
GreentextSavant - Trixie/Psychosis/TheWall cros

Mar 18th, 2017
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  1. >Trixie sits in front of her computer, it's about five in the morning.
  2. >She wants to sleep, she has classes in about four hours, and she hasn't slept much at all in the past week or so. But that doesn't matter in her mind, despite it mattering in her heart.
  3. >When it comes to Trixie's mind, there is no way to avoid posting on the internet. The act of doing so eclipses everything else she thinks about.
  4. >Trixie can hardly suffice the overwhelming urge to post on the internet once a day.
  5. >A couple hundred words a day keeps the chain together; don't break it.
  6. >Trixie is in no mood for stopping, even though she actually is in every mood for stopping.
  7. >Something has to come out every day, something new, fresh out of the oven.
  8. >These sleepless nights are... w o r t h i t ~
  9. >But Trixie gets bored of posting in the same place over and over again; she sometimes delivers a couple hundred of her words in different directions to spice things up a bit.
  10. >But still wasting her time away nevertheless.
  11. >It comes to the point where she hasn't left her room at all.
  12. >Trixie cannot stop.
  13. >She barricades herself into her room and goes wild with her computer.
  14. >Searing the surfaces of her keyboard with her fingertips and the ways of her words.
  15. >Only piling up wasted hours after wasted hours.
  16. >Letting the rest of her life slip away.
  17. >No one is able to locate her for days, not having predicted what horrors she would subject herself to.
  18. >Finally, Trixie's friend, Starlight Glimmer, hears maniacal laughter coming from the basement of Trixie's home.
  19. >A familiar laughter.
  20. >She calls all of her friends and neighbors to try and get Trixie out.
  21. >Meanwhile, Trixie builds a literal wall out of brick and cement she extracted from the house's foundation by digging.
  22. >Blocking the door even more.
  23. >Smashing her webcam and documenting her life on lined paper.
  24. >Saying the world wishes to deceive her.
  25. >Trixie tells everyone who comes to her barricaded door that she's not fooled by their tricks because she herself has a history in trickery.
  26. >She just K N O W S that they are trying to deceive her.
  27. >Doctors, police officers, the townspeople, the local superheroes, practically everyone comes to Trixie's door and tries to get her out.
  28. >But her wall blocks them.
  29. >Starlight Glimmer is their last hope, and she assures them that she knows the perfect way to convince Trixie to come out.
  30. >She hauls over a yamaha keyboard and starts playing it.
  31. >Trixie asks through the wall what that beautiful sound is, and. To which, Starlight responds with "It's the bestest mechanical keyboard in the whole wide world that can do magic and shit", which in reality, it's just your average everyday yamaha keyboard that can't actually do magic.
  32. >"How does Trixie know you're not using the keyboard to imitate Starlight's voice?" Trixie yells into the hallway. "You're just trying to deceive her!"
  33. >"You can touch all of the keyboards you want if you let me in!"
  34. >"Not by a long shot! This is Trixie's room!"
  35. >"C'mon! Just tear down your wall!"
  36. >"HA! How did you know Trixie built a wall if you never saw it from the outside? You saw it through Trixie's webcam, didn't you? Because you're spying on her and trying to get her to come out!"
  37. >Starlight's had enough of this.
  38. >She goes through the portal to Equestria, but only sticks her head through the portal.
  39. >Now she has her horn as a unicorn, and she uses her unicorn horn magic to teleport herself into Trixie's room.
  40. >This works because of course it does, just go with it!
  41. >"Wha..." Trixie is shocked, stunned, befuddled and befused. "How did you..."
  42. >"Because I'm the real Glim Shady! Okay? Listen, I just need you to do something for me."
  43. >"Is Shim Shady here with you too?" Trixie asks before she is handcuffed to her bed from hands and feet. "What the..."
  44. >Starlight takes out a pair of scissors. "I think you're wearing too much~"
  45. Random_Writefriend !!YL6hEWhx+gn Tue 24 Jan 2017 05:17:55 No.29329941 ViewReport
  46. This is a quick little story about Trixie I wrote a couple of minutes ago.
  47. >Trixie sits in front of her computer, it's about five in the morning.
  48. >She wants to sleep, she has classes in about four hours, and she hasn't slept much at all in the past week or so. But that doesn't matter in her mind, despite it mattering in her heart.
  49. >When it comes to Trixie's mind, there is no way to avoid posting on the internet. The act of doing so eclipses everything else she thinks about.
  50. >Trixie can hardly suffice the overwhelming urge to post on the internet once a day.
  51. >A couple hundred words a day keeps the chain together; don't break it.
  52. >Trixie is in no mood for stopping, even though she actually is in every mood for stopping.
  53. >Something has to come out every day, something new, fresh out of the oven.
  54. >These sleepless nights are... w o r t h i t ~
  55. >But Trixie gets bored of posting in the same place over and over again; she sometimes delivers a couple hundred of her words in different directions to spice things up a bit.
  56. >But still wasting her time away nevertheless.
  57. >It comes to the point where she hasn't left her room at all.
  58. >Trixie cannot stop.
  59. >She barricades herself into her room and goes wild with her computer.
  60. >Searing the surfaces of her keyboard with her fingertips and the ways of her words.
  61. >Only piling up wasted hours after wasted hours.
  62. >Letting the rest of her life slip away.
  63. >No one is able to locate her for days, not having predicted what horrors she would subject herself to.
  64. >Finally, Trixie's friend, Starlight Glimmer, hears maniacal laughter coming from the basement of Trixie's home.
  65. >A familiar laughter.
  66. >She calls all of her friends and neighbors to try and get Trixie out.
  67. >Meanwhile, Trixie builds a literal wall out of brick and cement she extracted from the house's foundation by digging.
  68. >Blocking the door even more.
  69. >Smashing her webcam and documenting her life on lined paper.
  70. >Saying the world wishes to deceive her.
  71. >Trixie can't seem to escape the hold the handcuffs have on her.
  72. >She struggles to break free as Starlight approaches, but it's to no avail.
  73. >"It's okay, Trixie. I'm just gonna snip your clothes off. Not going to open the door or anything."
  74. >"Ergh, what?" Trixie strains.
  75. >"Not gonna tear down your wall."
  76. >Starlight starts with Trixie's blue jacket.
  77. >She snips it up the back, reaching under Trixie to start cutting.
  78. >"Trixie is warning you! Untie her this instant!"
  79. >Starlight pulls the halves of Trixie's jacket down the other girl's arms.
  80. >She snips the sides of Trixie's shirt next, starting from the bottom.
  81. >"Just relax, everything's going to be made okay."
  82. >"Why are you cutting Trixie's clothes off! Trixie doesn't like being stripped!"
  83. >"Shh..." Starlight finishes cutting all the way up to the sleeve holes and pulls the shirt away from Trixie. "That's a nice bra you're wearing."
  84. >"Fuck off!" Trixie makes angry eyes and starts to angrily foam at the mouth.
  85. >Starlight takes the scissors and places the front knot of the bra between the blades. She snips it apart, and lets Trixie's tits bounce out into the open.
  86. >Starlight then loosens the front of Trixie's pants and starts cutting down the leg.
  87. >"There is no reason for this!" Trixie gripes.
  88. >"It's okay, Trixie. I'm your friend." Starlight responds, soon getting Trixie's pants completely dismembered.
  89. >She then turns the scissors to Trixie's purple panties, and snips both sides apart.
  90. >Pulls it away and Trixie is completely nude.
  91. >"Now, then." Starlight starts to take her own clothes off.
  92. >Trixie watches in a mixture of arousal and horror as this happens.
  93. >"What are we going to do on the-"
  94. >"Shhh..." Starlight, now entirely naked, climbs on top of Trixie. "You've been in here a while. I think it's time to give you some fun. From a friend."
  95. >Trixie begins to squirm around under Starlight.
  96. >But it's more of an excited squirt, a few stifled giggles are prevented from erupting out of the girl.
  97. >Starlight's breasts squish against Trixie's, her legs locking themselves around Trixie's legs.
  98. >She's looking to REALLY make this girl relax now.
  99. >Starlight rams her tongue into Trixie's mouth with a sharp squeal. Tightening the leg lock there already is until their bare crotches meet.
  100. >Mounds mash into mounds.
  101. >Trixie trembles and begins to make high pitched grunting noises. Her legs try to kick, but cannot move.
  102. >Starlight pins her down and tastes the sides of her neck and shoulders.
  103. >Showing Trixie what it really feels like to have shivers go up her spine.
  104. >"That's it, baby. You and I are gonna have fun in here." Starlight groans with her hips undulating against Trixie. "C'mon... c'mon, sweetheart, show mama what you can do."
  105. >Trixie involuntarily humps back from below. And she shuts her eyes hard with passion.
  106. >Wanting to feel more of Starlight's nether region against her own.
  107. >And Trixie cries out when she feels Starlight's tongue brush past her nipple. She nearly breaks the bedpost the spasm she gets is so powerful.
  108. >"OOhhhhhh..." Moans and jolts Trixie. "Yeh... YESSS!"
  109. >Starlight kisses and strokes Trixie's body, the bound girl sprawled onto her back.
  110. >The handcuffs loudly clanking as Trixie's arms and legs FAIL to keep still.
  111. >The bed sheets are scrunched up and shifted around atop the surface of the bed. They become moist with sweat and soon... juices in a very specific spot.
  112. >Trixie drools a little bit from her crotch being scrubbed by a similar surface for so long.
  113. >Her face glows red-pink and her eyes roll back in her head. Starlight does EVERYTHING except let up.
  114. >Doubling down on her merciless grinding against Trixie's sweet spot.
  115. >Trixie tenses up on t he bed, unable to leave this heated state of... overwhelming eroticism.
  116. >T he bed shakes as t he two girls twist and shout atop its surface.
  117. >Trixie makes squeaking sounds with her face contorting into an ecstatic smile. Her senses collide into an explosion of passion, fear, excitement, and a lot of wanton screaming to go with it.
  118. >T he bedsheets are momentarily soaked in one spot with collective juices that drip lustfully out of the clashing nethers; scissor flood.
  119. >Starlight shakes uncontrollably on top of Trixie and collapses over her, despite having pinned her to the bed anyway.
  120. >"OH YESSSS!" Starlight huffs. "That's the stuff."
  121. >Trixie goes completely limp as Starlight un-cuffs her.
  122. >Lies on the bed with a line of drool going down her face.
  123. >"Wanna take a shower?" Starlight asks.
  124. >Trixie stares at the ceiling, nodding slightly as Starlight picks her up and carries her over to the bathroom that Trixie had showered in the night before.
  125. >They enter the room, and trixie starts making car engine sounds. "Vroom vroom..."
  126. >Starlight hauls Trixie into the shower and turns the water on almost immediately.
  127. >Trixie gets a surge of energy from the primarily cold water; she was right under the nozzle's aim when she was held in Starlights arms.
  128. >She rests in Starlight's grasp and makes out with her under the pouring rain like the backseat of a wheelbus car.
  129. >This is the point in time when the shampoo comes out, but Starlight is very cautious to keep it away from her private parts because... just don't do that.
  130. >No seriously, don't do that. It burns.
  131. >They make out with Shampoo running down their faces from their heads.
  132. >Slipping their hands all over their luscious bodies and spreading the suds everywhere they can reach.
  133. >This is getting fun now.
  134. >It all gets so fun that the girls decide that some phallic objects would be kinky for their sexy times.
  135. >Trixie reaches for the dildo she keeps in the shower for convenience.
  136. >She reaches around Starlight and jams it up her ass.
  137. >"O-ohhhh!"
  138. >It's a little tough getting it it due to Starlight being so star-tight.
  139. **Warning: Do NOT attempt any of the following!**
  140. >Trixie slips it out and reaches for the shampoo.
  141. >With a flick of her wrist, she opens the lid and pours it all over the dildo.
  142. >Starlight gasps.
  143. >"Wh-what?"
  144. >"Shhhhh... Trixie knows what she's doing." Trixie lets the suds run down her hand.
  145. >Starlight's eyes widen; she regrets doing that weird teleport thing into Trixie's room.
  146. >"Oh fuck..."
  147. >"Oh fuck indeed!" Trixie replies with a thrust of her arm, ramming the shampoo coated dildo into to Starlight's chocolate tunnel hole.
  148. >"AAAAHH!"
  149. >Starlight flails her arms and legs around, somewhat enjoying this through the stimulation of the pain.
  150. >Part of her wants to get away, another part of her wants the dildo to go in deeper.
  151. >"Show Trixie how much you can take!"
  152. >Starlight makes high pitched whinnying noises as her face is plastered against the tile shower wall.
  153. >Trixie steps into the dildo's straps and begins humping with all her might.
  154. >Feeling some of the shampoo soak into her own pussy.
  155. >"AAaaaaaaaaHHHhhhhh~" Starlight trembles in lustful agony.
  156. >It stings like someone took a cucumber coated with rubber cement, stuck it into her anus, let it dry and is now trying to forcefully pull it out. (Do NOT attempt that either.)
  157. >Trixie reaches to the front of Starlight and grabs her pussy to stimulate her clitoris.
  158. >But that feeling is barely anything compared to the stinging going on out back.
  159. >And it's strangely turning Starlight on.
  160. >Trixie picks up the bottle of shampoo.
  161. >Opens the cap and sticks the thing up starlight's vagina.
  162. >Squeezes.
  163. Here comes the finale.
  164. >A gushing tidal wave of shampoo squirts into Starlight's vagoo.
  165. >She squeals in joy as the pain overtakes her. Trixie smiles widely as she squeezes the bottle even harder.
  166. >Making more go in.
  167. >Starlight practically literally tries to climb up the shower wall with the suds and everything all over her slipping against he tiles. Her feet stay on the floor.
  168. >The pain surges through Starlight's body, causing her innards to tremble with some sort of mixture between delight and agony.
  169. >It's such a beautiful sight to see; Starlight aroused while writhing in pain, trying as hard as she can to stay on her feet.
  170. >Trixie takes the bottle and squirts some up herself as well.
  171. >This only has up to go.
  172. >Starlight and trixie continue to kiss, now swapping the shampoo with their mouths (okay, this is starting to get weird)
  173. >The pain starts to make both of the girls dizzy, and soon enough, they both fall to the shower floor with streams of pleasure leaking out of their nethers.
  174. >Each nether mashes together.
  175. >The orgasms making the girls light as a feather.
  176. >Trixie sighs, Starlight moans.
  177. >Feeling the climaxes creep up their backbones.
  178. >Trixie moans, Starlight sighs.
  179. >Tear of joy begin to fill their eyes.
  180. >The label definitely said no more tears.
  181. >Good thing it's only going in their rears.
  182. >The water pours down on the two now delirious girls, they talk in rhymes to one another.
  183. >Dizzy on the floor and can't hope to stand up. They continue to work at eachother's soft places until the other one cums over and over again.
  184. >Their excitement skyrockets to a level that surpasses the ceiling of the shower.
  185. >Trixie bangs her head against the wall.
  186. >Screeching a high-pitched mating call.
  187. >Stimulated to the point of overload.
  188. >Right until her breathing slowed.
  190. Yeah, I have no idea where to go with this, the end.
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