

Feb 2nd, 2017
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  1. The World is overpopulating overtime and in the future, whoever do not work will not able to survive. it is natural instinct that people will work at the place that will make sure they will survive regardless of the risks and disadvantages. I am against working here in the Philippines since the jobs here do not compensate you enough for the work that you do compared to working abroad.
  3. The benefits working abroad outweighs everything that the philippine employers has to offer. whether it is salaries or working benefits. The contributions that you put in the world will always reward you with a paper money, that is how you are valued. considering that is how the world works then working abroad is a wise choice to do since they pay the right amount for the contributions that you make. Work benefits actually shows how much the company cares for the employees and this just shows that Philippines do not care about theirs and only want more profit rather than taking care of their workers.
  5. Working here will only impede ones growth on career and in life. Working here will only bring you about suffering and stress since the country you are working for is not worthy of service. Corruption is almost common here in the Philippines such as not only out Public Leaders who does them but also almost every company that you will work in. Working abroad will enchance your skills in your career and will actually have meaning to the work that you do. Working in a foreign land will broaden your idea about your career and because of the exposure of different culture, you will also love the feeling of it. There is a high chance that you will also find a new family on the foreign land that you work in. Having a new family do not mean that you will not meet your own family back in Philippines, it just means that there is a new meaning for you to permanently live there.
  7. The Overseas Working Filipinos are now over 2million, there are a lot of reasons why they left their country. Reasons such as better salary, benefits and high unemployment rate in Philippines. The Overseas Working Filipinos (OFW) are the people who had left their family in order to save them, they are "Modern day Heroes of the Philippines". They are even called heroes since they are basically doing the same thing as the soldiers, leaving their family and country behind for the sake of helping them out at the end. Some might say that family staying together will always be much important than work but that is only bad ideology and will not work in reality. they have brought more than 1trillion pesos back in the Philippines and have been helping the Philippine economy to strive.
  10. I conclude that working abroad will always be better than working here because of benefits, future prospects, career and family. there are too much of a advantage working abroad than working here no matter how you try to look at it. Imagine having a better life with just working on a average salary and have a stable life, It is much better. Working here will not only make you find a second job to make your life stable, you will also become desperate and do mean things to survive.
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