
Something different

Dec 5th, 2014
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  1. Something different.
  3. >Dawn.
  4. >You are Anon waking up almost a full half hour before your alarm clock.
  5. >You try to close your eyes and get in those 30 minutes.
  6. >No use, your internal clock was too strong...
  7. >You get out of bed and run your fingers through your hair followed by a long yawn.
  8. >You open the blinds to your window slightly.
  9. >Dawn's early light pours in and warms your body like a hug from a loved one.
  10. >Finally out of bed, you wash yourself, groom yourself and feed your tummy.
  11. >You sprawl out on the couch. Only a matter of time...better make this morning last.
  12. >It's a darn shame you don't have any of your old music to listen too. At least you can hum a few bars and recall a few words.
  13. >You reach for the book you were reading and pick up where you left off.
  14. >You look at the clock.
  15. "Ugh..."
  16. >She's going to be hear hoped she wouldn't bring a slew of friends...
  17. >One could only hope.
  18. >A few minutes later, a few light knocks can be heard from your door.
  19. >You check the clock. A bit early this time, no matter...
  20. >You get off your couch and answer the door.
  21. >"Oh! H-hello Anon, I'm here for my appointment."
  22. "You're earlier than I expected..."
  23. >"O-oh dear, I'm sorry I can come back later if you want, it's no problem really!"
  24. "No dear, no need for that, come in and sit yourself down, I'll have things ready soon."
  25. >Fluttershy enters.
  26. >Once again you are Anon, not very sociable, but are when need be.
  27. >Most jobs offered to you did not fit your skills or you found rather tedious to say the least.
  28. >None the less, you still needed money.
  29. >You weren't the best at things but you had an eye for detail.
  30. >In comes Fluttershy one day, hair a mess from some adventure she came back from.
  31. >And since wilderness care-taking doesn't exactly pay for around the clock spa service. Like the mother's boy you are, you offer to fix her hair.
  32. >Fluttershy was surprised at first, but took upon your offer.
  33. >Ponies usually don't (or in this case) didn't bother you much when you first came to this world...that all changed when Fluttershy spread the word on how there was a certain magic to your fingers, her hair being the proof.
  34. >Mares came from far off just for you to work your supposed "magic" on their manes.
  35. >In turn you made plenty of money doing this, which was indeed good seeing as how you were able to pay for your own home in no time and then some.
  36. >The bad thing however...The fans...Each day hundreds at your doorstep cheering you on.
  37. >For gods sake all you did was just work on their hair, and suddenly that permits a party AND parade?
  38. >You just wanted to be left alone, as nice it was of them to do all that for you.
  39. >Your fans were all very understanding to your surprise and left you be to have all the "you" time possible. Except for one fan however...This one being Fluttershy...
  40. >Caught up to speed I hope?
  41. >Well now that the history lesson is done, let's get on with the actual story.
  42. >"So, um, A-anon are you eating healthy? Are you still being active? Because you know what Rainbow Dash will say and do if you aren't..."
  43. "Well for one I am eating healthy, three square meals and yes I've been following Dash's workout plan accordingly. Now would you stop pestering on the matter MOM?"
  44. >Futtershy gets flustered at your answer.
  45. >This was usual banter.
  46. >She would pick at you like a mother who cared too much and you would react like a rebellious teenager, that's life.
  47. >"Sorry, I just want to make sure you stay big and strong."
  48. "I know, you care too much for me sometimes though. I can take care of myself like any other adult."
  49. >"I'm sorry Anon but I can't help it! It's just become routine for me now."
  50. "Mhm...More like a habit actually."
  51. >"I mean when we first met, you looked so scared and adorable, like a new born calf!"
  52. >You roll your eyes at this idea.
  53. >She found you camping in the woods.
  54. >How you arrived on this plane of existence was beyond your rational thought.
  55. >You thought it was best to not question the unknown and go along with things.
  56. >And look where you are now. Living in a nice home, giving a pastel mare a hair job.
  57. "Alright dear, the chair is ready when you are."
  58. >Fluttershy all excited, gets in your chair.
  59. >You start with a standard leaning back of the head followed by a light rinse of the hair.
  60. >Add some soap.
  61. >Suds galore.
  62. >You run your fingers through her hair.
  63. >Checking for split ends and any scalp problems.
  64. >You somehow find an...Acorn?
  65. >Squirrels must be acting more mischievous than usual...
  66. >"Mmm, Anon you're so good too me..."
  67. "I'm just doing my job, dear."
  68. >"Oh but I mean it! The way your fingers run through makes me quiver all over the place...ALL over the place..."
  69. >And things just got sexual, okay no need to panic.
  70. >Bring her down easy, after all, you're still friends.
  71. >What could go wrong?
  72. >...Plenty.
  73. >But lets hope it doesn't come to that, Hm?
  74. "Well I'm glad you're enjoying your wash so much, but Fluttershy I'm sure you know me too well to give into such a petty endeavor."
  75. >"So fluent with your words Anon~"
  76. "I can assure you I don't mean anything by it, it's just the way I've mannered myself to be."
  77. >"Oh sweetie you don't have to impress me! All you have to do is look pretty and...Oh, um..."
  78. >Fluttershy hesitates for a moment.
  79. "And...what?"
  80. >She begins to blush as a giddy grin grows across her face.
  81. >"Well...could you, I mean I hate to ask since you're already doing my hair but...could you sing that song I like?" She asks you sweetly.
  82. >You begin to blush nervously.
  83. "I don't know if I can I-"
  84. >"Then can you at least hum it?"
  85. >Shying your eyes away from her's, you begin to hum a few bars of mad world.
  86. >You continue to wash Fluttershy's hair while she is enthralled by your hummed tunes.
  87. >A few minutes later it was time to dry.
  88. >You break out your hand held hair dryer and begin to comb her mane gently applying heat blasts where needed.
  89. >"So Anon, I was thinking while experiencing pure bliss from your magic fingers...your pay."
  90. "Oh, you know, just the usual amount will do."
  91. >"Um...hehe, Anon I need you to follow me on this. Say I don't have the money is there some other way I could pay?" She asks you in a sultry tune.
  92. >Oh god please no, not this corny act...
  93. >Okay, okay think rationally, no need to panic.
  94. "Well that's okay I could just, you know, um...put it on the house?"
  95. >"Oh, Anon that won't do, you know I love you too much to you to go unrewarded! Surely there's something I could do." Fluttershy lays a hoof on your arm and rubs you sensually.
  96. >This mare dangerously is persistent...
  97. >And this lovely Dovey stuff.
  98. >Hmph, just a farce for her own needs you were sure.
  99. >Though you might wish with all your might, no one with a personality such as yours would be able to come close to expressing the dormant and unkept feeling such as "love".
  100. "Nay Fluttershy I can not condone such-"
  101. >Fluttershy let's out a low whinny.
  102. "W-what was that?"
  103. >"You told me to neigh, didn't you?"
  104. >Now annoyed, you run your fingers through your hair in frustration.
  105. "No, was just a figure of speech dear, another term for "no"..."
  106. >Fluttershy looks at you confused, you could forgive her for not knowing, you were more complicated creature than you care to let on.
  107. >"So are you going to come outside Anon?"
  108. "Mmm...No, no thank you."
  109. >"Oh Anon there's no reason, for you not to go out in public. People love you for what you've done!" Fluttershy expresses.
  110. "So I fixed up a few hair styles for a few ponies, what does that matter?"
  111. >"Anon you've worked on Celestia's own hair! Less than a hoof full of ponies can say they've done that!"
  112. "I only got called for such a job because her hair dresser was sick that day."
  113. >"Exactly! And who above all else did she call? You, sweetie."
  114. >You begin to blush at Fluttershy's words.
  115. "Yes, well...It wasn't even my best work. It was honestly a short notice fix up."
  116. >"And that "short notice fix up" became the "must have mane style" for almost a whole year! I remember the time you gave me my own hair style too once~"
  117. "Oh please don't bring that up..."
  118. >"Oh but I will Anon! Rarity was so jealous she nearly lost all of her own mane trying to out do it!"
  119. "Yes and I had to step in and help her fix her mistake."
  120. >Sometimes your work had a reputation on creating tension when a pony close to you gets "special treatment"...Oh well, such is life.
  121. >"Anon, please come outside I promise no funny business. We could go to the market and you can pick out things for me to cook for you! Wouldn't that be nice?"
  122. >This wasn't going to end until you caved in was it?
  123. >You let out a sigh and lift the shampoo bottle.
  124. >It felt a little light.
  125. >A legitimate reason for you to leave your home, oh joy...
  126. "Alright, let me get my sandals on..."
  127. >Fluttershy becomes overwhelmed with joy at your words, she trots around in a circle happily.
  128. >You roll your eyes, she was like a child who just got their way at the toy store.
  129. >Moments later you and Fluttershy are now walking down the street, ponies look at you in awe as it has been a while since you left the house, about a week? Who knows...not like you cared much.
  130. >You also had on your giant sun blocking shades and sun hat.
  131. >Gifts from Rarity, they were nice. A bit large on you though, but the sun wasn't very kind to your delicate skin.
  132. >As you make your way to market, you begin to notice Fluttershy walking awfully close to you. Like if she were human she'd be reaching for your hand kind of close. Very unsettling.
  133. >You two finally arrive at the market, Fluttershy goes off to find the fish for you to have to eat, you go off as well to collect a few things.
  134. >First and foremost was the shampoo, they have new ones.
  135. >Blue raspberry? you're not a child anymore you're far more refined than that.
  136. >Coffee? Who in the world wants to smell like a cup of joe all day?
  137. "...ugh..."
  138. >Then another catches your eye, Hazelnut.
  139. "Oh?"
  140. >You open it up and take in its fragrance.
  141. "Mmm~"
  142. >This was a good one, but not strong enough to cover up most smells.
  143. >Then the final bottle way far back on the stall, it looked interesting, spring green with natural waterfall essence?
  144. >You ask the stall owner to hand you a bottle.
  145. >You open it and take it all in.
  146. >It smelled like a wide open field leading to an eternal green forest with its floor blooming with clovers and the crisp shores of Erie flowing beside it. It smelled like home.
  147. >"I take it you like it, Anon? Got that stuff in just today." The stall owner pony comments.
  148. "Oh I love it! Do you know exactly where it comes from?"
  149. >"Can't say for sure, some far off country over seas makes it, never bothered to get the name, said it was the best stuff from there so I ordered a small crate of it."
  150. "Ah, I see...well I'll take two then."
  151. >"I'm sorry I don't have much more information for you, tell ya what, the second bottle is half off!" The owner offers.
  152. "Well that's nice of you, but really you don't have to do that for me."
  153. >"Oh but I insist! After all you managed to fix up my daughter's hair before her birthday party!"
  154. "Ah yes, I remember, it wasn't much effort a few hair pins can do wonders for curly cues."
  155. >In your talk you can't help but take in another whiff of the shampoo.
  156. >"I take it you really must like what that fragrance, I honestly haven't taken the time to check on it myself. What's it like?"
  157. "Oh it's wonderful, fresh green grass, wonderful pure water straight from exotic lakes and...*sniff*...and..*sniff* *sniff*, fish?"
  158. >Suddenly the air around you filled with smell of dead fish.
  159. >You spin around to find Fluttershy standing behind you with a large catfish in her side bag, it was dripping blood...
  160. >"What do you think Anon? I wasn't sure what kind of fish you would have been satisfied with, but I hope it fills your tummy anyway, look how big it is!" She pulls it out with her mouth.
  161. >With.
  162. >Her.
  163. >Mouth.
  164. >Blood dripping, flies buzzing and all.
  165. >Even then stall owner was a bit unerved.
  166. "Yes Fluttershy, that will do just...just fine, you can put it away now!"
  167. >"Oh, right, sorry."
  168. >You quickly pay for the shampoo bottles and make your way back to your home with Fluttershy.
  169. >What an embarrassing moment this has been...
  170. >Once home, Fluttershy tells you to rest while she prepares a meal for you.
  171. >It hasn't even reached past one and she's already trying to fill you up with her home cooking, it was a good thing you did Rainbow Dash's work out regiment, other wise you'd have a fatter ass than you'd care for.
  172. >You run your fingers through your hair. Frizzy from the humidity.
  173. "Ugh, damn it."
  174. >Frizzy hair is always hard to manage.
  175. >You peek at Fluttershy in the kitchen.
  176. >Looks like she'll be the working at that meal for the next hour.
  177. >Perfect time to try that new shampoo!
  178. >You reach for your carrying bag and take the bottle quickly with you into the bathroom.
  179. >You begin to run the hot water in your shower.
  180. >Shedding your clothes giddy on the thought of how the shampoo would feel lathered up.
  181. >You step into the shower and pour a sample into your palm and begin to lather it up.
  182. >It suds up really nice, and now for the application.
  183. "Mmm~ That is lovely!"
  184. >It was really beginning to smell like a forest near a waterfall.
  185. >The new fragrances were driving you wild with tension, you wondered if you had a moment for "Anon time".
  186. >You peeked at the bathroom door.
  187. >It was already locked.
  188. "Perfect~"
  189. >Good responsible you had your back.
  190. >Just as you where about to rub certain parts of your body with your new shampoo.
  191. >-Knock- -Knock-.
  192. >"Anon? A-are you decent?" Fluttershy was hounding you at the door.
  193. >Christ she's such a Mom.
  194. >"Anon, are you okay? I hear water running." She tries to open the door jiggling the door handle only to discover it locked.
  195. >"Anon? If it's not too much trouble I'd like it if you could open up so you could try a taste of the fish I was making for you. I wasn't sure if I used the right amount of salt..." She tries opening the door again.
  196. >You roll your eyes and continue to indulge yourself in your own affairs.
  197. >I mean honestly. You'd think she'd let you have this time to yourself but oh no she has to open the door and-
  198. >Wait.
  199. >She opened door?
  200. >"Anon? Are you you okay? You didn't answer me through the door so I used the key replica I had made for emergencies..." She pokes her hoof around the door showing you the infernal key.
  201. >Damn it...
  202. >This was just like her to pull something like this.
  203. >Of course she would do something like that she's fucking Fluttershy!
  204. >"Anon I'm coming in now, I-I hope your decent!" She begins stepping through the door way.
  205. >You quickly turn off the shower and snatch the towel off the rack near the shower and cover up your body.
  206. >Fluttershy eyes you up and down struggling to form a sentence while paying attention to your figure.
  207. "Fluttershy, I was clearly showering, there was no need to come in to check up on me at all..."
  208. >"O-oh? Well I thought you might be having trouble and you didn't answer so I got the key see an- *sniff* *sniff*...Anon you smell wonderful~" Fluttershy inches closer.
  209. >She presses her nose against your towel.
  210. "Fluttershy there is such a thing as boundaries you know..."
  211. >Fluttershy doesn't listen and inhales deeply, wrapping her hooves around you for a better take.
  212. >You begin to shiver.
  213. >Oh god you were shivering, and after a steamy shower? That's not right at all!
  214. >You could feel the cheeks on your face beginning to burn bright red.
  215. "Fluttershy please! I'm having trouble keeping my towel in place!"
  216. >"It's okay Anon, you don't have to cover up anything from me~"
  217. "Fluttershy I just want to put my clothes on now an-"
  218. >Before you could finish your sentence you slip in the tub with Fluttershy on top of you.
  219. >You bumped your head but no real harm done.
  220. >Fluttershy was still blushing however, she looked nervous or rather embarrassed at her actions.
  221. >You couldn't help but begin to laugh at the situation.
  222. >Fluttershy begins to crack a smile as well and giggles with you.
  223. >"Um, Anon?"
  224. "Hm?"
  225. >"Could you taste this and see if it's okay?" Fluttershy presents you with a sample she has been saving this entire time.
  226. >You consume it.
  227. "I think it needs some more seasoning, a little bland for me."
  228. >"R-right, I'll get back to dinner before it burns up!" She gets out of the tub and leaves you to yourself.
  229. >Well that was interesting, you expected things to escalate like previous times.
  230. >However Fluttershy was surprisingly "tame" during that invasion of your personal space, you'd thought you'd have to fight her off with a stick...again.
  231. >As you dry yourself off and put on some clothes, you begin to smell the aroma of the fish.
  232. >You come into your dining room to find Fluttershy had everything set up rather nicely.
  233. >Candle light, your fine china, the works.
  234. >Guess she had been planning for an evening like this for a while.
  235. >You take a final look at yourself in the mirror.
  236. >Face was fine but your long hair could have been managed better...
  237. >You comb it out from its usual messy tangles, that shampoo really worked wonders...still smells nice too.
  238. >You sit yourself down wondering how Fluttershy would present you your dinner.
  239. >Just as the thought crosses your mind, the kitchen door opens and you are presented with a wonderful spread of not just the fish but various other steam vegetables and diced fruits mixed garnished together.
  240. >She really did go all out...
  241. "Um, do you need some help handling any of those dishes?"
  242. >"Oh no Anon, this is for you, I want you to enjoy yourself as you've let me when you give me my perms!" She insists.
  243. >You shrugged and watched as she set up the table with more ease than you anticipated.
  244. >You take a bite again off the fish from before, it was even better now with the seasonings added.
  245. "This is really good!"
  246. >You begin to stuff your face with the large fish, you almost forgotten what a real hot meal tasted like.
  247. >"I'm so glad you're enjoying it Anon, but do be sure to eat you veggies okay?"
  248. >Oh again with that...
  249. "Okay 'Mom' I'll eat my greens."
  250. >Fluttershy can't help but blush a bit at your comment, but soon begins to giggle to herself.
  251. >"Um...Anon?"
  252. "Right here, dear."
  253. >"Uhh...well, what was your real mother like?" Fluttershy asks you.
  254. >You begin to chew slower as the thought about mother begins brewing.
  255. >What was she like?
  256. "Well let's see um...She was a strong person...and by strong I mean she could lift stones as big as she was."
  257. >"Oh my, she sounds intimidating..."
  258. "Only if managed you to get on her bad side...which was rather easy, she was kind too, to a limit that is before her blood could reach full boil, if it came to that she could get so angry she could level Manehatten!"
  259. >You begin to giggle at the thought of your mother, always with that temper...
  260. >"Goodness, how did your father ever win the heart of such a tempered female?"
  261. "Kind words, gifts, a grand gesture here and there...But the thing is my father didn't ask my mother's hand. It was actually vice versa."
  262. >Fluttershy's eyes grow wide with amazement.
  263. >"Wow Anon, your mother sure is a brave woman." Fluttershy comments.
  264. "Mm, well thanks I suppose."
  265. >"N-no! I really mean it! Now when ever you call me mom, I won't feel embarrassed because...I'll have your mom to think about..." Fluttershy fiddles with her hooves nervously.
  266. >Oh lord, you've given her a confidence boost...
  267. "Well that's nice dear, glad to hear it."
  268. >You give her a reassuring smile.
  269. >She smiles back giddily.
  270. >Before anything else could be said you get rapid knocks at your front door followed by;
  271. >"Anonymous! ANONYMOUS!"
  272. >It sounded like Rarity.
  273. >Both you and Fluttershy get up from the table to investigate on what was wrong.
  274. >Opening the door you did indeed find Rarity...With the most abyssal bad hair day.
  275. >"Oh thank sweet Celestia you're here Anonymous! I need you to fix this quickly!" She gestures to her hair.
  276. >You look at the damage done.
  277. >There was a birds nest, several branches, sticker barbs and stupid amounts of tree sap sticking together patches of her mane, mud, dirt with leaves and twigs.
  278. >Jesus Christ how horrific of a sight it was if you were a hair stylist.
  279. >This kind of damage could take all evening to night to fix.
  280. >You look to Fluttershy, she knew all to well that the rest of your special dinner time had been canceled.
  281. "Come on in Rarity, I'll have the chair ready soon..."
  282. >Mm...Fate has always been a fickle one, giveth one fine moment and tosses a situation at you the next.
  283. >As you get the chair and hair product supplies ready, you can't help but notice Fluttershy cleaning off the table of the meal she prepared, from her expression of disappointment she really wanted this day to be about you two with no interruptions.
  284. >"Anonymous, I hate to be a burden but could you put a speed on things? You see I have somewhere very important to be and I simply must get the dresses I'm working on done before then." Rarity explains.
  285. >You let an exhausted sigh.
  286. "Yes Ms.Rarity, right away Ms.Rarity..."
  287. >Rarity gives a smile of approval at your compliance.
  288. >Moments later you begin working on Rarity's hair.
  289. >It was horrible, it was hard enough removing the patches of tree sap without too much removal of the hair, but apparently the mother bird who's nest belonged to was none to happy about finding it some pony's hair.
  290. >Thankfully Fluttershy was there to tend to that...
  291. >It took a few rinse cycles to get all the dirt and mud from the roots.
  292. >Some time passes and sun soon begins to go down.
  293. >After non-stop work you finally managed to fix Rarity's hair back to normal.
  294. >She leaves you a small bag of gemstones emeralds, sapphires, rubies.
  295. >Granted back where you came from this would make you ecstatic to see such treasure. But here in pony world they only serve as decoration and dragon food with little value in trading. Such a twisted economy...
  296. >You toss the gemstones in your safe with the others.
  297. >Not much idea what to do with them expect trade occasionally with them and let spike come by to snack till his heart content. Even then not much of a need for you to use them.
  298. >As you make your way to the living room you find Fluttershy sitting quietly on the couch waiting on you.
  299. "Sorry that took all evening dear, for what it was worth the dinner was really good."
  300. >"Oh I don't mind! You helped a friend in need, granted it came at the worst possible time...but it was still sweet of you to go out of your way to help Rarity...At the cost of your dinner...which I had planned...for some time....B-but it was still sweet of you!"
  301. >It was plain to see that this simple dinner meant a whole lot more to Fluttershy than you could have imagined.
  302. >You sit down beside her on the couch.
  303. "It's alright dear, I'm sure will have another chance some other time."
  304. >Fluttershy's eyes light up with hope.
  305. >"Really?! Oh that would be wonderful! I can start making plans right away an-"
  306. >You put two fingers upon Fluttershy's lips.
  307. "I said "some other time" not as soon as you can, take it easy."
  308. >"O-oh, right, sorry."
  309. "That's alright, now I hate to change the mood so suddenly, but I need to go to bed...I've got the usual important appointment tomorrow."
  310. >"Oh couldn't I stay here with you? We could even sleep together, it'll be like a slumber party!"
  311. "Sorry, but no can do. Tomorrow is Sunday, you know what that means."
  312. >"Oh...right...Well I'll be sure to visit the day after then! I promise I'll come up with an even nicer dinner by then!"
  313. "Alright Fluttershy, now run along I need to get some sleep now."
  314. >Fluttershy nods respectively and shows her way out.
  315. >Letting out a heavy yawn, you make your way to your bed.
  316. >You bid yourself a goodnight and begin to dream.
  317. >You are Anon, now dreaming.
  318. >It's snowing
  319. >A familiar setting for you.
  320. >The snowy trail then forms and a forest begins to form around you.
  321. >The dream was much more vivid now.
  322. >You were still in your normal clothes, wrapped in blanket against the cold.
  323. >You follow the winding path.
  324. >At the end of the path you come to a cottage.
  325. >The cottage glows with a welcoming and warm light, the door was open and you could see the wonderful furniture and decor set up inside.
  326. >It was a wonderful home, a home you believe you once knew.
  327. >You stood there in the snow still peering in at the cottage, nothing was stopping you from stepping inside.
  328. >And didn't want too.
  329. >Knowing that of which was already inside.
  330. >You continued to stand there, contemplating whether or not to chance fate.
  331. >-BRRIIIING-
  332. >The alarm on your clock goes off.
  333. >Smacking it quiet, you open one eye tiredly and look at the time. It was 6am.
  334. >You struggle to get out of bed as you had somehow managed this time to cocoon yourself in your own blanket.
  335. "Damn that dream..."
  336. >You mumble to yourself as you toss the blanket aside.
  337. >Going into the bathroom you look at yourself in the mirror. Dark circles under your eyes indicate a restless night.
  338. "Ugh..."
  339. >No matter, you had to much on you plate to care right now.
  340. >You wash up and groom yourself to be ready for the day.
  341. >Today was Sunday, and what a day it was for you.
  342. >Sunday's were special days.
  343. >These days you were tasked with all four princesses and their manes.
  344. >Oh yes, Twilight, Candance, Celestia and Luna. All under your roof...
  345. >Now it's not all that bad really, their company wasn't too bothersome.
  346. >But the prep work was murder.
  347. >First was getting out the hair dryers, not the hand held ones either, oh no, you had to break out the good "sit in and let a whirlwind of heat treat you right" kind. Four of the damned things!
  348. >Then there was making sure your scissors were nice and sharpened.
  349. >Then getting each different type of comb for our royal princesses.
  350. >Oh yeah, each one, a different comb.
  351. >Then there was making sure the towels were nice and warm for their head after their shampoos an-
  352. >....
  353. "....Shit!"
  354. >You curse at yourself, you only had the one bottle left of your spring green with natural waterfall essence.
  355. >You let out a sigh of discontent.
  356. >Picking the bottle out of your bathroom you look at it carefully.
  357. "Really wanted to have some quality time with, oh well then..."
  358. >You place the bottle on your beauty work station, along with the combs and scissors.
  359. >Looking at your equipment you figured you'd need your hair stylist jacket. Extra pockets never hurt.
  360. >The clock read 9am.
  361. >A couple more hours and they would arrived.
  362. >You checked each station carefully, it looked as though you had everything set up.
  363. >Thinking back on things now you had almost wished that Fluttershy was here to help...if only a little.
  364. >Especially for this next part...
  365. >So it wasn't enough that you had to do this rigorous prepping for the princesses, but now you had to cook a delectable treat for them to snack on.
  366. >I shit you not, you now had to prepare them something to shove their faces in.
  367. >But what to make...
  368. >Cucumber sandwiches?
  369. >Too cliché...
  370. >PB and J?
  371. >Too childish...
  372. >Apples?
  373. >Too Jack...
  374. >Well what else is there too cook??
  375. >You look through the fridge and cabinets.
  376. "Let's see...eggs...sugar...bit of vanilla..."
  377. >Running through the various ingredients around your kitchen it finally hits you.
  378. "Funnel cakes."
  379. >You get to fixing the batter and set boiling the oil on low right away.
  380. >Just as soon as you finish making said batter, they arrive.
  381. >Alright Anon, you're servicing for royalty. Nothing new, nothing special.
  382. >Speak when spoken too, don't talk back and for god sakes keep your composure.
  383. >They've already let themselves in.
  384. >You seat them accordingly.
  385. >"I'm telling you Twilight, your brother is acting weird." Candance starts.
  386. >"Weird how? If it's about the "action figure" thing it's just his hobby or at least I think it is..." Twilight replies.
  387. >"No, no I've made peace with that. I mean since we've hit a pause in our sex life he suggested that we try to "spice things up" by bringing in another pony into the mix."
  388. >"So he wants to mount another mare while he's hoofblasting you? That's a bit over the top even for my brother but-"
  389. >"Twilight, he wants to bring another stallion."
  390. >Twilight's eyes grow wide as she covers her mouth with her hoof in shock.
  391. >"Big deal, I could tell Twiliy's older sibling had wild tastes, I mean come on he had all that ample time with that changeling." Celestia chimes in rather sarcastically.
  392. >"Oh don't even get me started you big bottomed bitch! I found one of your magic notes hidden in one of my stallion's suits!" Candance snaps at Celestia's comment.
  393. >"Oh really? Did he mention the part where I sucked his balls and horn at the same time?" Celestia retorts with a sly smirk.
  394. >"T-that's not even possible!" Candance exclaims.
  395. >"It is when you're as old as us. Tell'em Sis." Celestia nudges Luna.
  396. >"Agreed, that is second nature to us elder Alicorns..." Luna complies begrudgingly.
  397. >Believe it or not this was normal banter for you.
  398. >Every Sunday...
  399. >You didn't want to get roped in on their topics either, just fix them up nice and let them leave you be.
  400. >You begin by leaning each head back for a rinse and back up again to start shampooing each mare respectively. Celestia first, Luna second, Candance third and Twilight last.
  401. >"You all are the fucking worst, ya know that? I finally get a stallion and you have to steal him away!" Candance continues to complain.
  402. >"Honey, we didn't steal nothin, he came to us." Celestia replies reading through a magazine she poofed out of thin air.
  403. >"Whatever! At least I can count on Twilight not to fuck my husband..." Candance says trying to keep what little composure she had left.
  404. >"Well about that..." Twilight starts.
  405. >Twilight no...
  406. >"You see, before we even had you as my babysitter. Me and your now husband used to..."
  407. >Twilight please, for the love of God.
  408. >"Experiment?" She finishes.
  409. >There was a still silence but you continued to shampoo each mare's hair in rhythmic pattern as if you heard nothing...How Celestia manages to get tangles when it continuously flows is beyond you.
  410. >"This is most awkward." Luna finally breaks the silence.
  411. >Candance looks as though she was about to catch fire with rage.
  412. >She was trembling and fumbling with her words on what to snap back with.
  413. >You then notice tears beginning to form in the corner of her eyes.
  414. >Next thing you know her highness begins bawling her eyes out.
  415. >"I-I thought he loved me! Doesn't he love me!? We've been through all kinds of trials and what not?! I give him the attention he needs...And then he goes off and begs for some sluts pussy?!" You hand Candance the tissue box to dry her tears.
  416. >"Oh dear, if it makes you feel any better, I didn't enjoy it, he's really bad at cunnilingus..." Celestia sympathies.
  417. >"Indeed, he lacks in the ways of pleasing royal Pussy." Luna agrees.
  418. >You finally finished shampooing each one. You rinse them out and it was now time for the dyers.
  419. >"Both of you are a couple of bad bitches." Twilight remarks on Celestia and Luna trying to defend her sister in law.
  420. >Such a sassy mouth on a well known scholar.
  421. >"Anyway I'm sure there's a good a reason for him going behind your back." Twilight reassures Candance.
  422. >"Yeah, boy is lookin for a somepony more experienced." Celestia nudges Luna again with a wink.
  423. >Luna rolls her eyes.
  424. >"I'm plenty experienced! We were like rabbits on our wedding night!" Candance says frustratedly.
  425. >At this point you excuse yourself to begin cooking on the funnel cakes.
  426. >You knew they usually like their snacks during their drying phase.
  427. >Rubbing the temples of your head you could feel a headache coming on.
  428. >All this damned drama was eating at you.
  429. >You almost wished Fluttershy was here to liven up your mood even a little.
  430. >Why even stay with the guy if he's not going to be faithful.
  431. "Dumb Bimbo..."
  432. >You cover your mouth hoping they didn't hear.
  433. >Listening out you could hear they were still talking amongst themselves.
  434. >You let out a sigh of relief.
  435. >You shouldn't be talking about her that way, she's already having a rough time as is.
  436. >Hell, if you had man like that you'd kick is ass to the curb in a heart beat.
  437. >You continue to think about the scenario in your head as you powder the funnel cakes.
  438. >Just as you take them in for dining, the four princesses look to you.
  439. "Funnel cakes, for the day girls."
  440. >"Ooo! Very nice Anon, I was hoping you'd make something sweet!" Twilight claps her hoofs in excitement.
  441. "Just something I came up with, Ma'am."
  442. >The four begin chowing down on their confectionery treats.
  443. >You finally had a moment of rest as they were being dried.
  444. >"So, um, Anon?" Candance says still in a depressed tone from earlier.
  445. "Yes, dear?"
  446. >"Since you're in a relationship with Fluttershy, how would you handle things in my situation?"
  447. >You stare at Candance for a moment.
  448. "Candance? Who said I was in a relationship with Fluttershy?"
  449. >Candance gestures to Twilight.
  450. >Twilight shoots you an embarrassed smile.
  451. >"Well she does talk about you a lot Anon." Twilight explains.
  452. >"Yeah, just earlier today Twilight also spilled the beans on you two and your little bathroom business." Celestia chimes in yet again.
  453. >You stare at her wide eyed embarrassed yourself now about your actions yesterday.
  454. "S-She fell on top of me, it was an honest accident. She only wanted me to sample her catfish an-"
  455. >...
  456. "..."
  457. >Oh dear god what the HELL did you just say.
  458. >Celestia gives you a sly look.
  459. >Candace and Twilight both looked at you blushing a bit trying to hold in their giggles.
  460. >Luna was still too busy enjoying her funnel cake to take notice.
  461. >"Oh this just got a whole lot more interesting, please Anon, regale us with your story, this princess demands it!" Celestia teases you followed by laughter.
  462. >"Demand"?
  463. >Hmph...Now she was just pinching your nerves.
  464. "Like I said, we had a stumble and I ate the catfish she cooked for me as payment...Nothing special."
  465. >"That's not how I heard it from Fluttershy, Anon. She told me you two had the most romantic dinner, that is until Rarity showed up and put a damper on things." Twilight explains.
  466. "Alright, yes that did all happen. It was a nice dinner until Rarity came along. I honestly wish it could have lasted maybe a little bit longer..."
  467. >The princesses look at you mischievously.
  468. "What? What is it?"
  469. >"So when's the wedding?" Celestia replies.
  470. >You could feel your cheeks turning red as they all begin to snicker and giggle.
  471. >Not really surprising, you knew things would only escalate.
  472. >Let's face it, you could continue to sit there and deny any or current relationship status between you and Fluttershy...And Celestia would bust your chops with a metaphorical bat left and right.
  473. >"As amusing as this all is, you never did answer my question, Anon." Candance interrupts the teasing.
  474. >Oh thank god a subject change...
  475. "R-Right, yes, sorry for ignoring that um...Do you still love him?"
  476. >"Of course I do, but I won't lie he's testing things to the limit..."
  477. "Mm...That's fair, however I wouldn't be so lenient."
  478. >"Well then I ask again, what would you do?"
  479. >You look up at the ceiling and run your fingers through your hair collecting your thoughts.
  480. "*Sigh*... Do you really wanna know what I'd do?"
  481. >"Yes, definitely."
  482. "Well...if it were honestly me? I would have left him before he could even come close to cheating on me again."
  483. >"Mm! I know that's right!" Celestia agrees in a sassy tone.
  484. "But look at it this way, you're this immortal entity that will live for...Celestia how old are you if you don't mind asking?"
  485. >"Eh, me and Luna lost count after our 516th birthday..."
  486. "Right...But you see? You've got years to come, however he doesn't. I'm not saying you have to, but I think it would be a good idea to sit him down and really talk things out on where your relationship is going. For all we know this could be some cry for attention and he's hurting even though it may look like he's enjoying himself."
  487. >The princesses look at you a bit dumb founded with your words, except for Twilight who had a shimmer in her eyes.
  488. >"Fluttershy was right, you do have a way with words." Twilight comments.
  489. "Yeah, well, don't expect that all the time. Anyhow you girls are just about done drying."
  490. >"Will I thank you for the perspective view Anon, here, I think you deserve a tip!" Candance poofs up a diamond tiara and levitates to towards you.
  491. >You grasp it and look at it carefully.
  492. "Well this is a bit much."
  493. >"Oh think nothing of it! It's just a bit something I had lying around I don't wear anymore."
  494. "No, no, I mean I don't even know who to take this too to get it appraised. Are these real diamonds? Not to be rude but I already have a safe full of gems, I need bits hon, but the jewelry is nice I'll be sure to place it somewhere special."
  495. >You place the tiara on your head for now. Damn do you feel dapper.
  496. >"Oh come now, you'd think I'd be that much of a bitch to leave without pay?" Celestia speaks out.
  497. "Honestly? Kind of."
  498. >"So sassy~ better watch that tongue of yours Anon or I'll have to "royally" punish you." Celestia winks at you with a devilish grin.
  499. "If that's you trying to be flirty you're going to have to step it up, Fluttershy's already got prestige against you, your highness."
  500. >Luna, Twilight and Candance let out a dramatic "Oooo" in unison.
  501. >Celestia narrows her eyes at you.
  502. >"Hmph, well at least we got a confirmation on your relationship status." Celestia smirks.
  503. >You cross your arms knowing full well now that she had you in the full Nelson within this conversation.
  504. >If you denied they'd call you out on it.
  505. >You confirmed formally the word would spread like wild fire.
  506. >What a mess that would be...
  507. "Yeah, yeah, I'm still waiting on my actual payment now."
  508. >You had to be serious with Celestia otherwise you'd get the round and about with her all night.
  509. >"Alright, fine, be stubborn about it, but know this Anon, you're a real rare deal in these parts much like that cute tiara you're wearing now. You should also be happy that you managed to catch somepony like Fluttershy. Oh I can just see it now, a back yard wedding with all your friends."Celestia poofs her own bag of money out of thin air and levitates to you.
  510. >"1,000 bits paid in full between the four of us." Celestia begins to make her way out your door.
  511. >"Even if it may feel like teasing Anon, she is right, come estrus you might want to take caution." Twilight warns as she leaves as well.
  512. "Mm, I'll keep that in mind..."
  513. >Candance gives you a hug, Luna bows and they leave as well.
  514. >1,000 bits...hmm not bad for a hard days work, hell it was more than what you expected.
  515. >You take one bit and bite down on it to see if it was real.
  516. "Estrus...What on earth does that mean? I feel like I know that word but it escapes,oh well."
  517. >You crash on your couch and stretch out like a cat.
  518. >You to the clock which read 4:36pm.
  519. >The day was still young but you were far to worn out to do anything else.
  520. >But that's just how Sundays were for you.
  521. >You soon drift into a nap.
  522. >Some time passes.
  523. >A knock was heard at your door.
  524. >You rub your eyes and read the clock it was past 7pm now.
  525. >You didn't know who would be wanting to bother you at this hour.
  526. >You get up to go answer anyway.
  527. >Looking through the window you find...Candance?
  528. >Huh...for a moment you thought it would be Fluttershy...
  529. >You open the door.
  530. >Candance looks at you with sad eyes.
  531. "What's the matter?"
  532. >"Me and shining armor had a fight..." Candance shows herself inside.
  533. >You close the door behind you.
  534. >Candance plops on your couch and begins whimpering in the pillow.
  535. >This is all happening too sudden for you.
  536. >But you try to deal with it the best you could.
  537. >You sit beside her and put a hand to her hind leg and pet it.
  538. "There, there...I'm sure things will be okay."
  539. >"I don't know anymore Anon, I tried sitting him down and talking about it, then he just snaps saying that I love my kingdom more than him! I-I didn't know how to react so I called him a stupid bastard breeder an-and then he got really upset and said he was going to a gang bang!" Candance wept into the pillow on your couch.
  540. >A gang bang?
  541. >Who the hell gets so frustrated they go to a gang bang?
  542. >Well...At least it's not domestic abuse being tossed on your plate.
  543. >Looking at Candance you noticed she was still crying.
  544. >You get up and stretch, then you make your way into the kitchen.
  545. >A look into your fridge you pull out a bottle of wine you had been saving.
  546. >You check the date on it.
  547. >Three years away from perfection...
  548. "*Sigh*....Screw it."
  549. >You take the bottle and two glasses.
  550. >Returning to Candance you find her hugging the pillow, tears stilling streaming down her cheeks.
  551. >You sit back down.
  552. "Alright now, let's dry those tears."
  553. >You wipe her face with your sleeve.
  554. "You're a princess, you should at least try and keep your composure."
  555. >You unscrew the bottle of wine and pour her some.
  556. >"I'm sorry Anon, I know this must be a bit much for you...I just...I didn't want anyone to see me like this not Twilight and especially Celestia or Luna..." Candance takes a small sip of the wine.
  557. >You pour a bit yourself.
  558. "Why not? They're your friends right?"
  559. >"Well, yes..."
  560. "So they should be understanding or at least feel empathetic on what you're going through."
  561. >"Mm...I suppose your right. To be honest I came to you first because well...I thought you'd be the most understanding." Candance puts a hoof to your hand.
  562. >The little yellow flag has currently been raised in your head.
  563. >Better keep things smooth.
  564. "So I take it my advice didn't work then? I am sorry to hear that...I've never been good with the opposite sex anyhow..."
  565. >"What? But I thought you'd be rather fluent given how Fluttershy talks about you." Candance scoots close to you.
  566. "Yes, well, that was my old life when before I came to this world. Back then I...Mm...hard to say really, it's been so long I know I had a family...but it's all so fuzzy I can't be bothered to remember it all now."
  567. >Candance looks at you inquisitively while taking more sips of the wine you poured her.
  568. >"There so much more to you, isn't there Anon?"
  569. >You take a swig of your own glass.
  570. "Hon I'm just one human that got tossed a wild card in life. So far I've just been getting by chance and fate. Now I find myself a hairstylist in a world of ponies."
  571. >"Are you sad? Don't you ever feel alone?"
  572. >You shake your head.
  573. "Nope. Not when I've got Mama Fluttershy at my door every day..."
  574. >"And as for Fluttershy...Are you two REALLY serious about each other?" Candance finishes her wine in a single gulp.
  575. >Orange flag has been raised, this is getting a bit heated.
  576. "Well um...we haven't really established anything, but I'd say things are getting closer? B-but I don't know for sure on that, so it's like we hang out and do things now and then so..."
  577. >"Mm~ So do you think she would mind if anything happened between us?" Candance presses her nose against your neck. She then takes in a deep smell of your scent. "You smell nice~" She whispers.
  578. >We are now flying red flags in all sectors.
  579. >It was clear Candance had intentions on having sexy times with you, but you know she wasn't herself, this was just her cry for attention in the most demeaning way possible...
  580. "Candance I don't think that's a good idea, you seem a little drunk."
  581. >"I only had one glass silly and for your information the only thing I'm drunk on is my lust for your body~" Candance begins to wrap her hooves around you and nips playfully at your neck and shoulders.
  582. >You try to squirm away from her grasp.
  583. "Well that's all flattering but I seriously doubt this is the right time to be doing this sort of thing, you're still a married woman!"
  584. >Candance halts her advances and looks at you eye to eye.
  585. >She bites her lower lip and runs a hoof through your hair.
  586. >"I'm sorry Anon, you're right, this isn't the time for me being a naughty filly." Candance lets off from you.
  587. >"I should probably go. But I'm sure we can continue this during Estrus, right?" She winks.
  588. "Yeah...I guess, maybe?"
  589. >Candance gives a great smile and hugs you tight.
  590. "Okay, okay! So are you going to be okay?"
  591. >"Oh definitely! Thanks for the cheering up Anon, see you later!" Candance lets herself out of your home.
  592. >You rub your eyes from the stress this day has given you.
  593. >You then look at the bottle of wine.
  594. >Taking it to bed, you decide to drink yourself to sleep this night.
  596. End of Act 1.
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