
Edward Hitler and Richard Richard in Equestria

Jul 10th, 2014
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  1. >Oh Eddie! Come here look what I found
  2. Now Richie. What have I told you.
  3. >You said 'When I tell you to see something it has to be boobs or beer'.
  4. And what did I say if it wasn't?
  5. >You would slap me in the face and... oh
  6. So what did you want to show me, Richie?
  7. >Ah, well, you see. I, heh, found a small colourful equine.
  8. [SMACK]
  9. Bastard.
  10. Well enough merriment, what are these colourful homo horses you found?
  11. >Well Eddie, it turns out they're sentient, talkative ponies.
  12. Question.
  13. >Yes?
  14. Why should I care?
  15. >You sad deflated pile of foreskin smegma. Do you know what this means? I, Richard Richard, have discovered alien life! A new civilization! I'm like Captain Kirk! Which means I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna do-oo-oo it!
  16. With horses?
  17. >Well they're talking horses.
  18. So like Sarah Jessica Parker, only instead of smacking you in the face, they'll buck you in the bollocks.
  19. >Not necessarily Eddy. There's this very timid one, pastel yellow and pink mane. She's shy, she's nervous and completely socially retarded.
  20. I didn't know there existed pony versions of you, Richie.
  21. >Well I'm not the only one! There's one who's an alcoholic waste of life that'll never amount to anything because she's completely pissed* every day and night! Sound familiar?
  22. How in the bloody Hell did my mother get back from the dead and into a pony body? You'd think joining the cult of the Twisted Knee would've damned her for all eternity.
  23. >Your mother was in a cult? I never knew that. What was it about?
  24. Well, first of: you had to go through a hazing ritual.
  25. >I went through a hazing ritual at the YMCA once. All the burly men kept slapping my arse with their wet towels when I walked by. I assume there were no paddles that day, but it stung nonetheless.
  26. Your first gay experience aside, Richie, the hazing ritual included getting beat over the knees with truncheons for a full half hour and then dragged off into a small confined, concrete room with a cot and bars.
  27. >Eddie, your mother was in jail. The Hammersmith police are notorious knee-breakers, that's why they racketeer all the shops in the area.
  28. No, no, it was a cult. It's just that all the cultists, my mother excluded, were policemen.
  29. >Eddie, this is not white American suburbia in the 80s where everyone plays Satanic Dungeons and Dragons. Your mother was just beaten by pigs and thrown in a jail cell.
  30. No, mate, if she were beaten by pigs, she'd know. She spent the 70s in some... less than reputable movies.
  31. >That was your mother?! I just thought it was a shaved gorilla those vile Texans got from a local zoo. Though it would explain why they were so willing to have sex with it. Since it was a woman, only barely, it still wouldn't count as beastiality.
  32. Actually, Richie, beastiality is complete legal in Texas. In fact, there is no law stating you can dip your knob in whatever different species of squish-mitten you find.
  33. >[excited giggling]That means... That means...
  34. That's right, Richie. If you take that autistic little pony you found to Texas, you'll not be a sad, pathetic, repugnant, demented virgin anymore. Instead, you'll be a sad, pathetic, repugnant, demented horsefucker.
  35. >But it still counts as me losing my virginity though, doesn't it?
  36. Yes, indeedy-do. You just need to make sure you put your quarter-of-an-incher inside her folds and orgasmed.
  37. >This is it. It's finally happening! I'll no longer be a virgin!
  38. Sadly the brain-damage will stay forever. Well Richie, I'm glad we managed to find a small, defenseless, weak, easily-dominated critter for you to stick you dick into, but I'm tired and I'm going to get drunk. Don't call me, I won't call you. [exists, stage-right]
  39. [crowd applauds]
  40. [Embed]
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