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Mar 10th, 2017
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  1. #1 - Character Zeniths. Go to the character page. Most characters do not have it unlocked yet. Themed versions of characters can pool ZP together.
  3. List of current zenith characters (not complete)
  4. Gawain
  5. Altair
  6. Gandalf
  7. Birdman
  8. De La Fille
  9. Lady Grey
  10. Yuel
  11. Lily
  12. Light Sarunan
  13. Cagliostro
  14. Charlotta
  15. Magisa
  16. Wind Metera
  17. Seruel
  18. Io
  19. Cerberus
  20. Razia
  21. S. Beato
  22. Casual Zeta
  23. Orchid
  25. Notable SRs
  26. Helnar
  27. Gayne
  28. W. Sutera
  29. Soriz
  30. Lyria
  31. All story SRs
  33. #2 - Seraphim Battles. Go to the Shop, then Weapon Series. You have to buy the initial SR for that element to get the fights (which are under special). You can only do 2 seraphim fights a day across all elements and difficulties. The SRs also require new treasures from the rotating elemental quests.
  35. #3 - Rose Queen Weapons/Distinctions. Under Treasure Trade -> Treasure, you can trade for up to 10 distinctions (a month?) or trade for a rose, which is used in Rose Queen Weapons. Find those under the Quest Items tab.
  37. #4 - Misc. You can use weapon skins for anything you have ever picked up (as long as it is the same type as the weapon you're wielding).
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