
IL-2 Sturmovik

Dec 29th, 2014
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  1. >The bar was filled with patrons and loud music. It was dim, but it was easy to make out who was where.
  2. >In the corner of the bar sat they drones. They didn't say much and kept quiet, but were always scanning the bar. You drank with them once and it wasn't that bad, but it wasn't that much fun either. They just kept talking about threat analysis.
  3. >In the center of the bar were the jet fighters. They were loud and boisterous. If there was ever a yelling match or a gun comparison argument, it started there. They were, however, very fun to drink with.
  4. >In another corner were the small prop planes. They stuck together like the drones, but were a little more sociable. Too often did they think of themselves as inadequate versus the jets which caused some self esteem issues. Though sometimes if one drank too much, they would challenge some of the jets to an agility contest.
  5. >At the bar itself sat relics of another time. Planes that can't really keep up with their newer counterparts, but had years of experience. Most were teachers at the flight academy. And this is where you usually sat. Better conversation to be had.
  6. >This was one of those nights. You plopped yourself at the bar.
  7. >"What'll it be today, chief?" Said the barpony.
  8. "Eh, just a beer on tap. Dealer's choice."
  9. >"Beer? No beer." A familiar voice said from the crowd. A hoof quickly wrapped around your neck.
  10. >"Beer good for women and babies. You are neither, yes?"
  11. >Looking at the pony, you realize it was Alexei, a IL-2 Sturmovik plane pony who instructed at the flight school.
  13. "Alexei!" You said wrapping your arm around him, "Long time no see. Howya holding up?"
  14. >"I am good," he turned to the barkeep, "Forget baby's order. Bring us two vodkas."
  15. >"Tonic and ice?" The barkeep said.
  16. >"Ha! When will you learn Vodka is good by self."
  17. >"Coming right up, Alexei." The barkeep said flatly.
  18. >Alexei turned to you as the glasses of vodka hit the table.
  19. >"We drink for health, yes?"
  20. >You ring your glass with his and drink the potent brew.
  21. >"Another!"
  22. >Again, the glasses fill with vodka.
  23. >"We drink for safe flight!"
  24. >Another batch of vodka fills your stomach.
  25. >"Another!"
  26. >"Do you just want the bottle, Alexei?" The barkeep said, annoyed by having another night nursing Alexei's bottle.
  27. >"Ah, you are learning! Very good. Anon, you make next toast."
  28. "How about a drink to past friends. Wherever they are we wish them clear skies."
  29. >Alexei's eyes filled with remembrance. There seemed as if there was a tear forming in his eye.
  30. >"..da. Is good toast. To them, those lucky bastards."
  31. >And with that, the both of you finish your drink.
  32. >"Tell me. Have you lost comrades before?"
  33. "Yeah...," you say sadly, "And I ain't going to forget them anytime soon."
  34. >"Da da. I lost many. Good fliers. War is tragic you know? But happens. Must live for now. Drink, drink, my friend. May we drink and be merry. The sky calls us back anytime. Can have no regrets."
  35. >As he brings his drink up, a loud argument starts from the jet table causing Alexei to spill some on himself.
  37. >"Заткнись. Вы трахает! Jets are worst. So young. Too much power and not enough brain."
  38. "I hear ya, Alexei, but damn do they have a lot of firepower."
  39. >"Pfft, firepower. When I was in prime, these were all you needed."
  40. >He pointed to his guns.
  41. >"See? Twenty three millimeter cannons. Can rip through anything, " He looked at the jets, " They could not hit anything if their missiles did not have guidance."
  42. >One of the jets must have overheard him and came over.
  43. >"What's that old man? You think we just rely on that? I'd show you up just using my cannons."
  44. >Your eyes, having adjusted to the dim light, recognize the plane pony. It was none other than Ghost, a plane pony with an F-4 phantom body.
  45. >"Bah. You could not keep up." Alexei slurred.
  46. >"I would say right now, shooting contest, but you are drunk, like usual."
  47. >" блядь! I shoot better drunk!"
  48. "Hey Alexei, I don't think it is the best idea to go do this right now."
  49. >"Anon. I like you. Don't make me break you. Ghost we meet outside. Set rules and I show you power of experience."
  50. >"See you outside, grandpa." Ghost said with a laugh.
  52. Source:
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