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Jan 19th, 2017
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  1. Renskay: o3o I've used the shower a few times.
  2. DrooIing: I've done it before.
  3. DrooIing: It's alright.
  4. Renskay: But them I'm all like. THis takes too long and I'm using so much water
  5. BlueWolverine: I can get a boner but never cum from the shower
  6. DrooIing: ^
  7. Fluffhie: o, o
  8. DrooIing: This guy is smart.
  9. Renskay: You get a boner too, Drool?
  10. BlueWolverine: Wait... Drool... you has a penis?
  11. Renskay: x3
  12. BlueWolverine: Ah ren
  13. DrooIing: Yes totally.
  14. DrooIing: ????
  15. BlueWolverine: much hetrosexual love
  16. Renskay: I am anything but purely hetero.
  17. DrooIing: Don't take that seriously, I have a cunt.
  18. BlueWolverine: yeh well i am so thats the only love you get
  19. BlueWolverine: -reaches under her skirt to grab and check.. but backs off slowly before she notices after hearing that-
  20. BlueWolverine: o -o
  21. Renskay: I'd be asking for pics either way
  22. Renskay: Lel.
  23. Kittles: xD
  24. BlueWolverine: Good idea
  25. Renskay: 83
  26. BlueWolverine: Then you can send em to me too
  27. DrooIing: I'll kick you.
  28. BlueWolverine: I'll dick you.
  29. Lareant: xD
  30. DrooIing gasps.
  31. Fluffhie: x'D Cringe.
  32. DrooIing: Such a thing.
  33. BlueWolverine: o -o ... I'll lick first if that helps
  34. Kittles: Tag team her, you two
  35. BlueWolverine: -makes a peace sign over his mouth and waggles his tongue all over the place-
  36. Kittles: LOL.
  37. Renskay: xD
  38. WyntersHeart: Yikes
  39. DrooIing: -Sucks in a soft breath as she pats her dress down-
  40. BlueWolverine: o -o I think her panties are about ready to fall off
  41. BlueWolverine: i just need one more one liner
  42. Fluffhie: Something smooth.
  43. Renskay: "Want sum fuk"
  44. BlueWolverine: Like her legs ;o
  45. Lareant: Smooth operator~
  46. WyntersHeart: Oh Ren. Now I see why you're just drowning in ladies with that line. :p
  47. BlueWolverine: o -o He is my Renpai
  48. BlueWolverine: i learned nothing i know from him
  49. DrooIing: -_-
  50. BlueWolverine: ;o aww Drool
  51. BlueWolverine: we're just playin
  52. DrooIing: brb
  53. BlueWolverine: tyt
  54. Lareant: Tyt.
  55. Fluffhie: Changing her wet panties because of those smooth oneliners
  56. Fluffhie: xD
  57. BlueWolverine: -checks for the penis while shes afk-
  58. Renskay: It's a mystery how I have such a harem, isn't it.
  59. BlueWolverine: -while under her skirt with a flashlight- I can confirm a cameltoe, bitch has no penis
  60. BlueWolverine: -scuttles back to his seat-
  61. BlueWolverine: o3o
  62. WyntersHeart: Alright kids. Time for dinner and a nap. I'll see you all later. <3
  63. Kittles: Noooooooo
  64. Renskay: Byyeee Wyn
  65. WyntersHeart has left the chat
  66. Fluffhie: Maybe. It retracts after use.
  67. Renskay: K
  68. Fluffhie: -shrugs-
  69. Kittles: :c
  70. BlueWolverine: Kitt ♥
  71. Kittles: ♥
  72. BlueWolverine: You know i just tease you for shira's sake, i wouldnt do anythin to ya ;o
  73. Renskay: Retracts..that's some hentai shit xD
  74. Fluffhie: xD First Hentai I've ever seen Bible black D:
  75. Fluffhie: Which. Has exactly that.
  76. BlueWolverine: o- o
  77. BlueWolverine: Hidden futa
  78. Lareant: Hmm. I've got a question about Shira. To give you a bit more context of the question. Last year I met Shira and morti in the same room but at that time, Shira was more mellow than now. Is he always like that? When I say "that" I mean with clever comebacks and how he is now.
  79. Renskay: We we're just discussing that the other night lol
  80. BlueWolverine: Ive always known shira to be a quick witted, intelligent asshole
  81. BlueWolverine: and thats been over a year now
  82. Kittles: He's usually quiet and gaming but he
  83. Kittles: he's snarky and chatty when not distracted.
  84. Lareant: I see.
  85. Kittles: .- .
  86. Lareant: Cool.
  87. Lareant: o .o?
  88. Renskay: o3o
  89. BlueWolverine: im bored now
  90. BlueWolverine: >.> guess Fluff is our next target eh ren
  91. Renskay: *Casually powders his pimp hand* o3o
  92. Fluffhie: o.ó
  93. Kittles: YOU DON'T HAVE ONE!!
  94. Kittles: Powders her and offers it to SmutSlut.- Dere, use it.
  95. Renskay: <o<
  96. Renskay: I still use what I got xU
  97. Renskay: As always
  98. Renskay: And I gave you two fuckin things recently so you should be set xD
  99. Kittles: Nah.
  100. Kittles: Daily.'
  101. Kittles: Waves hand as if to say gimme more now.-
  102. BlueWolverine: o -o
  103. BlueWolverine: am i here
  104. Kittles: Yuh
  105. Fluffhie: Yes.
  106. BlueWolverine: ok
  107. Fluffhie: -ish a giant - . w .
  108. BlueWolverine: i had those trouble getting ivites and messages, pop ups
  109. BlueWolverine: EHm
  110. BlueWolverine: no
  111. BlueWolverine: you're still small
  112. Fluffhie: Not compared to those two x'D
  113. BlueWolverine: kitt and drool are just tiny
  114. BlueWolverine: Well come sit on me and see how small you actually are
  115. Renskay: I bet you didn't even look at the kik one yet xD
  116. DrooIing: Back.
  117. Renskay: I'd expect you to be dripping for a week if you had.
  118. Renskay: Weba
  119. Fluffhie: >,> Sitting on you will only make me see how small YOU are
  120. BlueWolverine: Weba
  121. Fluffhie: ;]
  122. BlueWolverine: <.<
  123. DrooIing: Thanks
  124. Fluffhie: Welcome back ^^
  125. BlueWolverine: I mean good attempt
  126. BlueWolverine: o -o but i have evidence to prove otherwise so
  127. Lareant: Weba.
  128. DrooIing: Thanks.
  129. Renskay: o3o I like that outfit, Drool.
  130. BlueWolverine: Same
  131. Lareant: Dayum.
  132. BlueWolverine: Dont wear bras
  133. DrooIing: Of couuuurse you do.
  134. DrooIing: Thank you
  135. DrooIing: Well you guys
  136. Renskay: What do you expect in this place xD
  137. BlueWolverine: its what your shirt says ¬_¬
  138. Renskay: Even when the men aren't saying they're horny, they're probably horny
  139. BlueWolverine: Im not horny
  140. DrooIing: I know o-o
  141. BlueWolverine is pretty fuckin hornyt
  142. DrooIing: Men are always horny.
  143. BlueWolverine: Not always
  144. Lareant: xD
  145. DrooIing: And if they aren't it's easy to get them there.
  146. Kittles: Not really.
  147. BlueWolverine: Also not quite true
  148. Kittles: If you're butt ass ugly, it's not.
  149. BlueWolverine: I can stay passive if i try
  150. Fluffhie: Depends on what they like.
  151. BlueWolverine: i only get horny if i allow myself
  152. DrooIing: Nah
  153. BlueWolverine: That also Fluff
  154. DrooIing: You don't even really have to be their "type"
  155. DrooIing: It depends on your attitude.
  156. BlueWolverine: Like atm im in a pretty mute state
  157. DrooIing: I've seen some ugly chicks get exactly what they want just BASED on their confidence and personality.
  158. Kittles: Men aren't easy as the media portrays them to be. e- e
  159. BlueWolverine: im not horny and could stay like that no matter what atm
  160. Fluffhie: Agreed Kittles.
  161. DrooIing: I'm not saying that the media has anything to do with male psyche, you are.
  162. Lareant: I brb.
  163. DrooIing: I'm saying that anything is possible.
  164. Lareant has left the chat
  165. BlueWolverine: o -o If i aint sexually attracted to someone, they aint gettin any
  166. Kittles: Nu, you said it as a fact. .- .
  167. Renskay: o3o Cuz most of the time we're either dumb or the way women translate "I am attracted to you" is utterly lost in translation
  168. BlueWolverine: ^
  169. BlueWolverine: Im oblivious af
  170. Renskay: Same.
  171. KazzyKun has joined the chat
  172. DrooIing: I actually didn't.
  173. DrooIing: But that's cool you think I did.
  174. BlueWolverine: girl could have her tits in my face and i'd be like: Soo.... are you straight or wut
  175. Kittles: Like Baloo thinks I;'m pretty and awesome but I know I can't get him horny to savw my life. xD
  176. BlueWolverine: Actually kitt
  177. DrooIing: I'm sure you could.
  178. DrooIing: "You're pretty and awesome"
  179. BlueWolverine: you're the one person in this room currently that would have most chance of succeeding
  180. DrooIing: Really?
  181. Kittles: I quote, "DrooIing: Men are always horny. " < --Statement as a fact.
  182. Renskay: I'd never make the claim that a friend couldn't make me go boing o3o
  183. BlueWolverine: ^
  184. Renskay: Whether or not I'll end up fuckin them is an entirely different beast
  185. DrooIing: I stated it as my opinion.
  186. Kittles: If you say so~
  187. DrooIing: I do
  188. Kittles: And that's cause you know me Baloo. XD
  189. BlueWolverine: Exactly
  190. BlueWolverine: o -o I also know you're a naughty lil kinkster and cute af
  191. Kittles: > o>
  192. BlueWolverine: So that works in your favor too
  193. DrooIing: There's a big difference between making someone horny and actually fucking them.
  194. Renskay: I'd say probably the most common, at least most easily done in the scope of imvu, is outfits.
  195. Kittles: You think every female is cute af, Baloo. Hush xD
  196. BlueWolverine: o- o i do not xD
  197. Kittles: Ello Kaz.
  198. Renskay: I'd annihilate Kit based on that fit :U
  199. KazzyKun: hello owO
  200. Kittles: Oi! Oi!
  201. BlueWolverine: o -o yeh tru. same
  202. Renskay: Along with Drool. And more than likely Fluff too
  203. Renskay: 83
  204. Renskay: What.
  205. Renskay: And hello, Kazz
  206. BlueWolverine: o -o Yeh same
  207. DrooIing: I wouldn't fuck any in here.
  208. Kittles: Drool is practically naked. Murder her xD
  209. KazzyKun: ello
  210. BlueWolverine: Drooling: Would smash
  211. BlueWolverine: Fluff: Would smash
  212. BlueWolverine: Kitt: Would smash
  213. Kittles: Facepalm.-
  214. BlueWolverine: xD
  215. Fluffhie: e_e
  216. BlueWolverine: <.< fluff would get it extra hard
  217. KazzyKun: << why all 3
  218. DrooIing: "Murder her" very classy.
  219. Fluffhie: x
  220. Monocrombix has joined the chat
  221. Renskay: A cock up the ass may change that Drool? Lel.
  222. Fluffhie: I'd rather be tied up first.
  223. Fluffhie: xD
  224. KazzyKun: Kit is where its at
  225. Renskay: Hey Mono.
  226. BlueWolverine: that can easily be aranged
  227. BlueWolverine: MONO
  228. Renskay: And for a small fee, that can happen to you too!
  229. Renskay: o3o
  230. Kittles: Where whut's at?
  231. Fluffhie: x'D Just for 19,99 you can also experience the joy of being tied up and spanked.
  232. Fluffhie: Buy one get one free.
  233. Kittles: Lmao.
  234. KazzyKun: deal <.<
  235. KazzyKun: wait
  236. BlueWolverine: Is that buy one ass cheek, get the 2nd free?
  237. KazzyKun: is this deal or no deal?
  238. Fluffhie: Yes.
  239. Fluffhie: xD
  240. Monocrombix: what the hell?
  241. KazzyKun: alright
  242. KazzyKun: deal
  243. BlueWolverine: xD
  244. BlueWolverine: And mono
  245. KazzyKun: who am i getting second?
  246. BlueWolverine: would just get everything from me
  247. KazzyKun: kits main
  248. Kittles: Whut?
  249. Monocrombix: because I own you asshole xD
  250. BlueWolverine: You may own me, but i own your ass
  251. Renskay: We're always classy in here, Drool.
  252. Renskay: What do you expect.
  253. Monocrombix: psh
  254. Kittles: Pfft xD
  255. Fluffhie: Random adds D:
  256. KazzyKun: not meh
  257. Kittles: Such class. Oh yis.
  258. DrooIing: By the room name, to be treated like a princess. Doi
  259. BlueWolverine: o -o We only ever have the highest standard of class -puts on monocle and tips his top hat-
  260. KazzyKun: after your tied up and spanked
  261. Monocrombix: youre full of shit blue xD
  262. BlueWolverine: You only get princess treatment if you deserve it
  263. BlueWolverine: To earn it
  264. BlueWolverine: you start by getting down on your knees
  265. KazzyKun whispers: tempted <<
  266. BlueWolverine: Yeh and you're full of my cum, Mono so you cant talk ;3
  267. Kittles: Like Cinderells?
  268. DrooIing: Imma stop you right there.
  269. Kittles: Cinderella...**
  270. BlueWolverine: Dont stop me now
  271. BlueWolverine: im having such a good time
  272. KazzyKun: maybe she wants seconds <<
  273. Renskay: Cinderelly
  274. BlueWolverine: im having a ball
  275. Kittles: Can't stop~ Won't stop~
  276. BlueWolverine: DONT STOP
  277. Fluffhie: Lucio. That you
  278. BlueWolverine: BELIEVING
  279. Kittles: xD
  280. Renskay: My peen never stops
  281. Renskay: Sloppy seconds?
  282. BlueWolverine: Frothy Thirds?
  283. Kittles: Pictures sloppy joe sandwiches.-
  284. Kittles: Gags.-
  285. BornByYourSin has joined the chat
  286. Monocrombix: oye
  287. Fluffhie: Just imagine that with.. nvm c;
  288. BlueWolverine: Mono get that beautiful ass over here
  289. Renskay: Hey Sin.
  290. Kittles: :I
  291. BornByYourSin: Howdy, Ren.
  292. KazzyKun: <<
  293. BornByYourSin: Been long ehh.
  294. Kittles: >- >
  295. Renskay: Yes, it has been a long ehh x3
  296. Monocrombix: can you not whisper me
  297. Monocrombix: please
  298. BornByYourSin: Finally you updated on your looks.
  299. BornByYourSin: And I am sorry Mono. :/
  300. DrooIing: Oh jeez.
  301. BlueWolverine: WHOS CHATTING UP MY MONO >:O
  302. Kittles: xD
  303. BlueWolverine: I WILL END YOU
  304. Renskay: ;P I'm always sexy, whether I've switched it up or nah
  305. BlueWolverine: >_>
  306. KazzyKun: xD
  307. BornByYourSin: Lel. I am kidding. It wasn't me. >->
  308. BlueWolverine: <_<
  309. KazzyKun: haha
  310. DrooIing: Oh hey.
  311. BlueWolverine: = w = ..... i got my eyes on all of you fuckers
  312. BornByYourSin: Dang, you actually look cool.
  313. BornByYourSin: <
  314. BornByYourSin: I think I have the darker version of that skin.
  315. Renskay: Darker?
  316. Renskay: Oh.
  317. Renskay: I see.
  318. BornByYourSin: So, Shir still pissed at me?
  319. Fluffhie: o,o I didn't.
  320. Renskay: Possibly? o3o
  321. Renskay: brb
  322. Kittles: He's always pissed at you.
  323. BornByYourSin: Yeah.... I get it.
  324. DrooIing has left the chat
  325. Kittles: Thank god she left.
  326. Kittles: e- e
  327. Fluffhie: x'D You dont like her?
  328. BlueWolverine: I cant keep track of everyone that people get pissed at in here
  329. BornByYourSin: Lol, why?
  330. Kittles: My foot was getting super itchy.
  331. Kittles: Fuck no.
  332. BlueWolverine: <.< lel did you not see their quarrel
  333. Kittles: Her attitude is shit
  334. BlueWolverine: she was acting all high and mighty
  335. Fluffhie: Ah. Yeah I don't know her. -shrug- xD
  336. BlueWolverine: was this close to bitchslapping her with my duick
  337. BlueWolverine: dick*
  338. Kittles: "I'm better than all of you". Why the fuck you in here then if you're talking shit e- e
  339. BornByYourSin: I mean Shir has the reason to dislike me. Kind of a legit one. :p
  340. BornByYourSin: I honestly thought I was forever banned from here till I clicked the button.
  341. KazzyKun has left the chat
  342. Renskay: *Comes back an stuffs a fruit bar into Kit's mouth*
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