
DashxAnon Sex while flying (NOT MINE)

Jan 25th, 2014
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  1. >"Extreme"
  2. >It was an apt description, anon thought to himself, trying to ignore just how hard the breeze was on his junk. Rainbow was one hell of an "Extreme" pony.
  3. >Anon hadn't really expected this. Of course, most of his expectations had been shattered - He certainly didn't think that Applejack's apples were so dissimilar in terms of nutritional content to Earth's that he could be easily satisfied for a day on just a few bites, or that humans were somehow magically able to walk on clouds, or that Equestrian weather actually had a huge lobbying group behind it and was a frequent source of conflict, or most of the other stuff he had seen since he had stumbled into a world he thought was fictional. But what he was doing right now was surprising on a whole different level.
  4. >First off, he didn't expect the G-rated cartoon pegasus to come onto him quite so hard. He was a giant ape-thing, after all. But, apparently, Dash (and, according to conversations he had previously had with her, most of her friends) was extremely attracted to him. At first, the was completely oblivious to the hints she dropped, but he quickly realized what was going on when she invited him to dinner, then a movie, then "Whatever happens." Somewhat hesitantly, he accepted, and they had spent the past four hours together. The movie they had seen wasn't very good, but Anon had certainly enjoyed their time together.
  5. >He expected it to end there, but Dash wasn't backing off. She actually winked when she invited him back to her house for "Coffee," something even George Costanza couldn't miss.
  6. >Anon couldn't believe that this was actually happening. It was a fantasy of his for a long time, but he had never expected to live it. After all, it wasn't even possible on his Earth, and even when he got to Equestria it seemed extremely unlikely. Somewhat awkwardly, anon accepted the offer and climbed onto Rainbow's back for the flight.
  7. >Halfway through the flight, Rainbow turned and kissed him. Anon had thought it would be just a peck at first, but quickly found that her tongue was in his mouth and that both their eyes were closed. She certainly didn't beat around the bush, but, then again, that was like her.
  8. >After a solid thirty seconds, they broke the kiss, Rainbow slowly turning her head to her front again.
  9. >"W-Wow," anon stuttered
  10. >Rainbow giggled. "How was it?"
  11. >"A- Amazing. Jesus."
  12. >Anon tighly wrapped his arms around her neck. His head was still spinning. Rainbow was a fantastic kisser, and the fact that pony tongues were slightly longer than human ones certainly didn't hurt the experience.
  13. >"Yeah, amazing. Did you expect anything less from the Dash?"
  14. >Anon grinned. "W- Well, uh, I didn't- actually-"
  15. >Rainbow briefly turned her head to smirk. "You've been stumbling your way through the whole night, you know."
  16. >"I- Uh-"
  17. >"It's natural. You are on a date with me, after all."
  18. >Anon nodded.
  19. >"Yeah. I just... Yeah."
  20. >"Speechless?"
  21. >Anon had heard that bragging tone before. To be honest, he always found it kind of hot.
  22. >"It's- It's a bit hard to talk, yeah. I mean, you just..."
  24. >Anon's voice trailed off. His brain wasn't fulled wrapped around what had happened yet.
  25. >"Anon, you're, like, pretty much the coolest guy I know. That 'skiing' thing you showed us last winter? That was awesome! And, I mean, you're not much of a sprinter, but you absolutely destroyed everybody in that marathon a few weeks ago! Well, everybody but me, of course."
  26. >Actually, anon had let her beat him. The air in Equestria was felt so much fresher than on Earth, and he always felt like he could run for pretty much forever. Of course, he couldn't beat ponies in a short sprint, but endurance-wise he easily came out on top.
  27. >"Y- Yeah, but, I didn't think you-"
  28. >"Well, I mean, two awesome ponies, right? Or, I guess, one awesome pony and one awesome human. Of course I liked you."
  29. >Dash paused for a moment, before throwing in "And, like, you're a, uh, great guy, and stuff." Her voice seemed to shrink as it traversed the sentence. She may have been forward, but she seemed just as awkward as anon when it came to the "romance" part.
  30. >"Y- Yeah. And you're, uh, a... Wonderful... Mare."
  31. >Jesus, anon. That was bad.
  32. >"Thanks."
  33. >Rainbow seemed touched by the effort, even if Anon himself thought it was a total failure.
  34. >"...Hey. You want to try something?"
  35. >There was a new edge in her voice, a playfulness that usually meant trouble. In the situation, it only served to turn anon on.
  36. >"Uh... Yeah."
  37. >"Take off your pants."
  38. >"R- Right here?"
  39. >"Yeah. C'mon, you said you wanted to try it. Just, like, tuck 'em under your arm or something."
  40. >Anon's face could not physically get redder. Jesus, even the least subtle dudes he knew at least tried "slip into something more comfortable. There was, however, something in Dash's tone that drove him crazy. He figured he might as well comply.
  41. >"But, uh- Shit. Let me see."
  42. >Being extremely careful not to fall to his death, anon managed to remove his pants. He was glad it was spring, he would have froze half to death if he had done this in the winter. That, and jeans would have been way harder to take off.
  43. >"Right. Done."
  44. >Rainbow turned to face him, then groaned. "Those things too!"
  45. >"W- what things?"
  46. >"The- the pants that you're still wearing. The smaller ones."
  47. >Dash continued after anon didn't react for a few moments.
  48. >"Y'know, the pants under your pants?"
  49. >Anon swallowed, then complied again. By this point, he was rock-hard, even with the cool breeze outside.
  50. >Rainbow turned to face him again. Her face was tinged slightly red, she wasn't blushing even half as hard as anon could feel himself doing. After grinning at him briefly, Rainbow slowly moved her eyes down his body to his crotch. The cyan pony briefly licked her lips before looking back up at Anon.
  51. >"Happy to see me?"
  52. >Anon glared, embarrassed. "You're the one commanding me to undress!"
  53. >"Yeah... Well, it certainly looks different from a Stallion's."
  54. >Anon felt a pit sink into his stomach. Of course, he wasn't a fucking horse. She was probably trying not to laugh at how tiny he was.
  55. >"Much... Round-er, I guess. Maybe a bit bigger than average. I like it."
  56. >Bigger?
  57. >That didn't make much sense, but, then again, the ponies only came up to his neck, and their proportions were way off that of a 'real' horse. Anon decided to stop thinking about it and just be grateful that, for whatever reason, he was at least decently sized.
  58. >"Now... One second-"
  59. >Anon made a small noise of pain as Rainbow bucked sharply, throwing him off her back. Oh god. Was he killing her? Was she secretly a psychopath?
  60. >Anon opened his mouth to scream as he fell, but didn't manage to get any noise out before his mouth was filled with fur. Confused, he looked up, only to see a small tuft of Rainbow-striped tail and not much else. Slowly, he moved his torso (which was hanging off of something for about a foot) around, trying to see what was holding him up.
  61. >"Pfft- Bahaha!" Dash laughed, "Oh my gosh, you're white as a ghost!"
  62. >"You threw me!"
  63. >"Yeah. How else am I going to flip over?"
  64. >With a start, Anon realized that Rainbow was flying on her back, lazily flapping her wings to keep them aloft. Anon was internally grateful that he weighed less in Equestria, because there was no way this would be possible on Earth.
  65. >With an even bigger start, Anon realized that his erection was currently pressing deep into Rainbow's fur as he lay on her stomach.
  66. >"I- Uh-"
  67. >"Anon?"
  68. >Anon gulped.
  69. >"Yeah, Dash?"
  70. >"You wanna do this, right?"
  71. >"uh- Yeah. Yes. Very much so."
  72. >Rainbow smirked.
  73. >"Well. Turn around. You showed me yours, right?"
  75. >What did she...
  76. >Slowly, Anon turned back around. Well, if he wasn't mistaken...
  77. >Yep.
  78. >Rainbow's pussy was right in front of his face. Funnily enough, even though she didn't wear clothes, he hadn't noticed it before. He certainly noticed it *now*, though. He even caught a faint scent that was probably wafting off of it. It was... Musky, but with a touch of sweetness. Not at all unpleasant, really.
  79. >Anon blinked a few times, not really sure what to do.
  80. >After a minute, Rainbow groaned.
  81. >"Hey, anon?"
  82. >"Yes?"
  83. >"Are we going to do this, or what?"
  84. >"Uh. Wait, do you want me to...?"
  85. >"Yes. That was kind of the point of flipping around. Y'know, some, uh, foreplay stuff."
  86. >"Like..."
  87. >Anon knew what she was talking about, but his brain didn't believe it. This couldn't be happening.
  88. >"Dude!"
  89. >"What?"
  90. >"You know what I mean!"
  91. >Anon briefly looked over his shoulder. Dash was very clearly annoyed, but she had the ghost of a smile on her face. She was probably enjoying his awkwardness.
  92. >"R- Right."
  93. >Anon slowly moved his head downwards, still a bit unsure of the situation, before Rainbow interrupted him
  94. >"And, uh, I can't actually, y'know, *reach* you right now. So if you want me to, y'know, do it too, you should probably move."
  95. >Anon nodded, nervously pulling up his pelvis. Rainbow used her front hooves to help him as he did so, since he legs had nothing but air to push off of.
  96. >As he moved his ass up, he slowly moved his head downwards. He, tentatively, licked Dash's slit.
  97. >Jesus, that tasted amazing. Not really like any of the (very few) human chicks he had done this with.
  98. >Dash hadn't made any moves on him yet, but he went back in for another lick. To his surprise, he heard a soft noise from Dash - not really a moan, but definitely an audible sound of pleasure.
  99. >He began to work in earnest, at first trying to just go along the edges, but occasionally flicking his tongue out at her clit. He could feel her stomach getting tenser, responding to the stimulation.
  100. >He was torn from his concentration, however, when Dash slowly made advances on him. Her tongue was slightly coarser than a human's, not to mention longer, so even the first base-to-tip lick was mind-blowing. Jesus.
  101. >He must have grasped here he was holding onto her back harder, because she grunted in amusement.
  102. >"Yeah. I'm awesome."
  103. >As he tried to maintain his concentration, she continued to tease him, licking his length and occasionally twirling his tongue on her head. It was immaculate, and, honestly, he had to strain to not cum already. There was no way he could possibly make her feel as good as she was making-
  104. >Wait.
  105. >He had fucking fingers. Something literally nobody else in the world had.
  106. >He cautiously removed one of his hands from her back, bringing it up to her crotch. What would be the most effective way to go about this...
  107. >After thinking for a moment, Anon slowly inserted his fingers deep into her, turning the attention of his tongue to her clit, swirling it in circles around it and sucking it occasionally.
  108. >"Oh, Celestia, Anon," Rainbow muttered, her voice heavy, "That's- Celestia. Those 'finger' things. Wow."
  109. >At this point, Rainbow was so wet Anon was worried anypony below might mistake it for a shower. He was somewhat proud of that.
  110. >"Well," Rainbow continued, "I might as well..."
  111. >Anon's mind almost exploded as Rainbow took almost his entire length inside her mouth. Apparently, Anon's fantasies about possible uses of a muzzle were correct - and it was amazing. She slowly bobbed up and down his length, occasionally twirling her tongue around his head inside her mouth. There was no way he was going to last any significant amount of time with that going on.
  112. >After about thirty seconds, Rainbow stopped, gasping for breath. Anon felt her whole body tense up as her pussy suddenly soaked his face in juices. It took all of Dash's concentration to keep them from falling.
  113. >"C- Celestia," Dash panted. "That-"
  114. >Anon slowly regained his composure. He had actually made Dash cum. This was really, actually, happening.
  115. >"D- Do Humans," Dash began, in a voice almost as awkward as Anon's own, "Y'know, uh... Cum?"
  116. >"Yeah. Yeah, of course."
  117. >"Do yah ejaculate?"
  118. >"Yeah."
  119. >"Wait, wait," Dash muttered. "I didn't taste or feel anything!"
  120. >Anon carefully turned to face her, his own face still a bit wet. "Well, yeah. I haven't came yet."
  121. >Rainbow's eyes went wide. "You haven't- But that was like, almost a minute!"
  122. >"Yeah?"
  123. >Jesus, she thought low of him, didn't she? I mean, he wasn't exactly considered a stud back home, but even he could last that long.
  124. >"You- You haven't actually... Most Stallions barely last thirty seconds!"
  125. >Anon's face slowly transformed into a grin. "Thirty?"
  126. >"Y- Yeah!"
  127. >"You do realize most humans take five or so minutes, right?"
  128. >"F- F- Five..."
  129. >Rainbow looked like she was about to faint. Secretly, anon thanked the universe that Stallions weren't like real horses in *size* but were in *stamina.* He was, essentially, playing with a stacked deck.
  130. >"Yeah. Five."
  131. >"Jesus." Rainbow muttered. "You could have told me."
  132. >"Didn't think about it."
  133. >"Well, whatever."
  134. >Dash's face suddenly showed an emotion that can only be described as "hunger"
  135. >"Onto the main event. Let go of me for a minute."
  136. >Anon did as she said, and soon found himself falling for a second. When he collided back with Rainbow, he found himself staring her in the face.
  137. >"Hey, handsome!" She quipped, before deeply kissing him again.
  138. >Anon savored it, completely oblivious to the fact that they were rapidly rising in altitude. By the time Dash broke the kiss, they were so high the air was slightly hard for him to breathe.
  139. >"Wait- What are you doing?"
  140. >"Hey. You said you would try something."
  141. >"Yeah, but... Why are we so high up?"
  142. >Dash's grin was suddenly a weird mix of sexy and terrifying.
  143. >"Well. You said you have extreme stamina, right?"
  144. >"Average where I come from, but, yeah."
  145. >Even after all of this, Anon was still blushing.
  146. >"Well, I thought we'd spice things up a bit. I've only ever done this once before, but, well, it was amazing. Just- Here. When I say 'Go,' we'll, uh, go."
  147. >"Go?"
  148. >"Dude."
  149. >Dash gestured at his position with her head
  150. >"There's a reason I turned around."
  151. >Oh. Right. Anon probably should have realized that earlier.
  152. >"We're about halfway up now, so maybe a few more seconds. Hang on!"
  153. >Anon felt Dash's hooves wrapping around him, and he quickly grabbed onto her as well. A second later, she (true to her name) dashed upwards at great speed.
  154. >Anon wasn't afraid of heights, but he was quickly beginning to get nervous. He could barely breath. Maybe this was some sort of weird asphyxiation fetish? Honestly, he wouldn't be surprised.
  156. >Suddenly, all motion seemed to stop. Rainbow stopped rising. Anon stopped feeling the breeze on his back. At this point, the air was so thin getting a breath was very difficult.
  157. >Rainbow had stopped flapping, and her motion upwards was quickly being depleted.
  158. >"Ready?"
  159. >Anon just started at Rainbow, realization slowly dawning on his face. She smirked.
  160. >For a minute, Anon and Rainbow were suspended high in the sky, completely devoid of motion. They hung in the air like two stars on a moonlit night.
  161. >"Go!"
  162. >Then they fell.
  163. >Anon only realized after about four seconds what "go" meant. Afraid to detach a hand to guide himself, he blindly pushed inwards, hoping to god that he didn't ram his dick into her thigh or something.
  164. >The gods smiled upon him as he slipped inside Rainbow. His vision was extremely blurry from all the air rushing past, but he could swear her saw her mouth "yes" as it happened.
  165. >Anon had no idea how he was maintaining an erection. They were fucking free-falling. He was so going to die.
  166. >The ground rapidly closed in on them. Just as Anon was about to come to terms with his impending death, he felt Rainbow's wings come to life behind him. In the space of about two seconds, they had stopped. Momentarily after, they were rising again.
  167. >"THINK YA COULD MOVE NEXT TIME?" Rainbow shouted over the slipstream of air that surrounded them.
  168. >"I THOUGHT WE WERE GOING TO DIE!" Anon responded. Seriously. She could have given him some warning.
  169. >"THAT'S THE FUN PART!" she cried, high on both sexual energy and pure adrenaline. With that, her wings snapped shut, and Anon felt their upwards motion start to fail.
  170. >In a second, they were falling again.
  171. >Anon thrusted this time. He probably should have been paralyzed with fear, but years of riding various roller coasters had slightly prepared him for this. Obviously, free-falling for somewhere around four miles was a bit more hardcore, but it was the same principle.
  172. >This was freaking amazing. The air around him flew by, stars and clouds and god knows what else flying past at speeds way too fast to make out details. Rainbow was the only constant, the pony he was making love to bursting out from the blur behind her like a painting from a canvas. She was smiling, from some combination of ecstasy and exhilaration.
  173. >Air rushed through Anon's hair and Rainbow's fur. To be honest, it was a little cold, but both of them could still feel the body heat of the other.
  174. >Soon the fall stopped. As they rose, Anon manged to ask "Should I keep going when we're not falling?"
  175. >Rainbow nodded, and Anon continued his thrusts. The upwards motion made this very difficult, but somehow all the more satisfying. Soon they reached the top again, and Rainbow relaxed her wings.
  176. >Jesus. This was ridiculous, but amazing. Anon could already feel the pressure building. Normally he'd last a lot longer than this, but he probably had one, maybe two falls left. All the sensations involved in this were just too much.
  177. >As they started to go downwards, Anon curiously looked past Rainbow. Those wings looked like they were just full of nerve endings. Maybe...
  178. >Anon thrust his lips to meet with Rainbows, then briefly let go of Rainbow with one hand. After searching for a second, he found what he was looking for - The pits of her wings. He gently rubbed one between his thumb and forefinger.
  179. >There was too much air moving between them for Anon to hear anything, but Rainbow definitely said something as she threw her head back. Probably "OH, CELESTIA!" Anon felt her whole body tensing around her as she gushed juices onto him.
  180. >Twice. Hell yeah.
  181. >Rainbow barely managed to get them to rise again. She hadn't ever actually had a multiple orgasms before (hell, with a Stallion's stamina, one was rare), and the sensation - combined with all the flying - had taken its toll in the best way possible. This was, by far, the best sex she had ever had.
  182. >"Anon, you- Holy Celestia."
  183. >She was panting, barely able to get any words out.
  184. >"Th-Thanks, but- I think I'm gonna- Soon-"
  185. >Anon's thrusts sped up. Internally, Rainbow thanked the gods that he was almost done. A third orgasm might actually cause her to have a pleasure-seizure, or something.
  186. >"D- Do it!" Rainbow gasped, right as she stopped flapping.
  187. >"Inside?" Anon asked, just as they stopped moving upwards.
  188. >"Y- Y- YeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" Rainbow screamed, as their descent began again. Her voice was soon lost to the wind.
  189. >Anon was about to explode. He'd had sex before, but nothing like this. Nothing this good. Nothing with somebody he liked this much.
  190. >He moved his face into hers, their lack of composure turning their kiss into a mess of saliva and tongue. Anon's thrusts increased in pace, and, with one final slam, he too came inside Rainbow Dash.
  191. >Rainbow slowly flapped, slowing their descent. Gently, they touched down to Earth, both panting heavily.
  192. >"W- Wow." Anon gasped.
  193. >"Yeah. Wow." Rainbow gasped beside him.
  194. >Anon pulled out and rolled over. Rainbow normally didn't let guys cum inside, but her and Anon almost certainly couldn't have kids. The wet feeling inside her was actually pretty awesome.
  195. >Anon almost fell asleep, right there in the middle of the field they had landed in. He had no idea where he was. Probably somewhere close to heaven.
  196. >Rainbow slowly managed to get to her feet, then walked over to Anon. He gazed up at her upside-down head.
  197. >"Hey."
  198. >"Hey. Fuck. Holy shit. That was... Fuck." anon muttered, still incoherent.
  199. >"Yeah." Rainbow chuckled. "Best. Sex. Ever!"
  200. >Anon smiled. "Yeah. Damn. Uh, thanks, I guess."
  201. >Rainbow smirked. "Yeah. Thanks."
  202. >"So, uh," anon muttered, trying to get to his feet, "Do I go home now, or...?"
  203. >Rainbow's face fell. Fuck. Anon knew he had said something wrong.
  204. >"I mean, uh, I'd kinda like to... Maybe, y'know, stay a bit," he said, hoping to god that helped.
  205. >Rainbow perked up. "My place? It's right over there."
  206. >Rainbow gestured to a formation of clouds a few hundred yards away from them.
  207. >"Think you can fly there after all that?"
  208. >"Yeah. Hop on."
  209. >Rainbow crouched down , and Anon managed to get onto her back. She took off and headed in the direction of her house, although much slower than usual.
  210. >Soon they arrived at her house. Rainbow stumbled inside and turned on a light.
  211. >"Really glad you can Cloudwalk. Normally, with non-pegasi, I have to stay over at their place, and they never have beds as awesome as mine."
  212. >Anon stumbled after Rainbow, ducking under the doorway.
  213. >"How awesome?"
  214. >"Well, it's huge, made out of clouds, and perfect for cuddling. Pretty much the greatest bed imaginable." Rainbow said, coyly walking up the stairs. Anon admired the view for a minute, before following after her.
  215. >"Do ya wanna shower, or..?"
  216. >"Nah, I'm good," Anon replied. "You?"
  217. >"I'm too exhausted."
  218. >Rainbow slumped on the bed. Anon crawled in next to her, wrapping an arm around her. She was right, the best was out of this world.
  219. >They cuddled for a few minutes in silence before Anon spoke up again.
  220. >"So... Are we, like, a thing now?"
  221. >"A 'thing?'"
  222. >"Y'know, a couple."
  223. >Rainbow turned to face him. "Together, yeah. Of course."
  224. >"...Why did you specify 'together' instead of just saying 'yes?'"
  225. >"Well, I mean, typically only royals or businesspeople take one mare, right?"
  226. >Anon blinked. "What?"
  227. >"Yeah, you know. There's not many males, so we have to kinda, well, share 'em. Only 'couples' I know are the Cakes, Twilight's Brother and Cadence, and... I'm too tired to remember the rest, but that's really it. Most stallions have four or five mares they do this with. I mean, Stallions themselves are so rare... It's just the easiest way to have kids."
  228. >Rainbow shrugged.
  229. >"Then again, it's not like you and ponies can have kids. I think. Probably should have checked that before you came inside. Ah well."
  230. >*Share?*
  231. >Jesus. Then again, if Stallions were in short supply, that made sense, but... How the fuck would Stallions be in short supply. On Earth it was 50/50 for males/females on most species. Then again, he didn't see that many dudes... He made a mental note to ask how gender was determined for ponies at the genetic level.
  232. >As for the kids thing... Yeah, no way. That was nothing to worry about.
  233. >"Well, Dash, I mean... That's weird for me."
  234. >"Huh?"
  235. >"I mean, like, on Earth, it's pretty much two people, always."
  236. >"Well, we can do that if you want. It'll make the other girls jealous, though."
  237. >"Jealous?"
  238. >Rainbow smirked, then pecked him on the cheek.
  239. >"You are oblivious. Goodnight."
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