

May 5th, 2015
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  1. Owen Hart vs Hakushi started off with chain wrestling, as Hakushi and Owen traded wristlocks, hammerlocks, and headlocks, always managing to squirm out of each other's grip. They even started using the ropes, as Hakushi jumped off the middle rope in an attempt to reverse a wristlock into an armdrag, but got rolled through into a cross armbreaker. Owen eventually got the advantage when he reversed Hakushi's hammerlock into an Argentine Backbreaker, spun him around a few times, and dropped to his knees, driving his shoulders into Hakushi's back! Owen transitioned the Argentine Backbreaker into a backslide for the cover.
  3. 1...2...2.9, Hakushi got his shoulder up! The chain wrestling was over, as Hakushi let loose with a series of kicks to Owen's legs and midsection, finishing off with a solid strike to the gut that doubled Owen over before hitting the ropes for a scissors kick! Owen caught the kick, however, and ducked the enzuigiri Hakushi followed it up with before deadlifting him up into powerbomb position! However, Hakushi had him scouted, and dropped out behind Owen, hooking the Hart's arms with his legs on the way down as he hit a stunning sunset flip powerbomb!
  5. 1..2...2.9, Owen kicked out! Hakushi went back on the offensive, driving Owen to the ropes with a series of kicks, and eventually knocking him to the apron with a stiff kick to the chest. Hakushi ran the ropes, and hit a beautiful spinning wheel kick that knocked Owen to the floor! As Owen struggled to his feet, Hakushi bowed his head in prayer before hitting the ropes again, doing a cartwheel, and MOONSAULTING OVER THE TOP ROPE TO THE FLOOR! Owen and Hakushi were in a heap on the floor as the ref began to count.
  7. 1...2...3...4... Hakushi and Owen both began to struggle to their feet, but Hakushi was the first one up. He grabbed Owen and tried to whip him into the ringpost, but Owen reversed the momentum and slammed Hakushi's face into the post! Hakushi was staggered, and Owen took advantage, hitting a backdrop suplex onto the apron and rolling Hakushi back in. Owen started getting Hakushi set up for the Sharpshooter, but Hakushi reversed into a small package!
  9. 1...2...2.9, Owen reversed into a small package of his own!
  10. 1...2, reversal from Hakushi
  11. 1...2, reversal from Owen
  12. 1...2, Hakushi reversed into a double underhook, and hoisted Owen into a powerbomb, holding Owen's arms down for the pin!
  13. 1...2...2.9, Owen kicked Hakushi up and over him with some sort of monkey flip variation, floated over, hooked the arms, and lifted Hakushi into a Gory Special! He punished Hakushi's back a little more before flipping him over into a sitout facebuster! Owen wasted no time scrambling to his feet and applying the Sharpshooter, and after the punishment his back had taken, [b]Hakushi had no choice but to tap.[/b]
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