
Short - Anon x Crazy Inky Pie

Sep 17th, 2015
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  1. >You were at Sugarcube Corner, patiently waiting for your celebratory chocolate cake to be finished.
  2. >The celebration being: "Fuck you, I eat what I want."
  3. >'Murrica! Fuck yeah!.webm
  4. >Back to the store, now.
  5. >Between standing, reclining, and leaning for 15 minutes since your order: you were bored as hell.
  6. >Gazing at your watch, you reflected "Mrs. Cake is sure taking her sweet time."
  7. >You craned your neck to try and spot Mrs. Cake diligently frosting your cake in the kitchen.
  8. >The doorway was empty aside from your partially-finished cake sitting on the counter.
  9. >Wut
  10. >Hesitantly, you spoke up "Mrs. Cake, you in there?"
  11. >No answer. No movement in the doorway. No sou-
  12. >*Metallic swish*
  13. >You strained further over the counter to get a better look into the kitchen.
  14. >Pinkie was sitting on a stool, near the cake.
  15. >*swish*
  16. >You catch a glimmer of metal arc through the air.
  17. >You try and catch pinkie pie's attention "'Ey, Ponk! Where's Mrs. Cake? I've been waiting for my cake for 15 minutes, now."
  18. >*Repressed giggling*
  19. >*Swish*
  20. >Your eyes squint.
  21. >Louder this time, you sound off "Pinkie Pie, can you hear me? I need my cake done today."
  22. >*Swish*
  23. >Ponk guffaws.
  24. >"Goddammit, Pinkie Pie" you huskily breath.
  25. >Time to take action.
  26. >Coming around the counter, you walked to the doorway.
  27. >Grabbing the joists with both hands, you peeked in and impatiently asked "Pinkie, where's Mrs. Cake? I don't have time-"
  28. >OhShitNigga
  29. >Blood was everywhere.
  30. >The counters, floor, sink - everything was covered in fresh blood and bits of flesh.
  31. >Mrs. Cake was nowhere to be found.
  32. >*Swish*
  33. >D-did she...
  34. >Ponk laughs hysterically at your gasp of horror.
  35. >*Swish*
  36. >You stare at the back of Ponks head.
  37. >"P-pinkie Pie" you manage to stutter "d-did you murd-"
  38. >"YESSS."
  39. >*Demonic laughter*
  40. >The pone swivels in her seat around to face you.
  41. >*Swish! Swish! Swish!* in quick succession.
  42. >The air rings from the swift file strokes.
  43. >The once ambivalent pony you knew now looked like a snarling dog. Her mane and tail lay limp.
  44. >Blood was splattered all over her pinkish-gray coat and muzzle.
  45. >Pinkie Pie held a large knife and sharpener in her hooves.
  46. >*Swish*
  47. >The groans of the long-dead escape her mouth.
  48. >She laughs maniacally as your draw back in disgust and fear.
  49. >*Swish*
  50. >Your retreat ended when you hit the door frame and crumple on the floor in shock.
  51. >You were in a daze.
  52. >*Swish*
  53. >Pinkie tosses the file aside, sending it bouncing off the wall and crashing on the floor with a *clang*.
  54. >You're sweating profusely. Blood was pounding in your ears, too.
  55. >[spoiler]I did not sign up for this shit, man.[/spoiler]
  56. >Knife in hoof, Pinkie hops down from the stool and slowly walks towards you.
  57. >Her eyes were full of malicious intent.
  58. >Your jimmies hit lightspeed.
  59. >Pinkie Pie advances to you, casually swinging the knife at her side.
  60. >Light shines on the surface to expose more blood.
  61. >Ponk's face was drawn back to reveal canines, and slits for her eyes to peek out.
  62. >Specks of flesh cover her jaws.
  63. >You peddle your legs against the floor in a vain effort to distance yourself from Ponk.
  64. >You were firmly jambed up against the door frame.
  65. >Your lips were running "N-no. No. N-n-no. No..."
  66. >Pinkie Pie stood over you, bringing the knife over her head.
  67. >You make no effort to survive, being in complete shock at the recent turn of events.
  68. >Brain: 404 Give a nigga a break.
  69. >From the Abyss Pinkie spoke "Time's up."
  70. >The knife plunges down.
  71. >You brought your hands up and turn your head aside in instinct.
  72. >Ponk laughs.
  73. >The blade buries itself into your right shoulder.
  74. >You scream out in pain.
  75. >Pinkie retracts the blade with a primeval growl, only to stab you again in the palm of your outstretched hand.
  76. >You jerk it back, yelling.
  77. >Ponk had a good grip on the handle.
  78. >The blade twists in the cut, gouging out more of your hand.
  79. >You yelp. Tears were flowing.
  80. >"Ahahahahahaha!"
  81. >The depth of the laughter was disturbingly implacable.
  82. >The strikes of the knife continued on your defenseless body.
  83. >Blood was flowing from cuts and gouges on your arms, neck, shoulders, and hands.
  84. >Ponk declared "No salvation" as she buried the knife into your sternum.
  85. >Dark mirth laced that comforting statement.
  86. >You lay outstretched, bleeding and gasping on the floor. The stabbing did not cease.
  87. >The onslaught continued on your torso and abdomen. you were getting cold - numb, even, to the pain.
  88. >You cough out a spray of red droplets.
  89. >Pinkie's insane cackling faded into the background.
  90. >You looked at the walls and ceiling.
  91. >The room looked weird from your vantage point.
  92. >Where the fuck did that thought come from? You're dying, nigga.
  93. >Black spots peppered your vision.
  94. >You shrug it off.
  95. >You cough again.
  96. >Fuck, man.
  97. >Fuck.
  98. >A shadow gathered around your peripherals, overtaking your eyesight.
  99. >The only thought you had right now was of your cake.
  100. >I only wanted my cake, damn it.
  101. >Muh cake. Famous last words.
  102. >Blackness followed.
  104. >Locale: Canterlot Castle, throne room.
  105. >Sunbutt was quietly enjoying her 5-minute tea break.
  106. >She magicked the cup to her lips and-
  107. >*faintly* Muh cake.
  108. >She pauses.
  109. >Looking at her server, her eyes narrow.
  110. >She spoke coldly "So, you decide to poke fun at me when I'm on a diet?"
  111. >Taken by surprise, the server tripped over her words "Uh-uh, no, your highness."
  112. >She smiles sweetly.
  113. >Sunbutt glares at her for a beat longer, boring into the other's eyes.
  114. >The server squirmed.
  115. >Sighing, Sunbutt let up and took a sip of her tea.
  116. >"Damn plebs" she thought spitefully.
  117. >BombAssTea.png
  119. END
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