
Strangling R.D.

Sep 22nd, 2013
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  1. >Rainbow Dash does her best to face your direction, her useless wings improperly folded against her side.
  2. >"Anon... I don't want to live like this."
  3. >She presses a hoof against you to make sure you're where she thinks you are.
  4. >Her hoof is soft and warm.
  5. >She tries to direct her eyes where your own might be.
  6. >They used to be full of energy and passion. Now they're cold and lifeless.
  7. >Tears are beginning to roll down her cheeks, staining her dingy cyan fur.
  8. >"I can't do it to myself... I just can't. But Anon, you could."
  9. >She nuzzles your chest weakly.
  10. >"Please... Anon..."
  11. >You run a hand through her mane and she recoils slightly at your touch.
  12. >Dash's once vibrant mane has begun to fade and the strands feel coarse.
  13. >Her hair was like silk last time you felt it.
  14. >Your hand drops to her face and you wipe away the tears.
  15. >This is the first time you've seen her cry.
  16. >Rainbow leans forward when your hand finds it's place at her neck.
  17. >Slowly, numbly, you bring down your other hand, hesitation seizing you for a moment.
  19. "I've got you covered, Rainbow." You say.
  21. >You do your best to keep from looking the pathetic mare in the face as you begin to squeeze.
  22. >She begins to cough.
  23. >Harder.
  24. >Your arms tremble.
  25. >Harder.
  26. >She lets out a gurgling sound.
  27. >Harder.
  28. >With every ounce of strength you can muster you strangle her.
  29. >You didn't even realize you knocked Dash to the ground and are now on top of her with a vice grip on her neck.
  30. >She doesn't struggle against you for even a moment.
  31. >Suddenly, you feel it.
  32. >With one last heave... She's gone.
  33. >But you couldn't stop.
  34. >Your hands remained glued to her neck.
  35. >You let out a sob as you clench your hands tighter.
  37. "I'm so sorry Rainbow... I'm so sorry..."
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