
Delsin Rowe in Equestria

Aug 31st, 2014
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  1. Tripcode: !!TPowazN4BdH
  2. >You are Delsin Rowe
  3. >and god damn have you had a good day
  4. >you just wrapped up getting the concrete out of the rest of the Akomish Tribe
  5. >
  6. >you pick it up
  7. >it's Eugene
  8. "hey dude, what's happening?"
  9. >"Come back to Seattle, fast, something's happening"
  10. >never a better time to be a conduit
  11. >you draw on Concrete and make your way back to the City you just spent what felt like forever clearing of the DUP
  12. >"Meet me at the Space Needle"
  13. >fantastic
  14. >they were probably just taking down your flag
  15. >you reach the decommissioned bridge
  16. >heh, might as well do a little civil service with your newest superpowers
  17. >you remove all the concrete chunks that red haired bitch made
  18. >then you raise the pieces of the bridge back up and seal them together
  19. >plenty spare material for that lying around
  20. >and it will make moving around that much easier
  21. >You finally get to the checkpoint you busted
  22. >time to go fast
  23. >you pull a little Neon into you
  24. >not enough to fully charge you, but enough to give you some speed
  25. >and you're off to the space needle
  26. >you run straight up the side of it
  27. >god damn is Neon fun for that
  28. >you reach the top
  29. >Eugene and Fetch are waiting for you
  30. >there's a weird portal thing behind them
  31. >it looks like the work of a new Conduit
  32. >or one of the many you released
  33. "how long has this been here?"
  34. >F: "about an hour, not Conduit work, it just appeared out of nowhere"
  35. "have you touched it?"
  36. >E: "do we look like idiots? no!"
  37. "good, I'm going to be the first then"
  38. >E: "I think I'll stay back and summon a few angels, thanks"
  39. >F: "pfft, when it blows up in your face I'm going to laugh"
  40. "there's my girl"
  41. >F: "fuck off, do whatever you're going to do"
  42. >you reach out to it
  43. >and it PULLS
  44. >you're yanked into it's light before you can react
  45. >you wake up on a bed of soft grass and a really bright light
  46. >no smog
  47. >no brick walls
  48. >no concrete
  49. >no metal
  50. >you're not in Seattle, that's for sure
  51. >ahh fuck
  52. >you have a little Neon juice left, so you're going to be able to run forever
  53. >that's nice
  54. >you pop back up onto your feet
  56. >what the hell?
  57. >that sounded like it came from behind you
  58. >you turn around
  59. >ok
  60. >what the actual fuck
  61. >there's a trio of tiny pastel colored horses staring at you
  62. >one of them is orange with purple hair
  63. >the one to it's right is white with purple/pink hair
  64. >and the one on the left is yellow with red hair
  65. >defiantly not in Seattle anymore
  66. "and just when I thought life couldn't get any weirder..."
  67. >"EEP! IT TALKS!"
  68. >ahh fuck
  69. >wierd as it is, that's fucking adorable
  70. >The white one's horn is glowing
  71. >you've been a conduit long enough to know what that means
  72. "wait wait wait! I wo-"
  73. >you reach out to grab her horn
  74. >your arm reacts to it
  75. >ahh shit, not again
  76. >her face goes blurry as you enter her mind
  77. >"My name is Sweetie Belle"
  78. >"I've lived a happy life for as long as I can remember"
  79. >"My sister, Rarity, taught me to use my magic with Twilight Sparkle's help"
  80. >"then she brought me to a party, where I met my best friends in the whole wide world!"
  81. >"We became the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the CMC"
  82. >"and we've been that way ever since!"
  83. >you wake up after being prodded by something
  84. "getting REALLY sick of that"
  85. >"What did you do to Sweetie Belle!"
  86. >ahh shit
  87. >these were just kids
  88. >that had clearly never seen anything like you
  89. "I'm what's called a 'conduit', I have the ability to absorb matter and manipulate it, and your friend here gave me a new type, though I don't quite know what it is and when I take a step I'm probably going to have some trouble getting used to it"
  90. >you attempt to step forward
  91. >a flash of light and you're suddenly ten feet away from your original location
  92. "come on Delsin, you've done this four times before, you can do it again"
  93. >god damnit
  94. >you don't even know your source
  95. >you focus on walking normally
  96. >there we fucking go
  97. >you walk back to the three kid horses
  98. >you refuse to call them that goofy name you found in... Sweetie Belle's head
  99. >speaking of her, she's just waking up
  100. >SB: "I saw you... inside my head, what's going on? what was that?"
  101. >her friends step in
  102. >the orange one first
  103. >Scootaloo? you think that's what she's called
  104. >SL: "This thing is a 'condit' or whatever it's called! he took your magic!"
  105. >SB: "WHAT! B-but I can still use it!"
  106. >to prove her point, her horn glows and picks up a tree branch
  107. >oh shit
  108. >you're going to need a LOT of blast shards if you're going to get any skills again
  109. >and you're not going to be able to use any of your other powers for a while
  110. >fuck
  111. >the yellow one speaks up
  112. >AppleBlossom, or something like that
  113. >AppleBloom! that was it!
  114. >AB: "So... Conduit, what's your name?"
  115. >ah shit
  116. >you really hope you're the only one that ever ends up here, otherwise someone's going to be pissed they're being called a Conduit and not a Human
  117. "My name's Delsin Rowe, now can someone explain where I am and how I got here?"
  118. >SL: "We just found you lying there, then you woke up and did that really really cool light thing! can you teach me how to do that!?"
  119. "sorry kid, but I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who can do that, and I'm pretty sure I just lost it for a while"
  120. >SB: "what do you mean, "lost it?"
  121. "when I took your 'magic' power, I lost all my other ones for a while, they'll come back soon, but in order for that to happen I have some things I need to do, and I can't do them here, do you guys know where the closet town is?"
  122. >AB: yah! Sweet Apple Acres is right this way, and it's on the edge of Ponyville!"
  123. >a small farming town
  124. >not the best place to find any sort of blast shards
  125. >actually, if you're the first human here, the DUPs wouldn't have set up anything that needed blast shards in the first place
  126. >fuck
  127. >you were stuck going the long way
  128. >what was the long way anyways?
  129. >how long would it take to get Smoke, Neon, Video and Concrete back?
  130. >are there even sources of any of those besides Smoke?
  131. >fuck, too many questions, just go with the flow like you always do
  132. >you try out your new power
  133. >magic or whatever
  134. >you realize you're not actually moving like you did with smoke or Neon
  135. >you're just... appearing in the direction you want to go
  136. >teleporting!
  137. >holy shit
  138. >you look up at a rather large tree
  139. >boom
  140. >you're at the top
  141. >just like that
  142. >this is too fucking good
  143. >what else can this stuff do?
  144. >you teleport back down the tree and follow your guides
  145. >this whole world seems kind of... cute
  146. >like it retained it's innocence throughout time
  147. >not like home, that's for sure
  148. >you hated what the DUPs had done to the city before you blew through
  149. >you hadn't had that much fun in a long time
  150. >and you got to be a hero
  151. >you finally reach Sweet Apple Acres
  152. >an orange horse walks up to your group
  153. >"Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, just what in tarnation is this thing?"
  154. >SC: "It's a Conduit! he can do some really cool things!"
  155. "Has this 'conduit" done anything to hurt you?"
  156. >SB: "well, I got scared and tried to blast him with magic when we first met him, and then he grabbed my horn to try and stop me, and then some weird stuff happened and we both fell unconscious, but it's alright! it was my fault for trying to hurt him!"
  157. >the orange horse just looks at you all
  158. >"....alright, I suppose I can trust you a little bit then, mah name's applejack, pleasure to meet you!"
  159. >she raises her hoof to you
  160. >you get down your haunches and shake it
  161. "Name's Delsin, nice to meet you too"
  162. >AJ: "well aren't ya just a gentlecolt! I should introduce ya to rarity!"
  163. "would she be in town? I'm looking for something, it may be there, it may not, but it's my best chance right now"
  164. >AB: "oooh! we'll help you find it!"
  166. >what the fuck
  167. >how can such creatures be so adorable
  168. "alright, I'm looking for anything blue and glowing, it will usually be in the form of large shards of... something, but sometimes you'll see it inside big black boxes, got that?"
  169. >SC: "ya know, Rainbow Dash said something about big black boxes being put up all over Seaddle when she went to visit!"
  170. >AJ: "wait just a second, you're a human? you kinda look like the ones that popped up in the big cities all at once, but you don't have the big helmet thingy"
  171. >ohh shit
  172. "yeah, human, special kind, you mind telling me how long ago these other humans showed up?"
  173. >AJ: "ahh reckon some time in the last few weeks, they work really fast with their stuff, their leader said they were waiting for someone to come through when her work was done in their world, someone called..."
  174. >fuck
  175. "Brooke Augustine?"
  176. >AJ: "yah! how'd you know?"
  177. "not important, I need to get to Seaddle fast"
  178. >SC: "what for?"
  179. "well, if the DUP are here, pretty soon they're going to dub anyone with special powers "Bio-Terrorists" and claim they're making your world safer, but they're really just going to be making life really hard on you"
  180. >AJ: "and you're going to stop them? how?"
  181. "I have a few tricks up my sleeve"
  182. >AJ: "Ah would help, my friends and I have a few special tricks of our own, but we can't use them without Twilight, and she's gone into some weird mirror portal thing for the next few weeks"
  183. >that sounds like what got you here
  184. >maybe it's a way out
  185. >but first
  186. >clearing out the DUPs
  187. "alright, I'm going to take back your city for you, I have little doubt that they've got problems there already"
  188. >AJ: "that's mighty kind of you, Delsin, but ya might want to meet with the princesses about it before you do anything else"
  189. "alright, what's the fastest way there?"
  190. >SC: "well, there's the train, the chariots, the airships, pick your way!"
  191. >trains sound like the fastest
  192. "I'll stick to the ground, where can I get a train ticket?"
  193. >AJ: "me and Rarity will go with ya, we get train rides free"
  194. >cool, free train ride to go meet the leader of the country
  195. >your late brother's voice rings in your head
  196. >"best behavior Delsin, be careful"
  197. >damn it all, why didn't you listen to him then?
  198. >whatever, now is not the time to mourn
  199. >now is the time to kick the DUPs out of this new world and figure out this new power
  200. >which goes hand in hand
  201. >great
  202. "alright, let's get going then!"
  203. >your herd begins to make it's way to Ponyville
  204. "alright, pick up this Rarity, get on the train, meet the Princesses... explain what happens when you let the DUPs run wild... fix the problem, and try and get home, no problem!"
  205. >SC: "can we help with that?"
  206. "ahh, that might not be the greatest idea, my way of 'fixing the problem' doesn't really involve talking it out, the DUP kinda wants to kill me on sight"
  207. >Applejack stops and looks at you
  208. >AJ: "and just what did you do to deserve that?"
  209. "I became a Conduit, I got special powers"
  210. >you continue to explain the situation until you reach Rarity's house/shop
  211. >it's a really over the top place, that's for sure
  212. >your group walks in, and you have to duck a little to fit through the door
  213. >SB: "Rarity? I'm home! and we made a new friend!"
  214. >A white unicorn trots down the stairs
  215. >she's not adorable
  216. >she's just cute in a womanly way
  217. >the glasses on her snout amplify the effect
  218. >jesus christ, you really need to balance your teen hormones if you're thinking about doing anything with this one
  219. >R: "oh my, he's a strange one isn't he?"
  220. >you smile warmly as you kneel
  221. "Delsin Rowe, pleased to meet you"
  222. >R: "ohh but he is quite the gentlecolt! his sense of style could use some work of course, but it isn't too bad..."
  223. >oh hell no
  224. >this vest is your life
  225. >you stand back up
  226. >AJ: "We're taking him to the princesses, we thought you would like to come along since these foals got wrapped up in it"
  227. >AB: "Ah am NOT a foal!"
  228. >no, stop being so cute damnit
  229. >R: "Oh, how delightful! a trip to canterlot! of course I'll come with"
  230. "alright, so we're heading to the train next?"
  231. >AJ: "yeppers, let's go"
  232. >you reach the train station after dropping the foals off to do whatever it is they do, and a very long explanation of the situation to Rarity
  233. "...and it's up to me to fix it"
  234. >R: "is it really going to be that bad? you haven't even seen any proof yet?"
  235. "trust me, I've seen proof of what they do back home, I don't want anyone to deal with that ever"
  236. >AJ: "that's great and all, but what are you actually going to do about it?"
  237. "I'm going to show them who's boss"
  238. >the look she gives you reminds you way too much of your brother
  239. >the three of you board the train, and you couldn't give a fuck about the looks the other ponies gave you, you were going to sleep
  240. >the three of you sit down in a private cabin
  241. >apparently you were in the presence of the heroes of the nation, as they explained it to you
  242. >six ponies found the most powerful artifacts in this world and used them to save the country several times
  243. >cool, your backup knew what it was doing
  244. >or so you thought
  245. >they then explained that the linchpin of their superpowers was another princess and she was out of this world currently
  246. >you had already heard this part, but it was enough to keep you awake
  247. "alright guys, I need some sleep if I'm going to be talking to monarchs and fighting bad guys"
  248. >you rest your head on the bench and pass the fuck out
  249. >the train stops with a screech as you wake up
  250. >you unintentionally teleport up instead of just standing
  251. >you almost lose your balance
  252. >AJ: "you okay sugarcube?"
  253. "just... fine, gah, I hate getting used to new powers"
  254. >you step out of the train and into the fresh night air
  255. >this city is small, but it's pretty nice
  256. >all fancy and shit
  257. >you're guided through the streets by Applejack, since Rarity is bouncing around looking through all the windows
  258. >after an eternity of walking, you arrive at the castle
  259. >and god damn is it a castle
  260. >Europe has nothing on this shit
  261. >the gates are opened by guards in golden armor
  262. >that doesn't seem practical
  263. >then again, you've been kicking the shit out of DUPs wearing concrete as armor
  264. >hell, you had concrete armor of your own
  265. >or you would, if you hadn't picked up this new stuff
  266. >you walk across the tiles with your guides in tow
  267. >might as well make an entrance
  268. >sitting on the two thrones are larger ponies than the ones you've met so far
  269. >one is white, the other blue
  270. >you reach what you think is the right spot and kneel before them
  271. >show a little respect to the authorities
  272. >for Reggie
  273. >you scrounge through what you saw in Sweetie Belle's head
  274. >Princess Celestia is the white one
  275. >Princess Luna is the blue one
  276. >makes sense
  277. >C: "hello Rarity, Applejack, I see you brought another human with you, tell me, what is your name?"
  278. "My name is Delsin Rowe, pleased to meet you"
  279. >L: "We are pleased to meet you as well, Mr. Rowe, tell us, how did you arrive here?"
  280. >explaining your self over and over again is getting really annoying
  281. >but you do it anyways
  282. >C: "hmm... well, you'll be glad to know you're not the first human here if you haven't guessed already. An organization known as the DUP, the Department of Universal Protection, found our world and promised to protect us from the "bio-terrorist" threat."
  283. >oh boy
  284. >another round of explaining the situation later, and both the princesses are in shock
  285. >C: "you mean to say that the ponies in Seaddle are currently being oppressed for having magic?"
  286. "that's what happened in my world, yes"
  287. >L: "and it's all being led by this woman, Augustine?"
  288. "well, not so much anymore, I stopped her in my world, but it seems like there's some cleanup to do here, with your permission, I'd like to go fix the problem myself"
  289. >C: "if your story is true, and I believe it is, then of course you may, on the condition that one of my loyal ponies is at your side to assist you and keep you out of trouble"
  290. >R: "I simply cannot stand for such tyranny, I will go with Delsin"
  291. "great, let's go then, the longer we sit here talking, the worse the situation gets and the more concrete I have to clear"
  292. >L: "he raises a fair point, we shall teleport you there now!"
  293. >Luna's horn glows blue, and there's a brief flash of light
  294. >next thing you know, you're in a very strange place
  295. >it's familiar
  296. >but is' also different
  297. >no satellite dishes sadly
  298. >but you lasted without that before
  299. >you should be fine once you figure out this new stuff
  300. >you still need to figure out what it's source is
  301. >maybe you could ask Rarity, since she's here with you
  302. >but no time for that
  303. >you can see a DUP scanning station up ahead
  304. >and one of their Core Relays too
  305. >good, time to see what this stuff could do
  306. >...after you clear out the DUPs
  307. >fortunately, there's Neon EVERYWHERE
  308. >well, that would be fortunate, but you forgot that you can't use your other powers until you figure out this one a little more
  309. >god damnit
  310. >you duck into an Alleyway and try to do something with what you have
  311. >a simple bright projectile shoots out from your palm
  312. >good enough for you
  313. >R: "what was that?"
  314. "something useful, you may want to stay away from me for the next few minutes, things are going to get kinda crazy"
  315. >R: "whatever do you mean darling? I said I would help you!"
  316. "I work better alone in this case, so unless you want to get seriously hurt by these guys, stay away for now"
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