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  375. Snapcaster Mage</a></b></td><td class="deckdbbody search_results_2"><a href="">Innistrad</a></td><td class="deckdbbody search_results_3" nowrap="nowrap">1<img src="" border="0" width="13" height="13" alt="U" class="mana"></td><td class="deckdbbody search_results_4">Creature - Human Wizard</td><td class="deckdbbody search_results_5">2/1</td>
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  413. Snapcaster Mage</a></b></td><td class="deckdbbody2 search_results_2"><a href="">Innistrad (Foil)</a></td><td class="deckdbbody2 search_results_3" nowrap="nowrap">1<img src="" border="0" width="13" height="13" alt="U" class="mana"></td><td class="deckdbbody2 search_results_4">Creature - Human Wizard</td><td class="deckdbbody2 search_results_5">2/1</td>
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  434. <header><a href="">ORGANIZED PLAY</a></header>
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  442. <div id="thisweekend" class="content">
  443. <ul class="scg_events">
  444. <li class="upper iq_title">THIS Saturday, April 6</li>
  445. <li><a href=""><span class="iq_type scg_invitational"><strong><img src="">INVITATIONAL</strong> Atlanta, GA</span></a></li>
  446. <li><a href="">
  447. <span class="iq_type">Super IQ</span>
  448. <span class="iq_loc">
  449. Catskill, NY</span> - Kirwan's Game Store</a></li>
  450. <li><a href="">
  451. <span class="iq_type">Super IQ</span>
  452. <span class="iq_loc">
  453. Ijamsville, MD</span> - Thanks For Playing</a></li>
  454. <li><a href="">
  455. <span class="iq_type">IQ</span>
  456. <span class="iq_loc">
  457. Roanoke, VA</span> - Star City Game Center</a></li>
  458. <li><a href="">
  459. <span class="iq_type">IQ</span>
  460. <span class="iq_loc">
  461. Minneapolis, MN</span> - Universe Games</a></li>
  462. <li><a href="">
  463. <span class="iq_type">IQ</span>
  464. <span class="iq_loc">
  465. Fargo, ND</span> - Paradox Comics-N-Cards</a></li>
  466. <li><a href="">
  467. <span class="iq_type">IQ</span>
  468. <span class="iq_loc">
  469. Spokane Valley, WA</span> - Trade Winds Gaming Zone</a></li>
  470. <li class="upper iq_title">THIS Sunday, April 7</li>
  471. <li><a href=""><span class="iq_type scg_invitational"><strong><img src="">INVITATIONAL</strong> Atlanta, GA</span></a></li>
  472. <li><a href="">
  473. <span class="iq_type">IQ</span>
  474. <span class="iq_loc">
  475. Colorado Springs, CO</span> - J&J Pac N Ship</a></li>
  476. <li><a href="">
  477. <span class="iq_type">IQ</span>
  478. <span class="iq_loc">
  479. Pikeville, KY</span> - Page-3's Game Zone</a></li>
  480. <li><a href="">
  481. <span class="iq_type">IQ</span>
  482. <span class="iq_loc">
  483. Staten Island, NY</span> - Get There Games</a></li>
  484. <li><a href="">
  485. <span class="iq_type">IQ</span>
  486. <span class="iq_loc">
  487. Glen Burnie, MD</span> - Squabbles Trading Cards</a></li>
  488. </ul>
  489. </div>
  490. <div id="nextweekend" class="content">
  491. <ul class="scg_events">
  492. <li class="upper iq_title">Saturday, April 13</li>
  493. <li><a href=""><span class="iq_type scg_open"><strong><img src="">OPEN</strong> Milwaukee, WI</span></a></li>
  494. <li><a href=""><span class="iq_type scg_classic"><strong>CLASSIC</strong> Hagerstown, MD</span></a></li>
  495. <li><a href="">
  496. <span class="iq_type">Elite IQ</span>
  497. <span class="iq_loc">
  498. Tallahassee, FL </span> - ALT*Con</a></li>
  499. <li><a href="">
  500. <span class="iq_type">Super IQ</span>
  501. <span class="iq_loc">
  502. Littleton, CO</span> - Black Gold</a></li>
  503. <li><a href="">
  504. <span class="iq_type">IQ</span>
  505. <span class="iq_loc">
  506. Carmichael, CA</span> - Adventures in Comics & Games</a></li>
  507. <li><a href="">
  508. <span class="iq_type">IQ</span>
  509. <span class="iq_loc">
  510. Fayetteville, NC</span> - Cardz-N-Things</a></li>
  511. <li><a href="">
  512. <span class="iq_type">IQ</span>
  513. <span class="iq_loc">
  514. Charlotte, NC</span> - Get Some Game</a></li>
  515. <li><a href="">
  516. <span class="iq_type">IQ</span>
  517. <span class="iq_loc">
  518. Rogers, AR</span> - The Gamer Utopia</a></li>
  519. <li><a href="">
  520. <span class="iq_type">IQ</span>
  521. <span class="iq_loc">
  522. Sylva, NC</span> - Nexus</a></li>
  523. <li><a href="">
  524. <span class="iq_type">IQ</span>
  525. <span class="iq_loc">
  526. Knoxville, TN</span> - CM Games - Morristown</a></li>
  527. <li><a href="">
  528. <span class="iq_type">IQ</span>
  529. <span class="iq_loc">
  530. North Cape May, NJ</span> - Aetherstorm Gaming</a></li>
  531. <li><a href="">
  532. <span class="iq_type">IQ</span>
  533. <span class="iq_loc">
  534. Jacksonville, NC</span> - Stronghold Games & Comics</a></li>
  535. <li class="upper iq_title">Sunday, April 14</li>
  536. <li><a href=""><span class="iq_type scg_open"><strong><img src="">OPEN</strong> Milwaukee, WI</span></a></li>
  537. <li><a href="">
  538. <span class="iq_type">IQ</span>
  539. <span class="iq_loc">
  540. North Myrtle Beach, SC</span> - Apocalypse Comics</a></li>
  541. <li><a href="">
  542. <span class="iq_type">IQ</span>
  543. <span class="iq_loc">
  544. Doylestown, PA</span> - Cyborg One</a></li>
  545. <li><a href="">
  546. <span class="iq_type">IQ</span>
  547. <span class="iq_loc">
  548. New York, NY</span> - Montasy Comics Chapter 2</a></li>
  549. <li><a href="">
  550. <span class="iq_type">IQ</span>
  551. <span class="iq_loc">
  552. Kansas City, MO</span> - Spanky's Card Shop</a></li>
  553. <li><a href="">
  554. <span class="iq_type">IQ</span>
  555. <span class="iq_loc">
  556. Chicago, IL</span> - Chicagoland Games: Dice Dojo</a></li>
  557. </ul>
  558. </div>
  559. <div id="scgevents" class="content">
  560. <p class="event_title">STARCITYGAMES.COM EVENTS</p>
  561. <ul class="scg_events">
  562. <li><a href=""><span class="event_type">Apr 5-7:</span> <strong>INVITATIONAL</strong> Atlanta, GA </a></li>
  563. <li><a href=""><span class="event_type">Apr 13-14:</span> <strong>OPEN</strong> Milwaukee, WI </a></li>
  564. <li><a href=""><span class="event_type">Apr 13:</span> <strong>CLASSIC</strong> Hagerstown, MD </a></li>
  565. <li><a href=""><span class="event_type">Apr 20-21:</span> <strong>OPEN</strong> Seattle, WA </a></li>
  566. <li><a href=""><span class="event_type">May 4-5:</span> <strong>OPEN</strong> Somerset, NJ </a></li>
  567. <li><a href=""><span class="event_type">May 11-12:</span> <strong>OPEN</strong> Charlotte, NC </a></li>
  568. <li><a href=""><span class="event_type">May 11:</span> <strong>CLASSIC</strong> Pittsburgh, PA </a></li>
  569. <li><a href=""><span class="event_type">May 18-19:</span> <strong>OPEN</strong> Nashville, TN </a></li>
  570. <li><a href=""><span class="event_type">May 18:</span> <strong>CLASSIC</strong> Springfield, MA </a></li>
  571. <li><a href=""><span class="event_type">May 25-26:</span> <strong>OPEN</strong> Dallas/Fort Worth, TX </a></li>
  572. </ul>
  573. <p class="event_title">ELITE QUALIFIERS</p>
  574. <ul class="scg_events">
  575. <li><a href=""><span class="event_type">Apr 13:</span> ALT*Con - Tallahassee, FL </a></li>
  576. <li><a href=""><span class="event_type">Apr 28:</span> Trilogy &#8230 - Calgary, Alberta </a></li>
  577. </ul>
  579. </div>
  580. <ul class="scg_events"><li class="italics center"><a href="">SCG Opens and Classics: Full Schedule</a></li>
  581. <li class="center italics"><a href="">Coverage Archive</a> - <a href="">Hiring Sales Booth Associates</a></li></ul>
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  590. <header><a href="">NEWS</a></header>
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  593. <li><a href="">4/5 Special invites for PTDGM awarded</a>
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  595. <li><a href="">4/5 Q4 Open Series Schedule!</a>
  596. </li>
  597. <li><a href="">4/2 New Duel Decks revealed...</a>
  598. </li>
  599. <li><a href="">4/2 Invitational Ultra Pro Giveaway!</a>
  600. </li>
  601. <li><a href="">4/1 Weekend Results! March 30-31</a>
  602. </li>
  603. <li><a href="">4/1 Help test SCGMobile Android Beta!</a>
  604. </li>
  605. <li><a href="">3/28 Weekend Results! March 23-24</a>
  606. </li>
  607. <li><a href="">3/27 New MTG block revealed</a>
  608. </li>
  609. <li><a href="">3/27 First Dragon's Maze spoilers</a>
  610. </li>
  611. <li><a href="">3/21 Duels 2014 Details & Spoiler!</a>
  612. </li>
  613. <li><a href="">3/18 Weekend Results! Mar 16-17</a>
  614. </li>
  615. <li><a href="">3/15 SCG and Stone Blade announce...</a>
  616. </li>
  617. <li class="italics"><a href="">View All News Items</a> - <a href="">Submit Magic News</a></li>
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  631. <div id="content_decks_standard" class="content deck_size">
  632. <ul>
  633. <li><a href="">3/31 Invi Qualifier Slidell, US</a></li>
  634. <li><a href="">3/31 SCG Open Orlando, US</a></li>
  635. <li><a href="">3/31 Invi Qualifier Bloomington, US</a></li>
  636. <li><a href=" Online&order_1=finish&limit=8&t_num=2&action=Show+Decks">3/31 Pro Tour Qualifier Magic Online, </a></li>
  637. <li><a href="">3/31 SCG Open Orlando, US</a></li>
  638. <li><a href="">3/31 Invi Qualifier Decatur, US</a></li>
  639. <li><a href=" Windsor&order_1=finish&limit=8&t_num=1&action=Show+Decks">3/31 Invi Qualifier East Windsor, CA</a></li>
  640. <li><a href="">3/31 Invi Qualifier Stroudsburg, US</a></li>
  641. <li><a href="">3/31 Invi Qualifier Cleveland, US</a></li>
  642. <li><a href=" Online&order_1=finish&limit=8&t_num=1&action=Show+Decks">3/31 Pro Tour Qualifier Magic Online, </a></li>
  643. <li><a href="">3/31 SCG Classic Boxborough, US</a></li>
  644. <li><a href=" Windsor&order_1=finish&limit=8&t_num=1&action=Show+Decks">3/31 Invi Qualifier East Windsor, CA</a></li>
  645. </ul>
  646. <div class="decks_footer"><a href="[T1]=1&start_date=2012-01-29&end_date=2012-04-22&limit=25&action=Show+Decks">View More Standard Decks</a> - <a href="">Search Decklists</a></div>
  647. </div>
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  649. <ul>
  650. <li><a href=" Diego&order_1=finish&limit=8&t_num=1&action=Show+Decks">3/17 Grand Prix San Diego, US</a></li>
  651. <li><a href="">3/17 Pro Tour Qualifier Melbourne, AU</a></li>
  652. <li><a href=" Online&order_1=finish&limit=8&t_num=1&action=Show+Decks">3/10 Pro Tour Qualifier Magic Online, </a></li>
  653. <li><a href=" Online&order_1=finish&limit=8&t_num=1&action=Show+Decks">3/10 MTGO Daily Event</a></li>
  654. <li><a href="">3/03 Pro Tour Qualifier Madison, US</a></li>
  655. <li><a href=" Online&order_1=finish&limit=8&t_num=1&action=Show+Decks">3/03 Pro Tour Qualifier Magic Online, </a></li>
  656. <li><a href=" Nyack&order_1=finish&limit=8&t_num=1&action=Show+Decks">3/03 Pro Tour Qualifier West Nyack, US</a></li>
  657. <li><a href="">3/03 Pro Tour Qualifier Roanoke, US</a></li>
  658. <li><a href="">3/03 Pro Tour Qualifier Toronto, CA</a></li>
  659. <li><a href=" Bay&order_1=finish&limit=8&t_num=1&action=Show+Decks">2/24 Pro Tour Qualifier Green Bay, US</a></li>
  660. <li><a href="">2/24 Pro Tour Qualifier Seattle, US</a></li>
  661. <li><a href="">2/24 Pro Tour Qualifier Brooklyn, US</a></li>
  662. </ul>
  663. <div class="decks_footer"><a href="[T1]=28&start_date=2012-01-29&end_date=2012-04-22&limit=25&action=Show+Decks">View More Modern Decks</a> - <a href="">Search Decklists</a></div>
  664. </div>
  665. <div id="content_decks_legacy" class="content deck_size">
  666. <ul>
  667. <li><a href=" City&order_1=finish&limit=8&t_num=1&action=Show+Decks">3/24 SCG Open Kansas City, US</a></li>
  668. <li><a href="">3/17 SCG Open Washington, US</a></li>
  669. <li><a href="">3/10 SCG Open Indianapolis, US</a></li>
  670. <li><a href=" Vegas&order_1=finish&limit=8&t_num=1&action=Show+Decks">3/03 SCG Open Las Vegas, US</a></li>
  671. <li><a href="">2/17 SCG Open Cincinnati, US</a></li>
  672. <li><a href="">2/10 SCG Open Edison, US</a></li>
  673. <li><a href="">2/03 SCG Open Atlanta, US</a></li>
  674. <li><a href="">1/20 SCG Open Dallas, US</a></li>
  675. <li><a href=" Diego&order_1=finish&limit=8&t_num=1&action=Show+Decks">1/13 SCG Open San Diego, US</a></li>
  676. <li><a href="
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