pleasant dream.
  103. I… I couldn’t do this. I turned around to look back at Kralle. He watched me impatiently, his yellow eyes seeming to glow in the dark. He slowly slid a talon across his own feathered neck, mouthing the words “just do it.”
  105. I looked back down at the mare. These were horrible ponies. Rapists, murderers, psychopaths, probably cannibals too; killing them would do the world a favor. No mercy.
  107. I slid the combat knife across her soft neck, holding her steady as she awoke to bleed out, panic, fear, and confusion in her eyes. I had an overwhelming urge to comfort her… At least it was quick.
  109. Kralle approached behind me. “Good… You’re quite efficient, Falke. I’ve taught you well,” He said, his voice lacking emotion. I ignored him, I only wanted this to be over.
  111. After a quick sweep of the rest of the store, we moved to leave. I checked over my shoulder one last time, getting a good view of the three bodies I’d left in a pool of blood. For a second, I froze up again, shocked that I’d actually done that. I left the building after receiving another look from Kralle, prowling out into the alleyway that led to the raider den.
  113. I kept my head low and my wings slightly spread as I moved, ready to lunge at any guards that could come walking out of the wide open side door. I carefully edged up to the door, peeking around the corner slowly. The first floor appeared to be some sort of pub; tables and stools were scattered over. There were three raiders sitting around a table, eating, drinking, smoking, and laughing. These were more alert, this could be a challenge. A fourth pony stood behind the bar. I signalled to Kralle that I was moving with a flick of my tail.
  115. I slinked over to the bar, keeping to the shadows and not making a sound. The barmare was all alone, ravenously eating a huge plate of meat, completely unaware of my presence. Silently, I crept behind the bar with her, and planned out my actions carefully. I walked right up behind her and peeked over the bar to make sure nopony was watching. I was clear. With one hand, I forced her face into her meal to muffle her shocked yelp as I slammed the hilt of my knife against the back of her skull. She was unconscious as she slumped down to the floor, letting out an unconscious belch and a groan. I silently hoped that none of the other raiders heard that.
  117. “‘ey Shot Glass… Shot, we need more ‘ard apple cider... Shot?”
  119. “She’s prolly jus’ throwing up again; she always eats too much. Git your lazy ass up and get it fer us ye’self.”
  121. “Fine, but you’re gettin’ the next round.”
  123. “Wha’ever, jus’ bring it ‘ere.”
  125. I panicked. Kralle would take care of them if he didn’t think I could do it, wouldn’t he? If they came over here then that meant that there was a way out of this situation, otherwise Kralle would intervene. I continued to lay crouched behind the bar, my knife held at the ready in my talons. I had an idea, I just didn’t know if I’d be able to do it quietly, and it would fail for sure if either of the other bucks were looking. I waited silently for the buck to come around the corner of the bar, my legs bunched up like a coiled spring, ready to lunge forth.
  127. The raider turned the corner. He wore a tattered set of leather armor, I’m almost sure that his helmet was actually a misshapen and hollowed out toaster. I grabbed him by the throat and dragged him down behind the bar with me, the buck unable to scream because of my talons clenching his windpipe. His toaster helmet popped off to reveal a shocked expression, and I swung the knife into his skull. The knife punched right through the temple, his body going limp instantly.
  129. I carefully rested the body on the floor next to the barmare. Now to deal with the other two…
  131. “Hey where’d he go?”
  133. “Prolly tryin’ to bang Shot. That’s my guess, anyway.”
  135. “Well, I’m not getting up.”
  137. “Neither am I.”
  139. “It appears we have reached an impasse.”
  141. Impasse? These were raiders, they weren’t supposed to know words!
  143. I began to pull another plan together in my head, thinking of what Kralle would do in this situation. They were sitting right next to each other, I’d have to get one of them to leave or at least look away for a moment. After spotting a bottle of whiskey, I decided what I was going to do.
  145. I hoped that they were really this stupid…
  147. I prowled out from behind the bar, sticking to the sides of the room. They were facing away from me, both sitting at a table covered in playing cards and empty bottles. They continued to make idle conversation, mostly about vulgar topics. I silently placed the bottle of whiskey on a table a few feet away from them and moved away.
  149. Taking my time, I snuck all the way over to the other side of the bar and took my position a few feet away from them.
  151. Time to wait.
  153. After about another half a minute, one of the raiders looked to his left. “Hey, how’d that get there?”
  155. “Who cares? Just git it. S’only over there.”
  157. One of the bucks got up and stumbled over to the whiskey, leaving his friend all alone. Stealthily, I came right up behind him. I found myself surprised with just how silent I was – how did ponies keep quiet on hooves? Like Kralle taught me, I covered the seated buck’s mouth and stabbed the blade into his throat. I pulled the combat knife out, meat hanging on to the serrated edge. Blood poured down his chest and onto the floor.
  159. I released him after what felt like an eternity of staring at the other pony by the whiskey. With a feeling of dread, I realized that I did not have enough time to take him down, he was already facing me! He opened his mouth to shout for help as I tried to lunge at him, but my body was not positioned properly.
  161. Two knives came from behind him, slashing across his throat in opposite directions. What would have been a scream was instead a choked gurgle as the pony crumpled before the looming form of Kralle. The griffon glared at me. That was mistake number two…
  163. The griffon sank back down from his hindpaws, sheathing his identical knives. “Strike two…”
  165. I nodded, and walked over to a stairway in the corner of the room. I climbed it, wincing whenever a step creaked. At the top was a short hallway with only one door… it must’ve lead to the room with the fire in it. There was also a mirror.
  167. I looked into it. What stared back shocked me. A light beige griffon in jet black combat armor, the white insignia of a talon on his chest. He… I… was covered in glistening blood. My own algific blue eyes stared back at me.
  169. I was snapped out of my trance by voices in the other room.
  171. “We did good today, boys. Got enough supplies from that trade caravan to last us a few weeks.” The buck who spoke sounded shockingly intelligent, his voice holding a hint of menacing guile. “Now that we’ve all eaten, I suppose it’s time to enjoy our prize…”
  173. I heard a faint whimper and a shuffle on the other side of the door, followed by the sound of multiple ponies standing up and moving. A voice pierced the air. “No… p-please....”
  175. “Now, don’t resist me, sweetie!” the raider said, his friends laughing.
  177. I heard the sound of a pony being struck followed by a high pitched yelp. More struggling… there was a grunt followed by a high pitched whimper. What the was happening?
  179. The entire room erupted in laughter. “Kicking me THERE was the worst mistake of your pathetic little life, cunt!” the raider leader bellowed, the room quieting down quickly.
  181. Kralle walked up next to me and moved over to the opposite side of the door. He tried the knob… “Locked. Falke, get this open… quickly.”
  183. I was a little shocked at his request. Not at the nature of it, but the way his voice sounded. For once, I heard a hint of emotion from my mentor – urgency. Without further delay, I pulled out a torque wrench and a steel lockpick. Bobby pins and screwdrivers were for casuals. I was never really good at lockpicking, Kralle was a pro, he tried to teach me but I just never picked it up. I suppose he thought I’d be able to perform better under stress…
  185. I slid the torque wrench into the lock and gently applied pressure. Satisfied, I raked the pins of the lock with the pick, hearing a few clicks. The commotion on the other side of the door continued.
  187. “Tinderbox! Get some fucking coals out of the fire. Make sure they’re red hot!”
  189. There was more struggling, the captive mare’s whimpers became more frantic. “No! Don’t, please! I’ll do whatever you want!”
  191. “Too fucking late, whore!”
  193. I continued to struggle with the lock, working at the pins in blind panic. I had to get this thing open! I kept raking the lockpick in and out, why wasn’t it working?!
  195. All I heard from the other side of the door was a high-pitched scream of fear and panic. Kralle suddenly moved, grabbing me by the back of the armor with his talons and hauling me up to my hindpaws. “Strike three, you’re out.” My beak swung open as I saw an expression of cold rage on his face as he unslung his pump action shotgun. “Standard breaching procedure – you take the left side, I’ll take the right. Shock tactics, we take ‘em by surprise and deny them of any fucking chance. Got it?”
  197. I nodded and began to move with purpose, pulling my DMR off of my back. I moved the fire selector switch to full auto, removed the scope, and popped the iron sights up.
  199. Kralle gave me an intense glare from the other side of the door. I’d never seen him act like this before, he was always in complete control. Something had melted and shattered away his icy calm, though. “Watch your fire, do what has to be done. For the Company.”
  201. With that, Kralle pressed the barrel of his shotgun against the door, the breaching choke digging into the rotting wood. With a bang, the lock was blown out by the shotgun, and Kralle threw his full weight against the door, slamming it open.
  203. On the other side, a brown mare was being held by two other raider mares as a lanky buck stood over her, watching as she was dragged kicking and screaming towards a bed of glowing red coals. I didn’t have much time to think as I focussed on my side of the room. Kralle’s second shot took the head off of the lead raider, the lanky buck’s corpse falling to the floor with a thump. He racked the pump on his shotgun with mechanical speed, following up with a shot at the one of the raiders holding down the mare.
  205. I aimed my rifle at a group of raiders sitting around the fire, letting off a short burst of automatic fire. I was quite unprepared for the amount of recoil, being almost knocked off my hindpaws by the powerful rifle. Kralle continued shooting, the loud barks of shotgun punctuating the automatic thunder of my own weapon. Raiders dove for cover and tried to bring guns to bear, I simply held down the trigger, sweeping across the room at whatever moved. I killed quite a few, but the twenty round magazine was quickly expended in what felt like four seconds.
  207. I went to draw my sidearm, but stopped when I saw a raider buck charging me with a club. Not seeing any other options, I charged him as well. He seemed surprised at that, but welcomed it nonetheless, his mouth twisting into a glee-filled smile. As I closed the distance, I lunged forth with a great flap of my wings and slammed my armored shoulder against his chest, bowling the pony over. I drew my knife and brought it down on his neck, opting to just leave it in rather than struggle to remove it in the middle of the room.
  209. I drew my pistol, only to receive a blast of buckshot to the chest of my armor. It stopped it, but I was thrown off of my feet, the wind knocked out of me. There would certainly be some bruising…
  211. Kralle was handling his half of the room, I had to pull my own weight. Laying on my back, I fired off shot after shot with my pistol, targeting the pony with the shotgun. His armor took most of the weak nine-millimeter rounds, but I managed to land a shot to the neck. I tried to get up off of the ground, but I was set upon by another pony, this one a mare. My pistol was knocked from the grip of my talons as she began to beat me. She was quite strong – an earth pony. Normally, us griffons had a pretty good size advantage on ponies, but I was a little... undersized…
  213. She pulled out a knife,swinging her head to cut my throat. With a panicked squawk, I grabbed her face with a set of talons and began to gain the advantage. Griffons had talons, a beak, and claws – I was about to put all of them to use. My head lunged forward as I grabbed the mare’s neck with my beak and grabbed her shoulders with my talons. I unsheathed my claws, raking my hindpaws along her belly. Kralle taught me this move for when things got desperate… I didn’t like it… for obvious reasons.
  215. My claws tore out fur, skin, and eventually bloody loops of intestine. The mare wailed as she struggled to break free, I eventually just threw her off, the pony landing on the hot bed of coals.
  217. By the Egg… those screams…
  219. I hauled myself up, frantically searching for where my pistol and rifle had fallen to. I was absolutely soaked in blood now, it was getting ridiculous.
  221. Silence. I looked around the room, the floor covered in dead raiders and blood. Kralle pumped his shotgun, the pitter-patter of a plastic shell hitting the floor was the only thing audible. I was panting as I sat down at my haunches and held my head in my talons. Shaking from the adrenaline, I tried to regain control of myself and calm down.
  223. After what felt like a minute, I looked up from the ground to see the form of the pony we came to rescue, curled up in ball in a corner, shaking. I stumbled to my feet, retrieving my pistol, my rifle, and my knife. She saw me approaching and seemed to be trying to force herself into the wall behind her, her hooves pushing against the floor to get away from me.
  225. Oh, yeah… covered in blood… I must’ve looked like a raider myself.
  227. I looked over to Kralle, the griffon loading shells into his shotgun one at a time. We broke another one of his rules… Never go back on the plan. We were supposed to be quiet… that was not quiet.
  229. Outside, I heard the whoops, gallops, and cries of what sounded like an army of raiders. I moved over to the window, standing alongside Kralle. I was so very wrong; I thought that most of the raiders were in this house, but there were so many more. The entire town was coming for us, screams and shouts ringing out as the sun finally set.
  231. “We have to go…” I said, glancing at my mentor.
  233. “Where?” he deadpanned, staring emotionlessly out the window at the incoming raiders.
  235. “W-we can fly.”
  237. “No. Neither one of us can fly that mare out of here fast enough, They would shoot us down in an instant.”
  239. I looked back at the mare. She was slowly coming out of the corner, fear still very present in her eyes as she watched us. She must've decided that we weren’t much of a threat, but she kept her distance anyway.
  241. I wanted to tell her she was safe, that we would get her out of here…
  243. I turned my attention back to Kralle, the griffon still staring down at the street below. “Then what do we do?”
  245. After a moment of quiet thought, he came to a decision, slowly turning to stare at me with those yellow eyes. “We are going to fight, they will kill us, and that will be that. There is no other way.”
  247. I knew of another way, but Kralle would never allow it, he would consider it to be failure. I wasn’t very fond of it either. I took a deep breath and slowly reloaded my DMR.
  249. “I’ll cover the first floor. Take down as many of them as you can from up here. Conserve your ammo,” Kralle said as he moved over to the stairs.
  251. “Yes, Sir,” I replied, putting the scope back onto my rifle.
  253. “Falke,”
  255. I turned behind me to see my mentor staring at me from the stairway entrance.
  257. For the first time since I met him, my mentor smiled. A genuine, if sad, smile. “You’re like a son to me.”
  259. I stared at him, not knowing what to say. I suppose I always sort of thought of him as a father figure…
  261. However, his gentle expression quickly faded, cold focus taking it’s place. He nodded to me one last time. “For the Company.”
  263. “For the Company.”
  265. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
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