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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- ## This script is NOT my work, I have simply corrected a bug in a script I downloaded from here:
- ##
- ##
- ## The only change I made was to add this line (line 329) to strip trailing slashes (/):
- ##
- ## $itm=~s/\/$//;
- use strict;
- use File::stat;
- use Getopt::Std;
- use POSIX;
- # duHTMLtree - Can be used as a CGI or called from the command line
- #
- my $VERSION='1.0.3';
- #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- # Start of configuration
- # edit these as you see fit
- #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- #---------------------------
- #---------------------------
- # What remote IPs can use the CGI version . This is a REGULAR EXPRESSION
- # so don't forget to escape . and it's probably good to bind it with ^
- my $OK_REMOTE_IP = '^(192\.168\.0\.|127\.0\.0\.1)'
- if (exists($ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'}));
- my @dusk_files;
- my @dusk_names;
- #---------------------------
- #---------------------------
- # There's two ways to populate the choices for file lists in CGI mode:
- # 1. The unsafe but easy way it to scan some directory for files matching
- # a particular regexp and use those (don't forget the trailing / on
- # SCAN_DIR and remember that SCAN_MATCH is a regexp!
- my $SCAN_DIR='/tmp/disktree/' if (exists($ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'}));
- my $SCAN_MATCH='^duk_' if (exists($ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'}));
- # 2. The safe way is to explicitly set the two arrays - one contains filenames
- # and the other printable names (comment out the above two lines as well):
- # @dusk_files = qw (/Users/msells/bin/dutr/duk_Ayyyeee.txt /Users/msells/bin/dutr/duk_gehenna.txt);
- # @dusk_names= qw (Ayyyeee Gehenna);
- #---------------------------
- #---------------------------
- # These are the sizes shown in the left column when in CGI mode
- my @size_choices = (
- # '100k','500k','1M','5M','10M',
- '50M','100M','200M','300M','500M','650M',
- '1G','2G','3G','5G','10G')
- if (exists($ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'}));
- #---------------------------
- #---------------------------
- # NOTE: This is used in command line mode as well as CGI mode.
- # This controls how we colorize our nodes -- largest size must be listed
- # first in each string!
- # you can use #F0F8FF style colors or W3C HTML 4.0 standard also defines
- # 16 colors by name:
- # aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy,
- # olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow
- my %colorstrings = (
- '1' => "5G red,2G green,1G purple,500M black,300M aqua",
- '2' => "3G red,2G green,1G purple,500M black,200M aqua",
- '3' => "100G red,20G green,10G purple,5G black,500M aqua",
- '4' => "400M red,200M green,100M purple,50M black,5M aqua",
- '5' => "10G red,5G green,2G purple,1G black,500M aqua",
- );
- #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- # End of configuration
- # Nothing below here should require editing
- #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- # CGI Mode Handling
- #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- if (exists($ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'})) {
- if ( (exists($ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'})) && ($SCAN_FILESYSTEM) ) {
- opendir(DIR, $SCAN_DIR) || die "can't opendir $SCAN_DIR : $!";
- my @goodones = grep { /$SCAN_MATCH/ } readdir(DIR);
- closedir DIR;
- foreach my $f (@goodones) {
- push (@dusk_files,"$SCAN_DIR" . $f);
- my $name=$f;
- # strip off leading duk_ and trailing .txt to make a nicer name
- $name =~ s#^duk_##;
- $name =~ s#\.txt$##;
- push (@dusk_names,$name);
- }
- }
- my $qs=$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
- my $script_uri = $ENV{'SCRIPT_URL'};
- my $cgi_size = ($qs =~ m#size=([\dkmgKMG]+)#) ? "$1" : "100M";
- my $cgi_color = ($qs =~ m#color=(\d+)#) ? "$1" : "1";
- my $cgi_title = ($qs =~ m#title=([^&]+)#) ? "$1" : "Disk Usage Tree";
- my $cgi_name = ($qs =~ m#name=([^&]+)#) ? "$1" : "Disk Usage Tree";
- my $cgi_file = ($qs =~ m#file=(\d+)#) ? "$1" : "-1";
- $cgi_title = "Disk Usage Tree for " . @dusk_names[$cgi_file-1]
- if ( ($cgi_file > 0) && ($cgi_file-1 <= $#dusk_files) );
- print "Content-type: text/html\n\n<html><title>$cgi_title</title>\n";
- cgi_die ("I don't like your IP") if ($ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} !~ m#$OK_REMOTE_IP#);
- print "<table border=5><tr><th>Show Size</th><th>Color Scheme</th><th>Which File</th></tr>\n<tr>\n";
- print "<td>\n";
- for my $s (@size_choices) {
- my $link = self_query('size',$s);
- print ( ($cgi_size ne $s) ?
- qq!<a href="$link">$s</a><br>\n! :
- qq!$s<br>\n!);
- }
- print "</td>\n<td>\n";
- for my $c (sort keys %colorstrings) {
- my $link = self_query('color',$c);
- my $htmlstring='';
- for my $itm (split(/,/,$colorstrings{$c})) {
- my ($size,$color) = split(/\s+/,$itm);
- $htmlstring .= "<font color=$color>$size</font> ";
- }
- print ( ($cgi_color != $c) ?
- qq!<a href="$link">Colorset $c</a> - $htmlstring<br>\n! :
- qq!Colorset $c - $htmlstring<br>\n!);
- }
- print "</td>\n<td>\n";
- for my $i (1 .. $#dusk_files+1) {
- my $link = self_query('file',$i);
- my $name=@dusk_names[$i-1];
- print ( ($cgi_file != $i) ?
- qq!<a href="$link">$name</a><br>\n! :
- qq!$name<br>\n!);
- }
- print "</td></tr>\n</table>\n<br>\n";
- @ARGV=();
- push (@ARGV,"-b","-s$cgi_size", "-c$cgi_color", "-t$cgi_title");
- if ( ($cgi_file > 0) && ($cgi_file-1 <= $#dusk_files) ) {
- push (@ARGV,"-n Disk Usage Tree for @dusk_names[$cgi_file-1]");
- push (@ARGV,@dusk_files[$cgi_file-1]);
- } else {
- cgi_die ("Please pick which file you want a tree for!");
- }
- print "<br><hr width=85%>\n";
- }
- #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- # End of CGI mode handling
- #:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
- # output document template
- #
- my $template = <<'EOM';
- <h3><a name="_LINKNAME_">_NAME_</a></h3>
- <ul>
- <li>Data file last updated: _TIME_
- <li>Total size: _ROOT_
- <li>Showing items larger than: <b>_MINSIZE_</b>
- </ul>
- <pre>_BODY_</pre>
- # init()
- # Handle command line options
- #
- my %opts;
- getopts('c:s:l:n:t:pbh', \%opts);
- if ( (defined($opts{h})) || ($#ARGV <0) ) {
- print <<"EOM";
- $0 [options] inputfiles
- -sSIZE Minimum size we care about
- -tTITLE Title for the HTML document
- -b Output body only
- -nNAME Name for heading
- -cSTRING Colorstring or just 1,2,3,4 for built in ones
- -lLINK Name for <a name> tag
- -p Do not colorize output (plain)
- exit(0);
- }
- my $doctitle = defined($opts{t}) ? $opts{t} : "Disk Usage Tree";
- my $name = defined($opts{n}) ? $opts{n} : "disktree";
- my $link = defined($opts{l}) ? $opts{l} : "disktree";
- my $bigger=0;
- $opts{s} = "100M" if (!defined($opts{s}));
- $bigger = sizearg($opts{s});
- $opts{c} = '1' if (!defined($opts{c}));
- my @colors = split(/,/,$colorstrings{$opts{c}});
- for my $i (0 .. $#colors) { $colors[$i] =~ s/^(\S+)\s/sizearg($1) . "\t"/e; }
- # main()
- #
- print "<html><head><title>$doctitle</title></head><body bgcolor=\"white\">\n<br>\n" if ( ! defined($opts{b}) );
- for my $fn (@ARGV) {
- my $shortname = $name; $shortname =~ s/.*duk_//; $shortname =~ s/\....$//;
- $name = $shortname if (! defined($opts{n}));
- $link = $shortname if (! defined($opts{l}));
- my ($rootitm, $ptr_sizes, $ptr_subdirs) = readdf($fn);
- my %itmsize = %{$ptr_sizes};
- my %subdirs = %{$ptr_subdirs};
- my $body = treeoutput($rootitm,$ptr_sizes,$ptr_subdirs);
- my $sb = stat($fn);
- my $timestring = strftime '%A %d %B %Y at %H:%M:%S', localtime $sb->mtime;
- for (my $output = $template) {
- s/_LINKNAME_/$link/gm;
- s/_BODY_/$body/gm;
- s/_NAME_/$name/gm;
- s/_TIME_/$timestring/gm;
- s/_MINSIZE_/nicesize($bigger)/gme;
- s/_ROOT_/nicesize($itmsize{$rootitm})/gme;
- print $_;
- }
- }
- print "</html>\n" if ( ! defined($opts{b}) );
- exit;
- ###################################
- sub colorize {
- my ($line,$size)=@_;
- return $line if defined($opts{p});
- for my $color (@colors) {
- my ($minsize,$code) = split(/\t/,$color);
- return qq!<font color="$code">$line</font>! if ($size >= $minsize);
- }
- return $line;
- }
- sub nicesize {
- my($size) = @_;
- return sprintf("%.2fG",$size / (2**20) ) if ($size >= (2**20));
- return sprintf("%liM",$size / (2**10) ) if ($size >= (2**10));
- return sprintf("%lik",$size );
- }
- sub sizearg {
- my($arg) = @_;
- my %suffixes = ( '' => 1, 'k' => 1, 'm' => 2**10, 'g' => 2**20 );
- return ($arg =~ /(\d+)([kmgMGK])?/) ? ($1 * $suffixes{lc($2)}) : $arg;
- }
- sub readdf {
- my %itmsize;
- my %subdirs;
- my $rootitm;
- my ($fn) = @_;
- open FILE,"<$fn" || die "Can't open $fn for reading\n";
- while (<FILE>) {
- chop;
- my($size, $parent);
- if (m#^(\d+)\s+(.*)#) { $size=$1; $rootitm=$2; }
- $itmsize{$rootitm} = $size;
- ($parent = $rootitm) =~ s#/[^/]+$##;
- push @{ $subdirs{$parent} }, $rootitm unless eof;
- if ( ($size) && ($subdirs{$rootitm}) ) {
- my $subsize;
- for my $kid (@{ $subdirs{$rootitm} }) { $subsize += $itmsize{$kid}; }
- if ( ($subsize != $size) && ($subsize) ) {
- $itmsize{"$rootitm/."} = ($size - $subsize);
- push @{ $subdirs{$rootitm} }, "$rootitm/.";
- }
- }
- }
- close FILE;
- return ($rootitm,\%itmsize,\%subdirs);
- }
- sub treeoutput {
- my ($rootitem,$ptr_sizes,$ptr_subdirs) = @_;
- my %itmsize = %{$ptr_sizes};
- my %subdirs = %{$ptr_subdirs};
- my @worklist;
- my @prefixes;
- my $output_buffer;
- push (@worklist,$rootitem);
- while (my $itm=pop(@worklist)) {
- $itm=~s/\/$//;
- if ($itm eq "\t") { shift(@prefixes); next; }
- my $prefix=$prefixes[0];
- my $path = $itm;
- $path =~ s#.*/##;
- my $size = $itmsize{$itm};
- my $line = sprintf("%s %s", nicesize($size), $path);
- my $html = colorize($line,$size);
- $output_buffer .= $prefix . $html . "\n" if ($size > $bigger);
- if ($subdirs{$itm}) {
- my @subdirs = @{ $subdirs{$itm} };
- @subdirs = sort { $itmsize{$a} <=> $itmsize{$b} } @subdirs;
- $itmsize{$subdirs[0]} =~ /(\d+)/;
- push (@worklist, "\t");
- for ($prefix .= $line) { s/\d[kMG] /| /; s/[^|]/ /g; }
- unshift(@prefixes, $prefix);
- for my $kid (@subdirs) {
- push(@worklist, $kid) if ($itmsize{$kid} > $bigger);
- }
- }
- }
- return $output_buffer;
- }
- sub cgi_die {
- my ($string) = @_;
- print "<h1>$string</h1></html>\n";
- exit;
- }
- sub self_query {
- my ($param,$value) = @_;
- my $result=$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
- # remove the param
- $result =~ s#([\?&])?$param=[^&]*##;
- $result .= "&$param=$value";
- return $ENV{'SCRIPT_URL'} . '?' . $result;
- }
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