
lsudny's mapping tips.

Jul 28th, 2012
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  1. - don't spam objects, also don't clutter them;
  2. - one enemy can do the job of two (or more);
  3. - make sure your enemies aren't overwhelming and making the map painful to play;
  4. - gold usually is placed for an extra challenge; in races it can help to find the flow; spread your gold out to make an additional challenge;
  5. - work on the tileset, it's good when tiles are representing something; lines-only tilesets are bad; you can use patterns to make the tiles less random;
  6. - you can use repeating (with slight changes) object patterns;
  7. - you can make a mission for player;
  8. - room-by-room maps are usually bad (not always, though);
  9. - it's good when the map has some flow (but not always);
  10. - it's good when the map isn't repetitive;
  11. - there is no overall rule about what you should make first (tileset or objects) - the best way *for me* is to make some tiles, then add some objects, then add some more tiles, etc.;
  12. - *always* playtest your map to make sure it's beatable;
  13. - just keep mapping - you'll start to understand what makes a quality map;
  14. - if you develop a style that works, stick with it if you want to;
  15. - listen to advices from respectable authors;
  16. - look at other people's maps, get inspired, be original and innovative and try new ideas!
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