
My First Con

Dec 9th, 2011
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  1. The summer before going into highschool at the humble age of 13, I attended a new con that had sprung up in our city that year. The con, in general, was a learning experience I apply even now to my outside life, but one experience in particular made me see the world for its colours.
  3. The con got Vic Mignogna to encourage higher attendance. As a younger girl climbing the chasm of becoming less absorbed with anime, I was pulled by a mysterious hand by the temptation of his arrival to our city.
  5. The weekend is finally here, going to my first con, independent and focused. My goal was to meet “The Ed”, Vic Mignogna. Sadly, my wide-eyed dream had been delayed as my two friends and I got to the panel room not in time enough to get a seat before the room was completely packed. We decided to wait in line for his subsequent autograph session. Patiently, even nervously, I sketched a chibi Ed that I had BSed so I had something of interest for him to autograph.
  7. He arrived after a while of awkward loitering in an already elongated line from other follow rejected fangirls. I inched ever so squirmishly forward until. Him. In my inexperienced young girl funk, I fumbled with my sketchbook and sat it on the table for him to sign. He thanked me with a, “Thank you, sweetie!” To which my heart had skipped a beat in response.
  9. Afterward, as we walked away, my two friends teased me about how embarrassed I was…which I will admit I honestly was, but this all faltered when we were stopped by a peculuar sight of a trashcan. There sat a lone “Ed emoticon” fan near the opening of the trashcan. My friends inquired why someone would waste good money like that and proceeded to quickly snatch it up. I, however, was broken by this. I saw Vic carry this amoung his on the way to the table. He didn’t have it when I got up to the autograph table.
  11. I stood looking at the trashbin, it was obvious a fan had given him that. Possibly a girl just like me. A girl who thought Vic was such a cool guy. Unlike me, she could probably maintain that image after that weekend.
  13. Now this isn’t a hate rant or whatever towards Vic, but beneath all the con comradery and appearences there’s public proof that he isn’t the guy his fangirls want him to be. I ended up throwing away his autograph a few months after, but I can at least thank him for helping me see that you can’t trust everyone.
  15. Thanks for reading.
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