
Soarinlane I

Oct 18th, 2013
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  1. >it's a fine autumn day
  2. >sun, light breeze, and a hint of crispness
  3. >perfect for lounging underneath a tree
  4. >our tree
  5. >the tree where we first shared a kiss...
  6. >the tree where I first had the privilege of telling Soarin' I loved him
  7. >the breeze blows and the leaves whisper
  8. >"I love you, Thunderlane"
  9. >hmmm, the leaves sure whispered that louder than I expected...
  10. >I open my eyes
  11. >a blurry figure stands over me, but its emerald eyes soon come into focus
  12. >with the seeming assistance of an invisible boot to the flank, I spring up
  13. >without bothering to look, I throw my hooves around him
  14. >I can feel the grit and smell the efforts of the day
  15. >I draw in a large breath...intoxicating
  16. >his embracing hoof snaps me back to the present
  17. >his cheek rubbing against mine spurs me to conversation
  18. "So, how'd it go?"
  19. >and then that wonderful voice told me about his day
  20. >but when he got to the part about being worn out from practice...
  21. "Well, I've been waiting for the perfect moment, and this is it! Follow me!"
  22. >the invisible boot is replaced with an invisible hand, snatching me off the ground and into the sky
  23. >I hear Soarin' calling for me to wait up
  24. >"Oops, sorry 'bout that"
  25. >I sheepishly slow down and wait for my tuckered-out Wonderbolt
  26. >he's been working so hard for their upcoming tour
  27. >shows all over Equestria for a solid month
  28. >sure to be the worst month of my life
  29. >a whole month without...
  30. >no--I'll leave that bridge for when it's time to cross it...
  31. >my thoughts occupy me so much, I overfly our destination
  32. "Damn, we went too far! It's down there, back thataway!"
  33. >I point to a small clearing in the forest below
  34. >Soarin' looks at the clearing, stops on a dime, and zips down
  35. >I can't help but admire him for just a moment
  36. >those graceful wings, that ethereal mane, his tail flapping exuberantly behind him
  37. >a beautiful body, tailored for flight, but best held in close proximity
  38. >he guides me down with his eyes, cheerful as ever in spite of his fatigue
  39. >he asks what I've got planned
  40. "You leave that to me, flyboy!"
  41. >I resist the urge to add a hint of seductiveness to get his mind going
  42. >not that I had anything like that planned, but it would be a bonus to see those cheeks redden
  43. >I take to the skies again, looking intently for the last piece to the puzzle
  44. >the sun has nearly set by this point, the fire nearly gone from the sky
  45. >makes the search a bit more tricky, but soon enough...
  46. >I dart to the cloud and snag it
  47. >I drag it back down to the clearing and hover next to it
  48. >a tiny bit of nervousness dots my opening words, but they become more sure as they leave my mouth
  49. "Well...wanted to know what I had planned, did you?"
  50. >he nods; I instinctively admire his mane as it follows his head
  51. "Ah, so...I figured that this would be a great way to relax together, especially since you've been working so hard for your tour."
  52. >I give the cloud a couple of kicks
  53. >it yields the desired result: a healthy rain
  54. >neither gentle nor overpowering, the drops provide a constant drumbeat as they patter on the ground
  55. >I land and trot under the falling water
  56. "Care to join me?"
  57. >he smiles and takes off his uniform, revealing the rest of his majestic form
  58. >my heart skips a beat or three as he joins me in the decidedly rustic shower
  59. >there's a bit of a chill, but I'm sure neither of us care; besides, there's a quick fix for that
  60. >he walks toward me, hooves quietly splashing in the pooling water
  61. >the splashes strangely trigger a brief moment of tactical failure
  62. "Sorry for the mud, Soarin'..."
  63. >he grins and assures me that it's no problem
  64. >I grin back, feeling my mane get ever more soaked and plastered against my head
  65. >we share a few moments gazing at each other between the raindrops
  66. >almost simultaneously, we embrace
  67. >the chill is gone
  68. >the rain, forest, moon and stars, all gone
  69. >just him
  70. >just me
  71. >I draw him in tight; he responds in kind
  72. >we lock lips and share a kiss
  73. >the feeling of his mouth and mine, the rain firmly tapping us on the head
  74. >the faint glow of the moon, this time, no match for Soarin's radiance
  75. >suddenly, another whisper
  76. "Thanks, Thunderlane."
  77. >followed by a nuzzle
  78. >surely he can feel the rising heat in my face and the grin crossing it, but I care not
  79. >I nuzzle back
  80. "You're welcome, Soarin'. Anything for you."
  81. >don't really know how long that experience under the cloud lasted
  82. >just wasn't long enough
  83. >they never are
  84. >too soon, it was time to go
  85. >I kicked the cloud and it ceased its rainfall, as if I turned a faucet handle
  86. >snagged it again, took it back up, and sent it on its way
  87. >Soarin' immediately joined me
  88. "Hey, what about your uniform?"
  89. >I grin again as he says it'll be fine there until the morning
  90. >as we fly ourselves dry, he surprises me again
  91. "Hey, how about we sleep under the stars tonight? Out here. Seems like a good night for it, huh?"
  92. >I agree
  93. >we look for a nice soft spot to crash for the night
  94. >it's found; we claim it
  95. >we both cut to the chase and snuggle under some random tree
  96. >our second tree
  97. >I take in his body against mine
  98. >I can feel him doing the same
  99. >I feel all of him, all of his warmth, and it is good
  100. >he tightens his grip on me
  101. >we snuggle such that I can't see his face, but I can feel his breath warming my neck
  102. >his hoof caresses my head, and my leg twitches in approval
  103. >he leans in
  104. "Hey. I love you, Thunderlane."
  105. >I turn to him as best as I can
  106. "I love you, too, Soar--"
  107. >my voice trails off as I blink and open my eyes
  108. >daylight again
  109. >laying on my side, I see only grass
  110. >I look up, and see only the leaves of the tree
  111. >our tree
  112. >I don't even try to hold back the first tear
  113. >it traces its way down my cheek as I lie there in surrender
  114. >worst month of my life, and I'm only 2 days through it
  115. >the tears trace faster
  116. >and the crisp breeze whispers...
  118. end
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