

Nov 4th, 2019
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  1. Dreamy Daze let out a gasping pant as he stood with his head hung low and mane draping over his face. He listened to the sound of his heart pounding in his ears as he forced himself to glance up. Instantly his body tensed at the sight of his superior officer and captain, Shining Armor. The unicorn was standing there with the sun on his back smiling down at Daze, which left the pegasus feeling a burning sensation on his cheeks.
  3. “That was a good block,” Shining Armor said with an encouraging smile. “But you shouldn’t go for such a wide swing right after. Your body needs a second to recover.”
  5. “Right,” Daze said, casting his eyes away from the quite frankly beautiful stallion in front of him. “I’ll do better, Captain.”
  7. “You can stop calling me that,” Shining Armor said. “It’s just the two of us. You can just call me Shining Armor.”
  9. “Mmm… I know you said that,” Daze mumbled under his breath before shaking his head. “It feels weird, though.”
  11. Shining Armor chuckled. It made Dreamy Daze’s cheeks burn as he looked down.
  13. Earlier that afternoon it felt almost too good to be true when Shining Armor approached him and requested some time to train one-on-one. It wasn’t rare in the slightest for Shining Armor to spend time with all of his soldiers. It gave Daze a good sense for who his captain, and king, truly was. He was a kind, caring stallion who always tried to do the right thing. He had a will stronger than iron that never gave. He had a smile so bright it blinded Daze.
  15. Dreamy Daze let out a sigh as he shook his head and tried to push these thoughts away. He had come to the royal guards to try and break out of his lazy habits. This sort of brutal, forceful work was the kind of thing he would have given up on years ago. However, whenever he wanted to quit Shining Armor always seemed to show up and give him a reason to keep going. He was an amazingly good king.
  17. It only made Dreamy Daze feel guiltier for his feelings. A crush on a king, a married one no less, was far too inappropriate.
  19. “Wanna take five?” Shining Armor asked.
  21. “I can keep going,” Dreamy Daze said. “I mean… if you wanna.”
  23. “Let’s take five,” Shining Armor decided with a small smile as he took a step toward Daze and put a hoof on his head. “C’mon, let’s find some shade.”
  25. Dreamy Daze nodded his head, and turned to follow his captain toward a large tree with a shadow wide enough to reach the end of the courtyard. Shining Armor laid down on the ground with a heavy thump and rolled onto his back, groaning with a delighted sound.
  27. “Ugh, the grass is so cool under shade this time of day,” Shining Armor said.
  29. Dreamy Daze found himself suddenly staring at his captain’s body while he wasn’t looking. Sprawled out like that his belly and sides were entirely exposed. There was a clear muscular definition, but his stomach seemed far softer than the rest of him.
  31. “You gonna sit?” Shining Armor questioned.
  33. Heat instantly shot to Daze’s cheeks. He nodded and sat down quickly. He silently chastised himself for allowing his gaze to linger for a bit too long. His thoughts were beyond inappropriate. He could only imagine the anger his normally smiling captain would feel if he knew how Dreamy Daze truly felt.
  35. “You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself,” Shining Armor said, snapping Daze out of his train of thought. He looked over to his captain who was still lying on his back. “You might not see it, but you’ve seriously improved a lot since I met you.”
  37. “Heh, I doubt it,” Dreamy Daze said with a slight shrug. “I’m still nowhere near as strong as you.”
  39. “Well, I’ve been training to be a royal guard all my life,” Shining Armor said as he rolled over so his belly pressed to the cool grass. “You’re improving way faster than I thought you might.”
  41. “Y-You don’t have to flatter me,” Daze mumbled softly and scratched at his cheek in an attempt to hide his growing blush. “I just try my best. I still feel like I did when I first came here, though.”
  43. “I don’t give out compliments for free, y’know,” Shining Armor said. He reached out a hoof and nudged Daze’s side gently. “You gotta earn them.”
  45. “You think I’ve earned it?” Dreamy Daze asked, giving Shining Armor a quick look before averting his eyes once again.
  47. “Course,” Shining Armor said with a smile. He sat up and moved in closer. By now Daze’s cheeks were practically on fire. “That little drowsy stallion who first showed up is way different now. You’re still a little lazy at times but I can tell you’re really trying to fix that.”
  49. “I… I don’t know what to say,” Daze said.
  51. “Besides, where do you think all these muscles came from?” Shining Armor continued. He leaned in, suddenly wrapping one of his forelegs around Dreamy Daze’s back before jamming a hoof into his side. The touch was firm but light as a hoof drug over his ribs. Instantly panic rose up in Dreamy Daze’s chest, causing his heart to begin rapidly beating.
  53. “C-Cahahaptain, knock it off!” Dreamy Daze said, allowing a tiny giggle to enter his words.
  55. “I thought I told you to knock it off with that ‘Captain’ stuff!” Shining Armor said with a taunting voice. “Looks like I gotta teach you a lesson now.”
  57. “Eeeh! W-Wait, hold on!” Daze cried out.
  59. “What’s wrong?” Shining Armor asked as he quickly pinned Dreamy Daze’s hooves to his sides to prevent him from struggling free. “Sensitive? I’m barely touching you! Why’re you so tense?”
  61. Shining Armor had a way of teasing that always felt very brotherly. Dreamy Daze cried out as a hoof drug down his side and against his belly.
  63. “Ticklish?” Shining Armor asked, digging his hoof deeper.
  65. “N-Nohoho!” Dreamy Daze cried out. “Get off!”
  67. “That’s a big laugh from somebody who says they’re not ticklish,” Shining Armor said. “Better keep testing to find out for sure.”
  69. With that Shining managed to dig both of his hooves into Dreamy Daze’s belly. No longer could the stallion hold back his laughter to a small giggle before he burst out into laughter, squealing and kicking and trying to free himself from the iron grip of his captain.
  71. “F-Fine, I’m ticklish! Ahahahahaahaaaa! S-Stohohop it, pleheheheeese!”
  73. Dreamy Daze tried his best to fight back against his captain’s tickle torture, but he was easily overpowered. Not only was Shining Armor much stronger than him physically, but the tickling made him significantly weaker. There was no way for him to stop Shining from tickling him, and he was forced to simply endure it. He kept laughing and squirming, pleading for it to stop but Shining just kept on teasing him.
  75. That was, until Shining Armor gasped. The tickling stopped suddenly and Dreamy Daze as left there on his side with a hoof digging into Shining Armor’s gut, frozen from his attempt to push his captain away. He shifted slightly, and felt his heart picked up pace the moment he realized his wings were fully stiff behind him. There was a stir between his legs that forced him to squeeze his hindlegs shut, but he couldn’t hide his wings.
  77. “I-I’m so sorry,” Dreamy Daze said, squirming to try and get away but Shining Armor was still on top of him, pinning him down. “I-I don’t know why that happened I just…!”
  79. “Do you like tickling?”
  81. The question was sudden, and caught Daze off guard. Instantly it felt like all the blood in his system rushed to his head as he was forced to stare his captain dead in the eye. He couldn’t believe he had actually heard such a question from the stallion in front of him. How in Equestria was he supposed to answer that?
  83. “What are you talking about?” Dreamy Daze said, casting his eyes away. He knew he always looked guilty when he lied or tried to avoid answering hard questions, but it was the only thing he could think to do.
  85. “C’mon, you can tell me,” Shining Armor said, pressing his hoof back down to Dreamy Daze’s soft belly.
  87. “E-Ehehehe!” Dreamy Daze started giggling again. “Wh-What the heck? A-Ahahaha!”
  89. “I’m not mad or anything,” Shining Armor said. He was starting to smile now, much to Daze’s surprise. He actually looked a bit mischievous and taunting, like he was ready to tease Daze. As the hoof of his captain trailed over his belly Daze couldn’t keep from giggling. “Just tell me!”
  91. “A-Ahahaha! Alright! Alright I like it! Eheeheheeee! I like tickling!”
  93. To say it out loud felt wrong. Even as Shining Armor pulled his hooves away and finally stopped tickling Daze the only thing the embarrassed stallion could think to do was cover his face with both his forelegs and try to keep from whimpering. He had never been so humiliated in his entire life.
  95. “Hey, you don’t gotta look so scared,” Shining Armor said in his usual caring and sweet voice. “You’re not… I kinda got carried away, I guess.”
  97. Shining Armor suddenly did something Dreamy Daze had never seen him do. He looked sheepish. His captain turned his head away and shifted uncomfortably. That was when Dreamy’s gaze fell and noticed the half-hard member between Shining Armor’s legs. It was sitting there, right in the open as a clear sign of his captain’s arousal. A moment later the white stallion squeezed his legs shut and chuckled awkwardly.
  99. “Ohmygosh,” Dreamy Daze said quickly and quietly under his breath. “I-I didn’t see that, I swear!”
  101. Funnily enough, Dreamy Daze had wondered countless times what Shining Armor’s cock might look like. To think he would see it now felt like something out of a dream. Actually, most of this felt like one of his more embarrassing dreams. The kind where he imagined Shining Armor on his back, sprawled out, fully hard. Only those dreams were even more embarrassing than that, as he also thought about a dozen feathers and brushes running over Shining’s belly and sides.
  103. “You’re cute when you get all flustered,” Shining Armor said with a giggle as he moved in and put a hoof up to Daze’s cheek. Daze stared up into Shining Armor’s wide and soothing gaze. It made his heart calm down quickly, and for a moment he forgot just why he was so overwhelmed just mere seconds ago. “We can take this further, if you want.”
  105. “Huh?”
  107. Dreamy Daze blinked. He couldn’t quite process just what Shining Armor had asked of him. Actually, it was more like his mind refused to let him process it. He just kept going in circles, trying to understand just what Shining Armor wanted.
  109. “If you wanted to, I mean,” Shining Armor said before chuckling sheepishly. Daze caught a hint of pink blush on his captain’s cheeks. “It’s been awhile since I’ve had a stallion all to myself to tickle. You can tickle me too, if you wanted. I just figured since you got all excited from that little bit you’d wanna… y’know?”
  111. “Am I… d-dreaming?” Dreamy Daze questioned nervously. “This is all happening, right?”
  113. “Hehe, you’re not dreaming,” Shining Armor said. He leaned in and gave Dreamy Daze’s belly an unexpected squeeze that forced a yelp of giggles out of the pegasus. “I just… You don’t gotta say yes, I’m not pressuring you. I just thought it’d be fun if you liked it is all.”
  115. Dreamy Daze realized he was staring and lowered his head.
  117. “Um… What did you have in mind?” Daze questioned.
  119. “Hmmm,” Shining Armor answered. The look on his face told Daze he hadn’t actually thought that far ahead. However just mere moments later a lightbulb seemed to flash in Shining Armor’s eyes as a bright smile flashed across his face. He nodded silently to himself and then looked at Dreamy Daze. “Actually, I have an idea. Wanna come with me down to the dungeons?”
  121. “The dungeons?” Daze asked, feeling his heart skip a beat. This was seriously sounding more and more like his naughty dreams with each passing moment. “Um… okay!”
  123. Shining Armor smiled as he got up to his hooves. He reached out a hoof, offering it to Daze to help him up. Daze was a bit distracted by his own rampant thoughts, and so his body seemed to move on its own like some sort of machine. He followed Shining Armor silently, trying to calm himself down and act cool. He had to remind himself again and again that this was really happening. Even so, it wasn’t until they made their way out of the courtyard and towards the first cool stone steps of the stairs leading to the dungeon that Daze truly began to feel like there was no turning back.
  125. “Is… Is Princess Cadance alright with this?” Dreamy Daze questioned. He felt silly for not asking before. Honestly he feared the answer, as he wasn’t sure what to do if it turned out she wasn’t.
  127. “Oh, Cady?” Shining Asked as he looked over his shoulder. “It’s fine. We do this all the time. Just as long as we don’t keep things from each other we do anything we want. C’mon, do you really think I’d go behind my wife’s back to mess around with a stallion?”
  129. “Um… N-No,” Dreamy Daze said. “I just wanted to make sure.”
  131. “Heh, you’re a good guy, Daze,” Shining Armor said. “Makes me wanna tickle you even more.”
  133. Dreamy Daze knew his face was burning bright pink by now. He wasn’t sure how Shining Armor could say such things like that, much less with a straight face. Still, he found his hooves picking up pace with silent excitement as they descended further into the depths of the dungeon.
  135. Eventually the two stallions were deeper than Dreamy Daze even knew the dungeon went. They came upon a hallway at the end of the long flight of stairs. It wasn’t long before Shining Armor came up to a door that he opened with his magic, and nodded for Dreamy Daze to follow him inside. The door shut behind him, causing Daze to jump from just how loud it was. After he calmed himself he took a good look around the room, and then blinked.
  137. “Um… There’s nothing in here,” Dreamy Daze said, staring at the blank four walls and empty interior of the room.
  139. “Course not,” Shining Armor said with a smile. “We cleared out most of what was down here back when me and Cadance took over. It’s just deep enough that nopony’s gonna hear us once we get started.”
  141. “Oh,” Dreamy Daze said. “But uh… how are we gonna…?”
  143. Before Dreamy Daze could finish his sentence Shining Armor’s horn began to glow. A bright flash of light caused the pegasus to shield his eyes. When the light passed and he was able to see again he caught sight of a massive chair of sorts. It was shaped like an X, with leather straps on each of the appendages. Instantly Dreamy’s face lit up with blush as he realized what the chair was intended for.
  145. “What do you think?” Shining Armor asked. “It’s actually more comfy than it looks.”
  147. “Am I gonna be… tied down to that?” Dreamy Daze asked, shifting uncomfortably.
  149. “If you want,” Shining Armor said with a reassuring smile. “Or I could be strapped down. I don’t mind which role I get to play first. It’s not too much, is it?”
  151. Shining actually seemed a bit nervous as he spoke to Daze. He was chuckling nervously and swaying side to side with a light blush on his cheeks.
  153. “I… I think I wanna go first, if that’s okay,” Dreamy Daze said.
  155. “Awesome!” Shining Armor said, beaming the sort of smile that Dreamy Daze swooned over. “Get yourself strapped in and we’ll get started!”
  157. Dreamy Daze approached the chair gingerly. His heart pounded in his chest as he sat himself down. He could hardly believe he was willingly putting himself in such a compromising position for Shining Armor. The unicorn assisted him in strapping his hind legs down one by one, spreading them about as far as they could go without great discomfort. It exposed his belly and the inside of his thighs entirely.
  159. “So I was thinking,” Shining Armor said as he used his magic to strap in Dreamy Daze’s forelegs. “How about we play a little game?”
  161. “A game?” Daze questioned.
  163. “Yeah,” Shining said with a nod of his head. “I wanna see how much you can handle. I’m not gonna hold anything back until you’re begging me to stop, okay?”
  165. Instantly Daze regretted allowing his legs to be spread.
  167. “Um… alright,” Daze agreed. “Sounds fun.”
  169. “Oh, I’m gonna make you regret saying that,” Shining Armor said with a hint of giggling glee in his tone. He came forward close to Dreamy Daze and laid both his forehooves on the pegasus’ soft belly. Dreamy jumped, and let out a little yelp. He saw Shining Armor’s horn was glowing again. This time when the magic flashed it wasn’t as bright, and Daze saw tool after tool appear in the air behind Shining Armor’s head. A hairbrush, a paintbrush, feathers, oil, toothbrushes, and various other tools all appeared one by one. The sight alone sent tingles of anticipation throughout Daze’s body.
  171. “Oh gosh,” Daze whispered.
  173. “You’re so doomed, Daze,” Shining Armor said with a sadistic grin. “Safe word is red, by the way. I bet I’ll get you squealing it in no time.”
  175. Daze could already feel his cock stiffening. This was seriously becoming more and more like his most depraved wet dreams. He had to bite his tongue to keep from pleading for Shining Armor to stop teasing him and get along with it. Silently he watched as each tool was set on the ground one after another in a neat line, all except for one. The oil.
  177. Shining turned over the bottle right over Daze’s exposed belly and squeezed with his magic. The touch of it was cool, but as Shining’s hooves came down and began to rub it in a smile tugged at the corners of Daze’s mouth.
  179. “Somepony’s already all excited,” Shining Armor teased as his eyes trailed over Daze’s half-hard cock. “I bet you just can’t wait to be tickled, huh? Dying to squirm and scream, aren’t you?”
  181. “A-A little,” Daze said sheepishly.
  183. “Hehe, good colt,” Shining Armor said as he finished rubbing the oil in. “I’m barely touching you and you already look like you’re about to start giggling. Let’s not waste any time, I suppose.”
  185. With that Shining Armor put aside the bottle. As it hit the ground something new appeared in front of Dreamy Daze’s eyes. A clawed hand, much like a dragon’s. The four fingers wiggled tauntingly as they drew close to Daze’s belly. A single finger touched down and began to stroke, and that little touch was enough for Daze to know he was doomed.
  187. “Mmhmhmmm!” Daze resisted the urge to burst out laughing by biting the inside of his cheek and turning his head away. He could already hear Shining Armor’s taunting laughter worm its way into his ear, making him blush even harder.
  189. “Aww, so soft,” Shining Armor teased. With his magic he lifted up more tools from the floor in the line, causing Daze to look on with horror as two toothbrushes rose up. They came down and with ease began to glide up and down over his oily belly and sides
  191. “E-Eheheheee!” Daze burst out, no longer able to conceal his giggling excitement. “Ahahaha!”
  193. “Aww, Kitchy kitchy coo,” Shining teased as his magic did most of the work. “I knew you were ticklish but, wow, you’re seriously gonna suffer now.”
  195. The teasing only added to Dreamy Daze’s laughter. It didn’t help when Shining Armor put his hooves down against Dreamy Daze’s belly and began to rub and squeeze. The captain was smiling and giggling to himself as he rubbed the stallion’s sensitive body. It was becoming more and more clear just how much the captain was thriving in dealing out this sort of torment.
  197. “A-Ahahahahaaa! It tickles! Eeeeeeeheheee!”
  199. Poor Daze couldn’t stop himself from squealing. His body kept fighting and squirming in the straps which held him prisoner. It was beginning to set in just how appropriate a dungeon was to conduct this sort of kinky experiment. For all intents and purposes, Daze was Shining Armor’s tickle toy and prisoner. At least, until Shining Armor got bored or he couldn’t take it any longer and squealed out the safe word. However, Daze didn’t see why on earth he would want to do the latter.
  201. “Whose a ticklish little pony?” Shining Armor teased as his hooves trailed down. “Oh, you have such a cute laugh. I wanna hear it be louder!”
  203. “N-Nohohohoooo!” Dreamy Daze feigned his pleas. “C-Cahahaptain!”
  205. “Tsk tsk tsk, Dreamy,” Shining Armor said as he shook his head. “I keep telling you to drop that Captain stuff. Now you’re REALLY gonna get it!”
  207. Shining Armor’s magic once again struck. All of the tools at the unicorn’s disposal suddenly dropped to the floor, clattering one by one. Shining Armor’s eyes were locked with Dreamy Daze’s own, hypnotizing the poor bound pegasus. A silent seduction was orcesatrated long enough for Daze to not even notice the fact that several of the paintbrushes and feathers were rising from the lineup. The first indication Daze had something amiss was the sensation of something pointy press up against the center of his taint right where his butt started. It drug up slowly, tediously teasing the poor pegasus as a violent river of giggles hit up against the damn of his gritted teeth. The magical dragon claw had returned for more teasing.
  209. “Mmmmhmhmmm… A-Ahhh!” Dreamy Daze gasped. His hind legs tugged at the straps holding him hostage. It was no use; he had no choice but to endure the claw teasing his taint.
  211. “This might be the most awake I’ve ever seen you,” Shining Armor said as two more pointy fingers were added to Dreamy Daze’s taint, beginning to glide up and down like the soft touch of a feather.
  213. Soon enough, the claws weren’t the only thing violating the most sensitive and private areas of Dreamy Daze’s body. The soft tip of a paintbrush came down to both of his inner thighs on opposing sides and began to gently circle. Feathers found their way to his balls where they ran underneath and slid, licking up and around the base of Dreamy Daze’s half erect cock.
  215. “O-Ohohoho Celestia!” Dreamy Daze cried out. “Ahahaha! T-Too much! Eeeheheeee! Ahahaha not theheheheeerrrreee!”
  217. Something kept Dreamy Daze from actually saying the safe word that would make the tickling stop. Still, he pleaded and squirmed and whined. He didn’t want it to stop. Deep down he just wanted to be consumed by the overwhelming tickles. Right now he didn’t need anything but the sensations and the sound of Shining Armor’s voice teasing him along the way.
  219. “What’s that?” Shining Armor asked. “You want to be tickled even MORE? Wow, you’re a naughty little stallion aren’t you?”
  221. Without any sort of warning or time for poor Dreamy Daze to prepare a new brush was added to the mix. A thick makeup brush with a head the size of a golf ball appeared right underneath the drooping cock of the impossibly ticklish stallion. It wasted no time in touching down. The thick black hairs instantly attacked, and Dreamy Daze could feel each and every single one of them. Like some sort of bomb at the end of its fuse the normally soft spoken and sleepy colt started squealing louder than he had in his life.
  223. “AAAAHAHAHAAAA! Eheheheeee nohohoohooo! Nohohohot my cock eheheheeee it’s too much I’m gonna diheheheeeeeeeeeee!”
  225. Shining Armor seemed only to relish in Dreamy Daze’s pleas. As his magic did the work he walked around the squirming, squealing stallion’s body until he was at the pegaus’ side. He laid his head down on Dreamy Daze’s belly and dug his hoof in just above where his noise was pointing. He swirled it around, and smiled as he gazed up.
  227. “Too much for you?” Shining Armor asked with a giggle. “Tooooo bad!”
  229. It was then that Dreamy Daze realized his captain was evil. He had a way of looking innocent and playful even while enforcing such crude torment. He had a way of drawing Dreamy in, and caused him to hardly care about how truly awful this relentless tickling sensation was. By now he was fully hard and could feel the makeup brush travel up and down the length of his shaft. Some of the paintbrushes had abandoned his inner thighs and instead were swirling around the head of his cock, adding more unnecessary teasing to the already hysteria-enducing process.
  231. “Hey?” Shining Armor asked, lifting his head slightly and locking eyes with the giggling stallion. “You were awfully quick to let me convince you to drag you down here, Dreamy. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you wanted this bad!”
  233. Just like usual, Shining Armor was able to see through Dreamy Daze. It was hard to focus over the torment, but he tried his best to listen in.
  235. “You’ve been waiting to be tied down and tickled senseless, haven’t you?” Shining Armor asked, looking down.
  237. What was this? Some sort of interrogation? The makeup brush traveling along his cock was so intense that the hysteria was starting to overtake poor Dreamy’s mind. He wasn’t thinking clearly. Actually, he was partially convinced he was going to die.
  239. “Y-Yes!” Dreamy Daze cried out. “E-Ehehehee! I think about it all the time! Ahhahahaaaa!”
  241. “Aww, that’s so cute,” Shining Armor said. “You just love being my tickle toy, don’t you?”
  243. “I-I’ve wanted you to tickle me for so long, Shining!” Dreamy Daze cried out.
  245. Suddenly everything froze. All of the soft, feathery tools gliding around Dreamy’s private parts halted. His eyes were shut for as he gasped, trying to recover from the intensity. Another moment passed before it dawned on him exactly what he had said and his eyes snapped open. His cheeks were practically burning when he looked over to see Shining Armor’s wide eyed and shocked expression.
  247. “Oh, wow,” Shining Armor said. “Didn’t expect to hear that.”
  249. “I uh… O-Oh Celestia,” Dreamy Daze said quietly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that I ju—”
  251. “H-Hey, it’s alright!” Shining Armor said, reaching out his hooves. He sensed Dreamy’s rising panic and was quick to nip it in the bud. “I’m not mad, alright?”
  253. “You’re not?” Dreamy Daze asked. His heart was pounding like violent drums, and his body was near the point of trembling in his bondage.
  255. “No,” Shining Armor said, shaking his head. “Why would I be? I told you, Cadance doesn’t mind as long as I talk to her next time I see her. I promise I don’t think less of you or anything.”
  257. Dreamy Daze found it difficult to keep himself from blushing. He squirmed a bit. He couldn’t believe this confession had come out at such an awkward time for himself. Bound up, helpless, tickled to near insanity. All of this felt so out of place yet still it was like a massive weight had been lifted from his chest.
  259. “So, you’ve thought about being tickled like this?” Shining Armor questioned. “By me?”
  261. “Uh-huh,” Dreamy Daze said while nodding his head. “Not just that… the other way around, too.”
  263. “Ooh,” Shining Armor said, grinning. However the grin was different. It wasn’t as cocky or teasing, but softer and a bit more sheepish. “Tell you what. I went pretty rough on you back there. Up for a little bit of revenge?”
  265. “Revenge?” Dreamy Daze asked.
  267. “You can do whatever you want to me and I won’t stop you,” Shining Armor said, leaning in with that smile.
  269. Shining Armor’s magic started up and one by one each of Dreamy Daze’s limbs were given back to him as the bindings were undone. He slipped down, having to lean on Shining Armor for a moment as he tested his strength after the strenuous tickling.
  271. “You mean it?” Dreamy Daze asked as he gave Shining Armor a questioning look. “You’d let me tickle you? Even though you’re my Captain? N-Not to mention my KING!”
  273. “What’s wrong?” Shining Armor asked. “Do I have to make it a royal order? I’m not too fond of pulling out the royalty card but if it’s what I gotta do to make you tickle me I…”
  275. “I’ll do it!” Dreamy Daze snapped, nodding his head as he pushed himself up and off of Shining Armor and stood with his wings outstretched and flared with excitement. “Just because you’re a unicorn and have magic don’t think that what I can’t dish out won’t be just as intense!”
  277. “Hehehe, well, what are you waiting for?” Shining Armor asked. “Am I gonna get tickled or what?”
  279. “You’re on!” Dreamy snapped, finding newfound excitement. His heart was bursting with warmth and lungs fluttering with butterflies.
  281. Shining Armor was quick, if not a little bit eager, to slide himself right into the chair where Dreamy Daze had previously been. The exhaustion the pegasus felt from the intensity of the torment was in the back of his mind as he fought back a big, toothy grin at just the sheer elation he felt at the idea of tickling Shining Armor. He had the captain all to himself. He had daydreamed a near embarrassing amount of what he would do if he found his captain in a position half as vulnerable as the one this chair forced.
  283. “Hehe,” Shining Armor chuckled as he tugged at each of the restraints, seeming to find them just as unbreakable with brute force as Dreamy had. “Go easy on me, would you? It’s been awhile since I’ve gotten tickled.”
  285. “Now why would I want to go easy on you, Shining?” Dreamy asked as he took a step forward and placed a hoof to one of Shining Armor’s hindlegs. “After the hell you just put me through, I figured you’d realize I’d want to dish it right back.”
  287. Shining Armor’s cheeks lit up for a few moments with a light shade of pink. Dreamy Daze turned and used his tail to gently stroke up against Shining Armor’s balls and sheath, where his cock was already starting to harden and grow. The unicorn bit his lip and turned his head. The sight of him resisting the urge to laugh was even better than Dreamy Daze had imagined in his most erotic daydreams.
  289. “H-Haaaa, you little sadistic jerk!” Shining Armor gasped as he put his head back. The soft and fluffy tail of the pegasus ran slowly up and down as Dreamy Daze turned to focus on gathering up the tools he wanted. He started with the most obvious, a hairbrush.
  291. “I’ve always wondered how ticklish you are,” Dreamy Daze said. He turned, allowing his tail to slip away from teasing Shining Armor’s cock. He moved forward and stood up on his hind legs so he could more properly get leverage against Shining Armor’s soft and helpless belly. He was wider than Dreamy Daze, and built of what at a glance might be considered pure muscle. However there was one spot on Shining Armor that was much, much softer than the rest of him. His belly. It was round and soft to the touch. Even laying a hoof on it made Shining Armor’s teeth bite into his lip.
  293. “Hey, Daze,” Shining Armor said. “You look kinda scary holding that brush.”
  295. “Do I?” Daze asked. “I bet I look even more scary if I just…”
  297. Without another word Daze laid the hairbrush down against Shining Armor’s belly, right in the center. The unicorn yelped in surprise. A glimmer of excitement and terror flashed behind his eyes in a way that made Dreamy Daze hungry for more. With the lightest of pressure he started to drag the hairbrush down.
  299. “Mmmhmhmhmhmm!” Shining Armor started to shake his head. His eyes were wide, seeming to cage the ticklish beast inside with desperation alone.
  301. “You can’t hold it in forever,” Dreamy Daze taunted, lifting both of his wings one by one. The ends had several long and fluffy feathers that he was quick to press down to the edges of Shining Armor’s pudgy belly. They drug, slowly. Their touch was light, but it was just enough torment to push poor Shining over the edge and cause his laughter to slip free.
  303. “Eheheheee! That tickles! Ahahahaaaa!”
  305. Dreamy Daze grinned. Shining started to squirm and struggle, but the bondage kept him in place so the best he could do was lightly turn his belly from side to side. Ironically, this only caused the feathers and hairbrush to graze and tease even more. The only thing his body could do right now in protest was also the cause of furthering his torment.
  307. Dreamy Daze pressed harder on the hairbrush and began to drag it up.
  309. “EEEHEHEEEE!” Shining Armor squealed. “Not theheheheere! Eheheheeeee!”
  311. Squealing, giggling, and pleading. It was the perfect triple threat for Dreamy Daze’s lust over his new ticklish toy. The more he teased the more he realized just how much his frequent fantasy paled in comparison to the real thing. Shining was so, so much more heavy on the reactions than Dreamy could have dreamt of. He loved listening to his captain whine, and loved even more to be the cause of such ticklish distress.
  313. “Tickle tickle tickle,” Dreamy Daze teased as he ran his feathers down from the belly to the inside of Shining Armor’s hindlegs. A vulnerable spot, much like most of Shining Armor’s body. The poor Unicorn couldn’t take more than a few seconds before his legs tugged and pulled at the lower bindings just as Dreamy Daze had ten minutes prior.
  315. “Ahahahaaaa!”
  317. With eagerness Dreamy Daze glided the feathers down Shining Armor’s hindlegs until they were nipping at his hooves. Shining burst out with gasps of laughter between furiously fighting in his bindings. While his captain was distracted Dreamy Daze leaned down and snatched up a tool from the lineup on the floor.
  319. “Oohohohohoho Celestia my hooohohohoves!” Shining Armor whined as those annoying feathers teased and tickled his sensitive hindlegs. The poor muscle-bound stallion was so ticklish that his head was thrown back, and he was practically screaming with laughter.
  321. “If you think that’s bad,” Dreamy Daze taunted. “I bet you’re gonna totally lose it with this!”
  323. Shining Armor looked down with wide, horrified eyes. In both of his front hooves Dreamy Daze was holding a toothbrush. He rubbed them together as his eyes settled on Shining Armor’s groinal region. The half-erect unicorn's cock twitched slightly. Shining was excited by all of this. It made Dreamy Daze feel powerful, having this much control over his superior’s arousal.
  325. “Please,” Shining Armor pleaded.
  327. “You want it, don’t you?” Dreamy questioned with a coy grin. “You love being tickled almost as much as you love dishing it out.”
  329. “Y-Yes!” Shining Armor said with a hint of blush on his cheeks.
  331. His cock was stiffening before Dreamy’s eyes. It was far too tempting to ignore. He set the toothbrushes down against the insides of Shining Armor’s inner thighs. Without hesitation he began to scrub. With great glee he listened to Shining Armor explode.
  333. “A-Ahahahaaaa!”
  335. “So much fighting! You know you’re not getting away from me that easily,” Dreamy Daze said. He could feel a sadistic pleasure errupt from his chest and cause him to grin from ear to ear. Watching Shining Armor violently thrash from just two little toothbrushes was almost too hot for words.
  337. Of course, he couldn’t just leave it at that. After what Shining had done to him with those paint brushes and makeup brush he had to push the tickling a step beyond, and finally give attention to his captain’s rock-solid cock. Luckily for him, he needn’t abandon the toothbrush scrubbing.
  339. Dreamy brought his wings up and cast them forward until they were practically cradling Shining Armor’s cock between them. The unicorn gasped, loudly.
  341. “Ahhh! O-Oohohoho! A-Ahahahaha! Ahhh!”
  343. Gasps were quick to intermingle with vicious giggling from poor Shining Armor. The stallion was being pushed to his edge in record time.
  345. “You should have known how silly it was to have a tickle fight with a pegasus,” Dreamy Daze taunted as he leaned in and drug the feathers up and down the shaft. The head glistened with leaking precum which began to wet Dreamy’s feathers. “Especially when you’re a big soft feather-ticklish unicorn. I thought my muscle bound captain would be toughter than a little tickle torture!”
  347. “A-Ahahahahaaa! Dreheheheamy I’m ghohohonna get you!” Shining Armor cried out.
  349. Dreamy Daze couldn’t keep from smiling. He moved the feathers up and down, encasing Shining Armor’s cock in his wings as his hooves focused on scrubbing until the poor unicorn’s inner thighs were pink. This entire time the unicorn hadn’t stopped tugging and pulling at the straps keeping his hind legs still. More than likely he couldn’t. The poor unicorn was just so ticklish that his body had to thrash, and practically needed the bondage just so he could properly endure it.
  351. “E-Ehehehee! Ahhh! Ahh! Dreamy!”
  353. It wasn’t long before Shining Armor’s helpless giggling transformed into primarily moans. His cock was being stroked with at least a dozen feathers, all of which were at least a tiny bit damp with the amount of pre that the poor unicorn spurt. His body was practically trembling when Daze pulled back his feathers for just a moment to see the poor, needy cock in front of his eyes.
  355. “Ahhh… Nnngh… Please, I’m so close!” Shining Armor pleaded. “Dreamy… I need to cum!”
  357. “Oh, do you?” Dreamy asked. His sadistic self has stepped in entirely now. He had no need to see Shining Armor get relief just yet. He wanted to keep watching his victim squirm. He drug a feather underneath Shining Armor’s balls, causing him to gasp louder. Just when it seemed like Shining was about to hit the point of no return he had been abandoned on his shaft.
  359. “Ahhh! Ehehehee! P-Plehehese let me cum!” Shining begged.
  361. A couple of minutes passed where Dreamy drug a single feather up and down Shining Armor’s cock, not allowing him to soften up. It was just enough stimulation to exhaust him and make him remain hard, but not nearly enough to burst his load. The rest of his feathers were occupied running over and carressing Shining Armor’s balls.
  363. “Nnngh… Hehehe…” Shining Armor twitched and giggled. “Ahaha!”
  365. “Had enough?” Dreamy Daze asked as the feather on his wing made its way all the way to Shining Armor’s cockhead. It was soaked in his pre. Shining couldn’t stop biting his lip from the tiny strokes of bristles on the head of his cock.
  367. “Please,” Shining pleaded. “Let me cum.”
  369. “Only if,” Dreamy Daze said. “You admit something to me.”
  371. Dreamy Daze pulled the feather away. He snatched up the same makeup brush from before that had been used on his own member. Payback on the mind, Dreamy set it down against the hard shaft and began to drag it up.
  373. “Nnngh! Eheheheeee! Wh-What do you want me to sahahaay?” Shining Armor cried out.
  375. “Something embarrassing,” Dreamy pushed. “I told you I had a crush on you. It’s gotta be that bad!”
  377. “I-I can’t think of anything!” Shining Armor protested. “Nggh… Ahh! Ahh!”
  379. Judging on Shining Armor’s sudden gasping those few seconds of halfway proper stimulation from the makeup brush had brought him right up to the edge again. Dreamy Daze pulled away his hoof, and made the poor unicorn cry out in whining disapproval.
  381. “Okay! Okay! I-I thought of something!” Shining Armor said.
  383. “Oh?” Dreamy Daze questioned, and set the brush back down. He drug it up as slow as he could, watching as Shining Armor’s teeth sunk into his bottom lip and his hips thrust upward, demanding more stimulation than he was given.
  385. “I… I once let Cadance cast a tickle spell on me!” Shining Armor said, watching the brush with desperate eyes. “Nnngh… She… She made an invisible feather follow me all day. I-It wouldn’t leave my… ahh… ahh… cock alone!”
  387. “Oh,” Dreamy Daze said, grinning. “How naughty.”
  389. “Nnngh that’s enough, right?” Shining Armor asked. “Please… ahh… please just a litt—-”
  391. Before Dreamy Daze could even decide if it was time to let Shining cum, it seemed he had run out of time. Without thinking about it he had accidently gone over the edge right when the brush had made its sweep to the tip of the cockshaft. Shining Armor hit the point of low return as a slow, violent orgasm overtook him. He cried out, arching his back.
  393. “Ahhh! Dreamy! Ahhh!”
  395. Shining Armor cried out, and his cock extended forward. Cum shot an impressive arch, landing halfway across the dimly lit room and splattering on the floor. The stallion shot twice more, each slightly behind the last in terms of distance until the last shot dripped down onto the floor in front of the chair. Shining Armor was left a giggling, bound mess with his head back and body drenched in his own sweat.
  397. “L-Looks like I came,” Shining Armor said with a chuckle.
  399. “You good?” Dreamy Daze asked, quick to shoot out of hooves and start undoing his captain’s bindings.
  401. “Yeah!” Shining Armor said with a gasp as he lowered himself. He pressed his weight against Dreamy Daze and giggled softly. “Who knew you had such a sadistic side? Oh, man, I’m beat.”
  403. “Heh… I… I had a lot of fun,” Dreamy Daze said, smiling as he cocked his head up.
  405. “Me too,” Shining Armor said. “Maybe you and I should take a little trip down here again sometime. I’m sure I can outdo you next time.”
  407. “Next time?” Dreamy Daze said. “S-Sure! Yeah! It sounds fun!”
  409. Shining Armor chuckled and reached out his hoof. He set it on top of Dreamy Daze’s head and beamed a bright smile.
  411. “You’re real cute when you smile like that, Dreamy,” Shining Armor said as he leaned down. “Don’t make me too hungry for a round two just yet. You’re making me excited for next time already.”
  413. Dreamy Dazed tensed, then blushed, then giggled. He nodded his head happily when Shining Armor’s breath hit his ear. His heart was pounding, and for once it felt comforting instead of a nuisance.
  415. “I-I’ll be sure to get you good!” Dreamy Daze said.
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