
Little Iron and Fiora

Oct 11th, 2013
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  1. Name: Little Iron and Fiora
  2. Gender: Both Female
  3. Race:Earth Pony Filly (Griffon mount)
  4. Hits: 8(9)/6
  5. Class: Knight(Cavalier)
  6. CM: Wings and a lance (-1 crit range for Slam)
  8. Skills:
  9. -Tough(racial): passive; Earth ponies take 1 additional hit before becoming helpless as well as 1 extra wound once they become helpless, for a total of 6 hits and 6 wounds without other modifiers. They can also lift, carry and move heavier objects than unicorns or pegasi.
  10. -Cavalier: passive; A rider and steed are a dominating sight on the battlefield.
  11. [-Animal Husbandry: May be picked multiple times. You gain an extra racial.
  12. [-Leverage: passive; When you cause an enemy to become Helpless, it is stunned and takes an extra success to recover.
  13. [-Griffon Flight(AH): Griffons can fly, and have a +1 bonus to divebomb attacks from high altitude. This is about as taxing as running at full speed.
  14. -Martial Defender: passive; you take +2 hits before going helpless (if you had 5, you now have 7, etc), and Slam crits on 8+
  15. -Slam: recharge 1; damages the enemy via a crushing body slam. Crits on 9+
  18. Weapons:
  19. Lance and buckler shield
  21. Inventory:
  22. Iron Helmet
  23. Chainmail suit
  25. Traits:
  26. A small white earth filly dressed like a knight with a iron lance and shield. She rides on the back of a Griffon with a missing eye and distinctive blue feathers.
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