
Stolen Heart

Aug 18th, 2013
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  1. >Day crime pays, but not very well in Equestria.
  2. >Be Anon, proud member of Equestrian Thieves Guild.
  3. >Actually, you're the only member of the Equestrian Thieves Guild.
  4. >But there's always room for expansion!
  5. >Right now, you're stoking out your next victim, which is quiet easy to do in this world.
  6. >Ponies walk the streets with unguarded pockets lined with bits and goodies.
  7. >Houses are often left vulnerable to break ins.
  8. >Doors are left open at night, windows aren't locked, chimneys lack operational laser defenses.
  9. >It's almost too easy, you would say.
  10. >Walk behind an older stallion and intentionally bump into him.
  11. >Grab his bag of bits while he is still in shock from being bumped.
  12. >"Huh what!! What's happenin'?! The japs bombing us again?!"
  13. "Oh, my apologies sir. I wasn't watching where I was going."
  14. >Put on a fake smile while apologizing.
  15. >He grumbles and walks off, muttering racial slurs under his breath.
  16. >Just as you are about to leave, the old pony you robbed turns around.
  17. >"Wait just a minute! Did ya' steal my bits you shit flingin' monkey?"
  18. >Shake your head.
  19. >"Oh. Well then, have a nice day banana eater."
  20. >He walks off without saying anything else.
  21. >Let out a long sigh.
  22. >You were hoping he'd call the police for a dramatic chase sequence, but it looks like that's not going to happen.
  23. >Keep walking around town looking for opportunities for some excitement.
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  27. >At the end of a hard days work of petty theft and pickpocketing, you return to your dumpy house for some not particularly needed rest.
  28. >Toss your loot onto a table, it's not much more than a handful of bits anyways.
  29. >Flop onto your bed and start regretting how monotonous your life has become.
  30. >It used to be about adventure, about the thrill of almost being caught and the dangers that came with being a criminal.
  31. >Now it's a fucking chore.
  32. >Go into town, swipe a few bits, go home, rinse and repeat.
  33. >When did it become so dull?
  34. >Ponies in this world are so gullible that stealing from them almost makes you feel guilty.
  35. >Like taking a muffin from a retard.
  36. >You need a challenge, something to test your true skills as a great thief.
  37. >Roll over onto your side and notice part of your bedding sticking up from under the covers.
  38. >It's part of an old newspaper.
  39. >Yeah, you don't live very well.
  40. >The paper has a photograph of the royal princesses posing for a photo-op.
  41. >Both are adorned with priceless jewelry strapped onto their bodies.
  42. >Princess Celestia has her shining gold crown on the top of her head and a massive, solid gold neckpiece with a large amethyst in the center.
  43. >How doesn't she have neck problems from that?
  44. >Princess Luna is wearing a smaller, more humble tiara and her necklace sports her cutie mark, both of which are black as the night she commands.
  45. >Damn.
  46. >The prices those things would fence on the black market…
  47. >You sit up in your bed, still holding onto the newspaper.
  48. >If anyone were to steal such valuable items, it would no doubt take the skills of a master thief such as yourself.
  49. >There would be adventure, suspense, and bullshit amounts of treasure!
  50. >Crack a menacing laugh and grip the newspaper tightly.
  51. >Stealing both of the royal's jewelry in the same night; it'll be the heist of the millennium!
  52. >You start drifting off to sleep, mumbling to yourself about Nicholas Cage aiding you in stealing royal artifacts.
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  56. >Day criminal scum in Equestria
  57. >Wake up.
  58. >Skip your morning routine and head out to the train station.
  59. >Sneak on board an outgoing train and begin plotting your devious plan as the train makes its way to the capital.
  60. >You're going to need all your cunning and wit if you want to make it out of this one alive.
  61. >You've never infiltrated anything heavily guarded, especially a goddamn castle before.
  62. >In fact…you've never even been to a castle before.
  63. >You begin to doubt yourself on this mission of personal satisfaction.
  64. >You will probably wind up getting lost within the many halls of the massive castle and eventually call for help.
  65. >If that doesn't happen, then you will most likely get caught by one of the many guards that will no doubt be on duty if you actually initiate the burglary.
  66. >And if by some impossible feat of master thievery you manage to accomplish all that, the princesses will certainly vaporize you.
  67. >Slink back in your train seat.
  68. >This is starting to sound more like a suicide mission as each second passes by.
  69. >Tap idly on the windowsill.
  70. >On the other hand, no one's ever tried this before.
  71. >They won't be expecting it, not even slightly!
  72. >They may have numbers, training, superior magic ability, and strategic positioning, but you've got the element of surprise working to your advantage.
  73. >Chuckle maniacally to yourself.
  74. >This may just work out after all.
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  78. >You arrive in Canterlot station a little while later.
  79. >As soon as the train doors opened, you bolted out through the crowd of ponies into a nearby alleyway.
  80. >Peer out cautiously to see if anypony noticed you yet.
  81. >Pull up your hood to help you blend into the darkness.
  82. >Have to keep to the shadows so the ponies of this city don't know you here.
  83. >If you're exposed in public, that'll certainly cause an uproar in the city which will no doubt leading to your untimely arrest.
  84. >But that'll never happen. You're too good of a thief to get caught.
  85. >"Whoa. What the heck are you supposed to be?!"
  86. >Turn around to see a garbage pony right next to you.
  89. >Burst into the street, sprinting as fast as your legs can take you.
  90. >Screaming apparently helps you run faster, or so you've been told.
  91. >Flail your arms around and shout at the top of your lungs.
  92. >To hell with subtlety.
  93. >You're about as subtle as a six foot hairless ape in a land of talking magical horses.
  94. >Wait.
  95. >Keep running! Gotta get to the castle.
  96. >You trip over a gravely part of the main road and tumble onto the ground.
  97. >Everypony around you stops to see just what the hell you're doing.
  98. >Damn you suck at this.
  99. >Notice somepony standing directly in front of you with gold armor on.
  100. >Look up from the ground to see a royal guard towering above you.
  101. >Oh boy.
  102. >"Are you Mr. Anonymous?" he asks nonchalantly.
  103. "Yep."
  104. >"Letter for you, sir."
  105. "Coolio."
  106. >The guard uses magic to pull out a letter from his satchel and drops it directly in front of your face.
  107. "Thanks a bunch."
  108. >"Well met, citizen."
  109. >He trots away, leaving you to lie on your stomach in the dirt.
  110. >You grab the scroll of paper and stand up, inspecting the newly received item.
  111. >The letter has Celestia's cutie mark on the seal, a clear sign that this is a royal document.
  112. >Splendid.
  113. >You unroll it and start reading.
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  117. >"Dear Anonymous, It has come to my attention that we have never been properly introduced to each other yet. I have only heard about you in reports from observers near your hometown, and am very interested in meeting you. Since you have spontaneously arrived in Canterlot, I would like to invite you to the castle for a little get together along with my beloved sister, Luna. Yours, Princess Celestia.
  118. >Well.
  119. >That's…
  120. >That's pretty nice of them.
  121. >Tuck the scroll away in your back pocket and look around.
  122. >Everypony is back to doing their own thing; chatting with each other, looking through store windows, or eating at one of Canterlot's many fabulous restraints.
  123. >It looks like nopony's paying attention to you anymore.
  124. >Just as you planned, of course.
  125. >Your skills of discretion can be matched by no man.
  126. >Start heading for the castle.
  127. >As you stroll through the streets of Canterlot, you are more and more taken back by the residents of this city.
  128. >It's as if each and every one of them has an individual script on acting like an asshole and this is some sort of performance.
  129. >Everywhere you look, ponies have their noses turned skyward in an effort to seem more sophisticated.
  130. >You never seen this level of extreme poshness in your life.
  131. >It makes you sick to your stomach.
  132. >As soon as you're done robbing the princesses, you're might stick around and make sure that everypony here becomes bankrupt.
  133. >They deserve it, the slimeballs they are.
  134. >Notice that you've arrived at the gates to the palace.
  135. >Show the guards your letter, and he starts escorting you through the halls of the castle.
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  139. >It's big.
  140. >You were always shitty at describing things, but yeah.
  141. >The big castle is big.
  142. >The guardspony is escorting you through a large hallway and walks you to a giant pair of doors adorned with complicated carvings and impressive gold knockers.
  143. >No doubt this is the entrance to the throne room.
  144. >He enters the room, but insists that you stay outside of the room for a little while.
  145. >Odd, but okay.
  146. >A minute later you hear a toilet flush and the guardspony walks out.
  147. >"Sorry 'bout that. Had to take a major leak."
  148. >Notice the sign next to the door reading, "colts".
  149. >Huh.
  150. >Moving along now, you reach another set of identical doors with a sign next to it saying, "Throne Room, not bathroom. Do not shit inside".
  151. >Seems reasonable.
  152. >The guard opens the massive doors of the real throne room and you are ushered into the massive chamber.
  153. >Princess Celestia is sitting on her throne reading a scroll suspended in the air by her magic.
  154. >The white alicorn notices your presence and smiles as you approach the throne.
  155. >"Why hello there, Anonymous. It's a pleasure to have your company."
  156. "Sup bitch."
  157. >You are the definition of elegance.
  158. >"I was merely reading a letter sent to me by my prized student about the importance of having close friends, and the value of knowing that there are those who you can turn to for comfort."
  159. "Sounds gay."
  160. >"Why yes, it is rather gay indeed."
  161. >She means happy, you don't.
  162. >Yeah, they still use the old definition here in Equestria.
  163. >It typically leads to some semi-funny conversations most of the times you've brought it up.
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  167. >Her highness strolls over to you.
  168. >You can't keep your eyes off of her shiny, expensive crown.
  169. >"The letter is the reason why I wanted you to come to this private get together with myself and my sister. I think it is a wonderful opportunity for you to make some new friends, wouldn't you agree?"
  170. >While schmoozing it up with royalty does sound fun, you're not too interested.
  171. >But the opportunity to lull the princesses into a false state of security is too good to pass up.
  172. >Put on the fakest of fake smiles.
  173. "Sounds splendid. I can't wait!"
  174. >Celestia does a half smile while closing her eyes.
  175. >"That is wonderful to hear. My sister and I are planning this event to take place tomorrow, as we both have some very important matters to attend to.
  176. "I understand your highness."
  177. >She giggles to herself on her throne, "I'm so very excited to spend some time with one of Equestria's most unique individuals."
  178. >This fake conversation is excruciatingly painful.
  179. "I'm excited as well. But priorities are priorities after all. I'll see you tomorrow then."
  180. >You bow out of respect for her majest and exit the way you came.
  181. >Jesus fuck that was awkward.
  182. >Hopefully you'll never have to do that again, if all goes according to plan.
  183. >Celestia has given you a room in the palace to stay in for your visit.
  184. >It's a simple place, working bathroom, dresser for your one pair of clothes you brought, and a nice bed to sleep on.
  185. >That is, if you were actually going to sleep tonight.
  186. >For your plan to work flawlessly, you're going to have to wait for darkness to fall over Equestria before you strike.
  187. >Wait in your room until nightfall in your room, finalizing your brilliant operation to steal the crowns literally right off their heads.
  188. >You begin to wonder what you'll do after this, given you'll actually make it out of here alive.
  189. >They'll clearly know it was you.
  190. >After all, they always suspect the foreigners.
  191. >Damn racist ponies.
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  195. >The window outside shows a black night sky with only a sliver of the moon showing.
  196. >Now seems like the perfect time to make your move.
  197. >Slowly creep out of your room, making sure to shut the door as silently as possible.
  198. >Like an invisible sea urchin, you carefully navigate the halls of the castle in search of the royal sleeping chamber.
  199. >Guards might be patrolling, so you carefully peer around the edges of walls to make sure you aren't seen.
  200. >Check your map to see where you're going.
  201. >It's a kindergartener's drawing of the castle that you swiped when you broke into the elementary school.
  202. >At least its credible.
  203. >The teacher gave it a gold star on top.
  204. >According to the crayon drawing, you need to take a left and jump into the moat, then swim across it to get into Princess Luna's room.
  205. >On it.
  206. >Jump through a nearby window and plunge through the air like a suicidal bag of sand.
  207. >Glance down at the quickly approaching Earth.
  208. >Wait a moment, there's no moat!
  209. >If you survive this, you're going to find little miss 'Sally Sweettooth' and beat the crap out of her.
  210. >How dare she have such a wonderful imagination at a young age!
  211. >Hit the ground rolling to avoid any serious injury.
  212. >Hey, if it worked in Ocarina of Time…
  213. >Dust yourself off and try to figure out where you are at the moment.
  214. >The map says that Luna is in a spire at the edge of the castle, decorated with flowers and bright colors.
  215. >Not bad kid.
  216. >All you need to do now is find a giant tower, similar to the one right in front of your fucking face.
  217. >Oh.
  218. >Got it.
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  222. >Sneak through a window at the bottom and begin infiltrating your way upstairs.
  223. >It's a slow climb to the top with many squeaky floorboards, but you eventually reach the top.
  224. >A door is being guarded by a single pony in dark blue armor and some weird looking wings.
  225. >He looks more like a bat than a horse to you.
  226. >You slip into the janitors close to find something to help you sneak by, distract or neutralize him silently.
  227. >Sift through the shelves of the closet.
  228. >Your hit nudges against a large cardboard box on the ground.
  229. >When you shove it slightly, it shuffles non-suspiciously across the floor.
  230. >The box, just barely the right fit for your size, lies turned over in a way that if there was someone under there, you wouldn't be able to tell.
  231. >…
  233. >It's become so obvious to you!
  234. >You've come up with the most brilliant and totally original way to get by the guard right now!
  235. >You grab the box and prepare for your next action.
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  239. >After bludgeoning the guard over the head with the box, now filled with a large amount of cleaning products, you discard it and carefully enter the room, quietly shutting the door behind you.
  240. >This is Princess Luna's room alright. You can tell by the telescope on the balcony, the books regarding astronomy on the bedside, the drapes having a star pattern to them, the bedsheets are all blue colored, and the alicorn in front of you named Luna.
  241. >Oh wait.
  242. >That wasn't supposed to be there.
  243. >She stares at you wide eyed.
  244. >"W-Wha--Why art thou trespassing in our bedchamber?!"
  245. >She's still wearing her large black necklace with her tiara still sitting on her head.
  246. >She's also staring daggers into your soul.
  247. >You've been sneaking around for barely two minutes and they've already found you.
  248. >Dad was right, maybe you -should- have been a dentist.
  249. >Luna is still looking pissed off at you.
  250. >Alas, you've left your box ally outside and he is unable to assist you in taking down this furious alicorn.
  251. >"Thou treacherous villain! Guard! Apprehend this criminal fiend at once!"
  252. >After of minute or so, still no answer come from the dispatched guard outside the bedroom.
  253. >Or maybe there was, but your exploded eardrums aren't going to hear anything for a while.
  254. >The princess stands in shock as her servant does not respond to her order.
  255. >Oh boy. You smile nervously as the princess glares furiously at you.
  256. >She manhandles you with her magic, shaking you viscously by the collar of your shirt.
  257. >"Thou shalt pay for thine crimes against the crown, whelp!"
  258. >She effortlessly throws you across the room like a ragdoll, slamming you face first into the hard stone wall.
  259. >Headache inbound.
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  263. >The princess of the night casually strolls over to you and leans over to talk to you.
  264. >"Thou hath made a terrible decision in coming here, rapist."
  266. >The pain is absolutely excruciating.
  267. >You feel like passing out from the amount of--
  268. >Wait, what was that?
  269. >Brain matter is leaking out of your ears as you speak.
  270. "Ra…Rapist? No, i'm not a--"
  271. >"While we cannot hold thee responsible for naturally coming to US instead of our dear sister, we must inform thee that we shall not give into thine sexual desires easily."
  272. >Nigga what.
  273. >She turns around and walks over to her bed.
  274. >"We must admit, twas rather clever for thee to subdue our bodyguard. That way, nopony will be able to hear the two of us during the peak of our intimacy."
  275. >As she climbs onto her bed, she stretches both hind legs out intentionally, giving you a marvelous view of her wet marehood.
  276. >You didn't sign up for this.
  277. >While rubbing the top of your head, you slowly try to stand on your feet.
  278. "Look, your highness, there's been a mistake. I'm just here for the royal jewels."
  279. >Nice defense dumbass.
  280. >That'll go smoothly in court!
  281. >Luna licks her lips as she bends over on her bed, raising her ass into the air.
  282. >"Oh, we have some jewels to be stolen all right…"
  283. >Her glistening nether regions are completely exposed to you right now.
  284. >Every so often, her clit winks out at you, as if it were inviting you to follow it in the fleshy folds with in.
  285. >Why boner?
  286. "Y-your highness, I may be a thief, but I don't--"
  287. >Her horn glows bright in the dark room and you are launched face first into her soaking vagina.
  288. >She lets out a slow hiss when your lips make contact with the sensitive flesh.
  289. >"H-how bold of thee~."
  290. >Place your arms on her round, supple ass and desperately try to her pussy off your face.
  291. >This only makes her release more lubricant.
  292. >"Ohh~! So forceful! We…we certainly won't allow you to penetrate us with thy rock hard erection, villain!"
  293. >How is this your life?!
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  297. >The princess removes your face from her vag with magic, allowing you to take in a breath of air.
  298. >Sweet, glorious air!
  299. >You breath in as much as you can before being thrown down onto the bed.
  300. >Your clothes are ripped from your body in a very painful manner, causing you to yelp in surprise.
  301. >She puts her front hooves down on your shoulders, holding you in place as she straddles your hips.
  302. >Luna lines up her sopping wet vag with your cock and begins to slowly grinding up and down your shaft, never penetrating the hot, moist interior of her inner sanctum.
  303. >"Is this how thou humans perform sexual intercourse? Doth our display 'turn thee on' , as it were?"
  304. >Holy shit is this pony crazy or what.
  305. >Maybe you can use that to your advantage…
  306. "A-actually, humans often mate in the nude, your highness."
  307. >She stops grinding your dick for a moment as she magically removes her black tiara and necklace, tossing them onto the floor.
  308. >A deranged smile grows across her face.
  310. >No.
  311. >No it was not. Not even by a long shot.
  312. >Slamming her hips down with tremendous force, the princess forces your entire length into her body.
  313. >She lets out a long, gutteral moan before rising to just below the head of your dick, then back down to the base.
  314. >Slowly, the princesses repeats this process until she's got a nice pace going.
  315. >You hate yourself for actually enjoying this somewhat.
  316. >Not only is the princess completely drenched on the inside, but she is clamping down on you like a vice.
  317. >A small groan escapes your lips, causing her majesty to pick up the pace.
  318. >She leans down, practically whispering in your ear.
  319. >"Doth our rapist take pleasure in violating us?"
  320. "F-Fucking bitch…"
  321. >"Indeed you are."
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  325. >The 'traumatic' experience lasts well into the morning, the two of you sharing mindblowing orgasming multiple times.
  326. >Positions were swapped over time, but Luna always remained in control while still accusing you of being the one forcing this upon her.
  327. >There is seriously something wrong with this pony.
  328. >Right now, the two of you are doing it missionary, much to Luna's satisfaction.
  329. >She has both of her front hooves wrapped around the back of your neck and her lower two secured around your waist as you pound into her.
  330. >"Th-thou filthy pervert…We suspect that…haaa~…thou hath thought about this copulation for many--ooohhh~…many nights! Hnnnff!"
  331. >With her eyes closed and her tongue rolled out, she is practically lost to the world around her.
  332. >You on the other hand are just about done with this bullshit.
  333. >You have a mission you need to complete after all.
  334. >With every thrust, Luna begins to squeal louder in ecstasy.
  335. >She's close…
  336. >Damn close…
  337. >Just a few more--
  339. >There it is.
  340. >High fives all around.
  341. >The dark blue alicorn pulls you incredibly close to her with her hooves as she shudders from this final orgasm.
  342. >The massive spasms coming from within the alicorn are enough to get you off too, and you cum simultaneously with the princess of the night.
  343. >Shit's cash yo.
  344. >Soon enough, the two of you are completely still, basking in the afterglow of this phenomenal event.
  345. >She releases you from her grip and you slide of her nether regions with an audible 'pop'.
  346. >As she starts to loose consciousness, she mumbles softly.
  347. >"We…we are…sorry."
  348. >Smile warmly.
  349. >Grab the blanket at the edge of the bed and tuck her into bed.
  350. >Who says a thief can't have class?
  351. >Speaking of thief, you turn to your prize that is lying on the bedroom floor: Luna's black tiara and necklace with her cutie mark.
  352. >Pick them both up.
  353. >Dun-dun-dun-duuuunnn!
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  357. >Sling the necklace over your shoulder, considering it would be far to cumbersome for a human to wear.
  358. >The tiara, however, looks very pretty on your head.
  359. >As you put your clothes on, you look over to the slumbering psychopath in her bed.
  360. >Maybe you'll drop by sometime, just for a little while.
  361. >With half of the royal loot secure, it's time to go forth and secure the final pieces.
  362. >Open the doors of Luna's bedchamber to see at the very least one hundred armed guards, all pointing their spears directly at your face.
  363. >All of them are only one order away from ending your life, and by the look on their faces you know they aren't fucking around.
  364. >Many of them are overlapping each other, their spears brushing up against the shoulders of their comrades.
  365. >It reminds you of the ending of the Blues Brothers.
  366. >A batpony guard speaks up.
  367. >"That's him, your highness. He knocked me unconscious, then was sexually violating Princess Luna when I awoke."
  368. >You what.
  369. >Celestia looks fucking pissed.
  370. >Nervously smile, hoping she won't eviscerate you on the spot like Dr. Manhattan.
  371. >"Thank you for bringing this to my attention, guardspony. Secure the prisoner and remove any stolen items on his person. I want him locked away in the dungeon until further notice."
  372. >And with that, she walks away.
  373. >You get decked da fuck out by one of the guards and are put in chains.
  374. >Just when your headache was fading away too…
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  378. >Awake from what was most likely a coma.
  379. >Well, you're alive, the blaring headache can tell you that much.
  380. >Slowly look around, inspecting your surroundings as you do so.
  381. >Celestia -did- say 'dungeon', right? This doesn't look like a dungeon to you at all.
  382. >In fact, this looks more like a bedroom than anything else.
  383. >You're sitting on a large feather bed with a bandage wrapped around your head.
  384. >As you are about to leave this comfortable piece of furniture, the door opens, revealing a very frustrated Celestia.
  385. >She says nothing as she walks towards the bed, shutting the door behind her.
  386. >"As a symbol of Equestrian gratitude, I've decided not to remove your testicles with a heated pair of pliers for the time being.
  387. >How very kind of her!
  388. "Thank you."
  389. >She slowly trots closer to the bed, each time making a loud 'clop' sound on the stone floor.
  390. >"It would be so easy to kill you right now. A simple application of magic to the right pressure points, and done."
  391. >Well, she's got you there.
  392. >"A thief, a rapist, and a liar. I'm not sure what i'm more upset about; the fact that you committed these awful crimes against me and my sister, or the fact that I genuinely thought you came here with good intentions."
  393. "Yeah, you kinda dropped the ball on that one, didn't you?"
  394. >Celestia slams her hooves down on the wooden end of the bed, splintering it to pieces.
  395. >She is fuming right now, a ferocious, demonic look in her eyes.
  396. >"Let me tell you something, Anon! No matter how hard you slap my flank, I will -never- join you in your sick, perverted sexual fantasy! EVER!"
  397. >Oh God what.
  398. >She turns around, presenting her large, white backside to you.
  399. >"Even if you were to strike me hard on my sensitive behind, I shall remain strong in the face of oppression, and you will one day face the consequences for your actions!"
  400. >She lifts her tail out of the way, revealing her winking marehood to you.
  401. >This day just got a whole lot weirder.
  402. >And you're starting to like it.
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  406. >After a long session of hardcore Sadomasochism with her royal highness, Princess Celestia, the two of you resign to her large bed and begin spooning.
  407. >Somehow, in the middle of the ball-gags, paddles, whips, and cake, you've fallen for this mare, similarly to how you've fallen for her younger sister.
  408. >Reach over Celestia's back and begin petting her soft underbelly.
  409. >"Hmmm…lower."
  410. "You had your fun, slut."
  411. >She giggles a little bit before rolling over and facing you.
  412. >"So, did you enjoy your meetings between my sister and I? Or were you just in it for the jewels?"
  413. "Little of both, but the pointing was a welcome surprise."
  414. >The princess of the sun nuzzles close to you.
  415. >"Would it be possible for you to stay in the castle and live as the royal rapist?"
  416. >That sounds so wrong on so many levels.
  417. >But hey, it beats being a thief all the time.
  418. "I would love to, Celestia. Just don't have the guards attack me all the time."
  419. >She rolls her eyes.
  420. >"Where's your sense of fun, Anon? It's up to you to elude the guards, and it's up to us to get ravaged by you as much as we want. Doesn't that sound adventurous to you?"
  421. >You smile, curling up close to your new future rape victim.
  422. "Yes. Yes it does."
  423. >Be Anon, proud member or the Equestrian Rapists Guild.
  424. >Actually, you're the only member of the Equestrian Rapists Guild.
  425. >But there's always room for expansion.
  427. 16/16
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