
are you finished with those errands

Jun 6th, 2018
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  1. Narrator (Anya): Ah, beautiful springtime. A time for fun and frolic for most... [The scene cuts to Elysium, zooming in and then right at the front door. Candy is there] but not for this poor slob. [Referring to Candy]
  2. Candy: Oh, what a beautiful day. And here I am trapped in a prison of high cholesterol. [bell dings] No one ever comes in on Sunday. [bell dings again] Why can't Alois just let us go home? [bell dings again. Candy gets angry. The scene changes to to Zerah ringing a bell, set on the order window. Candy runs up to Zerah] Zerah, stop ringing this bell! [She picks it up and slams it on the bottom of the order window]
  3. Zerah: I was just testing it. [Candy leans through the order window getting in Zerah's face]
  4. Candy: I will ring the bell when there's an order. But... [scene zooms out to show that the restaurant is empty] ...THERE'S NO CUSTOMERS! There hasn't been one all day and there isn't gonna be any! [she struggles to pick up the cash register, but successfully does so and she slams it down making a bell noise]
  5. Zerah: One Krabby Patty coming up!
  6. Candy: No!
  7. [The register drawer shoots open, knocking Candy out of the way. A bunch of coins fall onto the floor. The scene changes to show Alois’ office where Alois is writing something on a sheet of paper and he stops to hear the money dropping.]
  8. Alois: That sounds like my money dropping. [The scene changes to show the outside of the office and Candy is picking up the coins. Alois opens his office door.] What's going on out here?! My babies! [runs up to Candy and shoves her away] Get away, you barbarian! What have you done? Nice, clean money... soiled! [scoops up the coins in his hands] I'll take care of ya. Let papa clean ya up. [The scene changes to show a long shot of Zerah staring out from the order window] Clear the way! [he runs into the kitchen and starts washing them off in the sink] No, no, no, don't cry, little ones.
  9. Zerah: What's wrong, Alois? [Alois gets startled and throws the dimes in the air]
  10. Alois: [a dime rolls into the sink and starts to roll towards the sink drain.] My dime! [The dime rolls around sink drain, just as it is seems like it's about to fall down the drain, it flips over facing away from the drain. Alois gives a sigh of relief. Then the dime jumps, winks, and goes down the drain] No! [grabs the dime in the drain] I got it, boy. [tries to take his claw out] What the? It's stuck! You gotta help me, Zerah!
  11. Zerah: You've gotta let go of the dime.
  12. Alois: I can think of ten good reasons to never let go of a dime, boy. There's got to be another way! Grab my trousers and heave! [Zerah pulls on Alois from behind a couple times until Alois gets thrown back without his arms] My arms!
  13. Zerah: Oh no, not again! [Alois hits the wall, the impact causing the shelf above him to slant and drop a pot, a glass, a pan, a mug, a treasure chest, an anchor, a buoy, and a scuba suit on his head. A giant bump rises up on Alois' head and then a dime falls on it causing Alois to fall over and blacken out. Scene changes to show an ambulance outside Elysium and two paramedics start to carry out Alois on a stretcher.]
  14. Alois: Wait. [The paramedics stop moving] Candy... I'm putting you in charge of things around here while I'm gone.
  15. Candy: [smiles] You can count on me, sir! [The paramedics continue to carry Alois out. A third paramedic carries out Alois' arms] Take care, Hurry back. Get well soon. You're in our thoughts. [The final paramedic enters the ambulance and it drives off.] Takes more muscles to frown than to smile. [shuts the door] Okay, Zerah, let's get down to business. My first official act as new manager is to give you a promotion.
  16. [Zerah's pupils form into stars to stars]
  17. Zerah: [screams] Ahh! Really?
  18. Candy: You get to run the cash register.
  19. Zerah: The cash register... Wow! Candy, who's gonna work the grill?
  20. Candy: You are-- It's part of the promotion I mentioned earlier. You'll be wearing two hats now. You're gonna take the orders and then you're gonna make them! [puts her hat next to Zerah's hat]
  21. Zerah: Ah... This is the best day of my life.
  22. Candy: Me, too.
  23. Zerah: But wait, if I'm running the register and the grill, what are you gonna do?
  24. Candy: I've got some very important boss-like errands to run. See ya later. [she runs off]
  25. Zerah: Candy!
  26. Candy: [She is half-way out the door] What is it?
  27. Zerah: You forgot to teach me how to use... The cash register. [He rubs the cash register]
  28. Candy: You push the button and put the money inside. Okay, you're on your own. [walks off as Zerah hugs the cash register]
  29. Zerah: I can't believe this is really happening. [sits on the cash register box. He starts to tear up.] Today, I start living!
  30. [The scene changes to show Candy walking outside]
  31. Candy: Well, Candy, you've really outdone yourself this time. A beautiful day of relaxing and pampering... With pay. Hmm... I guess I do kinda feel bad for poor little Zerah, all by his lonesome... Oh, oh, it'll pass. He's probably just standing at the register with that stupid grin on his face. [scene cuts to Candy's imagination: Zora and Zerah in the Krusty Krab with dopey looks on their faces]
  32. Thought Zora: Hey, Zerah!
  33. Thought Zerah: Hey, Patrick!
  34. Thought Zora: Hey, Zerah, could you give me change for a quarter? [holds up quarter]
  35. Thought Zerah: No problem! [takes the quarter, bangs on the register until it opens, and gives Zor a giant pile of money] Here ya go!
  36. Thought Patrick: Thanks.
  37. [the scene goes back to reality]
  38. Candy: [gasps] I forgot to tell him how to make change! Oh! [she runs back to the restaurant, banging the doors open] Zer... [sees only Zerah in Elysium] ...ah. [checks the cash register to see if everything is still there. Gives a sigh of relief]
  39. Zerah: Hi, Candy. All done with those errands?
  40. Candy: No, I am not. I just remembered I needed change for this dollar. [She pulls out a dollar from her pocket]
  41. Zerah: Do you want four quarters? [holds up four quarters] Or ten dimes? [shows ten dimes on his left hand] Or twenty nickels? [shows ten nickels on each arm] Or one hundred pennies? [shows one-hundred pennies on his back] Or one quarter, three dimes, seven nickels, and ten pennies? [shows the quarter on his nose, 3 dimes on his fingers, 7 nickels on his thumb, and ten pennies, in the shape of the cent symbol, on his foot] Or, if you give me a five dollar bill, your options are...
  42. Candy: Alright, goodbye. [walks off. Scene changes to show Candy's house where she comes out wearing sunglasses and blue shorts or bathing suit, she is carrying a lawn chair, a sunbathing mirror, an umbrella hat and a bottle of sunscreen.] This is great. My day off, no worries, just relaxation. [sets her lawn chair down, puts the hat on, puts the mirror down, and puts sunscreen on her nose.] I'm the boss, I deserve this. Ah...
  43. Candy: [voice over/Thoughts] Everything will be fine. There won't be any customers today anyway. He'll probably just stand there, bored. [imagines Zerah behind the counter just standing there. Candy chuckles.] Zerah, bored. [she chuckles some more]
  44. Thought Zerah: Ehh... Gettin' kinda bored. [yawns and falls asleep snoring. Elysium spontaneously combusts and Candy tries to blow it out but it's a thought bubble, so it goes away. Begins to run to Elysium, but stops.]
  45. Candy: Oh, what am I doing? [she pulls out a pocket watch] I am wasting valuable relaxing time, that's what I'm doing! I mean, really. What are the odds? Zerah setting Elysium on fire. [she walks back down the road, chuckling. Then, a fire truck drives down the road from to direction of Elysium. Candy is startled and runs to the restaurant with a fire extinguisher. She opens the door and sprays the galley with foam. As the foam subsides, Candy, now with a foam beard, walks over to Zerah, who has a foam mustache]
  46. Zerah: May I help you, sir?
  47. Candy: [wipes off her foamy beard] It's me, you dunce!
  48. Zerah: Oh, hi, Candy! [mustache falls off] How are those errands going?
  49. Candy: What's that supposed to mean? I'm very busy.
  50. Zerah: Well, I'm sure you are.
  51. Candy: I don't like your tone.
  52. Zerah: [high-pitched voice] I'm sure you are. [normal voice again] How's that?
  53. Candy: Just do your jobs! [walks off]
  54. Zerah: Aye-aye, Ms… uh… Candy. [puts the spatula in his forehead. Candy leaves, grumbling.] Boy, no wonder Alois put her in charge. [The scene changes to show Candy's house. The scene zooms into the interior. Candy is trying to sit down.]
  55. Candy: Must... re... [cracks her back] ...lax! [She slouches in her chair. She pulls out a hand mirror] Look at yourself. You're losing your bluish glow. Stop worrying so much. Now, repeat after me. You will not go back to Elysium. [her reflection turns into Zerah]
  56. Mirror Zerah: I will destroy Elysium! [Candy screams and throws the mirror at the wall and runs to Elysium]
  57. Candy: Zerah!
  58. Zerah: Have you finished...?
  59. Candy: No! [walks out] That's it. That's it. No matter what sick fantasies run through my mind, I will not go back to that restaurant! [walks into her house then runs out towards Elysium]
  60. Zerah: Have you finished those errands? [Candy runs back to her house then back to Elysium] Have you finished those errands? [Candy runs back to her house] Have you finished those errands? [Candy runs to Elysium] Have you finished those errands? [Candy keeps running back and forth while Zerah is repeating 'have you finished those errands?' Finally, Candy enters the Elysium and stops] Have you finished those errands? Have you finished those errands? Have you finished those errands?
  61. Candy: No, I am not finished with those errands and I never will be, so quit checking up on me! [walks up to Zerah] I know what you're up to. [She hits the cash register while she talks] Forcing me to come back here every time you mess up!
  62. Zerah: But I haven't...
  63. Candy: Okay, [She leans on the cash register] maybe you haven't messed up yet, but you will. You will... [she slowly loses her sanity as she walks backwards] And when you do, I'll be there. I'll be there! [She laughs hysterically and runs away]
  64. Zerah: Gosh, Candy sure is a hard worker. She makes me proud to wear [Rubs her hats] these hats.
  65. [The scene changes to show Candy locking her door using her key, putting padlocks on it, bolting it down with wood and nails, putting police tape up, and using a blowtorch to weld the door shut so she can't get out]
  66. Candy: There! [she throws the blowtorch backwards] Now I'll have to stay here and enjoy myself! [Her face looks weird because she has lost her sanity] I'm not even gonna think about you-know-who at the you-know-what doing I-don't-care. [laughs] Just gonna... Relax. [She walks to her shower and turns on the water and puts on his bathing cap sits in her bathtub] Let Candy's day off...[Under the bath water] begin. [Candy hears Zerah laughing] [above the bath water] What was that? [Zerah's laughing is heard again] It's Zerah. He's spying on me, to see if I'm really doing errands. [gives a chuckle] But, but he left his post. [Gives another chuckle] And I've finally caught him messing up. [Gives another chuckle. She pokes her head out the window.] Aha! I caught you, Zer... [notices that it's only the wind making a branch of coral brush against her house] ... Branch. [Candy notices Zerah's silhouette with his two hats behind her shower curtain] Heh, here's that rubber duck Alois wanted me to get. [pulls the curtain aside] I've got you now! Wait'll Alois finds out you're a... [Sees her toilet with a shampoo bottle and 2 rolls of toilet paper on it] ... Toilet. You're losin' it, Candy. Calm down. If I let this get to me again, I'll just end up running down to Elysium, bursting through the front door, up to that yellow headache Zerah, and he'll say...
  67. Zerah: Hi, Candy. [Zerah is in the bathtub with Candy.] Are you finished with those errands yet? [goes under the water]
  68. Candy: Aha! [goes under the water and appears as a real Frankenstein with a demonic voice] I know you're in here. [gasps] What? [Zerah is in the drain. He winks and goes down] He's heading back to Elysium! [Jumps out of her bathtub and runs to the door] I'll beat him there! [slams through the barricaded door with nothing on but her shower cap and bubbles foaming around her waist] I've got you now, Zerah! [runs past Midnight who covers her daughter's eyes with her hand]
  69. Midnight: Hey, put some clothes on!
  70. Candy: [runs past Zora lying on a rock] The truth will be revealed!
  71. Zora: [stands up] Whoa-ho, right on, Candy! [The scene changes to show the hospital where Fritz and Alois are walking out]
  72. Fritz: Okay, Alois. Get plenty of rest and if things don't seem right, come back. [walks inside]
  73. Alois: Thanks, Doc. [He looks at the street and smiles until the nude and deranged Candy runs past him]
  74. Candy: Zerah, you can't beat me! [Alois frowns, his arms fall off again and he walks back into the hospital. Laughing hysterically, Candy bursts Elysium to find Zerah already there--he never left!] AHA! I caught you now! You didn't think I knew you were a stick outside my window! Ha! Or the toilet in my bathroom! [Zerah looks confused and Candy's saliva hits his face] And then you were in my bathtub, and [She slowly regains his sanity] I... and-and you... and I... and then you... swam... down the drain... and... beat me... to… Elysium.
  75. Zerah: Uh, does that mean you're...? [Candy covers Zerah's mouth with his hand]
  76. Candy: Yes, Zerah. I am finished with those errands. [hugs the register] I guess I want to take my place back at the cash register. I really do.
  77. [She rubs his face on the cash register. Zerah takes off his clothes (except his underwear) and hands them to Candy]
  78. Zerah: [Whispers] Then you might wanna put these on. [Candy looks down and notices a bunch of bubbles. Close up of her legs and all the bubbles pop except for one, which pops after the close up, she grabs Zerah's pants and puts them on.] Hmm... Hey, Candy, you know what? Look! [walks back with the "open"/"closed" sign] We forgot to switch the "Closed" sign to "Open". [flips the sign from "Closed" to "Open"]. It's almost like we could've taken the whole day off! [He laughs. Candy's nose falls off and her head deflates. Her whole body soon falls gently to the ground.]
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