
Review for Newvetron1

Mar 27th, 2015
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  1. Hiya! I'm Cada, and I'm gonna be reviewing your plot!
  3. Organics:
  4. It's good that you added some trees, however, I would suggest making them a tad bit bigger. Right now they're barely there and kind of stick like. If you're up to it, since you're going for the Apocalypse theme, perhaps a tree having been split in half and fallen over?
  6. Structure:
  7. I like the way you showed damage to the house, but, like with the trees, it's very small, not really there almost. You could always try making a bigger house. Or if you want to build a castle, there could always be an apocalyptic castle :)
  9. Terrain:
  10. Like Bread said, your terrain right now is very flat. Try adding mountains or hills to add variation in terrain. Perhaps some lava waterfalls and such. Also, I'm thinking that the podzol as well as the mycelium don't really go with the build. You could instead have red or brown clay to add variation in blocks. Also, the meteor is a nice touch, but perhaps you could add bits of rock trailing off of it? To suggest that the meteor is falling, so to speak.
  12. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! :)
  13. ~Cada
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