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HG2 win 7 IA fix

a guest
May 8th, 2012
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  1. Apply graphics fix.
  3. run in compatibility mode, for win 98.
  5. Set graphics options to max, and set resolution to 640x480 32
  7. Download AcLayers.dll from dll-files.
  9. Extract to root HG2 installation.
  11. Use command prompt to register the dll. (It will load the dll to the registry and then return a error. This is fine.
  13. Start HG 2
  15. HG2 may crash at start. If this happens, just restart it. (It usually works on the second try... Well, for me anyway.
  17. If it starts but it has split graphics (This is the best way I know to describe it) then alt-tab, and then remaximize HG2. This will fix this issue.
  19. Start a IA game. It loads properly for me, although split graphics may happen. (Repeat above steps)
  21. Kick mecha ass?
  23. Registering the DLL
  25. Register it from cmd prompt. Copy the directory you extracted to, and open cmd prompt. Type in cd *Directory here* and hit enter. Then type regsvr32 AcLayers.dll
  27. The DLL will load but will return a error. This is fine, did it for me too.
  29. You might need to do this with ntdll.dll as well, not really sure. (I tried this to attempt to fix the first start CTD, but it ended up screwing everything up.)
  31. Other
  33. Might try replacing HG2's shell dll with a modified version from I was considered trying this just for the hell of it earlier, but messed everything up before I had a chance to.
  35. As a alternate to the graphics fix, might try DXPrimary Clipping and DXPrimary Emulation
  37. It might be able to run in either 95 or 98 compat mode. 98 worked better overall, although I do think that 95 compat mode with Delaywin95versionlie fix might be helpful.
  39. I've dismissed most errors origination from ntdll.dll. While this file is causing crashes, they are just annoyances. AcLayer.dll crashes, however, are the main problem.
  41. I don't know why, but I get the feeling that the IA crashing is because newer computers can't sucuessfully load all the HUD elements immediately at round start. This isn't a problem for the tuts or campaigns since it has a camera rotation before hand and the HUD elements are loaded during that, and it just switches over once the rotation completes. It's the best idea I have but more then likely completely wrong.
  43. A possiable solution so some of the dll crashes might be DelayDLLint.
  45. As for the DLL files, ntdll.dll and aclayers.dll, I'd really like to try using copies taken from a win 95/98 computer with HG2 installed. They would be 'installed' the same way as described above.
  47. Suprisingly, the 'easiest' solution I've found for the IA crashing seems to be holding down the escape key while its loading. The game will load, and go directly to the pause screen. Press continue, and you can play. This was the first solution I found, but then IA started loading correctly without holding the esc key. After it started crashing when loading was complete, I tried the escape key trick again, and it worked for a few games before it started crashing when you hit continue. I ended up deleting test.lzb, INSTANTA.SGM, games.cfg, and netf.def and I managed to get a couple more rounds in before it started crashing again. The DLL that messed up this time was hg2sim.dll.
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