

Oct 4th, 2015
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  1. [12:00] Arkalest Yi-Ping: "Hey, sis."
  2. [12:01] Arkalest Guang has come to visit you in her usual dress, and is now waiting at the entrance of the barracks.
  3. [12:01] =-= Pale_Wolf is now known as Irune
  4. [12:02] Yi-Ping waves at her from the entrance, beckoning her to step in.
  5. [12:03] Arkalest "So...Do you want to talk?"
  6. [12:03] Yi-Ping "Yeah."
  7. [12:05] Arkalest She lowers her head, running a hand through her hair. "About father and mother."
  8. [12:06] Yi-Ping "Sort of ... And also to ask if you want to join us for a shore leave."
  9. [12:06] Yi-Ping "Because I can't stand being stuck on a boat any longer without going nuts."
  10. [12:06] Yi-Ping shivers
  11. [12:09] -->| Strypgia (Strypgia@3A219719.7D0A918.CFFAA26B.IP) has joined #adeva3shenanigans
  12. [12:11] |<-- Strypgia has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  13. [12:11] -->| Stryypgia (Strypgia@AAEA5B24.7510A1A9.541B8E5D.IP) has joined #adeva3shenanigans
  14. [12:13] -->| Strypgia (Strypgia@3A219719.7D0A918.CFFAA26B.IP) has joined #adeva3shenanigans
  15. [12:13] =-= Strypgia is now known as StrypePhone
  16. [12:13] |<-- Stryypgia has left (Ping timeout: 123 seconds)
  17. [12:18] Arkalest "So, yhm. Mother and father...What about them?"
  18. [12:20] Yi-Ping "Well ... Where do I start, their ability to rationalise away anything they do as for the good of mankind, their supposed surgery and all that."
  19. [12:21] Yi-Ping "I just want to know what's wrong so that I can fix them but so far it sounds like everything is wrong ..."
  20. [12:25] Arkalest "Well, they are...Frankly, a lot of other Yangs look to have the same..."Symptoms." She airquotes as she sits down, sighing. "Same blind obedience, same stubborness."
  21. [12:27] Yi-Ping "Oh? You met the extended family?"
  22. [12:28] Yi-Ping "So whatever they did was done to more than just our parents."
  23. [12:28] Arkalest "Yes. It...Probably ties into the manuscript."
  24. [12:30] Yi-Ping "What exactly is the damn manuscript?"
  25. [12:30] Arkalest Guang crosses her legs. "It is fairly obvious that whateve happened to the TSai was in some way...Mirrored by the Yangs' own descent into...I would not call it madness."
  26. [12:30] Arkalest "They are far too lucid, far too..Fluid, mentally, to be called mad."
  27. [12:31] Yi-Ping "Indoctrinated?"
  28. [12:32] Arkalest A slow nod. "Sort of. The dogma is...Somewhat flexible. But the faith in it?"
  29. [12:32] Arkalest "Unshakeable."
  30. [12:34] Yi-Ping "Still, what is this manuscript? All I know is that it originated from the west and we been fighting for it for generations now."
  31. [12:34] |<-- StrypePhone has left (Connection reset by peer)
  32. [12:35] Yi-Ping "And that both sides have held onto it at various point in time."
  33. [12:37] Arkalest "It's like an instruction manual. In our..In the Yang's case, it showed them how to build certain machines.."
  34. [12:38] Yi-Ping "Certain machines?,
  35. [12:38] Yi-Ping "Machines like the Evangelions? The TRIDENTS?"
  36. [12:39] -->| Strypgia (Strypgia@3A219719.7D0A918.CFFAA26B.IP) has joined #adeva3shenanigans
  37. [12:39] =-= Strypgia is now known as StrypePhone
  38. [12:40] Arkalest "Sort of."
  39. [12:42] Yi-Ping "Sort of?"
  40. [12:43] Arkalest "They were...Rather simple mechanisms at first. Things like...Well, farming machines. Then the designs got more complex."
  41. [12:45] Yi-Ping "Any patterns in those designs?"
  42. [12:45] |<-- StrypePhone has left (Connection reset by peer)
  43. [12:45] Yi-Ping "Or are they just random assortment of machines that slowly increase in complexity?"
  44. [12:46] Arkalest She taps her wrist. "The former. Mostly things useful for everyday use at first.."
  45. [12:47] Arkalest "Then the designs ramped up in specialization as well- We went from relatively mundane but well-designed pieces of machinery to things like quantum microscopes."
  46. [12:47] Yi-Ping whistles
  47. [12:48] Yi-Ping "So what's the latest design it shown?"
  48. [12:48] Arkalest "But for that to happen...It took decades."
  49. [12:48] Arkalest She shakes her head. "I could see only the ones archived before 1990."
  50. [12:48] Yi-Ping "A slow progressive advance ... Almost as if its trying to teach us."
  51. [12:49] Yi-Ping "So we could be looking at Death Star on steroids now ..."
  52. [12:50] Arkalest A slow nod. "The only thing that seemingly constrained our relatives is the relative complexity of the machinery needed to make it."
  53. [12:53] Yi-Ping "Hmm ... I know that the Tsai have something similar as well, only theirs is related to genemods and stuff ..."
  54. [12:54] Yi-Ping "Well ... I don't suppose you know more about the manuscript?"
  55. [12:54] Arkalest A headshake. "No."
  56. [12:58] Yi-Ping "Well ... Nothing we can do about that now ..."
  57. [12:58] Yi-Ping "What do you know about the ... Disappearing act our family been pulling off?"
  58. [12:58] Yi-Ping "The whole 'Entire mansion gone' thing."
  59. [12:58] -->| Strypgia (Strypgia@3A219719.7D0A918.CFFAA26B.IP) has joined #adeva3shenanigans
  60. [12:59] =-= Strypgia is now known as StrypePhone
  61. [13:02] Arkalest "It is...I never pressed the subject, and I never heard it mentioned..."
  62. [13:02] Yi-Ping "Huh ..."
  63. [13:03] Yi-Ping "Well the Tsais have not seen what they considered to be a core Yang for decades now."
  64. [13:05] Arkalest "That...Matches what I have seen of our parents. I think some of them have not left Bejiing for...Decades as well."
  65. [13:05] Yi-Ping "Either they choose not to leave or something is keeping them there."
  66. [13:08] |<-- Arkalest has left (Ping timeout: 122 seconds)
  67. [13:08] |<-- StrypePhone has left (Connection reset by peer)
  68. [13:32] -->| Arkalest ( has joined #adeva3shenanigans
  69. [13:32] =-= Mode #adeva3shenanigans +qo Arkalest Arkalest by ChanServ
  70. [13:33] Arkalest "They do not need to. Bejiing is pretty much army-proof."
  71. [13:38] Arkalest Yi-Ping:
  72. [13:38] Arkalest Guang slowly clenches her hands. "They made it into a stereotypical stronghold."
  73. [13:42] =-= StrypeSleep is now known as Strypgia
  74. [13:42] -->| LilithSleep (LilithSlee@57FBED60.DEA30D92.402DBA9B.IP) has joined #adeva3shenanigans
  75. [13:43] =-= LilithSleep is now known as LilithPrime
  76. [13:59] =-= Strypgia is now known as Jane
  77. [14:08] Yi-Ping "A stronghold huh ..."
  78. [14:18] Arkalest "Mmmh mhh. And the center of China's reconustrction effort...So whoever wants to get to them has to go through lots ofcivilians.."
  79. [14:18] Arkalest She looks away. "....Not that it stopped the Tsais."
  80. [14:19] Yi-Ping "I don't think civilian casualties ever stopped them anyway ..."
  81. [14:24] Arkalest Guang lowers her head and remains silent for half a minute. "The..Same could be said of our relatives."
  82. [14:25] Yi-Ping "What have they done?"
  83. [14:27] Arkalest "Do you...That city you..:"
  84. [14:27] Arkalest Your sister reopens her eyes. "They marked it for destruction fully knowing the civilians that were there."
  85. [14:28] Yi-Ping "But ... That wasn't ... That wasn't related to the Tsai ...."
  86. [14:28] Arkalest "But those were people trying to get away from china."
  87. [14:29] Yi-Ping "..."
  88. [14:30] Arkalest "Or rather..Political dissidents, people who were not included in the renovation projects.."
  89. [14:30] Yi-Ping "So ... It was never about the rebels? Just another sideshow to the feud?"
  90. [14:31] Arkalest "They /were/ rebels. Not Tsais."
  91. [14:31] Yi-Ping "Political rebels ..."
  92. [14:35] Yi-Ping "... I ... Really shouldn't be surprised by now ... To think that they send me away just so they can get an attack dog to let loose onto their enemies .. "
  93. [14:42] =-= Cornuthaum is now known as Gregor
  94. [14:43] Arkalest "They do not want daughters...They.." A sigh.
  95. [14:43] Arkalest "I would say that at best, they want successors..."
  96. [14:43] Arkalest "...At worst....Tools."
  97. [14:44] Yi-Ping "Did they ... Make you do anything like what they did to me?*
  98. [14:45] Arkalest "I spend 12 hours a day reading."
  99. [14:46] Yi-Ping "... That explains a lot"
  100. [14:51] Yi-Ping "... Which reminds me ..."
  101. [14:52] Arkalest "Mmmh"?
  102. [14:52] Yi-Ping taps out a message on her PDA for Sam or his artistic talents to drop by when he's available
  103. [14:53] Yi-Ping "... I just recalled that this is technically the first outing we had as sisters."
  104. [14:54] Yi-Ping "Sooooo to commemorate that little fact ... I ask for Sam to drop by and help us draw something."
  105. [14:55] Yi-Ping "I mean otherwise he'll spend the entire day brooding in his room"
  106. [14:58] Arkalest "T-trying to....This." She gestures at some books stacked. "Is...Reading..Is less..Efficient than..Memory."
  107. [14:58] Arkalest (Derp)
  108. [15:02] Arkalest "Is he depressed that much?"
  109. [15:03] Yi-Ping "Oh very."
  110. [15:03] Yi-Ping handscales
  111. [15:03] Yi-Ping "I been inside his head, its not a nice place."
  112. [15:03] Yi-Ping "Like he totally does the brooding artist thing even though he'll never admit it."
  113. [15:04] Arkalest She blinks. "Uhm."
  114. [15:04] Arkalest "Isn't head...Melding..A bit dangerous?"
  115. [15:05] Yi-Ping "Wellllll kinda"
  116. [15:05] Yi-Ping "It was during an emergency sortie, I hitch a ride in his Eva and accidentally synchronized with him in the plug."
  117. [15:06] Yi-Ping "Things were weird for the next few days."
  118. [15:06] Yi-Ping "Try imagine having a sixteen years old boy and his assorted memories in your head."
  119. [15:06] Yi-Ping shudders
  120. [15:07] Arkalest Guang doesn't say anything.
  121. [15:07] Arkalest She just blushes.
  122. [15:07] Arkalest hard.
  123. [15:07] Yi-Ping "Oh you have no ideas the horrors I have seen sister ... No idea ... "
  124. [15:08] Yi-Ping "The mind of a horny teenager is horrifying to behold."
  125. [15:08] Arkalest Blushing intensifies, and Guang coughs into her fist.
  126. [15:09] |<-- LilithPrime has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  127. [15:09] Sam Yi-Ping: There is a knock at the door.
  128. [15:09] Yi-Ping "Oh hey its not locked!"
  129. [15:09] Sam steps inside. "Yo Yi-Ping what do you," He sees Guang and blinks "Need?"
  130. [15:10] Yi-Ping "Need your artistic talents"
  131. [15:10] Arkalest "Iwasn'tbeingtoldaboutyourpervertedheadIMEAN Nice to meet you too."
  132. [15:11] Sam "Ah, good to meet you as well." He nods "Trust me, your older sister is. . . " He gives his Cheshire smile "She is far from innocent either."
  133. [15:12] Yi-Ping "Don't listen to him!"
  134. [15:13] Arkalest "Yeah I did ravager her tongue and she /does/ have a great ass I am surte you trhoughly enjoyed."
  135. [15:13] Sam "Anyways. . . Sorry about what happened back there Guang. I don't hold any ill feelings against you." Sam sweat drops
  136. [15:13] Arkalest Guang blinks. "I mean /yes she is far from innocent./ "
  137. [15:13] Yi-Ping "W-wait!? When did this become about my ass!?"
  138. [15:14] Sam "Would you rather we start commenting on your lack of breasts?" Sam dead pans
  139. [15:14] Yi-Ping "No!"
  140. [15:14] Arkalest "Why? Flat chests aren't bad."
  141. [15:15] Yi-Ping "S-see!? She agrees!"
  142. [15:15] Arkalest Your little sister blushes. "They uhm, are...Aerodynamic?"
  143. [15:15] Sam "I never said they were. . ." Sam clears his throat, you can hear him mutter "Happily married" to himself under his breathe.
  144. [15:15] Yi-Ping "I'm not a missiles"
  145. [15:15] Yi-Ping grumbles
  146. [15:15] Sam "Tell that to the tree."
  147. [15:16] Yi-Ping "Okay that was an accident"
  148. [15:16] Sam "And the table? The doorframe? That cat pen?"
  149. [15:16] Sam takes a seat across from Yi-Ping and Guang.
  150. [15:16] Yi-Ping "Anyway! I asked you here to help us get a portrait!"
  151. [15:17] Sam nods and holds up a large sketchpad and pencil
  152. [15:17] Yi-Ping "The table was an accident as well and the cat pen is just unlucky!"
  153. [15:18] Sam "Anyways, get into a position that's comfortable for you both."
  154. [15:20] Arkalest Guang casually reaches for her shirt, and then blinks, stopping.
  155. [15:20] Arkalest "O-okay." Then she scoots closer to her sister.
  156. [15:22] Yi-Ping sweatdrops
  157. [15:22] Yi-Ping "U-uh right ... Comfortable non-sexual position ..."
  158. [15:22] Sam "Right. . . . anyways." Sam gets started on the drawing "Feel free to talk, but please try to avoid moving too much."
  159. [15:23] Yi-Ping drapes her arm around Guang and pulls her in for an one arm hug
  160. [15:24] Arkalest Guang rests chastly her head on Yi Ping's shoulder, putting a hand over Yi Ping's.
  161. [15:24] Sam gives them both a small smile.
  162. [15:25] Yi-Ping "You ... Really need to get laid sis ..."
  163. [15:25] -->| Strypgia (Strypgia@57FBED60.DEA30D92.402DBA9B.IP) has joined #adeva3shenanigans
  164. [15:25] =-= Strypgia is now known as StrypePhone
  165. [15:26] Arkalest "...............Yeah."
  166. [15:26] Sam does not say anything in response this, engrossed in his work entirely.
  167. [15:26] Yi-Ping clears her throat, blushing
  168. [15:27] Yi-Ping "I-I mean ... There's also uh ... You know ... Uhhhhh ... Self help methods to releasing tensions?"
  169. [15:30] Arkalest "I am under constant surveillance."
  170. [15:30] Yi-Ping "Even now?"
  171. [15:31] Sam "That's what constant means Yi-Ping."
  172. [15:31] Yi-Ping "I know that!"
  173. [15:31] Yi-Ping "But how? Implants?"
  174. [15:31] Yi-Ping "Bugs?"
  175. [15:32] Arkalest "Bugs."
  176. [15:32] Sam makes wasp sounds
  177. [15:32] Yi-Ping "Implanted within you or on you?"
  178. [15:33] Arkalest "Usually on me."
  179. [15:33] Yi-Ping "Hmm ... Probably can remove it/"
  180. [15:35] Arkalest "....No, it'll end with the two of us either on fire or making out."
  181. [15:36] Yi-Ping "Only if Rin is around."
  182. [15:36] Yi-Ping "And besides I'm not that clumsy.'
  183. [15:36] Sam "Yes you are."
  184. [15:36] Yi-Ping "Says the guy who got told by a DDR machine to rethink his life."
  185. [15:37] Sam "Says the girl who lost a fight with a tree."
  186. [15:37] Yi-Ping "Grrrrrrr"
  187. [15:38] Arkalest Your sister sighs. "I wish I could lose a fight to a tree."
  188. [15:38] Arkalest "......Heck, I have not seen a real tree up close in...Months.."
  189. [15:39] Yi-Ping "You know what Sis?"
  190. [15:39] Yi-Ping "Once this drawing is done, I'm gonna drag you around the city."
  191. [15:40] Yi-Ping "And rub your face into every single tree I can find."
  192. [15:40] Yi-Ping "And then more."
  193. [15:40] Yi-Ping "Because if this is your first time out in months, I'm gonna make it the best one ever."
  194. [15:40] Sam ". . . . . . . . . . You have a fiance. . . . and she *is* your sister."
  195. [15:41] Yi-Ping "I thought its every guy's dream to be part of a sister sandwich?"
  196. [15:41] Yi-Ping "I mean ... Shula and Dima ..."
  197. [15:41] Sam "That was honestly more. . . unsettling than erotic."
  198. [15:42] Yi-Ping "Ten bucks say Shula would have said yes."
  199. [15:43] Sam "Oh she would have, and that's the problem. She thinks so little of herself that she'd do so for Dima and I without consideration of her /own/ feelings."
  200. [15:44] Yi-Ping "Well ... Here's hoping that she gets better in that regard."
  201. [15:44] Arkalest Guang coughs. "Guys?"
  202. [15:44] Arkalest "Too much info?"
  203. [15:44] Sam shrugs
  204. [15:44] Yi-Ping "Eh true ..."
  205. [15:44] Sam "Sorry, just kinda get used to how close all of us are that we tend to forget that others aint as much when we're around."
  206. [15:47] Yi-Ping "But setting that aside, you do need to get laid sis."
  207. [15:47] Yi-Ping "That isn't healthy."
  208. [15:47] Yi-Ping "Like you might develop some weird health problems."
  209. [15:48] Sam "Yi-Ping, you don't get to say that after how much time we had to spend trying to get Rin and you to do a drum solo."
  210. [15:51] Yi-Ping "Hey what do you think I been doing during our leave her?"
  211. [15:51] Yi-Ping eyes the bed in the middle of the room with a satisfied grin
  212. [15:52] Sam "Alright alright never mind then."
  213. [15:52] Sam "Anyways, Guang, how are you settling in here anyways?"
  214. [15:53] Arkalest "I have never seen so much people in the same street I did not have blood relations to."
  215. [15:53] Yi-Ping "..."
  216. [15:55] Sam "I can, sorta understand. I'm not used to big crowds myself, though it's not quite the same."
  217. [15:56] =-= Shinaobi is now known as Shinaway
  218. [15:58] Arkalest Sam: "No, I am /used/ to big crowds. From afar."
  219. [15:58] Sam "Oh?"
  220. [15:59] -->| LilithPrime (LilithPrim@57FBED60.DEA30D92.402DBA9B.IP) has joined #adeva3shenanigans
  221. [16:00] Yi-Ping "You have no idea how badly I want to smack our parents right now."
  222. [16:00] Arkalest "Mom and dad basically always...I mean, father and mother always bring me with them to big events..Rallies..That kind of thing. But they..Tend to keep me offstage."
  223. [16:00] Sam nods
  224. [16:02] Yi-Ping "To observe?"
  225. [16:02] Arkalest "Yes. See how people...Act in those situations."
  226. [16:04] Yi-Ping "The purpose?"
  227. [16:04] Arkalest "To be better at giving speeches and "reading the mood", so to speak.."
  228. [16:05] -->| Yezara (AndChat688@C01C75A3.62481F5A.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #adeva3shenanigans
  229. [16:06] |<-- Yi-Ping has left (Ping timeout: 127 seconds)
  230. [16:08] =-= Yezara is now known as Yi-Ping
  231. [16:08] Yi-Ping "To study and report on things they might have missed."
  232. [16:13] Sam "Always useful to have another set of eyes on things."
  233. [16:13] Arkalest "No, they have cameras and men for that. They..Just want me to get a hang of politcal speeches."
  234. [16:15] Yi-Ping "Ah..."
  235. [16:16] Yi-Ping "... You and Akram can trade notes on that ..."
  236. [16:17] Yi-Ping "... Never was good at public speaking ..."
  237. [16:21] Sam studies Guang very intensely for several moments before returning to his drawing.
  238. [16:21] =-= scya is now known as Shula
  239. [16:27] Yi-Ping "... Still, I'm gonna spoil you silly."
  240. [16:28] Sam works intently on the drawing for several more minutes, almost 45 all said and tone. ". . . . . ." He looks it over with, not quite a frown but a concerned face.
  241. [16:29] Sam *done
  242. [16:29] =-= Shinaway is now known as Shinaobi
  243. [16:29] Yi-Ping "Sam?"
  244. [16:29] Sam "As I have said, I draw things as I see them. . . . . "
  245. [16:31] Yi-Ping "Ah?"
  246. [16:32] Sam passes it to the two sisters
  247. [16:32] =-= Shinaobi is now known as Akram
  248. [16:32] Sam Yi-Ping, Arkalest: It’s a drawing of Yi-Ping and Gaung, the two of them sitting next to each other. THe two have a arm round each other, their hands clasped together and Guang rests her head on Yi-Ping’s shoulder. They both have small honest smiles, if a touch tentative. There is a hint of intense longing on Yi-Ping’s part, and a sense of fragility about the entire work. Like a moment...
  249. [16:32] Sam ...captured in razor thin glass, ready to break at the smallest tap. Guang holds herself tightly, her very bearing utterly controlled and purposeful, but her eyes show the truth. She is tense, nervous to an intense degree. Teetering over the precipice even at a moment where she should be at ease. It comes off as sad, lamentable that she is this way. Yi-Ping, despite her smile, holds a...
  250. [16:32] Sam ...intense sadness and grief, guilt, behind her eyes. A deep and long lingering wound that has failed to truly heal. Two sisters, who hold great pain behind small smiles.
  251. [16:32] Arkalest "Eh."
  252. [16:32] Arkalest Guang shrugs. "Not the worst I have seen."
  253. [16:32] Arkalest Her tone betrays a hint of amusement.
  254. [16:33] Sam "Oh, well that's good."
  255. [16:33] Yi-Ping "It's ... A good drawing as always Sam."
  256. [16:33] Yi-Ping nudge Guang
  257. [16:33] Yi-Ping "You can keep it ..."
  258. [16:34] Arkalest She shakes her head. "Don't know how to smuggle it aboard my quarters.."
  259. [16:34] Sam "Anways, I should probably let you two get back to completely chaste ans sisterly tonsil hockey."
  260. [16:34] Sam *and
  261. [16:35] Arkalest "And you should go back to your fish pond."
  262. [16:35] Arkalest Guang riases an eyebrow, smiling dangerously.
  263. [16:36] Yi-Ping "No need to, just say its a gift from your sister."
  264. [16:37] Yi-Ping "Mou~ play nice you two."
  265. [16:37] Yi-Ping "And Sam if you wanted to play tonsil hockey with us, you just have to ask."
  266. [16:38] Sam "I'm sure you know how to get ahold of me if you want to talk again Guang. It was nice to meet you." Sam glares at Yi-Ping without heat.
  267. [16:39] Yi-Ping "A-ah ..."
  268. [16:39] Arkalest Sam: Guang glares back at you.
  269. [16:40] Sam smiles back as he slips out the door.
  270. [16:40] Arkalest Sam: And you see something behind those eyes- It's like looking into an Unit's unmasked visage. Like looking at Gregor when he furious. There is a thin sheet of ice, and past that...
  271. [16:40] Sam (Redacting last line then)
  272. [16:40] Arkalest Past that there is what can be best described as a slow-motion supernova.
  273. [16:41] Arkalest Something so vast, so utterly powerful- That it will not destroy you because it hates you.
  274. [16:41] Arkalest It will destroy you because you are not fast enough to get away.
  275. [16:43] -->| ckk185 (AndChat294@A12C9184.FD897F5F.4042D19F.IP) has joined #adeva3shenanigans
  276. [16:43] =-= LilithPrime is now known as LilithP-Elsewhere
  277. [16:43] Sam smiles gives a juanty wave as he leaves, unintimidate.
  278. [16:43] Yi-Ping "Well then ... Hit the road?"
  279. [16:44] Sam *unintimidated
  280. [16:44] |<-- ckk1857 has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  281. [16:44] Arkalest "Dipshit."
  282. [16:45] Yi-Ping lightly flicks her sister's forehead
  283. [16:45] Arkalest Guang sighs. "He is so cocksure that he will probably actually make one of those little surprised "Uh?!" noises when someone will rip his dick off and beat him to death with it, prying his self-assured facade apart and letting his insecurities flood out like cold disharrea."
  284. [16:46] Yi-Ping "That's ... Uh .... A little ... /graphic/"
  285. [16:46] Yi-Ping "But uh ... Don't hold it against him ... Please."
  286. [16:46] Sam Outside the room Sam makes it several steps before he leans against the wall. "Ohh, what the /fuck/ was that?!" He hisses to himself.
  287. [16:47] Arkalest Sam: |A very repressed young lady with enough power at her fingertips to make you /very/ aware of when you hit a sore spot.|
  288. [16:48] Sam |One of these days I'm going to learn not to run my mouth.| He sighs and makes his way back to his room
  289. [16:48] Arkalest |Having dealt with a fair few of them during my life I..would normally say to rip her belly open and let her bleed out until the blood gets replaced by common sense buuut|
  290. [16:48] Arkalest |I do not think Yi Ping would like that.|
  291. [16:48] Sam |No she would not. . . . Her parents on the other hand. . . .|
  292. [16:49] Arkalest Guang sighs and rubs her eyes. "Sorry I..."
  293. [16:49] Arkalest "It's just..Where do I start?"
  294. [16:50] =-= Jane is now known as Strypgia
  295. [16:55] Yi-Ping "Oh?"
  296. [17:00] Arkalest "I...I know I am fucked up, sis."
  297. [17:01] -->| Stryypgia (Strypgia@BEC961D8.3C50607C.CFFAA26B.IP) has joined #adeva3shenanigans
  298. [17:02] |<-- StrypePhone has left (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
  299. [17:03] Yi-Ping hugs her little sister
  300. [17:04] Arkalest She sighs deeply, leaning agour shoulderainst y
  301. [17:04] -->| Strype (Strypgia@4918E431.7510A1A9.541B8E5D.IP) has joined #adeva3shenanigans
  302. [17:04] Yi-Ping "Not your fault ... Not your fault ..."
  303. [17:05] |<-- Stryypgia has left (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
  304. [17:10] Yi-Ping "Keeping you locked away like that ... That's just ... I don't even know where to begin."
  305. [17:10] Arkalest "...Yeah."
  306. [17:11] |<-- Strype has left (Connection reset by peer)
  307. [17:12] Yi-Ping "... Can you stay with me?"
  308. [17:12] Arkalest She doesn't say anything- She just buries her head deeper into your neck.
  309. [17:13] Yi-Ping "Just tell them that you're staying over ..."
  310. [17:13] Yi-Ping "Even if its just for one night ..."
  311. [17:15] |<-- LilithP-Elsewhere has left (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)
  312. [17:18] Yi-Ping "Just ... Stay with me ... Forget about everything else."
  313. [17:18] Arkalest "....Can't. Too much. Too much to do."
  314. [17:19] Yi-Ping "Please ... Just ... One night"
  315. [17:19] Arkalest "................"
  316. [17:19] Arkalest She shakes her head, her voice barely above a whisper. "Sorry, can't. Just..."
  317. [17:20] Yi-Ping applies bone crushing hug
  318. [17:23] Yi-Ping "Then let me help!"
  319. [17:23] Yi-Ping "Just ... I want to help you ... Not have you shoulder everything yourself."
  320. [17:24] Arkalest She leans against you. "I..."
  321. [17:24] Arkalest "I wish.."
  322. [17:25] Arkalest ".......No, I...Okay." She lets go of you patting your back. "It's..Okay, I can do this. I ea- No, I deserve. ""
  323. [17:25] Arkalest "I deserve some rest."
  324. [17:25] Yi-Ping nods
  325. [17:28] Yi-Ping "For once ... Let's just be normal sisters ... Not people fighting for the future ..."
  326. [17:28] Arkalest "And no shitty parents."
  327. [17:28] Yi-Ping "Yep."
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