
5th Element Backstory Storage

Jul 28th, 2016
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  1. Brendan's Backstory
  3. Carly's Backstory:
  4. Seraphina Merangwen Tealeaf is the third born and first daughter of the noble Tealeaf family. Tealeafs are a surprisingly wealthy, powerful, and successful family of noble halflings. It is unusual for land holders who live so close to Heaven’s rift to prosper as the Tealeafs have. They attribute it to the success of their unique and powerful magical teas. Grown so close to the rift the properties of their tea can be a bit unpredictable and has come to be known as “Tea with a bite.” The truth to the Tealeaf family prosperity is much more unsavory. With access to a secret bridge across Heaven’s rift the Tealeafs have a practical monopoly over smugglers and anyone else desiring use of the extremely expensive passage. By far their most successful ventures is the capture, trafficking, and selling of rifters. (Side note: For secret communications the entire family and their most trusted employees speak aquan).
  6. Seraphina’s siblings include two elder brothers, a younger brother, and three younger sisters. As the eldest daughter Seraphina would have been taught the ways of nobility as well as her family’s less noble dealings. She should have been a valuable spy and political piece for the Tealeaf family. Unfortunately, or fortunately as the case may be, this flame haired wild child of the Tealeaf family suffered a severe head trauma at the tender age of 6. Seraphina does not remember the incident, but has heard from her siblings many variations of the story; anything from the most mundane story of simply being hit in the head with a croquet mallet after running directly into her father’s swing, to Seraphina trying to fly off the roof of the family manor, to the wildest story of a rift opening up and dropping a nasty tempered hobgloblin with a club into her nursery which she bravely defeated and protected her younger sisters but was knocked on the head in the process of the daring rescue. Whatever the case, Seraphina was left stunted. It became clear in the years following the accident that Seraphina had developed as far mentally as she was going to. Her siblings took to teasing her, telling her that she was dumb as a rock. Young, simple, and impressionable, it became to be her understanding that that was her name, Dumb Aza Rock. As she doesn’t like being called Dumb, because as mother says that’s rude. So, she goes by Aza.
  8. An embarrassment to the family, Aza was tucked away into the manor, not allowed out whenever there was company or parties, and accompanied by a chaperone at all times. No longer a valuable or contributing member to the family politics or business they distributed her inheritance amongst her other siblings. But they of course took good care of her, as was only proper. No matter the brick between her eyes, Aza was still a Tealeaf.
  10. By the age of 13 it was clear that Aza was an abnormally strong halfling. It certainly made restraining her near impossible for her chaperones. Aza would easily overpower them if they tried to stop her from doing whatever she wanted. Unafraid to fight dirty, more than a few chaperones quit and left the manor with missing hair, bite marks, and their clothes smothered in honey, clinging stickily to them so that the bees chased them down the lane on their way out of Aza’s life. Suffice it to say chaperones did not linger. Aza never developed any particular attachment to them. They were interchangeable and annoying dolls in her mind. That was until her parents stuck Sir Hans Thurobark on her.
  12. Sir Thurobark was a monstrous half orc beast made up of lean muscle, sharp tusks, and bad attitude. Many assumed based on appearances that he was as simple as his charge. However, anyone who might bother to take took a moment to glance at his small beady eyes, instead of his large tusks, would notice that his half human blood gave him a cunning intelligence to rival a general. He began his service to the Tealeaf family as captain of their personal guard. Unfortunately, he made a mistake during one of the family’s more sensitive ventures. Lord Tealeaf gave him a choice, leap off into the rift, or be Seraphina’s new chaperone. Not afraid of taking a hit to his pride, and desiring to live a bit longer, Sir Thurobark agreed to “keep an eye that flaming little demon you call a halfling.”
  14. It was a good thing the Hans had taken over the job of supervising Aza. While taking a walk through the family’s personal tea garden, one of the few activities that made Aza quiet and well behaved, they stumbled across a couple of the stable hands tormenting a mastiff pup. The poor thing was the runt of the litter, a long furred grey pup with white paws made it unsuitable for breeding. Instead of simply drowning it himself as was the norm, the stable master had given the pup to his hands to deal with, unaware of their cruel streak. Hearing the piteous yelps and whimpers of the fluffy little grey and white puppy Aza flew into a rage and pummeled the two boys to the edge of death. The only thing that saved the lives of the two boys was the presence of Hans. He was able to physically overpower Aza and then calm her down by shoving the beaten puppy into her arms. After informing her parents of the incident Hans took to training both Aza and the puppy. It was then that Aza’s father realized she might not be completely useless to the family and began using her as a thug during interrogations. With an axe and her faithful companion, Sir Fuffy Mouse the First, Aza became the tool that was used to strike fear into any that would oppose or threaten the Tealeaf family and their business.
  16. At least, that was the case until Fluffy decided to chase a deer. Now a full grown woman, Aza was still accompanied by Hans at all times. On their daily stroll through the gardens Fluffy caught sight of deer. With practice and skill Aza grabbed on to Fluffly and mounted up as she flew past the halfling. Though a skilled arms man and experienced keeper of Aza, Hans had no hope of catching or keeping up with full grown Mastiff. Cackling with delight Aza’s curls bounced behind her as she and Fluffy disappeared into the forest. For the first time in her 26 years of life, Aza found herself without a chaperone. It was a wonderful, new, and exciting experience. So, with no one apparently coming to gather her up and end her fun, Aza and Fluffy struck out on their own adventure.
  18. DM Notes:
  19. Hans convinced Aza's father to allow him time to seek her out personally, with the agreement that he'd expand his search should wind of Aza reach the homestead.
  21. Emilee's Backstory:
  22. OK so here is my background ~ as a young lad my father sold me of as help to captain Sebastian Roberts over the Sedna ship and crew! I was cabin boy for a long while, but the captain took a liking to me and taught me everything he could and made me his first mate when I came to a reasonable age. He even adopted me as his own son. He gave me a new name in which I hale too- Roberts. Caliber Roberts. Cal for short. We had a promising business. Good triad, hardly any enemies. Unfortunately my ship and crew had the disposition of encountering pirates. We didn't have much of value in the cargo we were carrying which gravely upset the scum. They slaughtered everyone and left me to die on the remains of my heritage. But low and behold I was saved by a friendly ship, which I left as soon as they reached port. It's been only a month since then, and I have considered moving on and want to set up a trading company that can be friend to all peace seeking races and religions.
  24. I don't remember the name or face of the pirate captain, but I remember he had black eyes and wore a purple coat.
  26. DM Notes:
  27. Pirate is Captain Blackheart, considered by many to be nothing more than an old ghost story or legend. He is an elan that has mastered a ritual to sap the years from people, provided they are allowed to starve to death in a specific area of the sea.
  29. The ship that saved her was the Annabeth, named after the Captain's lost daughter. The Annabeth was destroyed by Blackheart after he learned of what happened with Cal.
  31. Meghan's Backstory:
  32. Mother- Anna, killed, mysterious. Father-Kilock, known as Roman, disappeared searching for mysterious cult.
  35. Nick's Backstory:
  36. Dante was a corporal scout for the Galain army he was stationed in a remote village a rift opened and dumped out 1500 enemies he sent his report for reinforcements it was not until about two hours out that he realized that he had put down the wrong number in his reinforcements he put 150 running like the wind he was able to put right his mistake but not until after the first squad and town was supposedly annihilated including his commanding officer who had ended up with the blame for the miscount Dante never told anybody the truth about the mistake as far as he is concerned it was all in the past for fixing the numbers he was awarded a rank of Sargent after a couple of months he started becoming paranoid seeing his old CO around town, worried that the people know of his mistake and would rat him out
  38. because of this Dante started running he “ran”all the way to Gurthal taking every suicide assignment he could find during a failed rush against a rifted lich he ran into a pack of undead his life was saved by a rookie who he did not bother to learn the name of. His shouts have haunted Dante since he found out that the kids name was james and that he had saved the kid when he went back and liberated the land around the village from the rifters he has sworn never to look away from an enemy or leave somebody behind
  40. after James' death Dante has become a hero of sorts around the local bases he takes all of the missions he can he has come close to dying multiple times pullng other soldiers out of deadly situations giving pep talks to the surrounding camps yet never becoming close to anybody due to this when he was discharged he was given a rise in rank to staff Sargent and was welcome to be dropped off any where the army could make it. He chose to be dropped off on Kalinan, that way he didn't have to go back home.
  42. It has been two years since Dante has left the army he is terrified that somebody from Galain will come find him to charge him with treason because of the little village that only he remembers because of his mistake he is still doing what he can for the people around him while keeping a distance
  44. he will do almost anything to keep his secret except kill innocents or those who know unless they start to fight him first then he will kill them with extreme predigest
  46. DM Notes:
  47. Galain (Gah-Laen) is on what is considered a 'lost' continent. Magic heavily influences the daily lives of those there, and life has been good for a while. It was the first place for magic to become 100% stable, and the archmages of the land are actually working on purifying the weave at the moment in order to make work simpler when the deities have done the ground work on Gurthal. The problem with the continent is that the various kingdoms and lands aren't at peace with one another, meaning that most groups have large armies to utilize at a moment's notice. I'll flesh out exactly where Galain is on said continent, but when you became paranoid you found a mercantile vessel that was going to explore the "Chaos Continent" for riches, and hired on as a guard. The captain vouched for you when you arrived at Gurthal, and you were grafted into one of the local militaries upon your request.
  49. Most of Kalinan's residents believe the area of the lost continent to be their realm's version of the Bermuda Triangle, and as such they simply do not sail anywhere near there. It's all a lie of course, but it's amazing what myths a couple of weather controlling druids can cause when they want to >:)
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