
Gwendolyn Spells and Talents

Aug 29th, 2017
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  3. Darkvision - She can see in the dark to about 60 feet from her, but can’t discern color, only shades of grey. She can see in dim light as if it were bright light.
  5. Wild Shape - This is her talent that allows her to actually turn into animals. If she “dies” as an animal or elemental, she returns to her normal form instead.
  7. Combat Wild Shape - An upgrade to her Wild Shape talent. This allows her to use her magic to heal her wounds while in animal and elemental form.
  9. Primal Strike - Another upgrade to her Wild Shape talent. Any attacks she makes while in animal or elemental form counts as being “magical” for the sake of overcoming resistances and immunities to non-magical attacks.
  11. Elemental Wild Shape - This talent allows her to turn into an earth, air, water, or fire elemental.
  13. Thousand Forms - She can cast the spell “Alter Self” at will without using magical energy.
  15. Land’s Stride - She is unaffected by any thorns, spines, or similar hazards created by plants both magical and nonmagical. Vines and other plants don’t hinder her movement and moving across nonmagical terrain doesn’t slow her down.
  17. Hide in Plain Sight - She can camouflage herself in a natural setting as long as there’s enough material to substantially hide her. She can press against a tree and grow bark over her body, lay in grass and grow a layer of the plant over her, etc.
  19. Vanish - She cannot be tracked by nonmagical means unless she chooses to leave a trail.
  21. Slayer’s Eye - Just by taking time to study a creature for a moment she can learn what its weaknesses are in terms of elemental damage, if any, and whether that damage would halt any processes such as regenerative healing or its ability to fly etc. She also gains an insight into their defenses and her attacks can undermine that defense dealing more damage to them.
  23. Supernatural Defenses - When using her talent Slayer’s Eye, she also gains insight on their strengths and is able to resist any effects they might impose on her such as charming her, breathing fire at her, or trying to grapple with her.
  25. Relentless Slayer - When using her talent Slayer’s Eye, she learns how to apply her arcane knowledge to the target to keep it cornered. When the target tries to escape such as teleporting, turning into a gaslike form, change its shape, or otherwise attempt to escape her sight, she can use her magical energy to attempt to negate their ability to do so and continue the fight against them.
  27. CANTRIPS - Cantrips are spells that require little to no magical energy to cast.
  29. Create Bonfire - She looks at a place within 60 feet of her and for the next minute, a magical fire erupts, taking up about a 5 foot cube from that point.
  31. Control Flames - She can minutely control fire such as moving it, extinguishing it, making it grow brighter, dimmer, or change color, and cause shapes and shadows to appear in the flames.
  33. Druid Craft - She can use this cantrip multiple ways. She can use it to create a harmless sensory effect to appear in her hand to predict the weather such as snowflakes for snow, rain clouds for rain, etc. She can cause a flower to blossom, seed to open, or leaf bud to bloom. She can instantly light or snuff out a candle, torch, or small campfire. She can create an instantaneous, harmless, sensory effect like falling leaves, a puff of wind, a sound of a small animal, the smell of a skunk, etc.
  35. Gust - She can minutely control air such as enough to push a normal sized humanoid roughly 5 feet in one direction, push an object of 5 pounds roughly 10 feet, she can also use it to make small sensory effects like making clothing ripple in the breeze, shut a door, leaves to rustle, etc.
  37. Magic Stone - She can magically enhance the damage a small stone can cause to a target. Causing the stone to become lighter to throw but immediately once hitting a target, causing the stone to increase in weight by 50.
  39. Mending - She can fix a small crack, tear, or break in a non living material, multiple castings can fix larger damages.
  41. Mold Earth - She can minutely control the earth around her. She can cause a small clump of land to move 5 feet in any direction, it isn’t powerful enough to cause damage. She causes shapes, colors, or both to appear on the dirt or stone, spelling out words, creating images, or shaping patterns. She can cause the ground to become smooth or rough, turning gravel into smooth stone or vise versa.
  43. Produce Flame - A flickering flame appears in her hand appears in her hand and is harmless to her or her equipment. She can also attack with the flame, hurling the flame at a creature within 30 feet of her.
  45. Shape Water - She can minutely control water around her. She can move or change the flow of water roughly 5 feet in any direction. She can’t cause enough force to damage something. She can cause it to shape into simple shapes and animations. She can change the water’s opacity though must do so throughout the entire body of water. She can also freeze the water as long as no creatures are within it.
  47. Thorn Whip - She can cause a whip like vine of thorns to extend from her hand.
  49. SPELLS
  51. Absorb Elements - If any of the traditional elements such as fire, water, earth, air, lightning, thunder, acid, or poison damage were to affect her she can lessen the damage by roughly half its power, and then use that power to fuel her attacks, causing her next attack to deal the same type of damage.
  53. Alarm - She can place a magical boundary that when something enters a 20 foot area from the alarm, it will send her a mental ping that alerts her to the presence of something entering its area. She can also put it on a door or container that when opened will give the same effect. She can choose for certain things to not trigger the effect.
  55. Animal Friendship - She can magically cause a creature that she isn’t fighting to consider her as a friendly ally.
  57. Beast Bond - She can speak telepathically to a creature that isn’t hostile to her.
  59. Create or Destroy Water - She can create or destroy enough water to fill a gallon jug.
  61. Cure Wounds - She can heal a portion of a creature's vitality and wounds that she touches.
  63. Detect Magic - She can detect the presence of magic within 60 feet of her. She knows this by the aura it gives off, if there is no aura, one is created for it.
  65. Detect Poison and Disease - She can detect the presence of poison and poisonous/poisoned creatures within 30 feet of her.
  67. Faerie Fire - She can trace creatures and objects with neon bright light, even outlining invisible creatures. It isn’t ACTUALLY fire and cannot damage a creature in the spell’s effect.
  69. Fog Cloud - She can create a thick veil of fog to envelope her and the surrounding area. Causing the area to be visibly obscured. A wind can disperse the fog.
  71. Goodberry - She can create 10 berries in her hand that if eaten, can fill you up for the rest of the day as well as healing extremely minor wounds like a simple cut or scrape.
  73. Hunter’s Mark - She marks a target with a red bullseye mark. Nothing can cover the mark on the body and it shines through all layers of clothing and armor. As long as the mark remains on the target her strikes deal extra damage to them and she always knows what direction they are from her. She also knows how far away the target is as long as they are within 100 feet of her.
  75. Ice Knife - She hurls a blade made of magical ice that shatters upon impact, sending razor sharp ice shards in every direction from the point of impact.
  77. Jump - She can increase the height in which she can jump by three times her normal height.
  79. Longstrider - She can increase her running speed by twice her normal speed.
  81. Purify Food and Drink - She can cause a single piece of food or glass of drink to be cleansed of any poison, disease, virus, or curse.
  83. Silence - She creates a 20 foot radius sphere of magical energy that blocks any noise from leaving its boundary and leaves any creature inside of it deaf.
  85. Speak With Animals - Animals can understand what she says and she can understand what they mean by their actions, noises, and mannerisms.
  87. Thunderwave - She erupts with a thunderous force loud enough to shatter glass and stone alike. Soft targets are less affected though can still be thrown back 10 feet by the concussive force.
  89. Barkskin - She causes her skin to cover in a layer of magical bark that is nonflamable.
  91. Beast Sense - She touches a creature that is willing to receive the spell and can smell, see, hear, feel, and taste anything that the creature tastes as long as the spell is active. For the duration, she is numb to all of her own senses.
  93. Earthbind - She causes a flying creature to be magically pulled to the ground, removing its ability to fly.
  95. Heat Metal - She can cause a piece of metal within 90 feet of her to heat up to a red hot state.
  97. Locate Animals or Plants - She knows the direction, distance, and number of any one specific type of plant or animal within 1,000 feet of her.
  99. Locate Object - She knows the direction, distance, and number of any one specific type of object she is familiar with within 1,000 feet of her.
  101. Moonbeam - She causes a pillar of magical energy to envelope a point within 100 feet of her. Any shapechanger that isn’t in its normal form immediately reverts to its original form and suffers being burned by its radiant light. Any other creature is unaffected.
  103. Pass Without Trace - She can magically hide any footprints, scent, or aura left behind from up to 6 creatures she chooses making it impossible to track them by nonmagical means.
  105. Protection From Poison - She can cause a single creature she touches to become immune to being poisoned for the next hour. If the creature is already poisoned it halts the process for the next hour but doesn’t reduce the duration of the poison.
  107. Warding Wind - She causes a vortex of wind to surround her that gives her multiple benefits. The wind is loud enough to deafen creatures within its range as long as they are in it. Ranged attacks are skewed and hard if not impossible to hit accurately during the duration. It also puts out any small fires and disperses any fog, gas, or other anomaly that can be moved by the wind.
  109. Call Lightning - She causes a storm cloud to form above her. She must be outside or in a room large enough to handle the storm. She can then choose a point she can see within the storm to cause a bolt of lightning to strike that target.
  111. Daylight - She can cause a ball of light to appear in her hand or on a surface she touches. The light shines as if it were sunlight following all the benefits of being sunlight.
  113. Dispel Magic - She can dispel one magical effect within 30 feet of her.
  115. Erupting Earth - She causes the earth to break and crack in a place within 100 feet of her and takes up a space about 40 feet in every direction. The earth shifts and is thrown into the air battering and crashing into creatures that are within the area of effect.
  117. Feign Death - She can cause a creature she touches to go into a cataleptic state that is indistinguishable from death for the next hour.
  119. Meld into Stone - She can cause herself to pass through solid stone without disturbing its surface or structure.
  121. Plant Growth - She can either instantly cause a single patch of plants to become thick and overgrown or if she takes 8 hours to cast the spell, she can cause every plant within 1 mile of her to become full of vitality and enriched with life, causing them to yield double their normal food for the next year.
  123. Protection From Energy - She can cause herself or one target she touches to resist one type of element such as fire, water, earth, air, lightning, thunder, acid, or poison.
  125. Sleet Storm - She causes a storm cloud to appear, dropping the temperature of the surrounding area to well below freezing. It then begins to precipitate large chunks of hail that pelt and creatures within range and cause the ground to become covered in a thick layer of slick ice.
  127. Speak With Plants - As crazy as it sounds she can understand simple emotions and concepts that plants can tell her such as if they’ve seen a specific type of creature or object that has passed through the area or where the nearest water source is.
  129. Tidal Wave - She magically creates a moving wall of water that has enough force to cause damage and carry even some heavy objects with it as it moves, potentially increasing its damage potential.
  131. Wall of Water - She can create a stagnant wall of water that is 5 feet thick, 10 feet tall, 20 feet wide, and pushes objects up and away from one side of the wall. She can also create a ring of water that is 5 feet thick, 10 feet tall, and 20 feet in diameter with the same effect.
  133. Water Breathing - She can touch one willing creature and grant it the ability to breath water for the next hour.
  135. Water Walking - She can touch one willing creature and grant it the ability to walk on water for the next hour.
  137. Wind Wall - She can create a stagnant wall of wind that is 5 feet thick, 15 feet tall, 50 feet wide, and pushes objects up and away from one side of the wall. Ranged attacks are skewed and hard if not impossible to hit accurately during the duration. Flying creatures cannot pass through the wall while it’s up and small creatures will be carried away.
  139. Conjure Minor Elementals - She can summon one fire, water, earth, or air elemental that obeys her every command. She can dismiss them just as easily.
  141. Dominate Beasts - She causes a beast she can see within 30 feet of her to become paralyzed. She can then issue commands telepathically to the beast that it then has to follow as long as it wouldn’t directly harm the beast such as jumping into a fire or impaling itself on a sharp spear.
  143. Elemental Bane - She chooses a creature within 30 feet of her that she can see. Her elemental magic becomes amplified against them meaning any fire, water, earth, air, lightning, thunder, acid, or poison spell she casts on the target will deal more damage to them. This also lowers their resistance to the type of damage.
  145. Freedom of Movement - She magically enhances her ability to escape from any nonmagical binding such as being grappled by a creature, tied by ropes, locked in handcuffs or other similar effects. She also increases her ability to walk or run so that loose sand, slick ice, strong wind, and other similar effects don’t affect her movement.
  147. Locate Creature - She knows the direction, distance, and number of any one specific type of creature she is familiar with within 1,000 feet of her such as a human, vampire, celestial, or demon.
  149. Polymorph - She can magically turn any creature she touches into another creature that is roughly the same or less in inherent power levels.
  151. Stoneskin - She covers her body in a layer of magical stone, giving her a resistance to nonmagical damage.
  153. Wall of Fire - She creates a wall of fire that is 5 feet thick, 10 feet tall, and 20 feet long that burns only on one side of the wall which is chosen upon casting. She can also create a ring of fire that is 5 feet thick, 10 feet tall, and 20 feet in diameter that burns either on the inside of the wall or the outside.
  155. Awaken - She can give a plant or beast life. Causing the plant or beast to gain the average intelligence of a human. They also can speak and if they are a plant, they can move their fines, leaves, stock, trunk, branches etc. The beast or plant is friendly to you for the next 30 days unless you try to attack it. After 30 days the decision lies to the plant or beast on whether it wants to return to its original state.
  157. Commune With Nature - She can sense the presence of all of the following things within 3 miles of her unless she’s in a cave, then it’s limited to 300 feet of her. The spell doesn’t work if she’s in a constructed environment such as a house or dungeon. Where any water sources are, what kind of animals and plants are plentiful in the area. If there are any powerful undead, celestials, fiends, or elementals within the area. Nearby settlements and buildings. And lastly, if there is some other plane of existence affecting the area.
  159. Maelstrom - She can create a swirling vortex of water either on the ground or in a body of water. The water is powerful enough to thrash things around causing damage to anything caught in the area as they are pulled toward the center.
  161. Mass Cure Wounds - She can heal severe wounds of any creatures she touches.
  163. Wall of Stone - She creates a wall of solid stone that is made up of ten 1 foot thick 10x10 foot panels.
  165. Conjure Fey - She summons a fey creature of a decent range of power or even a nature spirit that takes the form of a beast. She has full control over the creature unless she’s knocked out of concentration. If that happens, the creature becomes hostile to everyone around it and she can no longer dismiss it. It does disappear after 1 hour though.
  167. Find the Path - This spell allows her to find the shortest, most direct physical route to a specific fixed location that she is familiar with on the same plane of existence. For the duration she knows how far it is and in what direction it lies. While traveling there, whenever she is presented with a choice of paths along the way, she automatically determine which path is the shortest and most direct route (but not necessarily the safest route) to the destination.
  169. Investiture of Flame - For 10 minutes, she engulfs herself in fire and becomes an avatar of fire itself becoming immune to fire damage. She can cause a plume of fire to fly from her body in a direction she can see to attack a target within 30 feet of her.
  171. Investiture of Ice - For 10 minutes, she engulfs herself in freezing ice and becomes an avatar of ice itself becoming immune to the cold and ice based attacks. The ground around her becomes slick with ice and she can cause a torrent of frigged wind to fly from her body in a direction she can see to attack a target within 30 feet of her.
  173. Investiture of Stone - For 10 minutes, she engulfs herself in a thick layer of stone and becomes an avatar of stone itself becoming extremely resistant to all weapon attacks. She can cause a tremor in the earth around her breaking the ground and causing it to rupture. She can pass through stone as if it were air. If the spell ends while she’s in the stone she is immediately ejected to the nearest unoccupied space and becomes disoriented for the next few minutes.
  175. Investiture of Wind - For 10 minutes, she engulfs herself in powerful gales of wind and ranged attacks pass through her. She can fly while in this form, but if the spell ends while she’s flying, she immediately begins to fall. She can cause a swirling vortex to appear in any position within 30 feet of her. The winds are strong enough to batter around and damage a creature in its area of effect as they are forced to the outside of the 20 foot wide vortex.
  177. Sunbeam - A mote of brilliant bright sunlight appears in her hand. She can fire a beam of sunlight forward in a straight line that extends 100 feet in that direction. A creature caught in this path is burned by the radiant light.
  179. Transport Via Plants - She can touch any one large plant or tree, linking it to any other one large plant or tree that she has touched even once before that is on the same plane of existence as the one she’s just touched. Her and any other creatures of her choice can walk through the plant and magically walk out of the other plant in its location wherever it may be.
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