
smg drama

Dec 28th, 2015
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  1. I am the one that brought up the concern about the user frogyfro who submitted galaxy aswell. I mentioned in my mod group that the community would be sad to see him run the game. Quo saw that and offered me to talk to you about it.
  2. Sorry if that's not what I was supposed to do I gladly talk to you myself about it.
  4. Frogyfro has been acting really strange in the galaxy community.
  5. As soon as he joined us and started running the game he started complaining about alot of things, especially in our skype group.
  6. Pretty much everytime someone was not his opinion he would argue untill people stopped talking about it.
  7. For example: We had a discussion about starting a galaxy tournament with certain rules to make it even for every player and he wouldn't agree with us what so ever but instead of just ignoring it or dealing with it he kept complaining and started being rude for almost 2 days straight up to the point were we decided to create a new community group without him because he was being so toxic.
  9. I know the other runner would be me and this might be selfish but we just don't want Frogyfro to be the one representing our community.
  10. You can gladly talk to other runners if you need to gather some more opinions such as Bird650, Kayareya, N0cturne_, MLSTRM, P4ntz, pinguino, rennsport911,fishermanFV, cayleo, vallu111 or pottoww.
  11. These people are all really involved into out community.
  12. I can also give you screenshots of the chat history in our skype group.
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