
Spoonlicker Anon Pt. 22

Feb 24th, 2015
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  1. ===================================================================================================================
  2. Summary: Anonymous is a child that no one can understand, not even Flutters. A policy of noninterference was put in place, and is being enforced by Twilight. Twilight is also documenting Anonymous for any signs of what this strange creature is.
  4. Last Chapter: Twilight recovers from the realization about how poor her motives were in comparison to Celestia’s and asks why Celestia never told her the story of meeting the minotaurs before. Twilight argues that if she had an example or some advice she could have skipped a lot of the early troubles and avoided the near fatal mistake. Princess Celestia reveals a long running gambit and the high stakes she has wagered in Twilight becoming a good princess by her standards. The two fiercely argue with Twilight using burning passion while Celestia uses cold logic. In the end Twilight runs away after being thoroughly beaten.
  6. Posted in Thread 1038
  7. ===================================================================================================================
  9. >A purple blur dashes through the near barren streets of Ponyville. With the town gathering to hear Princess Cadence’s address only the coming and going of the patrols offers any sense of activity.
  10. >The benefit that no one is around to see you in your current state is an unnoticed perk thanks to hazy eyes and maddening thoughts racing in tandem with your legs.
  11. >Your own analytical mind betrays you by replaying the bitter argument in spite of your wishes to forget. Indeed, your heightened state only provides more power for it to swiftly recollect your past and slide the memories in alongside Princess Celestia’s words.
  12. >She saw potential in you at the entrance exam and took you under her wing. She left you in charge of Spike despite your age; another life used as an unknowing experiment guised as charity. She sent you to Ponyville when she thought you were failing and used Equestria’s greatest threat as a testing ground; and not just once. After you and your friends saved Luna from Nightmare Moon Princess Celestia released Discord to see if he could be reformed too.
  13. >Only Discord’s first escape, the changelings, and Sombra seemed like actual crises she did not plan, but who can be sure. The only evidence you have of her motives is the few scrolls she occasionally sent, including Starswirl’s unfinished spell which was the very catalyst for you becoming a princess.
  15. >At least when raising Spike she paired you with Profressor Ranke. Ranke’s interest in dragons and emphasis on direct sources was such a huge help in raising Spike, and he loved sharing them with you.
  16. >He was a REAL mentor, even changing his latest thesis paper to baby dragons so he could spend more time with you two.
  17. >If only you could have the help of that curly-maned stallion one more time.
  18. >Instead you got Princess Celestia who helped with Spike too, but only so she could fill in the gaps of your education; just like she was doing now.
  19. >And it worked. It worked so well.
  21. >Spike listens; he behaves; he helps you with everything. When you are too focused on studying to even think about food he is the one to bring a plate to you.
  22. >He does so much and asks for so little in return. Even as a dragon living in Equestria he admitted to feeling that he belongs with you rather than his own kind.
  23. >To you he is family and a cherished friend; your number one assistant.
  25. >The last word sticks to your tongue as you pant for breath between held back tears and exhaustion.
  26. >When ponies ask the relationship between you two that is always the first thing to come to mind. You have never called Spike a brother, a son, or even a cousin. He is like family but distinctly not, and only now does it feel oh so wrong.
  27. >You know each other’s dreams and fears; how the other will react to a situation. You know each other intimately as only someone who has shared years together could.
  28. >You have trusted your very life to him and yet there is a mental divide ranking assistant as the primary title.
  29. >An assistant who you can talk openly with and is aware of your flaws. One who offers advice though ultimately goes with your decision.
  30. >He is…your advisor.
  31. >Less than a day under Princess Celestia’s guidance and she already had an advisor set for you.
  32. >Is it irony that he happened to be a dragon, which are known to have long lives, or another ‘happy coincidence?’
  34. >Your legs pick up the pace, and your involuntary analysis is silenced by sheer force of will.
  35. >You have to see Spike. You have to see Spike as quickly as possible.
  36. >He’ll forgive you.
  38. >As the library comes into view doubt pokes and prods with threats of Spike’s rejection playing out like a waking nightmare, but you push through the thoughts.
  39. >You need to see that goofy pudgy face. You need to hear his innocent voice.
  40. >The door barely survives as you force yourself in and your eyes scan side to side for purple and green only to find the place empty.
  41. >Peaking your ears, they swivel in search of any sound while you motionlessly you wait lest an unanswered call confirm what your eyes tell you.
  42. >Hurried footsteps come from the steps leading to the basement followed by a stack of books supported by two green claws.
  43. >”Welcome to Golden Oaks. Twilight’s not in right now, but if you need something I can—Twilight?”
  44. >You charge the burdened dragon without a second thought and wrap your hooves around him causing the books to fall to the ground.
  45. “Oh Spike, I’m so sorry for everything. You do so much and I don’t say thanks nearly enough, but I want you to know you mean the world to me.”
  46. >Spike struggles to get his claws free before returning the hug.
  47. >”Uh, a little more appreciation would be nice, but don’t you think you’re overdoing it?”
  48. “You never asked for any of this. It’s not fair, and if I could take it all away I would.”
  49. >”I only had to watch the library for a few days. It’s not like a lot of ponies stop by anyway. Are you sure you are okay?”
  50. >His cheeky remarks causes ping of joy and you squeeze even tighter.
  51. >As you steal a moment of quiet Spike’s own concern deepens.
  52. >”What’s the matter?”
  54. >Knowing the cost to come you let go and face him.
  55. “It’s all a plan Spike; Princess Celestia planned everything. Me and you being together, us making friends and beating Nightmare Moon, me becoming a Princess. Our entire lives have been coursed from the beginning.”
  56. >”Huh? That doesn’t sound like something she would do.”
  57. “She just told me herself. She has set up everything that has happened as a lesson for me rather than teaching me herself because she has her own horn tangled in her tail.”
  58. >”Like everything, everything? Doesn’t that sound a bit exaggerated?”
  59. “Spike, I was barely a filly when she let me raise you. Who in their right mind would let a pony that young raise a baby?”
  60. >His pointed skepticism shifts from accusatory to neutral though he continues with a readied counter.
  61. >”But you said my egg was supposed to be dormant, right?”
  62. “Well, yes, but she could have lied about that too.”
  63. >”But other unicorns had taken the test with my egg before.”
  64. “Ehhh, you’re not wrong.”
  65. >”See. Maybe my egg wasn’t dormant, but waiting for the right pony. Maybe there’s a special bond no pony or dragon were aware of that you and I share. Maybe Celestia realized that and that is why she kept us together.”
  66. >Spike’s mellow words halt the horde of negative thoughts thrashing about in your mind. Free from the onslaught logic and emotion seeks to return balance to the internal scales.
  68. >“I mean, I’m a dragon who calls Ponyville home and is happy living with ponies rather than running off to build my own horde. The urge is there, but I want to stay here with you and all our friends. With how little everyone knows about dragons how can anyone plan for something like that?”
  69. >Your heartbeat pauses in bliss as if trying to hold time still. With one hoof you dry your eyes while the pure essence of familial joy eases a tender smile on your lips.
  70. >”And it’s not like she left you to raise me alone. No offense Twilight, but Professor Ranke is kind of like a distant Dad where you’re more like a sister to me, though I know we’re not really related.”
  71. “You’re like a brother to me too, Spike, though I realize now I haven’t been treating you like one, and for that I am truly sorry.
  72. You are also my friend, my very best friend. The one who was there for me in Canterlot, the one who helped me in adjusting to Ponyville, and the one who I know I can confide in. I have and always will cherish you the most.”
  74. >”You really mean that? I figured Rarity or Applejack were your best friend.”
  75. >You let out a soft chuckle aimed at yourself.
  76. “Please, we could barely survive a slumber party together. You and I have lived together for years with only -minor- complaints.”
  77. >He joins you in the humble laugh.
  78. >”Heh, yeah, we do get along pretty well.”
  79. “So, Spike, could you ever forgive me?”
  80. >”Of course I forgive you; so long as you promise not to get mad when you find out I ate all the ice cream.”
  81. “I promise. You’re a growing dragon who needs his ice cream…you what?”
  82. >”You promised.”
  83. >This dragon.
  84. >Letting out an irritated groan you concede defeat, and then the both of you break into laughter.
  86. >As your laughs peter out Spike grabs the books off the floor and puts them on the shelf.
  87. >”You wanna talk about what happened?”
  88. “Yeah.”
  89. >You settle into your cushion and find your copy of ‘Tempest Transfiguration’ still open to the page you left it.
  90. >You long since forgot the theory you were testing before this whole Anon thing occurred, but Spike kept it there for you.
  91. >Finishing your musings you talk while Spike works, with a comment thrown in here and there.
  93. >Not long after, the front door is attacked for the second time today.
  94. >The two of you turn towards the commotion to see a frantic Rainbow Dash hovering in the doorway.
  95. >”There you are. Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to find you?”
  96. “Rainbow Dash, what are you doing here?”
  97. >The wheels in your head suddenly kick into overdrive.
  98. “Oh no. What’s wrong with Anonymous?”
  99. >”We don’t know, but the runt left the farm and won’t stop. Fluttershy is following them and sent me to get you.”
  100. “I’m on my way.”
  101. >Spike stores the books onto the table and heads to the door with you.
  102. >”I’m coming too.”
  103. >Using your magic, you set Spike on your back and unfurl your wings. Rainbow takes off with you close behind.
  104. >As you leave the library a talon flips the ‘Open’ sign to ‘Out to lunch’.
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