
Stupid Sexy Sin

Jun 18th, 2015
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  1. 20:03 Sinclair It seems as though not a single day could go by in the town of Neon without something strange popping up. At 10:34 AM a truck transporting priceless valuables and artifacts from the time of the Crusades drove offroad on its way to the city, reporters saying it slipped right off of the road without a sign of friction.
  2. 20:05 Sinclair By the time the convoy knew what had happened it was jumped by masked robbers which stole away the goods and drove into the city in the span of a few minutes. Metahuman involvement is suspected, but the details are sparse. That was until 2:00 PM when authorities, as well as a few hijacked radio stations, blared the message that "SINCLAIR HAS STRUCK AGAIN!"
  3. 20:06 Sinclair Details were left to a warehouse, inviting any would be heroes to try and take back the historical pieces. Attempts by local authorities to get close to the warehouse have resulted in their cars similarly slipping off the roads, causing damage to vehicles but thankfully only a few injuries.
  4. 20:08 *** The-Haze is now known as Neonger
  5. 20:08 Sinclair Attempts to get in by helicopter or other passageways have shown no success. It seems physics is acting against them today. Down by the docks the place has become locked off at all sides by a police line. Local 'heroes' as Sinclair always called them were called, some coming of their own will. It seems they're the only ones that are gonna get let in.
  6. 20:09 *** F021 joined #covenger_rp
  7. 20:10 Sinclair Chief Hernandez, the head closest to the scene, now waits outside of the fenced off area where police vans, news, and locals have gathered. Frowning and adjusting his glasses, not to mention the bushy black mustache that meshed well with his darker skin, this was getting a pain in the ass for him.
  8. 20:11 --- VenVera is away (It will be quick)
  9. 20:11 Sinclair With the emergency squads considered "too serious" to be dealing with what had amounted time and again to a harmless criminal, he had to make some calls. He hated dealing with metas and heroes, but this was his best bet.
  10. 20:27 *** F021 is now known as Tectonic
  11. 20:27 --- VenVera is back
  12. 20:29 Neonger [Should probably post a picture of the character I'll be using. ]
  13. 20:35 *** Greg is now known as Hoody
  14. 20:45 *** Bud is now known as Rin_
  15. 20:47 *** Rin_ is now known as Bud
  16. 20:55 Tectonic walks in, hands still all dirty from the dust when she was on training. Her uncle saw the news and his briliant idea is to send her here, so that she can 'utilize her powers'.
  17. 20:55 Hoody peaked her head out behind the wall looking at the Chief, mischief in her illuminating eyes, she sneaks up. She's careful, her small flame trail flowing out of her body makes quite a lot of sound if she moves too fast. She slowly floats over to the officer and taps his shoulder to get his attention. "Hey, mista' Hern... Somethin' ? Uhh, you called?"
  18. 20:56 Tectonic -- 'Oh, what could possibly go wrong?' he said. Stephanie can feel something is wrong. Everything.
  19. 20:56 Bud drives up to the scene in a fairly well worn Camaro, it looked to be at '78 decked in faded grey-black coloration. Exiting the vehicle in a simple black t-shirt with jeans and a solid white mask with two eyeholes he strides confidently towards the only man looking to be in charge. If he was told to come here or not is probably unknown. "The boys in blue."
  20. 20:59 Neonger slowly walked around the area, making sure to enter in a way that made it look as if he had just appeared from nowhere. Wearing realistic looking fake armor, but in reality a rather low budget produced suit, clean and the armored bits shining in the sunlight, it was clear that he had put this together recently. Pounding his chest once and pointing at the chief immediately with the same hand...
  21. 20:59 Neonger ..."Neonger reporting in, what's the problem?"
  22. 21:01 VenVera was looking from behind a car, she wasn't exactly called, but heard of the stolen goods from the time of the Crusades, meaning good old metal, maybe she could sneak a few bits away? Who knows
  23. 21:03 Sinclair Chief Hernandez did not enjoy today at all. Any day that he had to handle "hero types" and "metahumans" it had a way of fucking up his day. If only they weren't necessary for things like this. Through aviators tinted black and brown he spied over the whole lot.
  24. 21:05 Sinclair "This all of you? I'm not going to be waiting around for anybody else so you all had better be ready to go in there" Looking back to the warehouse, on the outside looking abandoned but every window was boarded up. What was inside was unknown
  25. 21:05 VenVera runs up, almost tripping but tries to blend in with the other few, putting up a big fake smile
  26. 21:06 Sinclair "Some masked freak has taken up residence there with a bunch of his thieves. Apparently some kind of meta. He isn't letting any actual authorities to actually deal with this situation in. We haven't gotten to the stage of just blowing our way in yet, that could damage the artifacts"
  27. 21:07 Sinclair "Makes things around him slippery somehow. Records on this guy don't match up anytime we come across him. So, what you're here to do is go in there and run him out somehow"
  28. 21:08 Sinclair "I don't want to see a single goddamn piece missing or destroyed because of sloppiness or greed, because we got this place surrounded"
  29. 21:09 Tectonic looks at the chief, hands on her waist. She's listening, not saying a word, and she wish she can control water instead of earth. Earth is, like, the most unslippery thing possible.
  30. 21:10 VenVera smile slow fads, she slowly begins to walk away
  31. 21:14 Bud shrugs. "Of course, officer. History and priceless stuff yeah. Utmost caution and all that. I've got a clean record when it comes to property damage and mid-air explosions mhm. Can't speak for the rest but hey, you never know." with that he slowly turns to visit the trunk of his vehicle.
  32. 21:14 Hoody "Well, you and yer' boys dealt with him, right? Maybe give us a... whad'ya say... a hypotheticimical... situation, right? How would you think we'd cope widdit?" This is her first job. She wants to be as informed as possible. God forbid her fucking up her first mission. "I feel like there's some... points of info, you ain't givin' to us."
  33. 21:16 Neonger "Artifacts? I hate to be the guy to ask, since I should probably already be aware of these, but what sort of artifacts? A hero always has to fully and completely aware of the situation at hand." putting his hand on the chin of his helmet as if thinking, almost like he had completely forgotten he was even wearing one in the first place.
  34. 21:18 Sinclair The Chief very clearly had very little patience. "Several suits of armor, weapons, jewels, and writings from the Second Crusade. Something like that. All we goddamn know is that he's in there with the artifacts, his men, and this weird ass new power of his. I'd give you more if there was more"
  35. 21:18 VenVera stopped mid walk, turned right back around and rejoined the group, time to test her luck
  36. 21:19 Sinclair "It could be a trap. Might not be. What we know about this freak is that he prefers to put on a show than actually get things done. I wouldn't be surprised if he's having a fucking dance hall in there"
  37. 21:20 Neonger "Well, it's not like we're ever going to accomplish anything at all just standing here like a bunch of chumps. I think we should just head in there, and whatever happens happens. Bet it'll be fun too."
  38. 21:21 Hoody had confidence about this. "Aal-righty... Here's howzits gonna go down. You guys seem... average, lookin', and since I'm a ghost, I'll zoom in there, scare'em, beat em' up with my muscle, then you go in and take any casualties out, Got it?" She has no idea what the fuck she's doing. In her mind, all she's doing is telling herself to act tough.
  39. 21:22 Tectonic "Ah. I see. Some crusade stuff. I wanna go back and binge on TV shows so we better go in and get this shit done." Stephanie definitely have little patience either.
  40. 21:22 VenVera "Glaikit spook, taking a' th' fin"
  41. 21:23 Neonger "...What?"
  42. 21:23 Bud walks back from his car, strapped in pouches and holsters. There was an uncomfortable amount of firepower attached to this man. "Alright let's go. Details are useless you guys can just rely on your heroic sensibilities or something."
  43. 21:23 Hoody "What?" Hoody was confused by her thick accent. "Yous betta' not be insulting me, sister. I ain't takin' no judgement from a pine-sized walking orange such as ya'self."
  44. 21:24 Sinclair The Chief has somebody hand him a cup of black coffee. His eyes can't be seen at all through his glasses but the feeling of 'the shit I put up with' is strong in them.
  45. 21:25 VenVera "I'm Telll ya to nit take all the fun! Glaikit"
  46. 21:25 Neonger "Well, if you guys are just going to sit here bickering at each other I'm gonna go in now." he said, turning around mid-sentence and starting to walk towards the entrance, trying to at least be a little prepared for what he was going to encounter once actually inside of the building. "Come on already, let's go!"
  47. 21:25 Sinclair He does shoot a look at Bud for the firepower he's packing. "I am sincerely hoping for both of us you have a permit" Not that he was going to stop him and ask to see it now. He wanted this done with.
  48. 21:26 VenVera takes her hammer and to big shield, following the suited man. "Better be worth it"
  49. 21:26 VenVera [two*]
  50. 21:27 Hoody "Already ahead of ya, watch this guys, they won't know whudd'hit them!" She zooms past Neonger thinking that she's only dealing with a bunch of ragtag thieves. Nothing too big. She grasps the handle with both hands and pulls it behind her. She flies in and looks around. "Aaalrighty, you robbin' goofs, come out widd'yer hands up, unless you want a beatdown!"
  51. 21:28 Tectonic "Tch. I'm coming, Mister Neonger." She quickly paces up so that she is almost directly behind him, with a trail of rather large stones following her. "I hope my uncle give me a day off after this."
  52. 21:29 Bud keeps on walking towards the entrance with the others, confidence in every step. These steps might also be confused with semi-skips. "Don't worry about it, I'm deputized."
  53. 21:34 Sinclair As soon as Hoody opened up the doors they were greeted with a strange sight. The large warehouse was almost completely cleared out! The only things there one could see at first was... a large pile of crates and boxes, very easy to tell what they were, and a man standing on top of them. It was no ordinary man.
  54. 21:35 Sinclair Dressed in a business suit, a mask, and... a goddamn crown and cape, a sinister looking fellow sat like a king atop his stolen goods. One leg crossed over the other and a golden cane held in one hand.
  55. 21:37 Sinclair "There you are! I was nearly getting bored in a place like this. Things go a lot smoother in other cities, less hustle and bruhaha- But, you've made it! Welcome in" Those that'd look up would notice that there was a series of catwalks along each side and down the middle, and it was absolutely packed with men in robes looking down like buzzards onto the heroes
  56. 21:38 VenVera "Weel. Crakin' tae see ye king eejit"
  57. 21:41 Hoody got nervous. Fast. "U-uhh... uh.. I-I ain't scared of you, you..." Her smart talking dissapeared. "You just a... a, You're ugly, that's right! S'why you gotta wear that mask! Hah!" Whatever confidence she lost, she only got a slight pinch back. "Yeah! Th-that's what you are! A freak! With... With yer boyfriends, there, yeah, ha.. heh..."
  58. 21:41 Tectonic looks around, and finally up. "Oh, hi. I'll just beat you up and take the artifacts. Is that good? And also.. Please come down." She looks absolutely terrified. Spiders from ceilings were enough and there's like.. a hundred? Thousand? Whatever. She's scared.
  59. 21:41 VenVera "...Great insult there spooky"
  60. 21:42 Hoody "Shuddup, pine-tall."
  61. 21:42 Bud steps up and puts fists to his hips. "Alright Kingy I'll ask it once. Could we have those crates please? We've got busy schedules I'm sure."
  62. 21:44 Tectonic "... I don't think those ceiling men are his boyfriends, ghostie." Those rocks she brought in fell off a few moments before, by the way. She's too scared to concentrate on them.
  63. 21:45 Hoody "W-why don't you come down'ere and face us like an actual man? Or are ya' chicken?!" She gets into an awkward fighting pose, fisticups up and shaking. "You gonna stay in your Hen-house? Or what?"
  64. 21:46 Neonger pounded his chest a single time, pointing at the man standing on top of all those boxes and shit as he stared him down about as intently as he could with a helmet covering his eyes "Come on, let's make this real flashy."
  65. 21:47 Bud takes note that everybody around him is lacking in confidence to the extreme and surveys the warehouse. "Jeez. Nothing ever starts calmly.
  66. 21:48 Sinclair Sinclair leaned his head on the end of his golden cane, grumbling gently. "Good heavens, its the first time for the lot of you isn't it? Heroics or speaking english. I almost feel bad... Nah" Stepping down from his crates he landed on the floor, then tapped the cane forward... it touched a barrier.
  67. 21:49 Sinclair Around the man he had put up some kind of hardy glass dome that had blended in with everything around it. "Sorry to be an inconvienence, but I'm in bad need of some entertainment. A king deserves a fine tournament in his honor, no? And to the winner goes the spoils"
  68. 21:50 Sinclair "Now, if you would a-" Then Neonger's interjection cuts him off. You can't see his face but he looks quite happy. "Yes! Perfect. I think I already have a favorite champion"
  69. 21:51 Tectonic "Heroics, maybe? English nope. You should give that ghost and the redhead kid some english lesson. Especially the redhead.
  70. 21:52 Sinclair With a tap of the cane men started coming down from the catwalks, landing around the group of heroes and throwing off their robes. In rather accurate well made armor of the Second Crusade, of their own make from the pink and red coloration, each raised up a different weapon. Some hammers, some swords, some spears, flails, you name it.
  71. 21:53 Sinclair Those that stayed above had bows drawn from their cloaks.
  72. 21:55 Tectonic "Ah.. Damnit." Tectonic began to chant something in a language nobody knows, while her hands shiver and sweat starts to come out.
  73. 21:55 VenVera "I can speak just fine, now lets have some fun" She raised her hammer and ran towards the fake crusaders, screaming a death cry "Fur th' caverns 'n' caves!"
  74. 21:55 Neonger Launching into the flashiest pose he could come up with on the spot he began his 'roll call' "Brighter than the self itself! Ne! On! Ger!" somehow managing to pull out a very small package of fireworks out from behind his scarf in the middle of his speech, fluidly lighting it and dropping it several feet behind him as they went off. Surprisingly enough they actually did match his 'signature...
  75. 21:55 Neonger ...color', you can't have a Sentai without posing and fireworks, now can you? Answer: You really can't.
  76. 21:56 Neonger [It's one of those fountain fireworks]
  77. 21:59 Hoody Performance Stress. Performance Stress. Performance Stress. She hasn't even done anything either. She flys into the air trying to avoid as much arrowfire as possible while getting a few hits. "Watch out, mugheads, because I'm gonna make sure the only thing you'll all be seein' is a bunch'a stars!"
  78. 21:59 Hoody cocks back her fist which turns into a fiery ball of light green-blue flame. She throws her punch, which shoots a furious ball of ghostly fire at one of the False Crusaders. "Aaaaaaaand... take that!"
  79. 22:01 Tectonic mumbles "Earth will be my shield, earth will be my protector. It will give me strength and it will give me sight. I will be safe as long as earth is within me.." She just want to survive and go home now. She is not scared, no. She's petrified.
  80. 22:01 Bud withdraws a small stungun from one of his holsters along with a uniquely round canister based grenade, commonly seen as flashbangs. The grenade gets tossed out with a very unneeded combat roll. "Everybody think fast!"
  81. 22:03 Neonger *the sun
  82. 22:04 VenVera jumps bashing a crusaders head with a left swing.
  83. 22:06 Sinclair Just as soon as the flashbang would go off and everybody started to rush to attack the crusaders, Sinclair slammed his cane against the ground. A translucent substance spread out across the floor of the entire warehouse, like an oil that soon settled down
  84. 22:06 Tectonic closes her eyes and points to the group of mooks on her right, and just like that one of the rocks she brought in flies to her pointed direction. And she points to her left, and another rock flies to the direction.
  85. 22:07 Sinclair Taking a single step upon it was like trying to navigate through an ice rink, even boots meant for traction held no use as everything became slippery.
  86. 22:08 Sinclair The crusaders knew what they were getting into right off the bat. Ducking and weaving they would use momentum to skate themselves out of the way of each blow. Standing still wasn't an option. They had to think and adapt to this as fast as they could.
  87. 22:08 Sinclair Which became a problem, as just as soon a crusader would come jolting after each of them swinging madly. Despite the armor they were still untrained hooligans, that was for sure.
  88. 22:10 VenVera lands, but slips instantly landing on her back, her hammer flying out of her hand
  89. 22:10 Hoody of course, isn't affected, but she does notice the others slipping. Maybe it would be rather nice if she helped out, instead of trying to show off. "Just wait a second, guys! I can get us out of this mess, I'll prop one of yas onto those platforms those guys were on a few seconds ago!"
  90. 22:12 VenVera "I dont't *slip* Need your *slip* haunted help!" *slip* "GAH!"
  91. 22:13 Neonger The mooks being untrained should've been immediately beneficial to him, but slowly moving on the ground, too unwilling to take more than one small step every few seconds certainly wasn't going to do him any favors in taking them out. At least he was relatively decently well trained in fighting, so if he knew he was going to be able to take a pot-shot he'd do it, but he doubted he'd be able...
  92. 22:13 Tectonic suddenly fell down and stumbles, ruining every bit of concentration she had inside her mind. Oh well. She calls on two of her rocks and jumps onto them, one foot each. This is by no means a permanent solution because holding onto them requires a big deal of will and she must find another way to keep her clear from this slippery madness.
  93. 22:13 Neonger seeing as he was completely stationary for the most part, only moving an inch or two at a time. Still, he manages to fall on his ass like half a minute later. How impressive.
  94. 22:14 Bud completes his roll by awkwardly slipping up on the landing and slamming onto his stomach, momentum sliding him to impact with the invisible barrier. "Aw, aw what is this. Is this goo? Is this your goo?"
  95. 22:15 Sinclair "ITS MY GOO, BUDDY BOY" Sinclair looked way too happy to say that. He was having a fucking blast watching this. Each of the knights came in pursuit of their targets, but thanks to the wonders of slip'n slide they just barely miss and go sliding in a different direction. Arrows being shot down just barely miss as well.
  96. 22:16 Sinclair They were safe so far, but goddamn it was a deadly mess. Hoody, on the other hand, has a warhammer come speeding right at her from 1 o' clock, clearly the only target that won't be able to slip away so easily.
  97. 22:17 Hoody "Aaaare ya sure? 'Cuz you look like you's havin' a bit a trouble there, Pine-tall, and it would be an awful situation havin' to clean up your guts after they're done making you into haggis." She's enjoying her advantage too much to actually start helping. She gets to work and grabs Neonger. "Since you're one from the bunch who's been treating me nicely..."
  98. 22:17 Sinclair The knights that did miss ended up falling on their ass too, but they've had practice with this, able to get up and do another speeding run once more.
  99. 22:20 Bud takes the initiative, clambering to his fee- no wait, he fell again. He takes the moment instead to think of a new plan, a plan which involved rolling around in the goo in an attempt to drench himself with it.
  100. 22:24 Tectonic is still kinda floating, almost getting hit from one of the arrows. She got a pretty good scratch but nothing too severe. "Gotta think gotta think gotta think gotta thiink~ of a way to fuck off from thiis~" And as she finishes her line she falls over. Face first, drenched in goo.
  101. 22:24 Tectonic -- the rocks she used to prop her up fell too, fortunately not on top of her. Still it's quite a distance from her and standing up is hard in this situation.
  102. 22:25 Neonger "Thanks for the lift!"
  103. 22:25 VenVera is almost to foaming at the mouth mad now "Damn yer goo tae th' deepest cave! ah will git ye 'n' rip aff yer heid 'n' caw yer body ben oot tae feed th' rats! "
  104. 22:25 VenVera *slip*
  105. 22:27 Sinclair "Sorry love I don't think I don't think I heard that. You know I'm sorry to say this but you're going to have to speak English if we're going to do business" Sinclair chuckled heartily as arrows flew towards each of the heroes and another round of charging knights swung at them.
  106. 22:28 Hoody props Neonger on top of one of the platforms. "Aww, don't mention it, sweety!" She drifts off, above VenVera, she grabs her by the collar of her armor. "Jesus, think you could shed a few tons, maybe?" She doesn't mean this to insult Ven. The armor's too heavy, and she's only barely managing to make it atop one of the platforms at a moderate pace.
  107. 22:29 VenVera continues to flail around for a few good seconds before realizing what is going on
  108. 22:30 Sinclair As Neonger was put on the platforms he was not given respite from battle. Along the catwalks two knights brandishing spears charged at him, each thrusting out to get him in alternating strikes. Probably trying to emulate stuff they saw in movies.
  109. 22:30 *** F021_ joined #covenger_rp
  110. 22:30 *** Tectonic quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  111. 22:30 *** F021_ is now known as Tectonic
  112. 22:32 Neonger As soon as he landed on his feet, he began looking for a course of action while also taking a moment to make sure he wasn't going to just fall o- oh shit, spears, was the only thing he thought as he backed up quickly, trying to duck down and maybe avoid the spears. not that he was aware of how 'dangerous' they actually were. Not given a single instant to think over his course of action he...
  113. 22:32 Neonger ...just ran at them, intending to simply plow them off of the edges, where they'd be less of a threat. "Shining Solar.... uh... er... FOOTBALL TACKLE!"
  114. 22:33 *** Tectonic quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  115. 22:33 *** Tectonic joined #covenger_rp
  116. 22:35 Bud props to his knees, narrowly dodging a bedamned arrow. From a holster he produces a hilt, with a press of a switch the blade of the thing assembles itself, connecting into place. He jams the blade hard as he can into the invisible barrier to use the momentum in a launch that sends him spinning about on his knees, gliding through the goo with an
  117. 22:35 Bud --outstretched blade spinning with him towards any oncoming crusaders. "Haha! I am the human land helicopter of swords!"
  118. 22:35 Sinclair While Hoody tried to pick up Vera, a knight sped towards them and used as much momentum on the frictionless ground to try to tackle them right out of the air, screaming the entire time. The two up against Neonger tried to overpower him, but the charge throws the bunch off the side of the catwalk onto the gooey ground below it.
  119. 22:37 Sinclair The archers' attention soon turned towards him, arrows slinging towards him one after the other. Crusaders going after Bud are swiftly caught on his spinning helicopter blades, the armor managing to keep them from being cut but sending them spinning across the large warehouse floor pathetically
  120. 22:37 Tectonic gave up and buried herself underground, trying to escape the arrows and rampaging 'crusaders'.
  121. 22:38 Sinclair In burying herself in the ground, Tectonic was able to get a proper hold that didn't involve goo. If stone counted as earth, she would be able to manipulate some of the floor. Just so, one with a rather hard helmet came sliding on his belly towards her.
  122. 22:40 Hoody "HEY! That's not nice, pickin' on a buncha ladies like that! Who thought you ya manners?!" She is tackled towards the ooze on the ground, not very pleased. "Oh god, it's... eeew! Ugh! get this offa me!" She gets up and quickly starts wiping the goo off her ghostly body. She charges up an attack that homes in on the very rude crusader who just bumped into her.
  123. 22:41 Neonger He just kept moving onwards, maybe, just maybe his armor would somehow end up being just enough to protect him from some of those arrows. Either that, or maybe his luck would finally hold firm and they'd just miss completely, either one of those results was certainly the preferable one for him. Not like he had any real choice besides to keep going "Don't you people have anything BETTER to DO?"
  124. 22:43 Tectonic barely escaped the sliding dude. Barely. It still hurts. "AW! Get off from me you creep!:
  125. 22:45 *** F021_ joined #covenger_rp
  126. 22:45 *** F021_ is now known as Tectonic_
  127. 22:47 *** Tectonic quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  128. 22:49 Tectonic_ -- If you're the mook that's almost hit Tectonic's gut, you can notice the ground is starting to shake. From mildly shaking to intensive vibrations, it ends up with Tectonic raising above the mooks by about seven or so feet. The goo-drenched girl quickly stands up, free from all goo at last.
  129. 22:50 VenVera gets up, sees her good old hammer, slips a few times but grabs it, bashing the leg of the guy near her, and most likely breaks his shin, in fact she swore she heard it snap
  130. 22:52 Bud slammed into the other end of the warehouse, ending his slide with a semi-reasonable amount of grace. Fishing from another pocket resulted in him pulling a small Skorpion sub-machinegun loaded with rubber bullets. After a quick inspection he pushed himself off once more towards the grounded knights, taking random shots towards the catwalk archers as he
  131. 22:52 Bud --- went along and hopefully avoiding their arrows but probably not. "Hahahahaha! You can't stop me I'm the land Apache!" despite this claim he's put himself into an oddly stoppable position.
  132. 22:58 Tectonic_ "Ha! And you thought I'm useless."
  133. 23:03 Hoody "I got an idea!" She floats over to the invisible barrier where Sinclair is being protected. "HEY! MUGFACE!" She shouts. "Howzit about this?" She projects a green ball of aura between her hands. "Since I'm a ghost, I can goooo throoough aaaanything!" She's trying to scare Sinclair. Badly. "If this ball hits you, your soul will forever be nullified! Boo!"
  134. 23:07 Sinclair "Ha, I want to see you try it!" Sinclair didn't seem to have any fear of that. Knowing him wouldn't even be the first time. He stands up tall waiting to see what Hoody would try.
  135. 23:08 Sinclair Meanwhile the man attacking Tectonic is sent careening off to the other side of the warehouse and knocking his head on the wall. Thankfully his helmet is thick, he'll live. Just out for now.
  136. 23:09 VenVera grabs the helmet off the crusader, maybe she can wear it out, but as a craftier, she soon realizes its a big piece of plastic. "Its FAKE!?" she throws it down, crushing it with her hammer "Ah cam 'ere 'n' a' thare is ur fakes! "
  137. 23:09 Sinclair Several of the knights are sent off by the attacks of Bu and Vera, slipping and sliding along the ground until they went into a gooey pile in the corner of the room.
  138. 23:10 Sinclair Meanwhile, of course, the arrows ding off of Neonger's makeshift armor, not being made of anything piercing themselves. Not that they'd stop. Each one hitting was like getting a solid punch, and they were more than happy to try to pelt him with it.
  139. 23:11 Hoody She didn't think ahead. "Err... uhh... Oh, how could I have forgotten? I have to charge this puppy! Yeah! Then we'll see who comes out the winner here, Mugface!" She has no idea of what she's about, but she starts making the ball of aurora energy larger and larger. "You're asking for it, pal!"
  140. 23:13 Sinclair "No, no, please, I can wait. I want to see this" Sinclair taps his foot as he rests atop the boxes, looking up at Hoody. If one could see his face he'd probably be grinning like an asshole.
  141. 23:13 Neonger was dramatically flung back through the air, landing flat on his butt, but not for very long as he'd stand up as quickly as he could, trying to shrug off any pain he felt, a hero wouldn't just sit there and let these mooks push him around, would they? Going back for the assault he attempts a dropkick of some sort on one of them "Come on, are you really just going to be sending these guys...
  142. 23:13 Neonger ...after us all day? No style, no flair. Pathetic."
  143. 23:14 VenVera "Wait, the boxes, that stupid ghost!" She sets her shield down, jumps on to it like a sled sliding towards the boxes
  144. 23:16 Hoody "Are you actually trying to test me, Punk?" The ball of energy gets larger and larger to the point where it starts to incinerate the roof slightly. "See this? See it? It's gonna be in your face inna' couple of seconds, scared now? I bet you are, because that barrier AIN'T gonna protect you from much!"
  145. 23:17 Bud ends his most recent slide of infinite dizzyness by slamming into the glass barrier once more. Taking a moment or two to regain his composure. Spinning and sliding seemed to throw off the senses as it would turn out.
  146. 23:17 *** McGoFuckYourself joined #covenger_rp
  147. 23:18 Tectonic_ raises both of her hands, and all of the rocks she can lift are levitated and flies towards her. She put her arms back down and all of the rocks are flying in every direction but up. She clearly is gaining new strength and she is clearly going to have a long bath at home. "Nyeahahahahahahaa~ You will taste the earth kissing your ass!"
  148. 23:19 Sinclair Sinclair taps the right side of his mask cheekily. "Be sure to get my good side. I mean, if you're going to completely destroy my soul I want to go out in style!" Clearly fucking with her. He'd address Neonger's 'comment' after, he had his plans, that was for certain.
  149. 23:19 Sinclair Meanwhile, the ranger was able to knock another one off of the catwalks. There wasn't much space to move out of the way given their placement, and once he got through the arrows they didn't have a second line of defense.
  150. 23:20 Sinclair Those on the ground that weren't already dealt with were quickly dispatched by Tectonic's rocks, the knights scattered about at the corners of the warehouse.
  151. 23:22 VenVera jumps at the last second, her shield hitting Sins force field as she hits the top box falling behind the pile with it "ow"
  152. 23:23 Bud stays on his knees and gently taps the glass barrier a few times. "Knock knock knock. Little pig, little pig. Let us in."
  153. 23:24 Sinclair "In a minute, in a minute! I don't want to miss the chance to see the sheer unadulterated power of undeath turned against me!"
  154. 23:25 Tectonic_ jumps off, doing the leap of faith style before landing on the top of the force field dome. One of her rocks is floating nearby, just in case. "Hey there. Let us in, please."
  155. 23:26 Hoody "FUCK YOU, MUGFACE!" She snapped. The hurdling energy ball over her hands were neatly adjusted towards the glass barrier. On contact, strikes of lightning start occuring between the dome and ball of energy. As soon as it fully makes contact, the Ball explodes. From the outside, it seems as if the entire building just blew up. But nothing really happened.
  156. 23:27 Neonger "Open the thing already, come on."
  157. 23:28 VenVera "nehehehe, huh?" she comes back around the boxes. "oh uh, yeah" she starts hitting the field with her hammer, not caring that much
  158. 23:29 Sinclair In the explosion something DOES happen, though. Using this as a chance to make his appearance, Sinclair in his kingly garb comes out through a secret opening sliding up the side of the barrier and making two smacks with his cane, one for Hoody and the other for Tectonic
  159. 23:29 Sinclair Landing with style and grace on the tips of his shoes he slides across the floor behind the heroes. Final boss time.
  160. 23:30 VenVera grabs her shield, doing something behind it for a sec then is battle ready
  161. 23:31 Neonger turns around and immediately throws his coolest pose right as the 'final boss' "Ah, so it's finally getting good. Here we are, right at the climax, should be fun." cracking his knuckles in anticipation "Everyone's ready, right?"
  162. 23:32 VenVera "Aye, git whit ah cam fur anyways...b-bashing baddies! hehe..."
  163. 23:33 Tectonic_ got hit by the cane, making a rather big bruise on her forehead. "Ouch." Jumping on her rock she managed to follow the masked dude, before landing on another smaller platform she made. Nothing too tall, just enough to make it not gooey. "I'm ready."
  164. 23:33 Hoody "I ain't finished... This ain't over..." The last energy attack drained her, but she has too much of an ego to care. "Come ere' MUGFACE, I ain't FINISHED!" She charges at Sinclair at amazing speed, her fists in flurry of energy and a surge of anger, She starts rapidly throwing blast after blasts at Sinclair. "Eat it, Mugface, EAT IT!"
  165. 23:34 Bud rises to his feet fully, juggling the sword and the firearm to opposite hands. "I actually forgot why I came here you know, so let's go."
  166. 23:37 Sinclair As Hoody would find, Sinclair was NOT an untrained hooligan like the others. Using the goo of the ground as leverage he would duck and dive around the blasts, spinning around his cane to block her fists where they would get close before he'd swing like a baseball batter to jolt her back towards the others.
  167. 23:38 Sinclair The goo on the ground, in the meantime, moved in ripples. Small waves. If getting a hold of ones self was hard before it was now becoming even harder in an attempt to trip them up.
  168. 23:38 Sinclair "Here we go, here we go, here we go- What a day!" He'd laugh aloud, spinning and twisting along the ground like a figure skater.
  169. 23:39 Neonger [Fuck, how do I get down from the catwalks?]
  170. 23:39 McGoFuckYourself (Do a little turn on them)
  171. 23:39 Sinclair (jump and pose)
  172. 23:39 Bud [break legs]
  173. 23:40 Hoody [Fly like a swan]
  174. 23:40 Neonger [Are there any ladders or anything attached? Stairs maybe?]
  175. 23:40 VenVera [jump onto the box pile and clime down them]
  176. 23:40 Bud [the boxes are covered by a glass dome my man]
  177. 23:40 VenVera [they are?]
  178. 23:40 Sinclair (ladders yeah, but more cool is that the goo seems to minimize impact against them)
  179. 23:40 Sinclair (so you won't break your legs!)
  180. 23:41 Sinclair (also yeah m8, said it in the chat)
  181. 23:41 VenVera [fuck, thought it was only Sin sorry]
  182. 23:42 Sinclair (anywho, continue boss fight~)
  183. 23:42 Hoody was stunned back. "You think I'm just gonna give up like that, Mugface?" She's determined to make up for her embarrassment. "You think I'm just another bean in the pot, don't you? Well this ghost has some tricks up'er own sleeves." She literally meant that. She took out a small wand, containing what seems to be a soul...
  184. 23:43 Tectonic_ [It's okay]
  185. 23:44 Neonger Walking over to the side of the catwalks as close to Sinclair as he could reasonably get he climbed over the ledge and decided, you know what? He's going to go for a jump kick, at least that was the only thought rushing through his leg as he jumped off, hurdling through the air with his leg stuck out right in front of him, hoping to maybe tag Sinclair with a nice, hard kick "FLYING KICK!"...
  186. 23:44 Neonger ...that was pretty much the best thing he could come up with at the moment. Damn, really should've taken the time to think of a cool name before just jumping like that.
  187. 23:45 Hoody ...The soul seems to power Hoody. She puts her hand around the soul as it shakes violently... A sudden surge of aurora surrounds Hoody. "Now, I'm refreshed, which'a gonna be bad for you, Mugface..." She tries to keep her calm.
  188. 23:46 Bud turns and jumps at the glass barrier, using another leg to kick off from the barrier and turn in air and complete a momentum fueled sliding slam to his knees. Using the blade's force against the ground in a basic attempt at control while he fired the small Skorpion in Sinclair's direction.
  189. 23:46 Tectonic_ apparently is going to do the trick she used a while earlier. Gathering the last of her strength she raises her hands up, and then points to Sinclair. A hail of rocks immidiately follow her orders as they flies into Sinclair full force.
  190. 23:47 Sinclair In a display of rather impressive reaction time, the sliding king spun himself around and raised up his leg in his own kick, his and Neonger's colliding in what would likely be a shot to show in the trailer. With everyone charging him at once, though, this is where his dastardly nature kicked in.
  191. 23:48 Sinclair The swish of his cape caught the bullets of Bud's skorpion, it likely being the most expensive part of his ensemble because jesus christ it was bulletproof! The ranger he collided with would then be twisted with him and nearly used as a shield against Tectonic's rocks. All the while he chuckled.
  192. 23:51 Neonger He shouted as he was twisted around, barely managing to avoid probably getting killed right on the spot by the flying rocks opting to let himself just land on the ground, slipping backwards and away from Sinclair as he landed "We're going to have to work together if we want to take out.... King Ballerina... Kingerina!"
  193. 23:56 Hoody "Hey, Mugface!" She charged at Sinclair with her prime. Her fists were carefully alligned in specific points to his bodies aimed at the highest of precisions, at a staggering speed. "Dodge this, Mugface!" She was 99.9% sure that her newly aqquired stamina will allow her to hold out against him, but from the other eye that might not be the case.
  194. 23:57 Bud slides his sword at Sinclair's feet, hoping to trip him up in his hubris or something like that before slamming into the wall and using the brief moment to reload. "Teamwork is typically overrated I say."
  195. 00:04 VenVera sets the shield down one the floor, braces her feet on the box bubble and boosts forwards on the shield sled, screaming as she is ready to hit his legs
  196. 00:04 Sinclair Unfortunately for Bud, Sinclair brought more than his ego to the table. He had quite the bit of skill and grace to back it up. Using Bud's sword like a stepping stone he jumped through the air. Were he still on the ground Hoody's attacks may have landed more, but only a few hit while he glides through the air. Still enough to knock him onto his back and slide
  197. 00:05 Sinclair Spinning like a top he'd come back onto his feet a moment later.
  198. 00:08 Neonger He kicked his foot into the ground, hoping to send himself sliding off in the direction of Sinclair like how Sinclair had been doing it himself the entire time, the only option here was to attempt to overwhelm Sinclair. If enough of them attacked him simultaneously, maybe at least one of them would be able to get a good shot on him. Damn, this guy is the worst.
  199. 00:08 Hoody "Not bad, huh?" She gained some cockiness after landing a few hits or so. "Maybe it's me, or you're getting Rusty, Mugface!" She starts to gain distance between each other, waiting or the others to strike. "Maybe you need to step up your game!"
  200. 00:10 Tectonic_ is absolutely exhausted as she sits on her platform, catching her breaths. "Just.. Go on.. Without me. I'll just take a break here." She points to Sinclair one last time and send her last rock towards him.
  201. 00:11 VenVera While sin is distracted by hoody and a flying rock, Vera jumps off the shield ready to bring the hammer down on Sins stupid crown
  202. 00:12 Bud spins the Skorpion in his fingers before tossing it at Sinclair or anybody near him. If he could just trip everybody one of them is bound to land on the oddly graceful villain. Also because he wanted to get another gun out.
  203. 00:15 Neonger slid over in the direction of Neonger, his arms stretched out, maybe if he actually managed to tag him with both hands he'd be able to push him over directly into the aim of someone nearby. Nothing was going to get done here if people weren't willing to help eachother out at least a little bit.
  204. 00:16 Neonger *Sinclair
  205. 00:16 Neonger [Motherfucker.]
  206. 00:16 Neonger [agh]
  207. 00:16 Neonger [Wish there was a delete button on irc.]
  208. 00:18 Tectonic_ [Man i know that feel]
  209. 00:18 Sinclair Sinclair was a bitch to fight like this, that was for sure. He used every part of his environment to his own advantage. Jumping upwards he used the rock careening in his direction to jump upwards, spinning through the air and catching the gun, flinging it in Hoody's direction before he landed. Slippery as fuck.
  210. 00:19 Sinclair That said, Neonger managed to make progress, catching him as he made his landing in both of his hands. "Full of surprises as always! Lets see your big master plan!" He... considered this entertainment, by the looks of it. Like a child playing with toys, each to their little roles, except this was far more painful.
  211. 00:21 Neonger "Hey, Buddy, catch!" he said, tossing Sinclair in the direction of Buddy, hoping that maybe he'd be quick enough on the uptake to try to strike him while he was flying through the air in his direction, of course Neonger made sure to slide forward a bit before throwing. Gotta get that momentum, eh? "Er.... JUSTICE TOSS!"
  212. 00:22 Hoody gets obscured by the rock zooming towards her. It smashes into her chin kicking her entire head back with the resulting force knocking her back to the dome. "I... I think I have an idea..." She stands up. "Time out! Time out! Time out!" She shouts.
  213. 00:24 Neonger *masked man
  214. 00:25 Bud brings about another blade, shorter but just as sharp as the first. Standing to his feet he rides the momentum to try and intercept Sinclair, maybe stopping the ballerina for good. "Awful name!"
  215. 00:25 Neonger [Shouldn't know his name]
  216. 00:25 Neonger [Either that or you can pretend I call everyone Buddy.]
  217. 00:25 Bud [I'm known too :^( ]
  218. 00:26 Bud [Buddy is literally the easiest thing to say to a stranger too]
  219. 00:26 Tectonic_ "What's your plan ghostie?" Tectonic shouts, still comfortably sitting down on her platform.
  220. 00:26 Tectonic_ [Yep]
  221. 00:28 Hoody "Alright, huddle up." She whispers to her other teammates. "This guy seems to be playing us like a bunch of barbie dolls, so here's what we should do... He can be distracted, just make sure he doesn't have anything to bounce off of or dance on... IF someone has him in that kind of situmation, someone else comes in and sucker punches Mugface! Bam!"
  222. 00:36 Sinclair Sinclair is sent flying through the air by the toss, bullets colliding with him as he went. Some were blocked by the cape, but others hit their mark. Those paying close attention would note that while he made pained sounds, no blood came from the points of impact at all. Even when there clearly wasn't armor underneath his clothes
  223. 00:36 Sinclair Then he skid across the gooey floor, grunting and trying to get his bearings. "Ahhh... There we go! More of that, will you?"
  224. 00:37 *** Bud joined #covenger_rp
  225. 00:38 Tectonic_ [Sinclair is sent flying through the air by the toss, bullets colliding with him as he went. Some were blocked by the cape, but others hit their mark. Those paying close attention would note that while he made pained sounds, no blood came from the points of impact at all. Even when there clearly wasn't armor underneath his clothes]
  226. 00:38 Tectonic_ [Then he skid across the gooey floor, grunting and trying to get his bearings. "Ahhh... There we go! More of that, will you?"]
  227. 00:38 Tectonic_ [For bud]
  228. 00:39 *** Bud quit ()
  229. 00:39 *** Bud joined #covenger_rp
  230. 00:39 Hoody "Just ya' wait, Mugface. I'm gonna show you what a ton of fists can do to your crown, and your mask." She flies at Sinclair twisting in multiple directions to disorientate him. After she gets close enough, Hoody starts to throw her flurry of fists at Sinclair again. This time, Hoody wants to keep him in a steady area for those to attack.
  231. 00:41 *** Tectonic_ quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  232. 00:41 *** Tectonic_ joined #covenger_rp
  233. 00:43 Sinclair Now focusing his attention in one place, Sinclair begins to trade blows back and forth with Hoody. Alongside being a slippery devil, he knew his way around hand to hand combat and didn't care much for mercy. Blocking, striking, getting hit, sliding beneath blows, he was a flurry, but this time a lot more focused.
  234. 00:45 Hoody was taking hits, She found it hard keeping up with Sinclair but she knew she had him in a steady place. In a split window of time, she looks at VenVera, signalling for an opening for an attack. After losing focus though, she takes severe damage, and tries to make up for that.
  235. 00:47 Sinclair Even a moment of pause was something Sinclair was not going to forgive. Spinning, he'd follow up a knockback with a crushing kick into her side before smacking his cane around. The Ghost had his full attention, and in the moments he was serious he was scary.
  236. 00:50 Hoody Taking the hits, Hoody was struggling to maintain endurance. She needed someone to intervene, fast, she had the upper hand in offense but she was losing defence quickly, which dramatically changed her offense for the worse. All she could do now is hold out, only throwing in at times, three or five quick blows, even then she only had a fraction of a chance to
  237. 00:53 Neonger Deciding to take so real advantage of the slippery floor for once he slid in the general direction of the pair, dropping down to the ground after getting to a running speed and sending himself sliding on the ground, his foot point straight out, attempting to maybe mess with Sinclair's balance a bit. If he didn't see him coming surely this could be helpful to at least one person.
  238. 00:53 VenVera opens her eyes, feeling her head, she apparently she managed to fly over Sin and hit a wall, knocking her out. "So thats why helmets matter" She gets back and almost falls back downn, grabs her hammer and is ready to get bacjk in
  239. 00:54 Bud pointed at VenVera then at himself and the air above him before sliding in towards Sinclair from behind, hoping to catch him off guard in a grab.
  240. 00:55 VenVera thinks for a sec then gets what the mask guy is getting at, pushing herself off the wall and getting ready to jump
  241. 01:01 Sinclair If one could see the masked man's face, they'd see he was quite happy with these turn of events. The spectacle is the big payoff. Caught off guard and tripped up by Neonger, the dastardly villain falls back right into Bud's grabbing hold
  242. 01:03 Tectonic_ -- Knowing that her powers are almost exhausted and it's not so controllable, Tectonic just stands and watches the events unfolding. She is ready for one last attack if needed, she only need a sign from the others.
  243. 01:05 VenVera jumps again landing on buds shoulders and brings her hammer full force onto Sins head
  244. 01:11 Bud grunts lightly at the girl's weight and of the weight of her armor. Working out and standing strong pays off in any situation it'd seem. To add insult to injury he brings about a knee into the man's back.
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