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#FalloutEquestria - Aug-18

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Aug 19th, 2012
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  1. ### Log session started at Sun Aug 19 00:00:00 2012 ###
  2. [00:26:47] Wusky [] has joined #falloutequestria
  3. ### Log session terminated at Sun Aug 19 00:33:08 2012 ###
  4. ### Log session started at Sun Aug 19 10:18:47 2012 ###
  5. [10:18:47] Xiee [~xiee@] has joined #falloutequestria
  6. [10:18:47] Channel synchronized in 0.0 seconds
  7. [10:18:47] Espercorn [] has set mode +o Xiee
  8. [10:18:56] [*@*] has set channel mode +nt
  9. [10:18:57] Channel was created at Sat Aug 18 06:04:23 2012
  10. [10:19:05] Corsair [] has joined #falloutequestria
  11. [10:19:15] SilverHeart [] has joined #falloutequestria
  12. [10:20:12] Patrick [patty@] is now known as Softspot
  13. [10:26:09] <@Xiee> Last we left our wasteland heroes, Toothpick and Silverheart went off on their own to hopefully scout the so-called location of the stable. Toothpick knew she wouldn't be let into Tenpony so she decided to make herself useful. Silverheart, the good pony that she is, keeps toothpick companion. [c]
  14. [10:26:42] Peggly [] has joined #falloutequestria
  15. [10:29:04] <@Xiee> Meanwhile the rest of the group prepares the long walk into Tenpony across the once proud monorail, the Celestia Line. With their two new companions, a young filly named Evergreen, and a mischevous little phoenix, they begin the day with anxiety and hopefully safety in their travel towards the tower.[f]
  16. [10:31:42] Staccato stretches and coughs, feeling surprisingly awful upon waking. ''Ugh... good morning, everypony,'' he says, rubbing his eyes. [F]
  17. [10:33:23] <Softspot> Softspot breathed lightly on the head of Gentlebreeze and began polishing it. "Hmph" he grumbled as he wiped at a stubborn stain.[F]
  18. [10:33:28] <CF> Short Circuit yawns, not getting up but simply rolling over onto his back. His headache was still there, and he had some rather unplesant dreams the night before, he could almost still heard the voices now.
  19. [10:33:39] Boombox hadn't gotten much sleep... Alright, she hadn't gotten any sleep. She lay awake, bags under her eyes and staring a ways out at the ground in front of her. Though at least overnight she ad done some thinking. While it was horrible to witness the consequences... She realized what she did was neccessary. Not pleasent, but neccessary. She just hoped her comrades, and the filly, could understand, if not forgive her. [F]
  20. [10:33:50] <Solis-Ignis> Solis was still asleep, curled up around evergreen, her back pressed against Staccato.[F]
  21. [10:34:08] <CF> [f]
  22. [10:34:14] CF [] is now known as ShortCircuit
  23. [10:34:29] <@Xiee> The balefire phoenix greeted them with a loud squak.
  24. [10:35:33] <Softspot> Softspot stared at the balefire phoenix, wondering if it's radioactivity had dropped and it was now safe to handle.[F]
  25. [10:35:33] Fawkes [] has joined #falloutequestria
  26. [10:36:16] <@Xiee> For some reason, the little filly, Evergreen was not around.
  27. [10:36:26] <ShortCircuit> Circuit groans "Ugh my heaaaaad." he says to himself, closing his eyes and rolling back over.
  28. [10:36:38] Staccato blinks. ''Evergreen? Evergreen!'' He opens his bloodshot eyes and looks around for any sign of her. [F]
  29. [10:36:39] <Solis-Ignis> Solis wakes up a bit and checks under the bathrobe curled into a ball around evergreen. Blinking a few times, she realizes she's staring at her saddlebag, and not the filly. She lets out a little strangled sound[F]
  30. [10:36:50] <ShortCircuit> "Is that filly up?" He says, muffled by the ground. [f]
  31. [10:37:06] <Softspot> Softspot quickly turned to the screams of fear. He looks back and forth between Staccato and Solis-Ignis.
  32. [10:37:11] <Softspot> [F]
  33. [10:37:34] Boombox 's ears perked when Staccato started calling the filly's name. Sitting up and looking around, she at last discovered that she was not here! "Oh no..." [F]
  34. [10:37:36] <@Xiee> A few gunshots were heard in the distance. It sounded very near.
  35. [10:38:04] <Softspot> Softspot's ears perked at the sounds of gunfire. "Hmph." he grunted loudly.[F]
  36. [10:38:31] Staccato turns his head to the direction of the gunshots and starts making his way in that direction. He looks panicked and sickly, clearly not thinking that well. [F]
  37. [10:38:57] <@Xiee> The balefire phoenix flies ahead of them, looking more curious than concerned.'
  38. [10:39:40] Peggly [] is now known as Baneberry
  39. [10:39:42] <Softspot> Softspot watches the phoenis. He promptly places a hoof infront of Staccato. "Be careful. We know not, what we face." He said softly, before tightening his grip on Gentlebreeze.
  40. [10:41:09] Staccato wheezes and glares at Softspot. ''Did you not swear to take care of her?'' he asks. ''She could be dying this very minute!'' He coughs and sticks his tongue out. ''Ugh, I feel ill...'' [F]
  41. [10:41:21] <Solis-Ignis> Dancing around in place, Solis looked ready to jump out the window if it meant getting outside and finding evergreen[F]
  42. [10:41:59] <ShortCircuit> Circuit groans. He hated mornings, this wasn't an exception. The filly was gone, we're probably getting shot at again, he felt like he had one of the worst hangovers of his life, and he keeps hearing these whispers. He REALLY hoped the last one was his imagination. [c]
  43. [10:42:02] <Softspot> "And letting my comrades die in vain is something I shant allow happen." Softspot said a bit more firmly and he shot a direct look into Staccato's eyes.
  44. [10:42:38] <ShortCircuit> He groans again and gets to his hooves. "I hate mornings." He says, rubbing his eyes. [f]
  45. [10:42:59] <@Xiee> Around the corner, there was Evergreen. She had braced herself against the wall as she shot the hunting rifle. There were tin cans about 100 feet away from her placed on a destroyed wall. They fell like radsprites as she shot them with the rifle going from left to right.
  46. [10:43:07] <Staccato> ''Very well, we'll all go find her together, so long as we simply GO!'' He points in the direction of the gunfire, hoping Softspot would move toward it. [F]
  47. [10:43:36] Boombox scrambled to her feet, seeming paniced "No! Ah'm responcible for her ben' with us in th' first place!" She started to bumble off in half fatigue toward the gunshots, probably looking to see if the filly was in danger. [F]
  48. [10:44:04] <Solis-Ignis> Solis darted out the door, stopping short at the sight of evergreen. Whooping, she ran forward and hugged the filly tightly[F]
  49. [10:44:15] Boombox skids to a halt when she finds the filly... doing target practice. "Oh.." [F]
  50. [10:44:44] <Softspot> Softspot loosened his grip up on Gentlebreeze and sighed quietly in relief.[F]
  51. [10:46:08] Staccato sighs and coughs again. ''Oh, thank the heavens,'' he says, wobbling on his legs. ''Bane... I think I've taken ill. Please, can you examine me and find out how?'' [F]
  52. [10:46:58] <@Xiee> The balefire phoenix lands on the rifle, lightly pecking at Evergreen's forehead. The little filly just smiled and stood up finally noticing the group watching her. She lowers her head and stares at the rifle. Reloading it once and lookng over at it.
  53. [10:49:07] <Baneberry> Bane came out of their makeshift shelter cracking her neck. The day before had not been pleasant and the day ahead was probably going to be really migraine inducing, having to deal with the Tenpony residents. She'd shown no sign of panic at the sign of the missing filly, and she didn't seem to care too much when there were gunshots. [c]
  54. [10:49:50] <Softspot> Softspot turned around and began pondering their next plan of action. "Hmph" he mumbled before saying in a louder tone "Perhaps.. we should make our towards Tenpony."
  55. [10:50:46] <Baneberry> She was trying to contain herself, yesterday she'd been more vulnerable than she'd meant to be, and she felt a little emotionally exhausted. She grinned at the filly and moved over to Staccato, nodding. "Okay, gimme a sec..." [c]
  56. [10:50:48] <Baneberry> [f]
  57. [10:51:50] <@Xiee> Evergreen slung the rifle behind her and made her way to camp. She sat beside Solis-Ignis and began to tug on her mane.[f]
  58. [10:52:27] <ShortCircuit> Cicuit leans up against a wall. Thank Goddess the filly was okay. He yawns again, wincing at his headache. The whispers hadn't stopped, like wind whistling by his ears or something. Sounding weird and yet... totaly natural. He shakes his head. It was nothing. It had to be. [c]
  59. [10:52:44] <Solis-Ignis> Solis looked down at the little pony and tilted her head, with a loopy grin on her face[F]
  60. [10:52:57] <ShortCircuit> He pushes it from his mind and walks over to the group. "So, what's our plan? Breakfast, then we head out?" [f]
  61. [10:54:20] Staccato stands still, allowing Bane to examine him, and looks at the rest of his companions. Some of them looked rather worried, especially Short Circuit. ''Yes... breakfast would be a good idea.'' He looks over at Bane again. ''I don't suppose you're looking forward to our little visit, are you?''
  62. [10:54:33] <@Xiee> The little filly sighed and began to dig in Solis-Ignis' saddleback, she fished out a canned pre-war preserved corn and struggled to get it open.
  63. [10:54:37] <@Xiee> [f]
  64. [10:56:10] <Baneberry> Bane moved to the little filly and took the can from her with the magic gently, prying it open for her before giving it back with a smile
  65. [10:56:50] Staccato glances over at his Pipbuck. ''Hmm.'' He looks over at it and starts tinkering with it, looking over the diagnostic functions.
  66. [10:58:10] <@Xiee> PIPBUCK STATUS: Minor Rad Sickness / Radiation meter at 100 RADS
  67. [10:59:09] <Staccato> ''Oh. I've *cough* identified the problem,'' Staccato says. ''Bane, I've been irradiated by our new friend.'' He glares at the phoenix.
  68. [11:00:07] <Baneberry> Bane moved back to Staccato, levitating a rad away and giving it to him. "Don't worry, this should help."
  69. [11:00:56] <Softspot> Softspot noticed what Staccato was doing and began exmaining himself through his suit
  70. [11:01:05] <Softspot> 's diagnostic program.[F]
  71. [11:01:09] Staccato nods and levitates the Rad-Away over to his body, using it on himself. [F]
  72. [11:02:08] <@Xiee> Evergreen snacked on the preserved corn. Satisfied she looked around and was about to settle in a corner only to notice Boombox whio looked a bit worse than the others. She curiously trots towards her and sits right in front of her looking a bit curious at the sleep depraved pony.[f]
  73. [11:02:26] <Baneberry> "Softy, you had that bird pirched on your back all day, you going to need any of this?" She said, flaoting a pack over to him
  74. [11:02:54] <Softspot> Softspot nodded slowly and reached a hoof forward to Baneberry.[F]
  75. [11:03:25] Staccato sips the last of the medicine and sets the empty container down. ''Thank you, Baneberry,'' he says.''
  76. [11:04:04] Boombox just watched the group before she noticed the filly approaching. Oh Celestia, this was it. She was going to be revenge'd upon! But... Then the filly just stared. "Uhhh... Hey there, darlin'..." she greeted, a bit of nervousness in her voice. How do you talk to a filly who's father you just killed? [F]
  77. [11:04:10] <Baneberry> "You're welcome Staccy." Bane said, turning to him with a smile
  78. [11:05:25] <Softspot> Softspot connected the radaway to his suit, ingesting it. Tossing the used box away he looked over towards the others. He noticed the filly had approached Boombox. Softspot pondered for a moment how this would go.[F]
  79. [11:05:59] <@Xiee> Evergreen nodded and sat down beside Boombox. Still looking at her in the eye.[f]
  80. [11:07:26] Boombox just watched the filly right back. She had no idea what to say! After a bit of an awkward silence, she came up with "... You, uhh... Holdin' up alright...?" [F]
  81. [11:08:34] <@Xiee> The little filly tried to speak. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. She tried to form a word only to let out a little whimper of a moan. She finally gave up then slumped beside Boombox. [f]
  82. [11:09:14] ShortCircuit yawns again. He pulls one of the pre-war snacks he got from the bunker, a bag of potato crisps, not feeling hungry enough for a full meal. As he crunches down on the salty snack he watches Boombox and the filly, wondering how it'll play out.
  83. [11:09:17] <ShortCircuit> [f]
  84. [11:09:38] Staccato slowly walks up to Evergreen and looks at her with concern and pity. ''You... can't speak?'' he asks her. [F]
  85. [11:10:30] <@Xiee> Evergreen looks up at Staccato and once again tries to speak. She gives up and shakes her head from left to right. [f]
  86. [11:11:00] Boombox perks her ears to listen, but the sound only distressed her a bit. Gave her another stab of guilt. She gave a gentle pat to the filly's back, doing her best not to break down into tears. "Ah'm sorry..." An apology. Maybe not the best thing to say, but... She wanted to say it. She had to try. [F]
  87. [11:11:51] star1228 [] has joined #falloutequestria
  88. [11:12:29] star1228 [] has quit IRC: Quit: Web client closed
  89. [11:12:59] <Solis-Ignis> Solis plodded forward, brushing lightly past Staccato, and sat down, placing her forehooves around evergreen and nuzzling her[F]
  90. [11:12:59] furyheart [] has joined #falloutequestria
  91. [11:13:13] Staccato looks over to Baneberry again. ''Do you have an inkling as to why our charge is mute?'' he asks. [F]
  92. [11:13:55] <@Xiee> Evergreen didn't know why Boombox hugged her but that made her settle down after the frustration of not being able to speak. She hugged back with a smile. [f]
  93. [11:14:58] newbie [] has joined #falloutequestria
  94. [11:15:38] <Baneberry> Bane looked over the girl, the way she acted and how she held herself. She seemed... off, damaged. Though that was not surprising in any way. "She's gone through a lot... She's probably got severe mental trauma." Bane said to Staccato with a worried look in her eyes.
  95. [11:16:31] Staccato [] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 190 seconds
  96. [11:16:36] newbie [] is now known as Staccato
  97. [11:17:21] Boombox just... watched her hug back. A lip trembling... She finally lost her bearing, just for a moment. She tried to cover her muzzle, a tear rolling down her cheek... Though it wasn't out of grief... She could only hope the filly understood... But she wondered when the proper time would come to really explain herself. [F]
  98. [11:18:02] Staccato sighs. ''I was afraid of that.'' He gives Evergreen another look, standing near her and watching Solis give her a hug. [F]
  99. [11:18:05] Solis-Ignis [] has quit IRC: Read error: Connection reset by peer
  100. [11:18:10] Solis-Ignis [] has joined #falloutequestria
  101. [11:18:34] <@Xiee> The little filly was really baffled as evident of her look on Boombox's face. She wiped the tear of Boombox's cheek as it fell and gave her an assuring look as if saying that "Everything is going to be alright."
  102. [11:18:45] <@Xiee> [f]
  103. [11:19:44] <@Xiee> The balefire phoenix perks on Softspot's helmet and pokes at the visor, happily squaking. [f]
  104. [11:20:06] Boombox seemed shocked by this from the filly... Whimpering, all she could think to do was actually reach down and wrap her hooves aroudn the filly in a proper hug. [F]
  105. [11:20:40] <Softspot> Softspot pulled his hoof off to wave the phoenix onto his back, rather than his helmet.
  106. [11:20:42] <Softspot> [F]
  107. [11:20:53] <furyheart> Fury looked over evergreen, no emotion on his face. [F]
  108. [11:21:51] <@Xiee> The phoenix moves to his flank and perches there as she preened her wings. [f]
  109. [11:22:18] <Solis-Ignis> Solis lifted Staccato's leg up, deftly bringing up the map function and checking the distance to tenpony[F]
  110. [11:22:46] Staccato smiles at the filly, then looks back over to Tenpony Tower. ''Well now, I suppose we ought to move on.'' He looks over at Softspot. ''If you would be so kind as to lead the way...'' [F]
  111. [11:23:06] <ShortCircuit> Circuit yawns again, still tired. "So, to Tenpony?" he says, packing up his stuff. [f]
  112. [11:23:13] <Softspot> Softspot nodded and starts slowly trotting towards Tenpony.[F]
  113. [11:23:18] <furyheart> Fury looked in the direction of tenpony, before saying "alright ponies, we don't have all day. lets move." [F]
  114. [11:26:53] <@Xiee> The group heads towards the ramp and walks for about an hour when they notice a single red bar on the pipbuck's EFS. There was a lone... something behind one of the boxcars.[f]
  115. [11:27:57] <ShortCircuit> Circuit looks at his EFS, stopping. "Something's up ahead." he says, pulling out his recharger rifle and taking to the sky, around 15 feet up. [f]
  116. [11:28:00] Staccato raises his hoof. ''We have company,'' he whispers to them, trying to find something to hide behind.
  117. [11:28:50] <furyheart> Fury looked at the EFS, before pulling out his Assault rifle, before saying "on guard, we have a hostile."[F]
  118. [11:29:37] <Solis-Ignis> Solis stopped, nudging evergreen behind her with a hoof[F]
  119. [11:29:56] Boombox was as alert as she could be when alerted about the visitor. "M-My launcher!" She didn't have it. All she had was her sword and her dynamite. [F]
  120. [11:30:28] Staccato shushes Boombox. ''Can somepony try and take a closer look at just what it is we're dealing with?''
  121. [11:30:29] <Staccato> [F]
  122. [11:31:07] <Softspot> Softspot quietly stopped and tightened his grip on Gentlebreeze.[F]
  123. [11:32:27] ShortCircuit tries to get a look at the hostile target, it hasn't seen them, it's just rummaging through some scrap metal. He lands, as light as he can, on the roof of the boxcar next to him, waiting for someone to make the first move.
  124. [11:32:29] <ShortCircuit> [f]
  125. [11:32:48] <Softspot> Softspot looks up at ShortCircuit. "Identify hostile target?" He said gently.
  126. [11:33:07] <Baneberry> Bane moved over to Boombox, hefting the Rocket Launcher into the air towards her with her magic without a word.
  127. [11:33:41] ShortCircuit looks down at Softspot. It looks pretty big. But it's just rummaging though scrap. he says [f]
  128. [11:34:25] <Softspot> Softspot took a step forward and tried to examine it himself.[F]
  129. [11:35:07] Boombox quickly takes it. Despite wanting nothing to do with it yesterday... She knows that what she did had to be done. And it was because of her skill with this launcher that they were all alive. She took in a big breath and plucked it out of the air, taking it up in her hooves again. "Jus' tell me where t'shoot, if y'all need me..." [F]
  130. [11:35:53] <@Xiee> The cyberdog mumbles more.... "Gems! Need gems! More Gems! Need gems... for power.... almost empty. More gems!"
  131. [11:37:18] <Solis-Ignis> Frowning, solis motioned for evergreen to stay put, then slowly crept forward, to peek around the edge of the boxcar[F]
  132. [11:37:26] <furyheart> Fury looked at boombox and the rocket launcher, before fiercely whispering "don't use that damn thing! it's a last resort." [F]
  133. [11:37:35] Staccato hmms, putting a hoof to his chin and considering his options. Did he want to talk or fight? [F]
  134. [11:38:01] ShrapnelGlint [] has joined #falloutequestria
  135. [11:38:18] ShortCircuit looks down to Staccato I'd rather we not shoot it if we have to. He says Maybe try this diplomatically?
  136. [11:39:18] <@Xiee> "Need gems! Need power.... to go home.... I miss home... no pony whinning... nice quiet home." The cyberdog continued as he shuffled through more scrap metal.
  137. [11:39:18] Staccato looks over at Staccato. ''I concur, but our recent luck with diplomacy leaves much to be desired... However, it's bound to change eventually.'' [F]
  138. [11:41:05] <Baneberry> Bane walked up to the Diamond Dog, keeping a safe distance and making sure to make her presence known before doing anything. She wasn't going to attack, this was just a diamond dog, not a hellhound. this was still an intelligent, well, sentient person.
  139. [11:41:11] <Baneberry> [c]
  140. [11:42:21] <Baneberry> She cleared her throat, addressing the dog. "Hello there, dog." She said in an authoratative tone, making sure she didn't appear hostile.
  141. [11:42:53] <Softspot> Softspot made sure to keep to keep a close distance between Baneberry and himself. Tightening his grip on Gentlebreeze.[F]
  142. [11:43:21] <@Xiee> The sight of the two ponies startled the cyberdog as he took a defensive stance. "What do you want pony!?! Leave dog alone, dog want to go home! Dog tired taking orders from pony!"
  143. [11:44:07] <furyheart> Fury started to sneak up as quietly as possible, to get a better leverage of the hostile [F]
  144. [11:44:56] Staccato emerges from cover, standing next to Baneberry. His pistol is holstered, and he's doing his best not to look overly aggressive. [F}
  145. [11:45:44] <Solis-Ignis> Looking over, Solis saw fury sneaking forward. She telekinetically tugged on his tailfeathers, then shook her head before tilting it sideways[F]
  146. [11:46:13] <@Xiee> The appearance of Staccato startles the cyberdog even more. "You no take dog back! Dog want to go home! Home back to valley where no pony whinning!"[f]
  147. [11:46:14] <Solis-Ignis> wat
  148. [11:46:28] <Baneberry> "I don't want to give you orders, we were merely making our way to Tenpony." Bane said, nodding and deepening her voice. She glanced around at the ponies around her, motioning them to get back. Even if they didn't try and appear hostile, a large group might serve to only intimidate and make the dog more skeptical
  149. [11:47:03] Staccato falls back, his ears folded. He looks embarrassed to have inadvertently hampered Baneberry's efforts.
  150. [11:47:21] <Softspot> Softspot began to loosen his grip and lower Gentlebreeze in an attempt to help relax the Diamond dog.[F]
  151. [11:47:40] <Baneberry> "It's fine Staccy." She said to him with a smile.
  152. [11:47:56] <@Xiee> "What you want pony? This a trap? Dog hate traps! Please let dog go!" He pleaded almost kneeling.
  153. [11:48:49] <furyheart> Fury didn't release his gun, figuring that taking cover will hide him enough that the dog won't see him. [F]
  154. [11:50:30] <ShortCircuit> "You want to go back to Splendid Valley?" Circuit calls down from up on the boxcar. [f]
  155. [11:52:07] <@Xiee> The cyberdog nodded. "Dog want to go home! Pony not stop dog!" [f]
  156. [11:52:51] Staccato almost calls out that they weren't intending to stop him, but he remembers that Bane has the situation under control. Hopefully. [F]
  157. [11:52:54] <Baneberry> "Don't worry, we're not trying to stop you..." Bane said starting to walk around him. "... We don't have any gems for you, we just want to pass through"
  158. [11:53:41] <@Xiee> By this time the cyberdog, even with his intimidating cyberlimbs, was shaking. He was unsure as to why a group of ponies were suddenly upon him. All he wanted was to be left alone.[f]
  159. [11:53:47] <ShrapnelGlint> shrapnel moved closer to the group, smiling encouragingly and nodding along with what was being said
  160. [11:54:37] <ShortCircuit> "I'd really like to see you get back, but Splendid Valley is horribly toxic now. If you went back, you would die." Circuit trys to reason. He drops from the boxcar.
  161. [11:55:18] <Solis-Ignis> Peeking out further, Solis lifted the mechanical eye from her saddlebags, slowly levitating it towards the dog, leaving at his feet. "Maybe this eyethingy has a sparklyrock for you?"[F]
  162. [11:56:08] <@Xiee> The cyberdog looks at the spark pack. "Sparkpack will work... has crushed gems inside."
  163. [11:57:33] <@Xiee> The cyberdog grabs the spark pack and walks away looking cautiously at the group until he is out of sight.'[f]
  164. [11:58:22] <Baneberry> Bane let out a sigh, continuing towards the tower. "well, lets keep moving."
  165. [11:58:27] Staccato sighs and smiles. ''How fortuitous,'' he says, before moving on. [F]
  166. [11:59:19] <furyheart> Fury watched as the Cyberdog left, before saying " Alright, lets go." before starting to walk forward, towards the tower. [F]
  167. [11:59:47] <@Xiee> 4 blue bars on EFS popped up, just a stonethrow away from the tenpony entrance.
  168. [12:00:35] Staccato smiles. ''We have friendlies up ahead!'' [F]
  169. [12:01:12] <furyheart> Fury looked at Staccato with a small smirk at finally getting to tenpony. "lets not keep them waiting." [F]
  170. [12:01:15] <@Xiee> As the group got close to them, they saw Talons. Mercenary Griffon's all wearing the same emblem. Heavily armed.
  171. [12:01:25] <Solis-Ignis> Solis trots alongside evergreen, humming tunelessly.[F]
  172. [12:02:04] <ShortCircuit> Circuit stops, slightly apprehencive about the mercs. [f]
  173. [12:02:42] Boombox catches up to the group, having made sure to stay near Evergreen. But, upon seeing the mercs, readies her launcher again. Well... Readies would be the wrong word. More like... draws. It's not on her back anymore. [F]
  174. [12:03:03] <@Xiee> The leader of the group walks towards them, armed with a battlesaddle that both had gatling guns on either side, she waved at the group in a friendly manner.[f]
  175. [12:03:36] <Softspot> Softspot loosens his grip on Gentlebreeze. He promptly returns a wave to the leader.[F]
  176. [12:04:04] <@Xiee> "Hail Steel Ranger. What business do you have in these parts?" Asked the Griffon Leader.[f]
  177. [12:04:42] <Softspot> "Salutations. We wish to venture into Tenpony tower. We have been travelling through the Celestia line as you can tell." Softspot said gently but firmly.[F]
  178. [12:06:06] <@Xiee> "Alright, be careful then. We've cleared the path of any raiders. You should have no problem reaching the entrance. Regards to your Elder." [c]
  179. [12:06:51] Staccato smiles and nods to the mercenaries, staying besides Softspot and walking over to the tower.
  180. [12:06:57] <Softspot> Softspot nodded in respect. "Thank you. Peace be with you friend. My elder will hear of your deeds." With that said, Softspot signalled the rest of the group up.[F]
  181. [12:07:10] Boombox follows. Yup. [F]
  182. [12:08:12] <ShrapnelGlint> Shrapnel follows right along
  183. [12:08:14] <ShrapnelGlint> [f]
  184. [12:08:18] <@Xiee> The group finally reaches the entrance of Tenpony. Two guards shoot looks at each other as they examine the party. It was odd though that a steel ranger was among them. Still if they had the caps then they could be allowed in.[f]
  185. [12:09:06] <Softspot> Softspot approached the Tenpony guards and nodded. "Salutations ponies." He said with a soft voice.[F]
  186. [12:09:25] <@Xiee> "Hello uhm.... what business do you have in Tenpony?" asked a nervous guard.
  187. [12:09:55] Staccato smiles and approaches the guards. He recognizes one of them. ''We simply wish to resupply,'' he explains. [F]
  188. [12:09:58] <furyheart> Fury nodded to the Mercenary, before saying "Sir, we have come to repack and buy supplies." [F]
  189. [12:11:12] <@Xiee> "Oh.. you're that stuck up.... I mean that Unicorn!" The guard corrected himself. "These are your guests then? Please go ahead sir." [f]
  190. [12:11:47] <Solis-Ignis> Solis looked at one of the guards with half lidded eyes, and lazily smiled at him[F]
  191. [12:12:24] Staccato grins perhaps a bit wider than is necessary. ''Thank you for your cooperation, good sirs,'' he says, and passes through the gate. [F]
  192. [12:12:24] <Softspot> Softspot looks at Staccato and back to the guard. "What quantity of caps if required?" He asks the guard.
  193. [12:12:44] <Softspot> ((are required**)
  194. [12:13:09] <Softspot> Softspot sees Staccato step in and decides he should follow suit and trots slowly behind him.
  195. [12:13:40] Staccato blinks. ''Ah, right. We need to give up our ammunition for the duration of our visit.'' He unpacks his gem packs from his saddlebags and turns them over. [F]
  196. [12:15:26] <@Xiee> "That's not necessary sir. If they are with you then its alright. But if something goes wrong you will be held responsible." One of the guards replied.
  197. [12:16:37] Staccato pauses. ''Truly? Oh, of course. All of you will be on your best behavior, I trust.'' He looks squarely at Fury and takes his gem packs back. [F]
  198. [12:16:49] Corsair [] has quit IRC: Quit: ASCII a stupid question, get a stupid ANSI!
  199. [12:17:00] <ShrapnelGlint> shrapnel smiles happily, trotting in with all her things [f]
  200. [12:17:43] <Solis-Ignis> Solis picks up evergreen and places the filly on her back, following Staccato[F]
  201. [12:18:03] <@Xiee> Evergreen's eyes widen. She had never seen a place so clean before with lots of ponies trotting around like it was nothing. [f]
  202. [12:18:14] <furyheart> Fury thanked the mercenaries. He looked as Staccato when he practically directed his statement at him, before saying " You really take me for an idiot, don't you? I'm not."
  203. [12:18:18] <furyheart> [F]
  204. [12:19:07] Boombox smirks, her launcher safely scured to her back. "Coulda fooled me" came the snarky remark as she trotted on past the griffon [F]
  205. [12:19:16] <Boombox> (secured**)
  206. [12:19:31] <ShortCircuit> Circuit follows Staccato inside, marveling at how well preserved the structure is for being so old. [f]
  207. [12:19:49] Staccato doesn't respond, instead heading on inside and smiling at the familiar architecture. ''Marvelous, isn't it?'' [F]
  208. [12:20:40] <Softspot> Softspot inspected the interiors. He couldn't help but feel a small feeling of envy to some of these ponies. But quickly drowned it out and trotted along behind Staccato.
  209. [12:20:50] Corsair [] has joined #falloutequestria
  210. [12:24:40] <@Xiee> The group's first stop is helpinghoof in the hopes of helping the little poor filly.
  211. [12:26:56] <@Xiee> They are greeted by an elderly earthpony stallion.
  212. [12:27:20] <@Xiee> "Hello, welcome to my clinic, I'm Dr. Helpinghoof, how can I be of help?"
  213. [12:27:31] <Softspot> Softspot approachs the elderly stallion.
  214. [12:28:10] <Softspot> "Greetings doctor.." Softspot said before pausing. ".. We have a filly we'd like you to inspect and report your findings."
  215. [12:29:25] <@Xiee> The doctor quickly takes a look at the Evergreen. "Hmm she has all her limbs in tact, doesn't seem to have rad poisoning, she's a fine healthy little filly. So what seems to be the problem?"
  216. [12:29:34] <furyheart> " We figure she is mentally traumatized , she hasn't been talking at all." Fury added, trying to give the doctor all the info they had. [F}
  217. [12:29:57] <Softspot> "Shes had a rather.. traumatic last couple days to put it blunt." Softspot continued.
  218. [12:30:15] <@Xiee> "Traumatized? Oh my..." The Doctor rubs his chin. "What exactly happened?"
  219. [12:30:40] <Softspot> Softspot looked back at his group and back to the doctor. "Perhaps we should take this discussion to the next room?" He suggested.
  220. [12:34:37] <@Xiee> "Okay lets see...." He motions to his assistant, Life Bloom, a stallion unicorn to have a look at the Filly in the next room. "We can talk while my assistant performs some tests on her. What exactly happened?"
  221. [12:35:27] <furyheart> " to put it bluntly... her dad took a rocket launcher to the face.." Fury said, nervously looking over his shoulder [F]
  222. [12:35:45] <@Xiee> "Let me guess... she was there to witness it?"
  223. [12:35:52] <Softspot> Softspot shoots a glare at furyheart and begins saying "Let me put it this way.. Our parties crosses paths and the events that transpired lead to one of my comrades using a less than.. appropriate measure."
  224. [12:35:53] <furyheart> "
  225. [12:36:28] <furyheart> " correct, sir." Furyheart said [F]
  226. [12:36:50] Staccato sighs and looks up at the doctor. ''I'm truly sorry about this, doctor.'' [F]
  227. [12:37:53] <@Xiee> "I'm not going to ask what happened further but from what I can tell, she's suffering from a Post Traumatic Disorder that shocked her mentally and emotionally. That sudden shock to the brain has impaired her speech area. This was a common disorder for ponies during the war."
  228. [12:38:24] <Softspot> "Hmph.. Is there any way we can perhaps.. remedy this issue?" Softspot asked.
  229. [12:38:48] Staccato nods. ''Will she recover in time? With therapy?'' [F]
  230. [12:38:55] <@Xiee> "Oh there is. There are two known ways to treat this. One is memory manipulation and the other invovles some meds that help her through the depression and a lot of counseling."
  231. [12:39:24] <furyheart> " I believe I've heard of that disorder before. I figure therapy is the only way she's going to get better?" Fury said, looking at the door to the next room [C]
  232. [12:40:16] <@Xiee> "Well if you want to go the therapy route, there's no telling when she'll get better. You have to give her meds regularly and someone who she's comfortable with has to constantly talk to her to stimulate her speech patterns."
  233. [12:41:14] <Softspot> Softspot began feeling an overwhelming feeling of rage before snapping. He threw his hoof at the wall before trotting outside the doctor's clinic, dragging gentlebreeze behind him.[F]
  234. [12:41:28] <@Xiee> "It could take days, weeks maybe even years before she can talk again..."
  235. [12:41:33] Staccato sighs and looks beaten at this revelation. He looks up at Softspot and bites his lip. [F]
  236. [12:41:53] <furyheart> " Alright, therapy it is then." Fury said, not even thinking over the alternative. [F]
  237. [12:42:34] <@Xiee> "Hmmm.... I'm going to have to bill you for that." Said the doctor as he looked at the hoof-sized crack on his wall.
  238. [12:43:08] <Softspot> Softspot paced back and forth in the hallway. "Damn.. GOD FUCKING DAMN IT." He began yelling.[F]
  239. [12:43:25] <furyheart> "Bill the steel ranger for that, I didn't do anything." Fury said, glaring at Softspot. "He'll be fine." [F]
  240. [12:44:08] Staccato folds his ears back. ''My friend there has taken it upon himself to care for Evergreen in her father's absence,'' he explains to the doctor. ''But this is beyond his abilities, I'm afraid.'' [F]
  241. [12:44:25] <@Xiee> "So here are her meds." The doctor reached for some pills and placed them in a container. "She needs to take this twice a day. It will help her calm down. Also, letting her do something she likes will help."
  242. [12:45:39] <Softspot> Softspot turned a corner and slumped against a wall. "Too deep colt." He paused for a moment. "Too FUCKING deep."[F]
  243. [12:46:03] <@Xiee> "Here's the bill... That will be 100 caps for the consultation, 50 caps for the pills and 200 caps for my wall."
  244. [12:47:10] <furyheart> " I am going to kick softspots ass for this..." Fury grumbled, fishing out the money, and handing it to the doctor [F]
  245. [12:48:03] <furyheart> [C]
  246. [12:48:50] <furyheart> he only had 18 caps on him, a pretty god amount away from what the doctor wanted. he went out into the hallway to grab the money from softspot. [C]
  247. [12:49:59] <furyheart> " Hey, softspot, we need the caps to pay the doctor after you put a hole in the wall." Fury said, walking up to him [F]
  248. [12:50:29] ShrapnelGlint [] has quit IRC: Quit: Web client closed
  249. [12:50:47] <Softspot> Softspot turns his head and stares at furyheart. "Price?" He says bluntly before rummaging through his compartments.
  250. [12:51:51] <furyheart> "Three hundred. all together." Fury said, his claw out, waiting for the money [F]
  251. [12:52:30] <Softspot> Softspot rummages through his compartment and places 300caps in furyheart's claw. Without saying a word he went make to focusing his attention on Gentlebreeze.
  252. [12:53:56] <furyheart> Fury thought for a minute, before remembering the 50 caps for the pills. " wait, i forgot, i need another 32 caps for the medicine." [F]
  253. [12:54:51] <Softspot> Softspot grumbled and reached back into his compartment. In a second he tossed out another 32 caps and went back to fixating his focus on Gentlebreeze.[F]
  254. [12:56:21] <furyheart> " Thanks softspot." Fury said, walking back into the doctors office. He handed the caps to the doctor, before saying "thanks for the help, Mr.Helpinghoof" [F]
  255. [12:56:53] <@Xiee> Evergreen trots out along with Life Bloom. She was smiling with some candy in her mouth.
  256. [12:57:19] <@Xiee> "Well she's a healthy little filly. She had a few bruises on her head but I took care of that." Life Bloom said.[f]
  257. [12:57:53] <Solis-Ignis> Solis glances at the candy in Evergreens mouth, then looks back and Lifebloom and pouts, with big watery eyes.[F]
  258. [12:57:59] <@Xiee> "Since she's such a doll, I'm healing her for free."
  259. [12:58:05] Staccato [] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 380 seconds
  260. [12:58:36] <@Xiee> Lifebloom rolls his eyes. "Fine.... here have some." He levitates a few strawberry mints to Solis-Ignis.
  261. [12:59:05] <Solis-Ignis> Solis puts on a giant grin and stuffs the candy in her cheek[F]
  262. [12:59:39] <furyheart> " thank you sir." Fury said to lifebloom. [F]
  263. [13:00:01] <Softspot> Softspot picks himself up and drags him back to the entrance of the Doctor's clinic.
  264. [13:01:27] <@Xiee> The group prepares to go "shopping" in a sense. But which store should they go to?
  265. [13:04:57] <Solis-Ignis> Leaning towards Dr. Helpinghoof, Solis asks conspiratorially, "Do you know where we could sell some... readywords?"[F]
  266. [13:05:47] <@Xiee> "A what?" The doctor says in a confused tone.
  267. [13:06:42] <Solis-Ignis> Solis frowns for a moment. She turns to Staccato and levitates the Trolling for Eggheads book from his bag, showing it to the Doctor. "These readywords. With this scribbleshape on the front."[F]
  268. [13:07:03] <furyheart> " a valuable book" Furyheart said, trying to clear up what solis was saying. [F]
  269. [13:07:24] <@Xiee> Lifebloom notices the book. "Where'd you get this?" he looked at it eagerly.
  270. [13:08:05] <Solis-Ignis> "Found it in a hole in the ground", she replied proudly[F]
  271. [13:08:35] <furyheart> "a bunker." Fury said, once again trying to clear up what solis meant. [F]
  272. [13:09:15] <@Xiee> "I know somepony looking for this..." Lifebloom levitated a note with something written on it. "Go the place metioned in that note, talk to the owner."
  273. [13:09:23] <Softspot> Softspot stood just behind the group outside the Doctor's Clinic. He shook his head.
  274. [13:09:25] <Softspot> [F]
  275. [13:10:38] <Solis-Ignis> Solis frowned at the note before passing it to Fury, "What does the scribble say?"[F]
  276. [13:11:38] <furyheart> " it says... 'Filly dream general store', solis." Fury said, struggling to read the handwriting. [F]
  277. [13:14:20] <Solis-Ignis> Solis bats her eyes and smiles at Lifebloom, "Thanks Mr. Candy!"[F]
  278. [13:14:47] Boombox goes on in the direction of the general store, then! "Lets not dilly-doddle 'er whatever th' term is! Onward!" [F]
  279. [13:15:11] <Softspot> Softspot looked at Boombox and sighed before trotting behind him.
  280. [13:15:13] <Softspot> [F]
  281. [13:15:59] <@Xiee> The group finds themselves at "Filly's Dream". It was a store that sold all sorts of items and pre-war trinkets. There was an elderly unicorn stallion near the cash register.
  282. [13:17:56] Lissy [~lissy@2605:1300:63fa:fece:9506:63c0:c3aa:2f95] has joined #falloutequestria
  283. [13:18:11] Boombox waves to the unicorn! "Howdy! Th' nice docter over yonder told us y'all'd be interested in this here book we have?" she asks, pointuing with a hoof to Solis, who she assumed had the readywords on hoof [F]
  284. [13:18:25] <Baneberry> Baneberry sighed and walked in, glancing around. There was certainly a good assortment of goods in here, but they needed to see to that note. If this thing was valuable, which it probably was, then they'd need to get their money. They needed to get supplies and get on the road for that vault
  285. [13:18:32] <Solis-Ignis> Sauntering forward, Solis plopped down the eggheads book in front of the cashier. "One readywords, complete with scribble."[F]
  286. [13:19:07] <furyheart> Furyheart walked into the store, looking around at the the trinkets being sold, before going up to the counter. " we have a certain... book for sale, that i think your find is worth the price." [F]
  287. [13:19:10] <@Xiee> "Hmmmm...." The elderly unicorn glanced at the book. "I don't know much about pre-war books but I bet my niece does." [c]
  288. [13:19:47] <@Xiee> "Keen! We have some ponies here with a strange lookng pre-war book, you might want to take a look at this." He shouted at the door behind the counter. [f]
  289. [13:21:34] <@Xiee> The door opened revealing a young unicorn mare. She smiled and greeted them.
  290. [13:22:07] <@Xiee> "Hello! Welcome to Filly's Dream, we buy, sell and trade. I understand you wanted to sell this book?"[f]
  291. [13:23:20] <Solis-Ignis> [Sex Appeal] Solis batted her eyes and put on a huge grin, then motioned to the book on the counter, "We were hoping you could tell us about these readywords here."[F]
  292. [13:24:03] <furyheart> " It
  293. [13:24:06] <Softspot> Softspot perked his head up and inspected the new mare who had entered the room. [F]
  294. [13:24:58] <@Xiee> "O...kay... wierd.... Is something wrong with your eyes? You really have to let Dr. Helpinghoof take a look at that."
  295. [13:25:07] <furyheart> "it's called a book, solis!" Fury said, looking at Solis. He looked over the mare who entered the room, figuring if that was their way into getting this book to the society. [F]
  296. [13:25:44] <@Xiee> Keen glances at the book and her eyes widen. "Where did you get this?!"
  297. [13:26:06] Boombox just smiled and took over for Solis. "Yup! We wanna sell it. Fer stuff." [F]
  298. [13:26:11] <Solis-Ignis> "Found it in a fancy hole in the ground."[F]
  299. [13:26:20] <Baneberry> "Found it in an old MoA bunker" Bane said matter-of-factly
  300. [13:28:09] <@Xiee> Keen levitated the book and turned a few pages and began to read aloud on a hoof written scribble on the side of one page.... "I'm the T to the W I L I G H T..."
  301. [13:28:36] <@Xiee> "Sweet Celestia! This is Twilight's book?"
  302. [13:29:01] <Solis-Ignis> Solis frowned. "Twilight?"[F]
  303. [13:29:40] <@Xiee> "Were you planning to sell it or trade it?" Keen asked.
  304. [13:30:11] <Baneberry> "We were hoping to make a lot of caps off of it, figured you folks here at Tenpony might pay top dollar for something like that."
  305. [13:31:00] <@Xiee> "And how much did you have in mind?"
  306. [13:31:44] Boombox blinks. "All of em...?"
  307. [13:31:46] <Boombox> [F]
  308. [13:32:00] <@Xiee> "I need an exact figure..."
  309. [13:32:02] <Solis-Ignis> Solis tilts her head to the side, pondering the question [F]
  310. [13:33:52] <Solis-Ignis> "Hmm... How about.... Twenty... thousandies?'[F]
  311. [13:34:18] <@Xiee> "Twenty thousand caps? No book is worth twenty thousand caps."
  312. [13:34:45] Boombox rubs her chin, looking at the book. Hearing Solis' price, and then the rebuttal... she looked to the mare. "Y'all want th' book er not? 10,000?"
  313. [13:34:58] <furyheart> " not even a book written and signed by twilight sparkle?" Fury said [F]
  314. [13:35:12] <Solis-Ignis> "What she said. Oh, and a spoon."
  315. [13:35:13] Lissy [~lissy@2605:1300:63fa:fece:9506:63c0:c3aa:2f95] has quit IRC: Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -
  316. [13:35:45] <furyheart> "15,000" Fury said, trying to get the best deal they could [F]
  317. [13:36:31] <@Xiee> "Ten thousand... ugh... Let me think."
  318. [13:38:16] <@Xiee> "Okay fine!" She levitates a locked box on the counter and opens it. It's filled with caps. "That's exactly 10,000 caps, unless you want to count it."
  319. [13:39:07] <furyheart> Fury takes a look at the caps, before saying "everyone take a thousand. count to make sure it's 1000 each
  320. [13:39:17] <Solis-Ignis> Solis beamed at keen, "I have the trustytrusts!" She opened her saddlebag and poured the caps in, suddenly off center.[F]
  321. [13:40:03] <@Xiee> Keen levitated the book fromt he counter and locked it i her floor safe. "I'm gonna regret this later... enjoy the caps."
  322. [13:40:27] <Softspot> Softspot steps in and reaches his hoof in to take what was left of the 10,000 caps. He begins putting them in his compartment before walking towards Keen.
  323. [13:40:29] <Softspot> [F]
  324. [13:40:41] <@Xiee> "Now was there anything else ponies wanted? Anything of interest?" She asked in earnest, eager to earn back some of the caps she spent.
  325. [13:41:08] Boombox gladly took her caps before flashing a smile to the mare "Thank ye kindly" Yup! Thanks for the caps for a trollin' book. Sucker. [F]
  326. [13:41:21] <ShortCircuit> Short Circuit perks up "Oh, I almost forgot! How much would information cost me?" He asks the mare. [f]
  327. [13:41:24] <Solis-Ignis> "Erm.... Fire. Do you have anything that shoots fire?"[F]
  328. [13:41:33] <Softspot> Softspot cleared his throat and spoke gently. "You wouldn't sell any.. candy? Would you miss?
  329. [13:41:34] <Softspot> "
  330. [13:41:35] <Softspot> [F]
  331. [13:41:45] <Baneberry> Bane levitated her caps directly from the lockbox onto the counter, nodding. "Anything in the way of weapons and supplies that we could use?"
  332. [13:42:10] <@Xiee> "I've got a flamer and incenerator." she replies to Solis-Ignis
  333. [13:42:58] Boombox 's ears perk. If they have flamethrowers... "Y'all got explosives?" [F]
  334. [13:43:20] <Solis-Ignis> "Ooh, an incinerator. Can I see it? Please?" Solis asks with big, round puppy eyes.[F]
  335. [13:43:55] <furyheart> " what guns do you have?" Fury said, looking to expand his inventory to include something better at close range [F]
  336. [13:44:03] <@Xiee> "Yes we do...Some missile launchers, grenade launchers and even got a gatling grenade gun for battlesaddles." she said to Boombox
  337. [13:44:04] ShortCircuit rifles through his saddlebags, pulling out the black case and setting it on the counter I'd like to know more about this. he says, clicking the case open and pulling the statuette of Rainbow Dash out of it's padded shell. [f]
  338. [13:44:58] <Softspot> Softspot's ears perked. "Gatling grenade gun? .. Name your price." He continued softly.
  339. [13:45:00] Boombox 's eyes widen to the size of dinner plates, practically drooling on the counter "Gatlin'... grenade gun?" she asks, as if in a trance [F]
  340. [13:45:15] <@Xiee> "Oh my... that's a very rare statuette of one of the ministry mares..." she said as she observed the craftsmanship on it. "This is Rainbow Dash I believe?"
  341. [13:46:18] <@Xiee> furyheart: "We have all sorts of guns... name your poison."
  342. [13:46:29] ShortCircuit nods. Yeah. We found it when we were looting the bunker with the book. I wanted to know what they were for. He says.
  343. [13:46:48] <furyheart> " regular gunpowder weaponry. nothing fancy."
  344. [13:46:55] <furyheart> [C]
  345. [13:47:01] <furyheart> Fury said looking at her
  346. [13:47:06] <furyheart> [F]
  347. [13:47:34] <@Xiee> ShortCircuit: "Well... the last time I got my hooves on one was Twilight Sparkle's statuette. The Twilight Sparkle society bought it from me for 3000 caps..."
  348. [13:48:37] <@Xiee> Keen levitates a bunch of rifles on the table. Service Rifle, Hunting Rifle, Varmint Riffle, Assault Carbine, Markspony Carbine, Sniper Rifle, Anti-Material Rifle
  349. [13:48:48] <ShortCircuit> "Do you know what they used them for? I can't think of anything besides decoration, and it wouldn't be locked up in a bunker then."
  350. [13:49:01] <ShortCircuit> "Also, do you have any energy weapons?"
  351. [13:49:32] <Softspot> Softspot took a step forward to make himself a bit more pronounced before following up with "I don't believe you heard me earlier. But do you sell any.. " Softspot paused for a moment before finishing. ".. Candy?"
  352. [13:49:37] <@Xiee> ShortCircuit: "From what I know only a limited number of these were made and given to ponies of high standing and position back in the days of the war."
  353. [13:49:40] <furyheart> " how much for the hunting rifle? what ammo does it use, anyway?" Fury asked, looking over the gun. [F]
  354. [13:50:19] <@Xiee> furyheart: The hunting rifle uses .308 ammunition... you can have it for 250 caps... ill throw in a box of .308 rounds
  355. [13:50:54] <furyheart> " mam, you have a deal." Fury said, taking out 250 caps to pay for the rifle
  356. [13:51:00] <@Xiee> ShortCircuit: "I have a few energy weapons, anything specific that you wanted?"
  357. [13:51:43] ShortCircuit shrugs. I was looking for a scoped rifle or something of that nature, but any will do.
  358. [13:52:03] <@Xiee> Softspot: "Candy? Uhm sure..." Keen pointed at a gumball machine on the side. It was fitted to accept caps rather than pre-war bits. "Just drop a bit and it dispenses a gumball."
  359. [13:52:37] <@Xiee> *drop a cap
  360. [13:52:58] <Solis-Ignis> Solis dances in place, "Fireshooty thing?"[F]
  361. [13:52:59] <Softspot> Softspot nods and steps off towards the gumball machine.[F]
  362. [13:53:27] <furyheart> Fury put the ammo in his satchel, before turning back and saying " Now, if you don't mind, can i buy some more ammo?" [F]
  363. [13:53:50] <@Xiee> Keen goes to the back and levitates out an incenerater. The table was filled at this point so she let it down on the floor. "Here's the incinerator..."
  364. [13:54:32] <Softspot> Softspot begins fiddling with the top of the gumball machine. "Hmm.." He pondered.
  365. [13:54:47] Boombox was still in her daze on the counter, looking at the shopkeep like she was the keeper of the holy grail. "How much fer th' grenade gun?" [F]
  366. [13:55:06] <Solis-Ignis> Solis squeaks and sits down in front of it, carefully lifting it and looking it over. Satisfied, she turns to Baneberry and gives her a pouty face, "Can I keep it?"[F]
  367. [13:55:11] <@Xiee> Solis-Ignis: that will be 800 caps for the incenerator... ill throw in a few flamer packs
  368. [13:56:07] <@Xiee> furyheart: How much ammo did you want to buy?
  369. [13:56:53] <furyheart> " I'd say about... 30 bullets. how much would that cost?" Fury asked. [F]
  370. [13:57:05] <Baneberry> Baneberry nods and holds in a bout of laughter, grinning at the eccentric unicorn. "Yes Solis, you can keep it."
  371. [13:57:37] <@Xiee> ShortCircuit: "Well you can buy a laser rifle and modify it to accept a scope. Just so happens I have a scope here too.."
  372. [13:58:02] <Solis-Ignis> Solis jumped up and hugged bane, then turned and floated out the caps, counting on her hooves.[F]
  373. [13:58:10] <Softspot> Softspot began inserting caps into the gumball machine. The result was a little bit of noise and a gumball rolling to the slot.[F]
  374. [13:58:25] <ShortCircuit> Circuit perks up "Oh? How much? I have a recharger rifle I could sell to you, too."[f]
  375. [13:58:48] <Baneberry> She turned back to the shopkeeper, looking over the rifles. "Got another hunting rifle I could buy?" She said, also beginning to look over the sniper.
  376. [14:00:55] Connection to server lost
  377. ### Log session terminated at Sun Aug 19 14:01:23 2012 ###
  378. ### Log session started at Sun Aug 19 14:01:23 2012 ###
  379. [14:01:23] Xiee [~xiee@] has joined #falloutequestria
  380. [14:01:23] Channel synchronized in 0.0 seconds
  381. [14:01:24] Espercorn [] has set mode +o Xiee
  382. [14:01:34] [*@*] has set channel mode +nt
  383. [14:01:34] Channel was created at Sat Aug 18 06:04:23 2012
  384. [14:01:39] <@Xiee> ShortCircuit: I'll take the recharger rifle for 50 caps... you can have the laser rifle for 200 caps
  385. [14:02:01] <ShortCircuit> "Including the scope? And how much would ammo cost?"
  386. [14:03:29] <@Xiee> ShortCircuit: The scope will put you an additional 50 caps... and ill throw in a few Magic Fusion cells...
  387. [14:05:08] <@Xiee> Baneberry: "Sorry that was my last hunting rifle."
  388. [14:05:12] Boombox had somehow found her way on top of the counter, laying on her back with her head hanging over on the shopkeep side, her eyes still wide and staring. "Grenade gun... How much...?" still in a trance, probably daydreaming of raining explosive ordenance upon savage foes, scattering bits and pieces across the wasteland in the wake of her fury [F]
  389. [14:05:41] ShortCircuit ponders it for a moment. How many MF cells do you have in stock, and for what price? [f]
  390. [14:06:29] <@Xiee> ShortCircuit: Well its 1 cap for a cell... and i have a lot
  391. [14:06:58] <Solis-Ignis> Solis peeks at Keen from behind the counter, waiting patiently[F]
  392. [14:07:26] <@Xiee> Boombox: You wanted the grenade machine gun? You know you have to have a battlesaddle to equip this right?
  393. [14:07:33] Wusky [] has quit IRC: Quit: LOOK OVER THERE! *runs away*
  394. [14:07:58] <ShortCircuit> "Hm. I'll take the laser rifle and the scope, sell you my recharger rifle, and I'll also take 150 MF cells." He says, putting his recharger rifle on the counter.
  395. [14:08:26] Boombox 's eyes return to normal size, though remains on her back for whatever reason. "Y'sell battle saddles, then?" [F]
  396. [14:08:27] <@Xiee> ShortCircuit: Deal
  397. [14:08:37] <furyheart> Fury grumbled about the price for the ammo, but then took out 60 caps and handed them to the mare. [f]
  398. [14:08:46] Fawkes [] has quit IRC: Quit: ajax IRC Client
  399. [14:08:47] <@Xiee> Boombox: Yes as a matter a fact I have one
  400. [14:09:24] <ShortCircuit> Short Circuit smiles "Sweet." he says, putting the 350 caps out for the ammo and rifle, the scope being paid for by his old gun.
  401. [14:09:33] Boombox , still on her back on top of the counter, rubs her chin again in idle thought. "How much fer the saddle 'n th' gun?" [F]
  402. [14:09:36] <@Xiee> furyheart: Here you go. Some more .308 ammo.
  403. [14:10:11] <furyheart> " once again, thank you." Fury said, putting the ammo in his ammo box
  404. [14:10:48] <Solis-Ignis> Still peeking over the edge of the counter, Solis pipes up with "Do you have flamer fuel? And blue and white paint?"[F]
  405. [14:11:37] <@Xiee> Solis-Ignis: Yes I have some flamer fuel... but I don't sell paint. You're going to want to visit the PonyDepot store on your way down for that.
  406. [14:13:21] <@Xiee> Solis-Ignis: here's the fuel...
  407. [14:13:39] <Solis-Ignis> "How much for uh, 5 packsies?"[F]
  408. [14:13:58] <@Xiee> Solis-Ignis: 20 caps each
  409. [14:15:10] <Solis-Ignis> Solis floats out a hundred caps and piles them on the counter into a castle shape[F]
  410. [14:15:29] <@Xiee> Boombox: The battlesaddle you can have for 200 caps... for the gun you can have for 1000 caps
  411. [14:17:24] Boombox pouts, realizing that if she bought the saddle, she wouldn't have enough to buy the gun. If she bought the gun, she wouldn't eb able to us it! "Could Ah git a loan from somepony...?" she asked aloud to the group [F]
  412. [14:17:46] <@Xiee> Evergreen takes notice of the gumball machine and just stares at it blankly.
  413. [14:18:33] <furyheart> Fury grumbled about having to help boombox, but handed boombox 200 caps. "pay me back, alright. I don't give out donations." [F]
  414. [14:18:43] <Softspot> Softspot examines the gumball in his hoof and sticks anothr bit in the machine. Making a small noise and sending another gumball rolling into the slot. He fiddles with the slot again before another gumball rolls out into his hoof.[F]
  415. [14:18:53] <Solis-Ignis> Solis looks over at evergreen, then leans over and hugs her, laying sideways on the floor.[F]
  416. [14:19:04] <Baneberry> Bane continued to look over the rifles, checking over them and making sure that she could hook them up to her battle saddle. Hopefully they wouldn't be too expensive, she'd need to buy some new ammo for pretty much any of them. "How much for the Markspony and the Sniper?" she said
  417. [14:19:08] <@Xiee> Evergreen stares at Softspot as if begging for something.
  418. [14:20:10] Boombox beams at the griffon, gladly accepting his loan. "O'course! A-Ah'll pay y'all back as soon as I can!" With that, she forks over every single cap she has for the battle saddle and the grenade machien gun. Woo-hoo, impulse buy! [F]
  419. [14:20:21] <Softspot> Softspot look around the room notices the filly staring straight at him. He kneels down and maintains eye contact with Evergreen. He pushes his own hoof forward toward Evergreen, gumballs in plain sight.[F]
  420. [14:20:40] <@Xiee> The michievous balefire phoenix plucks out a gumball from Softspot's hooves and flies away.
  421. [14:21:10] <@Xiee> Keen gladly acceps the 1200 caps she just earned.
  422. [14:21:14] <Softspot> Softspot looks at the phoenix before looking back at his hoof. He still had one sitting in his hoof.[F]
  423. [14:21:36] <ShortCircuit> Ah! Circuit almost forgot! "Could you reinforce my labcoat, or recommend a armor I could wear underneath? It dosen't offer me much protection, but I'd like to keep it." He says to Keen [f]
  424. [14:22:02] <@Xiee> Evergreen laughs at the phoenix. She then carefully takes the remaining gumball from Softspot and noms on it.
  425. [14:22:54] <Softspot> Softspot slowly withdraws his hoof and goes back to fiddling with the gumball machine by putting in an extra bit. Sending another gumball tumbling down.[F]
  426. [14:23:07] <@Xiee> ShortCircuit: "Reinforce a lab coat? I suggest just buying some new armor. I have a few security barding in here somewhere, and some reinforced leather armor."
  427. [14:24:16] ShortCircuit sighs Alright. Do you have anything with holes for these? He says, flapping his wings once. The last thing he needed was armor he couldn't wear.
  428. [14:24:23] <ShortCircuit> [f]
  429. [14:25:38] <@Xiee> ShortCircuit: "Pegasus armor is hard to come by... but I do have this..." She levitates an enclave officer's light armor on the table. "Found a dead enclaver in the ruins the other day. Strange that they would come this far."
  430. [14:26:14] <Softspot> Softspot cleared some space on a nearby table and placed Gentlebreeze down. He brushed his hoof over it before beginning to disconnect his helmet. As he removes it he places it on the table and looks back at the gumball machine, reaching down into the slot to take the gumball.[F]
  431. [14:28:15] <ShortCircuit> Circuit grits his teeth at seeing the familiar officer's uniform. There was no bucking way in hell he'd be wearing that, needing armor or not. He clears his throat, trying to sound calm. "N-no thank you. I can just use my old lab coat. Sorry to waste your time." He half-smiles and walks away from the counter. [f]
  432. [14:28:19] <@Xiee> Baneberry: The Markspony carbine will set you for about 600 caps... the sniper rifle... 1100 caps
  433. [14:29:29] <@Xiee> ShortCircuit: "okay suit yourself.."
  434. [14:33:19] <Softspot> Softspot picked out the remaining gumball and examined it closely with his own eye. He sniffs it and props it in his mouth. Chewing lightly and absorbing the taste. He nodded approvingly.[F]
  435. [14:34:09] <Solis-Ignis> Seeing Shortcircuit's refusal of the armor, Solis slithered her way over to the counter, and asked "Do you have any meshy armor capes?'[F]
  436. [14:34:24] <@Xiee> The mischievous balefire phoenix blows out a bubble as it pops right in the face of Softspot.
  437. [14:35:02] <Baneberry> Bane walked over beside Softy, nudging him slightly. "Hey, how many caps did we collect before this? I'm thinking of using another 200 to buy the Sniper..." She wasn't too proud about asking for the caps, but hey, they'd all gotten them together, and she'd healed their asses on multiple occasions.
  438. [14:35:48] <Softspot> Softspot's expression changed as he wiped the gum off his face and wiped it on a nearby cloth. "Hmph." He directed his attention to Baneberry. Looking eye to eye felt awkward, as it wasn't something he did often. "Fi-.. five hundred and thirty six." He said softly.[F]
  439. [14:37:01] <Baneberry> "Mind if I use some of it?" She said, noticing his discomfort and continuing to stare back.
  440. [14:37:14] <Baneberry> [c]
  441. [14:37:16] <@Xiee> Solis-Ignis: "Hmm, maybe I do... Hold on..." She levitates out a red cloak with a symbol on the back that says "Manehattan Fire Brigade"
  442. [14:38:58] <Baneberry> [sex appeal] She bumped against him again, flicking up her tail to rub along the back of his neck. She wasn't usually, if ever, this frisky, and she didn't usually manipulate ponies, but it was just some innocent messing around. "Soooooo.... mind if I take some?" She said in a flirty voice
  443. [14:41:30] <Softspot> Softspot is taken back a bit and recoils slightly. "Umm.. " He paused before continuing softly. ".. I suppose." as he reached into his compartments, confused. "This seemed somewhat.. /different/" he thought as he pondered about Baneberry's actions. Reaching out he placed 200 caps in Baneberry's hoof.[F]
  444. [14:43:21] <Solis-Ignis> Solis lifted the edge of the cloak in front of her eyes, inspecting the stitching, then sniffing it a couple times. She then levitates out her spoon and prods the cloak a few times. Seemingly satisfied, she calls out to Shorty, "Ohh ponyfeathers! C'mere, I have a plansy!"[F]
  445. [14:43:39] <@Xiee> Evergreen innocently blows out a bubble. It pops in her face. She tries to get the pink sticky gum out of her face with her hooves.
  446. [14:44:03] <Softspot> Softspot looks over at Evergreen and notices this. He trots slowly towards here as to not spook her.[F]
  447. [14:44:13] <Softspot> ((her*
  448. [14:44:35] <Baneberry> Baneberry took it, chuckling a bit and flicking him again with his tail and giving him a quick peck on the cheek. This was definitely different for her, but hey, Softy wasn't a bad looking stallion and he probably would've given her some money anyway.
  449. [14:45:30] <ShortCircuit> Circuit looks up, 'ponyfeathers
  450. [14:45:51] <Softspot> Softspot innocently reached a hoof forward and gently touched her face, trying to take the gum off without hurting her.[F]
  451. [14:45:52] <Baneberry> Bane moved up to the counter, placing her money on the table. "Give me that Sniper Rifle, and 50 extra rounds to go with it please."
  452. [14:46:04] <ShortCircuit> **Circuit looks up 'ponyfeathers' probably meaning him. He walks over to Solis. "Yeah? What is it?" he asks [f]
  453. [14:46:43] <@Xiee> Keen chuckled at how this mare manipulated the steel ranger... "Here you go. Enjoy!"
  454. [14:47:37] <Baneberry> Bane took it cheerfully and started equipping it to her saddle, giving the others a few minutes to get what they needed to do out of the way
  455. [14:47:41] <Solis-Ignis> "You wanted to make your science robe better, right? Buy me this cape, I can sew it to the inside. Its armored, I think." To test this, she nibbled the edge of the red cape, feeling the armor weave between her teeth."Yep, armored![F]"
  456. [14:48:09] <furyheart> Fury watched the little show bane put up with softspot, smirking at the scene. [F]
  457. [14:49:12] <@Xiee> Solis-Ignis: "Oh I forgot to mention. That cape is sort of fire proof. I think... I haven't tested it yet but the stallion who sold it to me said it was."
  458. [14:49:45] <ShortCircuit> Circuit blinks. "Uh, okay." He says, walking up to Keen. "How much for that cape?" He asks her [f]
  459. [14:50:07] <@Xiee> Evergreen finally manages to get the gum of her face with the help of Softspot. She let out a small smile and pointed at the gumball machine with her hoof.
  460. [14:50:28] <@Xiee> ShortCircuit: 50 caps and its yours
  461. [14:51:30] ShortCircuit nods That's a decent price. I'll take it. He says, counting out the caps and setting them on the counter.
  462. [14:51:41] <Softspot> Softspot was a bit surprised but smiled back at the little filly. He stood up and trotted back to the gumball machine. He slid in a few bits, sending a couple gumballs tumbling down. Sticking a hoof in the slot, three gumballs fell into his hoof. He slowly trotted back to Evergreen and kneeled back down. He offered one to her.[F]
  463. [14:52:18] <@Xiee> Evergreen took one and nibbled on it. The other remaining two she kept in her small saddlebag.
  464. [14:53:36] <@Xiee> She tries to speak but only a little moaning sound could be heard. In her frustration she stomps a hoof and just chews the gumball.
  465. [14:53:51] <Solis-Ignis> Solis slid the cape off the counter into her saddlebag. Thinking for a moment, she clapped a hoof to her forehead."Do you have a toolkit? Stringy needles, cutty bits, glue, things like that in it?"[F]
  466. [14:54:22] <Softspot> Softspot smiles at Evergreen and stands back up.[F]
  467. [14:54:42] <@Xiee> Solis-Ignis: "Toolkit? Lets see... here's some needles, some wonder glue, and a pair of sheers."
  468. [14:55:55] <Solis-Ignis> Solis clapped her hooves together."Perfect! How much?"[F]
  469. [14:56:34] <@Xiee> Solis-Ignis: "Uhm 50 bits for the whole thing..."
  470. [14:57:08] <Solis-Ignis> "Humm... I only have caps. Will those do?"[F]
  471. [14:57:39] <@Xiee> *caps
  472. [14:58:52] <Solis-Ignis> Solis floated the caps up to the counter, leaving 49 on the counter and balancing one on Keen's nose
  473. [15:10:57] Solis-Ignis [] has left #falloutequestria: Hi Ho Shuffle, Away~!
  474. [15:11:24] ShortCircuit [] has quit IRC: Quit: lolwut
  475. [15:11:47] Solis-Ignis [] has joined #falloutequestria
  476. [15:15:36] <@Xiee> The group decides to take on a few jobs from Tenpony security. More specifically, Bloodwing Extermination. Thye head for the northern ruins. A group of office buildings that once proudly belonged to MoM.
  477. [15:18:00] <@Xiee> The feathers off the back of the balefire phoenix rise as it lets out an angry squak at the bloodwings.
  478. [15:22:13] <@Xiee> Evergreen hops of Solis' back and ducks behind a concrete slab.
  479. [15:22:46] <Solis-Ignis> Frowning, Solis follows evergreen, wondering where she was off to.[F]
  480. [15:22:54] <Softspot> Softspot's ears perk as he turns around, seeing Evergreen jump behind a concrete slab.
  481. [15:23:03] <@Xiee> She pulls out her hunting rifle and aims at a bloodwing peeking out one of the windows.
  482. [15:23:19] <furyheart> Fury looked around and saw nearly ever pathway was blocked "alright, anyone think of a way in?"
  483. [15:23:24] <@Xiee> *BANG*
  484. [15:24:03] <@Xiee> The sound resonates and every bloodwing is startled. The one that peaked out through the window fell through and now lay a lifeless corpse on the street.
  485. [15:25:05] <Softspot> Softspot recoils from the unexpected gun fire, as it echoed loudly. A second passed before he trotted over toward the concrete slab next to Solism tightening his grip on Gentlebreeze.[F]
  486. [15:25:10] <@Xiee> The frantic bloodwings begin to fly around the building searching for the origin of the gunshot. Some fly down to their dead comrade and poke at the dead body.
  487. [15:25:42] <furyheart> Fury ran at the sound of the gunshot, and saw evergreen holding the gun, and a dead bloodwing. "huh, there is 100 caps right in the bag!"
  488. [15:25:45] <@Xiee> Evergreen takes aim at the one poking at the dead bloodwing.
  489. [15:25:49] <@Xiee> *BANG*
  490. [15:26:19] <@Xiee> Another dead bloodwing hits the dirt. But this time they spot her. A loud shriek fills the air as it flies directly towards Evergreen.
  491. [15:27:20] <Softspot> Softspot glances between the bloodwings and Evergreen before he realised they now knew exactly where they were.
  492. [15:28:13] <@Xiee> Solis-Ignis fires her newly bought incenarator. The firebolt instantly fries the bloodwing to a crisp.
  493. [15:28:16] <furyheart> Fury watched as she shot another one, and had to admit, she was a good shot. however, the bloodwings were now alerted to where they where, and were going to attack. [F]
  494. [15:29:09] <@Xiee> A random bloodwing falls to the ground as furyheart takes a shot.
  495. [15:29:46] <@Xiee> Meanwhile, the mischevious phoenix has flown into the fray of bloodwings, confusing them with blinding flashes of light.
  496. [15:31:09] Boombox lights her last stick of dynamite, hoping she'll be able to time the fuse properly for it to blast in the middle of the swarm. Tossing it... She let it go a bit too soon, and it instead bounced along the ground and burst about 30 yards away. "Tarnation!" she cursed herself. [F]
  497. [15:33:54] <@Xiee> A group of bloodwings manage to sink their claws on the phoenix. She shrieks as they plummet to the ground.
  498. [15:34:33] <Softspot> Softspot tightens his grip and grunts.[F]
  499. [15:40:51] furyheart [] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 183 seconds
  500. [15:42:09] furyheart [] has joined #falloutequestria
  501. [15:46:15] <@Xiee> Philomena lets out a painful shriek as another bloodwing sinks its fangs on her neck.
  502. [15:52:26] <furyheart> Fury fires two shots at the bloodwing hoard, but both miss by a good distance [F]
  503. [15:52:40] <@Xiee> A bloodwing dives to evergreen and misses.
  504. [15:59:54] <@Xiee> two other bloodwings try to claw at evergreen but miss terribly.
  505. [16:03:52] <@Xiee> Boombox fires a rocket but the bloodwings expertly dodge the huge slow projectile in the air. The rocket hits the side of a building and it goes off.
  506. [16:12:05] <Solis-Ignis> Solis takes careful aim with her incinerator and launches a glob of fire at philomina, hitting her dead on[F]
  507. [16:12:35] <@Xiee> The bloodwings around her scatter as she is engulfed in flames.
  508. [16:13:43] <@Xiee> some of the bloodwings flee due to the bright flame.
  509. [16:17:16] <Softspot> Softspot perks his head up and shuffles over, concealing Evergreen and providing protection from diving attacks.[F]
  510. [16:18:06] <furyheart> Fury fires two more rounds at the hoard of bloodwings, but misses once again "holy shit, i need to get my act together!" [F]
  511. [16:27:36] <@Xiee> Philomena rises up... unable to fly, she crawls her way back to the group... she isnt looking too good.
  512. [16:30:40] <@Xiee> Evergreen aims at the bloodwing that tried to attack philomena. She scores a hit. It dies instantly.
  513. [16:36:19] <@Xiee> A bloodwing manages to sink its teeth on furyheart's head.
  514. [16:45:06] <@Xiee> Evergreen fires and misses. She lets out an annoying little grunt as she reloads her rifle
  515. [16:47:09] <furyheart> Fury fires two shots again at the bloodwing, the first missing, but the second finally hitting one, sending it spiraling to the ground, dead [F]
  516. [16:49:00] <@Xiee> The bloodwing that Baneberry shoots explodes into a pile of red mush on furyheart's face.
  517. [16:49:54] Boombox blinks, lookig at the mess on the griffon's face and wincing, mostlyat the thought of how that's going to smell when they get back to the tower. "Yer sleepin' outside, pardner..." [F]
  518. [16:51:14] <@Xiee> All of a sudden something fires at the remaining bloodwings. Thes sound of two whirring gatling guns fill the air. Bloodwings fall one by one.
  519. [16:52:02] <@Xiee> "You guys okay?" The Talon Leader whom they met earlier greets them. "We heard a few explosions so we checked it out."
  520. [16:52:18] <@Xiee> 3 other griffons fly in with their guns blazing mopping up whats left of the bloodwings.
  521. [16:53:05] <@Xiee> The griffon leader takes one look at furyheart. "Damn brother... you okay?"
  522. [16:53:41] Boombox heaves a sigh, grinning up at the merc. "Thank Celestia y'all came. Was in a bit over our heads, we were. Thank ye kindly" [F]
  523. [16:54:07] <furyheart> Fury had trouble getting the air to respond, but said " A little blood never hurt. thank for the help, Sir." Fury responded, showing a lot more respect to the Merc then he usually showed to his team [F]
  524. [16:54:27] <@Xiee> Philomena lets out a painful squak as she collapses.
  525. [16:54:58] <Softspot> Softspot shuffles aside and kneels down to look Evergreen in the face. "Are you okay?" He asks softly.[F]
  526. [16:55:01] <Solis-Ignis> Now that the bloodwings were dead, Solis runs over to philomena and scoops her up[F]
  527. [16:55:32] <@Xiee> The little filly smiles and tries to say something but motions with her hoof about how cool stuff was.
  528. [16:56:00] <Softspot> Softspot nods and very gently pats her on the back[F]
  529. [16:56:12] <@Xiee> Philomena almost looks drained as the bird falls in and out of conciousness.
  530. [16:57:36] <@Xiee> The merc leader tosses a healing potion to furyheart. "Here, you'll need that. And make sure to have Doc Helpinghoof take a look at you... these things carry diseases."
  531. [16:58:49] <furyheart> "Thank you, sir!" Fury said, before chugging back the health potion. He felt better seconds after he drank it, but he was still bleeding pretty heavily from the bite... [F]
  532. [17:02:00] DrMaxwell [] has joined #falloutequestria
  533. [17:02:00] <@Xiee> "You folks better get back to the tower. More of these things are bound to come out. Even we wont be able to cover your sorry flanks."
  534. [17:02:17] Solis-Ignis [] has quit IRC: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by DrMaxwell))
  535. [17:02:21] DrMaxwell [] is now known as Solis-Ignis
  536. [17:03:04] <@Xiee> With that the Talon squad flies off continuing on their patrol.
  537. [17:03:53] <furyheart> Fury looked off as the squad flew off, before saying "Alright you heard the Griffin, lets go." [F]
  538. [17:05:52] <Solis-Ignis> Solis gently laid Philomena down on the ground, and brought out a flamer fuel tank. She poured a bit of it over the bird, then lit it with her lighter. Sitting back, she watched the flames, hoping for the best[F]
  539. [17:07:24] <@Xiee> Philomena turns into a black pile of ash.
  540. [17:08:19] <@Xiee> The ash swirls around and is soon floats in the air revealing a freshly regenerated Phoenix. She lts out a loud squak as she perks on Solis-Ignis flank.
  541. [17:09:16] <@Xiee> Unkown to the group, as they watched the phoenix come back to life, something in the shadows watched them.
  542. [17:11:53] <Softspot> haha George
  543. [17:12:31] <@Xiee> From the window of the building, the head of what seemed to be a unicorn with a light blue mane peeked. She had a dark blue coat.
  544. [17:13:19] <Baneberry> "Hey guys, you might want to see this." Bane said, drawing the groups attention to the dark figure.
  545. [17:14:08] Boombox blinks, looking to the building as Bane points it out. She just tilts her head, looking at it. "?" [F]
  546. [17:14:13] <Softspot> Softspot looked up from Evergreen and directs his attention at what Baneberry motioned at.
  547. [17:14:18] <@Xiee> Its eyes seem to glow in the dark. It looked at the group with contempt.
  548. [17:14:22] <Solis-Ignis> Solis trots over to Softy and clambers up on his back to get a better view.[F]
  549. [17:17:23] <@Xiee> The figure reveals itself as it spreads its wings and flies down from the window landing in front of the group.
  550. [17:17:28] <@Xiee> An Alicorn...
  551. [17:17:53] <Softspot> Softspot tenses up a little and forces Evergreen into protection under him.[F]
  552. [17:18:03] Boombox , seeing that no pony else was reacting other than watching it... Well, she decided to take action. Courage! Her virtue! She took a few steps forward, only for the thing to land before then, causing her to freeze up and stare at it. Another one? []
  553. [17:18:06] <Boombox> [F]*
  554. [17:18:29] <furyheart> Fury started moving for his gun, in case the alicorn showed some signs of hostility. [F]
  555. [17:19:14] <Solis-Ignis> Solis slid down off of Softy's back and wrapped her hooves around evergreen[F]
  556. [17:19:29] <@Xiee> The alicorn began to talk...
  557. [17:20:01] <@Xiee> "Who... are you... Where.... what happened... is this.... Manehattan?"
  558. [17:20:07] <Softspot> Softspot stands over Evergreen and Solis-Ignis. He leans in head down and whispers "Stay safe." And perks back up and looks at the alicorn.[F]
  559. [17:20:21] <@Xiee> The alicron looked more confused than intimidating.
  560. [17:20:59] <Baneberry> Bane glanced back at the others, the filly sufficiently protected underneath Softy's bulk and Solis' grip. She opted to walk up with Boomy, keeping relatively close by. "Yes, this is Manehattan. What are you doing here?"
  561. [17:21:59] <furyheart> " um... who are you?" Fury asked, confused. one alicorn was bad enough, he didn't need anymore! [F]
  562. [17:22:39] <@Xiee> "I... don't know..." She sat on her hind legs as she rubbed her head. "The last thing I remember was... a bright light that engulfed everything."
  563. [17:23:43] <@Xiee> "What happened? Did we loose the war? Oh Celestia no..."[f]
  564. [17:24:11] Boombox was just as confused as the Alicorn... Though when she brought up the war. "Uh... Well, I guess you could say everypony lost..." [F]
  565. [17:24:53] <@Xiee> "No no no no... this isn't happening!" The Alicorn stood up. "Why can't I remember anything?"
  566. [17:25:07] <@Xiee> [f]
  567. [17:27:08] <furyheart> "... if you think thats bad, you may want to look over yourself." Fury said to her. if she didn't even know about the war, then she probably didn't know about the fact she was a celestia damned alicorn
  568. [17:27:12] Boombox was especially confused about one thing... "What about... Unity...? Y'all don't remember that...?" It wasn' using the Royal 'We'... Was this one different? [F]
  569. [17:27:12] <furyheart> [F]
  570. [17:28:32] <@Xiee> While the group was still contemplating on this new development. Something appears in their midst. The air seemed to glimmer beside the Alicorn as if something in a stealth field was decloaking.
  571. [17:29:06] <@Xiee> Another blue alicorn... the same one they've met at the MoA Bunker.
  572. [17:29:57] <Solis-Ignis> Solis frowned at the sudden appearance of this second alicorn. She looked strangely familiar. Ah, she was the one who refused the cup-fungus![F]
  573. [17:30:07] <@Xiee> "We are delighted to see you here." Said the alicorn.
  574. [17:30:22] <furyheart> " you.... what do you want?!?" Fury yelled at the second blue alicorn. [F]
  575. [17:31:10] <@Xiee> "We are here to pick up this sorry excuse..." She points her hoof at the other alicorn. "For some reason we cannot read her thoughts nor control her."
  576. [17:32:35] Boombox wasn't sure wither to be confused or afraid
  577. [17:32:43] <Boombox> [F]
  578. [17:32:53] <@Xiee> At that instant two more blue alicorns appear from thin air. They are appear beside on each side of the confused alicorn and try to carry her away.
  579. [17:33:25] <furyheart> " huh, good to see your not all powerful after all." Fury said, grinning. the alicorn could give him hell, he'd just return the favor [F]
  580. [17:33:26] <@Xiee> "What is your business here. We do not have time for your shenanigans."
  581. [17:35:08] <Baneberry> "Honestly, we ran across your friend here by crazy random happenstance." Bane said, her tired mind not wanting to deal with this crap right now.
  582. [17:35:18] <Boombox> "We was... just huntin' Bloodwings" she informed this mysterious group of disappearing, reappearing Alicorns. How many were here?! Could there be more? [F]
  583. [17:35:27] <furyheart> " Oh, just doing a job, killing bloodwings, not mindraping people and turning them into your slaves... the usual" Fury said, still antagonizing her
  584. [17:35:42] <@Xiee> "Then leave! Begone you foul vermin and leave us alone."
  585. [17:36:10] <Solis-Ignis> Solis snorted, George was /not/ vermin.[F]
  586. [17:36:37] <@Xiee> Evergreen cocked her rifle.
  587. [17:36:39] <furyheart> " You know, if you can't control that alicorn, why do you want her anyway? you can't control her, she's of no use." Fury said to the alicorn [F]
  588. [17:37:19] <Softspot> Softspot puts a hoof to Evergreen's rifle, lowering it before whispering "No, no. Don't."
  589. [17:37:21] <Softspot> [F]
  590. [17:37:47] <@Xiee> Evergreen looked back at Softspot, annoyed but she listened and put the rifle away.
  591. [17:38:44] <@Xiee> [Speech Fail] "True she's of no use but is still one of us. We need to bring her back to find out why she is like this."
  592. [17:39:42] <furyheart> " and what, kill her afterwards?" Fury said, still seeing if he could convince her to let the alicorn go [F]
  593. [17:41:54] <@Xiee> "If it comes to that, then yes. Why do you care so much for this one? We find it amusing that you should care for one of us."
  594. [17:42:09] Boombox stepped up in front of Bane, a worried look in her eye "Maybe we gotta jus' let em go... Ah mean they ain't after us, an' it don' seem like they don' want no trouble..." [F]
  595. [17:42:58] <Solis-Ignis> Piping up for the first time, Solis replied, "She's not one of you."[F]
  596. [17:44:01] <@Xiee> "Enough! We leave now!" The lead alicorn flew on ahead leaving the other two. The confused ALicorn was still struggling as the other two tried to grip her with their telekinesis.
  597. [17:44:20] <furyheart> " Is it truly going to be worth all the effort of dragging her back just so you have to kill her later. if she can resist you now, what makes you think you'll break her later?" Fury said, matter-of-factly. the reason he was actually defending the alicorn was because any defeat of hers was a victory to him [F]
  598. [17:45:05] <Baneberry> Bane nods. It's not like she was a huge fan of alicorns anyway, she'd ran into some during her explorations and none of them had been friendly. This one though....... the one who was "broken" was definitely different. "She's not in your 'Unity' anymore, so why bother? She's independent.... at least from what I can tell...."
  599. [17:46:25] <@Xiee> The shot pinged on the debris on the side of one alicorn. She instantly raised her shields as she let go of her telekinetic grip on the confused alicorn. The other Alicorn was still concentrated on trying to subdue the confused one.
  600. [17:48:38] Boombox takes in a deep breath, sitting up on her haunches and raising that lancher onto her shoulder. She takes aim at the Alicorns, at least hoping they'd recognise extreme firepower. She'd fire if she had to. [F]
  601. [17:49:42] <@Xiee> "Can't you bastards not get into trouble all the time?" Shouted the Talon merc with her gatling guns blazing. It peppered the Alicorn shield as it struggled to keep it up. Her men followed up by launching a grenade on the one that brought up its shields.
  602. [17:51:58] <@Xiee> It hit pretty hard as it knocked the shield out and got peppered with a hundred holes from the gatling gun. The other Alicorn immediately put up her shields as the talon leader continued to lay suppressive fire.
  603. [17:52:08] <@Xiee> "WHAT ARE YOU FUCKS WAITING FOR? RUN!!!"
  604. [17:52:14] <@Xiee> shouted the talon merc leader
  605. [17:53:06] <Solis-Ignis> Solis let go of evergreen, trusting Softy to keep her safe. She darted forward, intending to push the confused alicorn away from the gunfire[F]
  606. [17:53:51] <@Xiee> The whirring of the gatling guns stopped. The talon merc was out and the alicorn's shields were still up. "Oh fuck. Someone fire a grenade!"
  607. [17:54:03] <@Xiee> "Boss that was my last!" Replied one of the other talons
  608. [17:54:09] <@Xiee> "I gues that settles it.... RUN!"
  609. [17:55:02] <@Xiee> The talons began to flee as they frantically flew away.
  610. [17:55:57] Boombox , with the heavy fire raining around her, and thinking she sawa shield break, takes a shot at the Alicorn calling the shots. The familiar beep of the lock is followed by the release of the rocket from Boomy. [F]
  611. [17:58:41] <@Xiee> The alicorn that just put its shield up gets hit by the rocket, blasting it out of the air and hits the building behind with a loud thud.
  612. [18:00:01] <@Xiee> "HOW DARE YOU!" the alicorn leader who left earlier is now on her way back with a whole wing (5) alicorns. "HOW DARE YOU INTERFERE IN OUR BUSINESS!"
  613. [18:00:59] Boombox just watches as they bring in the cavalry, the mare frantically trying to reload her last rocket. "Uh oh..." [F]
  614. [18:01:25] <Solis-Ignis> Solis, uses her magic and her face to hustle the confused alicorn along, aiming her towards tenpony tower[F]
  615. [18:02:28] <furyheart> " oh....FUCK!" Fury yelled at the sight of the whole wing of alicorns. He went to help solis get the alicorn to the tower as soon as possible, figuring they could hide there [F]
  616. [18:02:47] <Softspot> Softspot grabs Evergreen and places her around his neck on his back. "Hold on tight!" He began saying as he trotted along towards Tenpony tower.[F]
  617. [18:02:58] <@Xiee> The group runs towards the tower with a wing of alicorns on their tail.
  618. [18:05:23] <@Xiee> The guards are alarmed at the alicorn wing coming towards the tower. They arm themselves with anti-machine rifles and start firing at the wing of alicorns.
  619. [18:12:12] Baneberry [] has quit IRC: Quit: ajax IRC Client
  620. [18:14:32] Softspot [patty@] is now known as Patrick
  621. [18:15:34] Boombox [] has left #falloutequestria
  622. [18:17:44] Xiee [~xiee@] is now known as Xiee[Dead]
  623. [18:18:20] furyheart [] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 183 seconds
  624. [18:26:42] Solis-Ignis [] has quit IRC: Quit: Nup.
  625. [19:18:01] SilverHeart [] is now known as Lissy
  626. [19:48:59] Lissy [] has left #falloutequestria
  627. [21:25:23] Wusky [] has joined #falloutequestria
  628. [22:34:02] Patrick [patty@] has quit IRC: Quit: Be a servant in here, so you can be a master out there.
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