

Jun 26th, 2016
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  1. [b]The Brass Ring Club(Kidd and Itami)(c) vs The JAZZ CLUB("Sticks" Balor and "Hepcat" Ihara) for the Tag Team Titles[/b] began with Itami and Ihara facing off, the no-nonsense Itami attempting to get the Hepcat into a hold as the Hepcat wriggled out at every turn. Eventually, Ihara got the upper hand, getting a lock on and pushing Hideo into the ropes, before breaking as the ref called 1 and patting Hideo on the chest in a friendly manner. This only served to irritate Itami further, and he swung wide with two roundhouse kicks before getting Ihara square on the temple with a third. Itami grabbed the staggered Hepcat and whipped him into the BRC's corner, where he tagged in Kidd. Kidd worked Ihara over further, laying in a few European uppercuts before putting Hepcat on the mat with a flying neckbreaker and going for the pin.
  3. 1...2...2.9, Ihara got the shoulder up, and rolled away from Kidd, dragging himself up the ropes with surprising ease before dropping back down and bellowing out a YEAOH, rebounding back up even faster than he fell. Balor and Flair, obviously worried, began urging Hepcat to tag Balor in, but Ihara wasn't out yet. The stone-faced Kidd went back on the offensive against Ihara, but got rebuffed with a back elbow before Hepcat rattled him with a series of shoot kicks up and down his body, playing him like a harp before delivering the Blue Note, a jumping knee strike, and tagging in Balor. The two of them put on a jam session of hard strikes before cooking up a sweep kick/enzuigiri combo the commentary team termed The Love Supreme that got Balor the 3, and the JAZZ CLUB the titles.
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