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"Describe your feels"

a guest
Nov 16th, 2012
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  1. \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
  2. Feels from Spooky's Survey
  3. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
  5. Question: Describe your feels.
  8. --------------------------
  9. "There is some but i hardly feel anything"
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  11. "I'd say it's just a general sense of deep sadness at the fact she isn't real, they aren't real, none of it's real and that's the end of the story forever. That's what gets me; it was a simulation at love, one that worked too well"
  12. --------------------------
  13. ">describing feels"
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  15. "WHY RIN WHY
  20. Also Hanako character development is d'aw"
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  22. "I realized that I hated myself and that if I wasn't happy with myself, no one else would be, so I resolved to change"
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  24. ""
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  26. "..."
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  28. "I'm not good with words. Never have been. So i'll try and keep this brief.
  30. Katawa Shoujo is one of the most important things to ever happen to me. I felt something I never really felt before and it now I want something. Someone maybe.
  32. Sometimes in KSG I feel like I belong. That's why I stay"
  33. --------------------------
  34. "The feelsiest of feels"
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  36. "i feel very lonely, i keep thinking nobody's ever going to love, for who can love me? i'm below average in looks, not wealthy, and i'm too shy to flirt towards girls. i have some curse that just puts women away from me.
  38. i just want a girl that loves me, doesn't matter if she's not particularly pretty, poor or crippled.
  40. i just want someone to hug at night, that's all i ask for
  41. i guess that's too much"
  42. --------------------------
  43. "crapawa shitjo is not a game"
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  45. "Oh man it would take hours.
  46. Who cares about it anyway?
  48. A pathetic fat, asocial, ugly, no life, gamer with no perspective on his future that got told once again and reminded that he has not written his future a bit and is on the verge of falling in the chasm.
  50. In the end I might even give up and go down with this.
  52. Keep
  53. Candies (for)
  54. Nerves"
  55. --------------------------
  56. "I never really experienced any mayor 'feels' when i played the game. I mean, i could definitely relate at some points, and the writing was indulging, but i wasn't really reduced to a manbaby or anything like that.
  58. I really liked playing KS, and i have completed it 100% and replayed all the routes again, after almost 7 months, but getting hit in the feelerino was never really an issue"
  59. --------------------------
  60. "Do you ever wonder how the world could be if things were different?
  61. Not specific, not defined, random differences in actions, consequences, reactions, causes.
  62. To see the options in the future, present, past.
  63. To not be burdened by the things which restrain us.
  64. People today seem too occupied with things which rarely matter.
  65. It's been a long time.
  66. Good luck with this"
  67. --------------------------
  68. "Every fucking day i think about suicide, and tried it couple of times. KS was great and gave me hopes, but all feeka eventually disappeared. Maybe it was the closest thing to intimacy, that i will ever have in my life"
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  70. "I cried hard at Rin's good ending; I didn't cry when my grandfather die
  72. I think this pretty much summarize it"
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  74. "A shiver, starting midway up the spine if minor, at the base if serious. Slowly rises up to inside the head, then tingles for hours afterwards inside of there"
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  76. ">tfw no qt3.14 blind gf
  77. Seriously though, Lilly's route reminded me that happiness is possible. Rin's route taught me that who I am is who I am, and that's acceptable. Shizune's route taught me that you should never write something you don't want to, and that it's always a mistake to have more time with side characters than the main character. Hanako taught me that moe can be both figuratively AND literally delicious!"
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  79. "oh god why"
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  81. "no running buddy
  82. no shoulder to cry on
  83. no qt bf/gf"
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  85. "She exists, but is likely with another man. Living a happy life. I can only hope she's out there, wanting me to find her.
  87. Maybe I'll meet her tomorrow..."
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  89. "People don't make KSG threads because they want to talk about KS. They just do it for the satisfaction of "making that next thread". If nobody made a new thread, everyone would be fine"
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  91. "I dont even know anymore"
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  93. "I was hit with feels so hard that I immediately began doing my best to turn my life around, and since January I went from being an overweight, neckbeard NEET with no friends to a full time college student acing every class, being more social, meeting new people, forging new relationships, eating healthier, and exercising regularly.
  95. I stopped sitting on the sidelines, watching my life go by and I actually got up and started living it. All thanks to that initial inspiration from KS"
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  97. "A fucking rollercoaster. Right now I'm on a downward slope.
  99. I need to re-play Hanako's route and get some motivation back"
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  101. "I've always felt more of a connection to the KSGs than the games themselves. My best feels were just describing the game with people who wanted to discuss it as well.
  103. That said, I do miss some of the nightly feel stories. Always felt like there was a big connection when everyone was just sitting around the metaphorical campfire talking about what had happened to them in their lives"
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  105. "I dont know. It just made me take a step back and look at my life. Made a lot of changes to myself since playing, both emotionally and physically"
  106. --------------------------
  107. "It feels like falling from the sky, with no parachute, no safety, all fears coming true and almost dying before falling down. As I recite my last prayers to a God I didn't even believe in, instead of crushing against the ground, I feel something warm, a tingling and soft sensation all over my body. All worries wash away from me and the only thing that remains is pure and absolute love"
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  109. "All of the above"
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  111. "How so? Crippling anxiety, suicidal depressions, trying to enjoy the college life but finding it hard due to the previous. Wondering if this is just "Me being a teenager" and if I'll just "grow out of it", as everyone keeps telling me. Wondering if I'm a bad person, wondering if I'll ever be happy, hoping for better but not expecting anything. Getting shut down every time I try to improve my situation.
  113. But, every time I get knocked down, I get up. I'll keep getting up, as long as it takes. Fuck you, life, I will live you"
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  115. "I am happy with how things are and I wish people would worry less
  116. and unlike many others, Rin have made me completely uninterested in other girls"
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  118. "A sense of emptiness during Rin's neutral end"
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  120. "Feels nigga, feels"
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  122. "Mostly rage when I got Lilly's neutral end first playthrough. Ended up catching a spoiler, so no music box feels.
  124. Feels bad, man"
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  126. "That's a hard one. Before playing KS I considered emotions something I should rid myself of completely. I based my world on this fact and I took pride in suppressing them. KS was a spiritual awakening of sorts for me, a silly visual novel shattering my world view and the thing I prided the most about myself. It made me want to feel EVERYTHING. And I still do. I have hurt myself greatly because of my cowardice, too afraid to love, too afraid to be hurt. Too afraid of change. Not anymore. Whatever it is, I'm gonna carry that weight"
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  128. "Why can't I hold all these feels?"
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  130. "no girlfriend"
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  132. "feels bad man"
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  134. "Broke me like a twig under an Abrams"
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  136. "-"
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  138. "that feel when rin's giant walls of text
  139. that feel when you realize that you must sound like that to other people
  140. that feel when you realize nobody else sees things in the unique way you do, and thus everyone struggles to understand you
  141. that feel when you feel like hanako in public
  142. that feel when you realize irl hanakos aren't your thing
  143. that feel when you still love hanako anyways
  144. that feel when you'll never have a kenji-level bro where you don't even have to worry about maintaining a social relationship
  145. that feel when I'm hugging you, Hisao
  146. that feel when listening to painful history
  147. and wisona
  148. and the other feelsy tracks
  149. that feel when misha is love but you couldn't explore a relationship with her because fucking 4ls
  150. that feel when completing a single route can give me feels for a solid month, so it's taking a while to finish KS
  151. that feel when so emotionally drained for a week after finishing a route
  152. that feel when you can feel your heartbeat, especially when thinking about her
  153. that feel when Laytnor left
  154. that feel when all my feels go out to every KSbro there is and even though it would be autismal as fuck meeting up, I still love every single one of them"
  155. --------------------------
  156. "Hanako reminded me of myself in the early years. Being scarred on the outside is tougher then you'd think at the early age. Now I'm at the ripe old age of 22, I sometimes forget I'm even scarred. Luckily none of it is on my face. Hanako was my first route, meaning my 'feels' (or what I remember of them) will always be strongest for her.
  158. In relation to my 'feels' towards Emi, it was more that she reminded me of my most recent Ex on her better days. A lively and friendly bundle of energy, which is what I'm usually drawn to in relationships. Or what relationships you can have at my young age. I very much enjoyed the route as a whole.
  160. Shizzy's bad ending reminded me that I had a heart. Next time a girl asks me to comfort them, I better whip my penis out straight away"
  161. --------------------------
  162. "...damn, man.
  163. Damn"
  164. --------------------------
  165. "Emi's route made me want to be a stronger person physically, emotionally, and mentally.
  167. Hanako's route hit me pretty hard with the social awkwardness and timidness of her character. I decided I had to open up more to those around me in everyday life.
  169. Rin's route got me interested in the arts and hit me hard as well. I saw some of myself in her character, so the route was pretty damn feelsy.
  171. Shizune's route didn't hit me nearly as hard, but the ending gave me a nice boost.
  173. I've not started Lilly's route yet"
  174. --------------------------
  175. "Them feels...."
  176. --------------------------
  177. "Longing, achey... I just wanna reach out and hold the girls when they cry, and when the feels hit me, I just wish someone would do the same for me. My eyes would be closed and I'd just imagine Emi giving me a hand, or Misha crying with me, or Lilly doing that motherly thing she does. I don't expect to open my eyes and see the spitting image of any of them.. but it would be nice to just have that comfort, y'know? Friend or waifu... I'd be happy with that.
  179. It really hurts, It feels like a tossup of shame and neglect when it builds up. Shameful because boys are 'supposed to be tough' and I've always been the rock for my friends. You could take off 2 fingers from my hand and I'd say you still gave me too many fingers to name off how many friends have seen me cry. Neglect because, even though it feels like I'm failing in the manly department... sometimes I just wanna breakdown with someone there. Just to see the response. Just to have that heat of the moment hope of thinking, 'Please, please just hold me. Kiss my forehead, run your fingers through my hair, shush me. Just let me know you're listening and you see my pain.' Oh god now I'm crying... fuck.
  180. Why isn't someone here? Why can't I just have this one moment of weakness with someone. Maybe it wouldn't even be enough.
  181. Thanks for making this, thanks for reading this if you did. You might not realize it but god it means a lot to me, whoever you are"
  182. --------------------------
  183. "There's a glimpse of brightness in a dark, shadowy future.
  184. I'm not alone.
  185. I have to keep going.
  186. There's still so much I can do. The world is my playground
  187. There are others who understand my pain, even though I thought no one could.
  188. I've gone far too long without a hug.
  189. Why can't she be real? I'll never find a 3D girl like her"
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  191. "lily pls"
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  193. "KSG is only a shadow of its former self"
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  195. "FUCK"
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  197. "I can't. I wrote long essays on them way before but I'm not in the mood right now, I don't feel anything for me to describe at the moment"
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  199. "It's what motivated me to become a better person. And Motivated me to motivate others"
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