

Jul 21st, 2013
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  1. 00:38 ComradeKirino anyway faggot, if you got something to say then take it up here.
  2. 00:39 heidiland-ACE Pfft.
  3. 00:39 heidiland-ACE You won't listen
  4. 00:40 ComradeKirino Oh I will listen, just dont expect me to agree
  5. 00:40 heidiland-ACE You lie and misinform.
  6. 00:40 heidiland-ACE This is quite clear by now.
  7. 00:40 heidiland-ACE I'll be sending everything I have to your boss USSR just in case he wasn't aware of things.
  8. 00:41 ComradeKirino USSR got my back even if I was lying or spreading misinformation because we are buddies. And fuck you, you are the ones using rouge tactics
  9. 00:42 ComradeKirino trying to get me banned from the game while silencing me on as many platforms as possible + alienating me from every major alliance
  10. 00:42 ComradeKirino If you did not expect a response you are dumb
  11. 00:44 heidiland-ACE 1. We're not trying to get you banned from the game. The Mod on our thread took it up on his own initiative after your shitposting. 2. We're not trying to silence you. We're merely trying to conduct our own discussions in peace and you are constantly disrupting us.
  12. 00:44 heidiland-ACE 3. We did not push for the Kirino Clause. If, however, you expected us to be against it then you are seriously naive.
  13. 00:46 ComradeKirino yes you fucking did push for it, stop lying and trying to look innocent
  14. 00:46 ComradeKirino you had the most to benefit from it, you pushed for it hardest and gladly
  15. 00:47 ComradeKirino also, YOU are the ones naive for thinking you can get peace while supporting such a treaty
  16. 00:48 heidiland-ACE See, at this point I can't go on talking with you. Ross himself told you it was him, and you're ignoring him and everyone else who disagrees with you. If you insist on being unreasonable, then we have nothing further to discuss.
  17. 00:48 ComradeKirino Him or not, you supported it, that is the bottom line
  18. 00:49 ComradeKirino which disproves you are for peace with me
  19. 00:49 ComradeKirino you are not for peace with me
  20. 00:49 ComradeKirino you are for protection of your alliance from all the other alliances
  21. 00:49 ComradeKirino so sending me that PM today was really fucking stupid
  22. 00:50 ComradeKirino since all you want to do is sort out this peacefully and then when you have gathered strenght, unleash all of your alliance on me. and since the treaty would prevent me from joining an alliance, while at the same time guaranteeing you safety
  23. 00:50 ComradeKirino it would all work out for you
  24. 00:50 heidiland-ACE I don't want to fight you you fucking dense idiot.
  25. 00:51 ComradeKirino BULLSHIT
  27. 00:52 heidiland-ACE Pfft.
  28. 00:52 heidiland-ACE Check my army page
  29. 00:52 heidiland-ACE Every time you attack
  30. 00:52 ComradeKirino you just want to fucking settle peace and guaranteed protection from WUT and then leave me without support
  31. 00:52 heidiland-ACE I go back up to full strength
  32. 00:52 heidiland-ACE Use some common sense
  33. 00:52 ComradeKirino Ok, and? how does this disprove what I said?
  34. 00:53 ComradeKirino you only want to end this war cause you dont feel like fighting ir tight now
  35. 00:53 heidiland-ACE I'm being funded by about 10 different countries who aren't even in my alliance
  36. 00:53 ComradeKirino if you truly were for peace you wouldnt supported that clause
  37. 00:53 heidiland-ACE My point is you cannot defeat me
  38. 00:53 heidiland-ACE So just give up.
  39. 00:53 ComradeKirino as it effectively makes me not being able to leave you alone
  40. 00:53 heidiland-ACE You could just stop and that would be the end of it.
  41. 00:53 ComradeKirino I dont care, Il bomb you and waste your soldiers as much as I have to
  42. 00:53 ComradeKirino cause you and your stupid fucking treaty leaves me no choice
  43. 00:53 heidiland-ACE You do realise that the clause concerning you was removed.
  44. 00:54 ComradeKirino no its no the fucking end of it you faggot, its the end of it for you but not for me
  45. 00:54 ComradeKirino yeah, when I complained about it
  46. 00:54 ComradeKirino it sure as fuck wasnt cause of you
  47. 00:54 ComradeKirino and it doesnt matter either way as corporalross is refusing me to join comintern so I am back to square one
  48. 00:54 ComradeKirino hence cannot afford to stop attacking you
  49. 00:54 heidiland-ACE No, the agreement now is.
  50. 00:54 heidiland-ACE You stop attacking me.
  51. 00:54 heidiland-ACE ComIntern stops attacking me
  52. 00:55 heidiland-ACE You join ComIntern
  53. 00:55 heidiland-ACE We all sign the treaty
  54. 00:55 heidiland-ACE Everyone is happy
  55. 00:55 heidiland-ACE Get some independent confirmation if you don't believe me.
  56. 00:55 ComradeKirino Corporalross said he would block that from happening, and fuck you what fucking independant confirmation? nobody is telling me shit
  57. 00:55 ComradeKirino and brian is offline
  58. 00:56 heidiland-ACE Well seeing as you don't believe me
  59. 00:56 heidiland-ACE Someone else has to tell you the same thing.
  60. 00:56 ComradeKirino well that isnt fucking happening il tell you that
  61. 00:56 ComradeKirino and for me it looks as if this treaty does nothing for me
  62. 00:56 ComradeKirino as it is blocked by an earlier one
  63. 00:56 ComradeKirino forced by corporalross
  64. 00:56 ComradeKirino so yeah that treaty isnt gonna help me one bit
  65. 00:57 heidiland-ACE The earlier treaty was never signed you dense idiot
  66. 00:57 ComradeKirino Then he is fucking lying to me and im getting really fucking pissed at you assholes lying to me
  67. 00:58 heidiland-ACE I've never lied to you
  68. 00:58 heidiland-ACE You obviously don't believe me
  69. 00:58 ComradeKirino yes you have
  70. 00:58 heidiland-ACE Which is fine
  71. 00:58 heidiland-ACE But ASK SOMEONE ELSE THEN
  72. 00:59 ComradeKirino who? the only ones I trust right now are offline or have as little information as I do
  73. 00:59 ComradeKirino I dont believe anyone of you
  74. 01:00 heidiland-ACE I can't help you then
  75. 01:00 heidiland-ACE It's not my fault you've alienated everyone
  76. 01:01 ComradeKirino Its not my fucking faulth you had to be a dumb idiot and support a treaty that is gonna do everything BUT get you a peace
  77. 01:02 heidiland-ACE Ok, you're literally not making any sense now.
  78. 01:04 ComradeKirino Ok, I will explain to you
  79. 01:04 ComradeKirino if you wanted peace, truly peace, a white peace with me
  80. 01:04 ComradeKirino why would you support a treaty like that, in fucking secret that would ensure me not being able to make peace?
  81. 01:04 ComradeKirino DOnt think you and your buddies came and told me "oh hey kirino we gonna ban you from every alliance"
  82. 01:04 ComradeKirino I had to fucking find out this on my own
  83. 01:05 ComradeKirino you scheming fuick
  84. 01:05 heidiland-ACE It wasn't my decision to only allow leaders.
  85. 01:05 heidiland-ACE And for the nth time, it was
  86. 01:05 heidiland-ACE not
  87. 01:05 heidiland-ACE fucking
  88. 01:05 heidiland-ACE my
  89. 01:05 heidiland-ACE idea.
  90. 01:05 ComradeKirino Fuck you, you could have not supported it at the very least you fucker
  91. 01:05 heidiland-ACE Why would I not support something against my enemy?
  92. 01:05 heidiland-ACE That just doesn't make sense.
  93. 01:06 ComradeKirino and yes I fucking know it was your idea I dont believe a god damn thing the others say, even if corporalross said it first I fucking know you supported it intensively and fronted it
  94. 01:06 ComradeKirino see, preciselyt
  95. 01:06 heidiland-ACE If by 'buddies' you mean people who don't like you, then practically the whole of bloc are buddies with me.
  96. 01:06 ComradeKirino which concludes that you in fact did not want peace
  97. 01:06 ComradeKirino but just get comintern and others off your back
  98. 01:06 heidiland-ACE Thus leading to peace.
  99. 01:06 heidiland-ACE Jesus
  100. 01:06 ComradeKirino see there you go again talking shit
  101. 01:06 ComradeKirino clearly you dont want peace
  102. 01:06 heidiland-ACE Its like banging my head against a brick wall here.
  103. 01:06 heidiland-ACE This is over.
  104. 01:07 ComradeKirino Eat shit
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