

Sep 25th, 2015
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  1. Beatus Mauve traces out a symbol in the air with her holy symbol.
  2. Beatus Mauve steps forward and seems to vanish, leaving behind a lingering sound of champagne corks
  3. popping.
  4. Vines, herbs and dried body parts cover the dusty shelves in this dark shop. Thick draperies and
  5. heavy smoke add to a lack of visibility and cleanliness in the room, also making it more difficult
  6. to judge the exact quality of the wares.
  7. There is one obvious exit: west.
  8. Beatus Mauve, Zeek and Mussafet Al'Lase are standing here.
  9. +@
  10. Beatus Mauve and you visit Zeek unexpectedly!
  11. eye zeek
  12. Beatus Mauve surprises Zeek.
  13. You squint critically at Zeek.
  15. You put the evil eye on Zeek.
  16. (One) Ptanochyra wisps: WYSIWYG is king in the land of the pointy-haired bosses
  17. list
  18. The following items are for sale:
  19. A: a jar of screaming mandrake roots for 8Rh 40s (four left).
  20. B: some powdered frog for 5s (thirty-four left).
  21. C: one block of sulphur for 1Rh 10s (two left).
  22. D: one handful of arsenic for 37s (two left).
  23. E: some cinnabar powder for 37s (four left).
  24. F: a carrot for 80s (four left).
  25. G: an eye of suet for 65s (five left).
  26. H: a pinch of dog hair for 55s (five left).
  27. I: a handful of powdered mushroom for 100s (two left).
  28. J: a stalk of rhubarb for 80s (five left).
  29. K: a frog tail for 1Rh 92s (five left).
  30. L: a tigerwood staff for 5Rh 22s (four left).
  32. [Balrog enters Discworld -- iblis and manat dislike him]
  33. (One) perseus wisps: A couple of years ago there was a discussion where we tried to choose either
  34. Macro-enabled Word templates or LaTeX templates to write documentation
  35. (One) Krigaren wisps: I know how it is, I just disagree with it and have a real hard time
  36. understanding why people stick to fumbling about in ugly Word document formats.
  37. (One) Hakanin wisps: talker history
  38. You lose interest in Brother Kruuk.
  39. finger zeek
  40. Login name: Zeek Real name: ???
  41. Member of the Ancient and Truly Original Brothers of the Silver Star
  42. First logged on Mon Jan 5 05:24:09 2015.
  43. 69 days, 11 hours, 45 minutes and 18 seconds old.
  44. On since Fri Sep 25 04:37:08 2015 (9 hours, 51 minutes and 30 seconds).
  45. Idle for 7 seconds.
  46. No mail.
  47. No project.
  48. No plan.
  50. The draperies billow slightly, in an unfelt gust of wind.
  51. (One) Hakanin wisps: Oops
  52. (Witches) Rhowan wisps: Wotcher!
  53. (One) perseus wisps: Eventually macro-enabled Word templates won :-p
  54. Beatus Mauve smiles at you.
  55. wit wotcher, our Rhowan!
  56. You whisper into the silver and aquamarine nipple chain.
  57. (Witches) Janeka wisps: wotcher, our Rhowan!
  58. eye mauve
  59. You squint critically at Beatus Mauve.
  61. You put the evil eye on Beatus Mauve.
  62. (One) Ptanochyra wisps: One must understand the mindset of the pointy-haired boss
  63. You lose interest in Multilingual Taliesin.
  64. Zeek greets you.
  65. alias m.loc mock $arg:group$ lockpicking by saying I'll give you a good lockpicking upside the head,
  66. I will. You know, you're more of a danger to yourself than anything else, with that kind of
  67. lockpicking. Now, that reminds of the time when I saw Old Wicked Kikimora in Mad Stoat and she was
  68. lockpicking away, why, you should have seen it. Well, back in my day, we didn't have these
  69. newfangled maces, you know, we had to beat in heads with our bare fists. And they weren't as nice
  70. as the fists you get these days, either, they were made of mere flesh and bone. Our Nasty Nefret
  71. and your own dear grandmother would be ashamed of you. Hah!
  72. Added alias "m.loc".
  74. (One) Ptanochyra wisps: it's not about ease of use or prettiness. those are other people's problems
  75. and unimportant, respectively
  76. (One) perseus wisps: This was in a technical group, where everyone writes code all the time ...
  77. Beatus Mauve skips around happily.
  78. (Witches) Sorae wisps: Wotchers our Rhowan!
  79. m.loc zeek
  80. [Janeka: You call that lockpicking? I'll give you a good lockpicking upside the head, I will. You
  81. know, you're more of a danger to yourself than anything else, with that kind of lockpicking. Uhm.
  82. Now, that reminds of the time when I saw Old Wicked Kikimora in Mad Stoat and she was lockpicking
  83. away, why, you should have seen --whoops! Err. Well, back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled
  84. maces, you know, we had to beat in heads with our bare fists. Err. And they weren't as nice as the
  85. fists you get these days, either, they were made of mere flesh and bone. Our Nasty Nefret and your
  86. own dear grandmother would be ashamed of --ack! Uhm. Hah!]
  87. You loudly exclaim in Morporkian: You call that lockpicking, Zeek? I'll give you a good lockpicking
  88. upside the head, I will. You know, you're more of a danger to yourself than anything else, with that
  89. kind of lockpicking. Uhm. Now, that reminds of the time when I saw Old Wicked Kikimora in Mad Stoat
  90. and she was lockpicking away, why, you should have seen --whoops! Err. Well, back in my day, we
  91. didn't have these newfangled maces, you know, we had to beat in heads with our bare fists. Err. And
  92. they weren't as nice as the fists you get these days, either, they were made of mere flesh and bone.
  93. Our Nasty Nefret and your own dear grandmother would be ashamed of --ack! Uhm. Hah!
  95. Zeek is unaffected by your mockery.
  96. One of the vines slithers away from the light.
  97. l vines
  98. [Slaught leaves Discworld -- warrior alt of bronx]
  99. The vines, on closer inspection, appear to be an odd tangle of thin, light green vines and thin,
  100. light green snakes.
  101. mo
  102. You are already speaking Morporkian.
  104. (One) Ptanochyra wisps: It's about being able to say 'put that thing over there' and have it go over
  105. there. It scratches an itch or something
  106. say do something so I can mock you :D
  107. You say in Morporkian: do something so I can mock you :D
  110. (One) Maelin wisps: I... wait... are you guys just *pretending* or are you seriously unable to
  111. understand why MS Office has market domination over LaTeX??
  112. llmo
  113. You are already speaking Morporkian.
  114. Saving...
  115. You find yourself more able to concentrate on this task than you thought.
  116. You read the sheet of cheap writing paper:
  117. Written in gold flecked blue ink in Morporkian:
  118. is some text you read as:
  119. "No," she says.
  121. "No?"
  123. "To LIBEO in the sky and give your love to no one - to cover yourself in the blood of a bear and
  124. greet children with winter -€” to fire a shotgun at a glass elevator wall and do no harm -€”
  125. this is not dentistry. This is death."
  127. You read the sheet of cheap writing paper:
  128. Written in gold flecked blue ink in Morporkian:
  129. is some text you read as:
  130. And he crawls out into his space station and he stares after her as HIC descends, stripped by her
  131. clarity from his role as Dentist 10.
  133. She is right, he knows.
  135. He isn't a dentist at OMNIA.
  137. HIC is Space Hermit 1, one out of one, and he does not approve.
  139. You read the sheet of cheap writing paper:
  140. Written in gold flecked blue ink in Morporkian:
  141. is some text you read as:
  142. "What kind of dentist lives in space and seals his heart in ice?" she asks.
  144. "The tenth," he says.
  146. So Jane turns away. She follows his gaze into space.
  148. You read the sheet of cheap writing paper:
  149. Written in gold flecked blue ink in Morporkian:
  150. is some text you read as:
  151. "People were always troubling me for their approval," says Dentist DECEM. "Because I am DENTISEIVS
  152. 10. So I moved to the arctic and built beanstalk into space. Ever since then there have never been
  153. more than 9 out of 10 dentists approving of anything."
  155. You read the sheet of cheap writing paper:
  156. Written in gold flecked blue ink in Morporkian:
  157. is some text you read as:
  158. "So I promised myself," says Dentist 10, "in her name, that I would never approve AT anything SEMPER
  159. again. Not Trident. Not Crest. Not even peace. ET I won't approve of Baldur, even if ILLE ends the
  160. world. ILLE is my resolution."
  162. one
  163. Queued command: one
  165. You whisper to the silver and aquamarine nipple chain, asking for the last few chats on channel one.
  166. The eyes mutter about your bad memory.
  167. *14:23:22* perseus wisped: I think, most of the time, maybe 90% I just use Office-like apps and a
  168. web browser
  169. *14:23:38* perseus wisped: Anything more powerful than that could be handled by a workstation
  170. *14:23:53* perseus wisped: So an app-farm
  171. *14:25:38* Krigaren wisped: I don't get the appeal of Office-like programs. It's easier to have some
  172. LaTeX templates, pour in some content and render it to a nice PDF or PS.
  173. *14:26:21* perseus wisped: In academia yeah, in the corporate world it's all MS Office
  174. *14:26:33* Krigaren wisped: I know. I hate it.
  175. *14:26:48* perseus wisped: Even if you tried to switch to LaTeX, you run into problems when you have
  176. to share your work with your coworkers
  177. *14:27:40* Krigaren wisped: They ought to learn to read. LaTeX code is trivial to understand and if
  178. you make a template, you comment it.
  179. *14:28:06* Harrigen wisped: I do enjoy the style latex outputs
  180. *14:28:20* Ptanochyra wisped: WYSIWYG is king in the land of the pointy-haired bosses
  181. *14:28:30* perseus wisped: A couple of years ago there was a discussion where we tried to choose
  182. either Macro-enabled Word templates or LaTeX templates to write documentation
  183. *14:28:31* Krigaren wisped: I know how it is, I just disagree with it and have a real hard time
  184. understanding why people stick to fumbling about in ugly Word document formats.
  185. *14:28:34* Hakanin wisped: talker history
  186. *14:28:42* Hakanin wisped: Oops
  187. *14:28:43* perseus wisped: Eventually macro-enabled Word templates won :-p
  188. *14:29:06* Ptanochyra wisped: One must understand the mindset of the pointy-haired boss
  189. *14:29:37* Ptanochyra wisped: it's not about ease of use or prettiness. those are other people's
  190. problems and unimportant, respectively
  191. *14:29:38* perseus wisped: This was in a technical group, where everyone writes code all the time ...
  192. *14:30:20* Ptanochyra wisped: It's about being able to say 'put that thing over there' and have it
  193. go over there. It scratches an itch or something
  194. *14:30:26* Maelin wisped: I... wait... are you guys just *pretending* or are you seriously unable to
  195. understand why MS Office has market domination over LaTeX??
  196. Beatus Mauve ponders.
  197. (One) Harrigen wisps: I know why
  198. (One) Harrigen wisps: cause anything that looks like code scares the thick users
  199. Beatus Mauve says in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: I did.
  200. i
  201. You are unburdened (31%) by:
  202. Holding : a slender blade (left hand) and a slender blade (right hand).
  203. Wearing : a club badge, a pink leather choker, a keyring necklace, a fruitbat flavoured badge, a
  204. pair of white kid boots, a witch's pointy hat, a taliswoman, an artificer's tool belt, a staff
  205. harness, a knapsack and a padded monk's robe.
  206. (under) : a pair of black silk bikini underwear, a silver and aquamarine nipple chain, a white linen
  207. tunic and a lavender blue silk belt pack.
  208. Carrying: a closed small yellow dictionary, a small stick and two large turquoise bottles.
  209. Your purse contains only moths.
  211. (One) Harrigen wisps: and the mark up in latex looks like it
  212. say Zeek, I mean
  213. You say in Morporkian: Zeek, I mean
  215. (One) Harrigen wisps: and thats only for nerds not cool people like me!
  216. l mauve
  217. You see Beatus Mauve the Host of Hat.
  218. She looks a little distant, as if listening to some voices you can't hear.
  219. Her hair is messy, her eyes lined with heavy dark circles and her wrists badly scarred.
  220. She is in good shape.
  221. She is standing.
  222. She looks rather ridiculous wearing a pair of large underpants on her head.
  223. Holding : a set of prayer beads (left hand).
  224. Wearing : a pair of flat leather shoes, a worn linen robe, a leather carryall, a small canteen, a
  225. pair of underpants and a brass feather.
  226. Her purse is fit to burst!
  228. A pungent aroma escapes from the herbs.
  229. (One) Harrigen wisps: so fisher price UIs it is
  230. i
  231. You are unburdened (31%) by:
  232. Holding : a slender blade (left hand) and a slender blade (right hand).
  233. Wearing : a club badge, a pink leather choker, a keyring necklace, a fruitbat flavoured badge, a
  234. pair of white kid boots, a witch's pointy hat, a taliswoman, an artificer's tool belt, a staff
  235. harness, a knapsack and a padded monk's robe.
  236. (under) : a pair of black silk bikini underwear, a silver and aquamarine nipple chain, a white linen
  237. tunic and a lavender blue silk belt pack.
  238. Carrying: a closed small yellow dictionary, a small stick and two large turquoise bottles.
  239. Your purse contains only moths.
  241. You lose interest in Zeek.
  242. (One) Krigaren wisps: I get why Office-like rules, it's because a kid can use it and that appeals to
  243. people in charge.
  244. (One) Silan wisps: The separation between making a change and seeing the result makes things harder
  245. to learn and use. Programmers are just used to it.
  246. (One) Maelin wisps: It's got nothing to do with the people in charge.
  247. (One) Ptanochyra wisps: I had a boss who wanted action plans for everything in writing. Which is a
  248. good plan in management school
  249. poke zeek
  250. You poke Zeek.
  251. shrug
  252. You shrug.
  253. i
  254. You are unburdened (31%) by:
  255. Holding : a slender blade (left hand) and a slender blade (right hand).
  256. Wearing : a club badge, a pink leather choker, a keyring necklace, a fruitbat flavoured badge, a
  257. pair of white kid boots, a witch's pointy hat, a taliswoman, an artificer's tool belt, a staff
  258. harness, a knapsack and a padded monk's robe.
  259. (under) : a pair of black silk bikini underwear, a silver and aquamarine nipple chain, a white linen
  260. tunic and a lavender blue silk belt pack.
  261. Carrying: a closed small yellow dictionary, a small stick and two large turquoise bottles.
  262. Your purse contains only moths.
  264. You lose interest in Beatus Mauve.
  265. (One) Epic wisps: also it's really not fair to call users thick just because they don't want to go
  266. through the effort of learning a new skill to get things done.
  267. (One) perseus wisps: I've seen technical folks choose to stick with Word, so it's not just a code
  268. thing
  269. Zeek says in Djelian with a Bes Pelargic accent: khot-phin-khin, fin phin lith-sot-khin-pran
  270. Djelkhin.
  271. eye zeek
  272. You squint critically at Zeek.
  274. You put the evil eye on Zeek.
  275. (One) Maelin wisps: Man, how do you get through life with such an abysmal lack of even the most
  276. basic understanding of your fellow human beings?
  277. (One) Harrigen wisps: well maybe, however it is fair to call them thick because they refuse to learn
  278. even the smallest thing about a tool they use every day
  279. One of the vines slithers away from the light.
  280. llmo
  281. You are already speaking Morporkian.
  282. You read the sheet of cheap writing paper:
  283. Written in gold flecked blue ink in Morporkian:
  284. is some text you read as:
  285. "No," she says.
  287. "No?"
  289. "To LIBEO in the sky and give your love to no one - to cover yourself in the blood of a bear and
  290. greet children with winter -€” to fire a shotgun at a glass elevator wall and do no harm -€”
  291. this is not dentistry. This is death."
  293. You read the sheet of cheap writing paper:
  294. Written in gold flecked blue ink in Morporkian:
  295. is some text you read as:
  296. And he crawls out into his space station and he stares after her as HIC descends, stripped by her
  297. clarity from his role as Dentist 10.
  299. She is right, he knows.
  301. He isn't a dentist at OMNIA.
  303. HIC is Space Hermit 1, one out of one, and he does not approve.
  305. You read the sheet of cheap writing paper:
  306. Written in gold flecked blue ink in Morporkian:
  307. is some text you read as:
  308. "What kind of dentist lives in space and seals his heart in ice?" she asks.
  310. "The tenth," he says.
  312. So Jane turns away. She follows his gaze into space.
  314. You read the sheet of cheap writing paper:
  315. Written in gold flecked blue ink in Morporkian:
  316. is some text you read as:
  317. "People were always troubling me for their approval," says Dentist DECEM. "Because I am DENTISEIVS
  318. 10. So I moved to the arctic and built beanstalk into space. Ever since then there have never been
  319. more than 9 out of 10 dentists approving of anything."
  321. You read the sheet of cheap writing paper:
  322. Written in gold flecked blue ink in Morporkian:
  323. is some text you read as:
  324. "So I promised myself," says Dentist 10, "in her name, that I would never approve AT anything SEMPER
  325. again. Not Trident. Not Crest. Not even peace. ET I won't approve of Baldur, even if ILLE ends the
  326. world. ILLE is my resolution."
  329. (One) Ptanochyra wisps: Writing an action plan/flowchart thing for 'why is the comptuer broken' was
  330. a challenge. It was illuminating the first time, but it was every time a computer broke.
  331. (One) Silan wisps: Word's also better for collaboration, what with commenting and change tracking.
  332. (One) Epic wisps: and if Word does the trick for you and wins the compromise over: I want text in a
  333. document vs. I want to be able to specify everything to my liking then why not.
  334. llmo
  335. Zeek says in Morporkian with a Bes Pelargic accent: that again.
  336. You are already speaking Morporkian.
  337. You read the sheet of cheap writing paper:
  338. Written in gold flecked blue ink in Morporkian:
  339. is some text you read as:
  340. "No," she says.
  342. "No?"
  344. "To LIBEO in the sky and give your love to no one - to cover yourself in the blood of a bear and
  345. greet children with winter -€” to fire a shotgun at a glass elevator wall and do no harm -€”
  346. this is not dentistry. This is death."
  348. You read the sheet of cheap writing paper:
  349. Written in gold flecked blue ink in Morporkian:
  350. is some text you read as:
  351. And he crawls out into his space station and he stares after her as HIC descends, stripped by her
  352. clarity from his role as Dentist 10.
  354. She is right, he knows.
  356. He isn't a dentist at OMNIA.
  358. HIC is Space Hermit 1, one out of one, and he does not approve.
  360. You read the sheet of cheap writing paper:
  361. Written in gold flecked blue ink in Morporkian:
  362. is some text you read as:
  363. "What kind of dentist lives in space and seals his heart in ice?" she asks.
  365. "The tenth," he says.
  367. So Jane turns away. She follows his gaze into space.
  369. You read the sheet of cheap writing paper:
  370. Written in gold flecked blue ink in Morporkian:
  371. is some text you read as:
  372. "People were always troubling me for their approval," says Dentist DECEM. "Because I am DENTISEIVS
  373. 10. So I moved to the arctic and built beanstalk into space. Ever since then there have never been
  374. more than 9 out of 10 dentists approving of anything."
  376. You read the sheet of cheap writing paper:
  377. Written in gold flecked blue ink in Morporkian:
  378. is some text you read as:
  379. "So I promised myself," says Dentist 10, "in her name, that I would never approve AT anything SEMPER
  380. again. Not Trident. Not Crest. Not even peace. ET I won't approve of Baldur, even if ILLE ends the
  381. world. ILLE is my resolution."
  383. one
  384. You whisper to the silver and aquamarine nipple chain, asking for the last few chats on channel one.
  385. The eyes mutter about your bad memory.
  386. *14:29:37* Ptanochyra wisped: it's not about ease of use or prettiness. those are other people's
  387. problems and unimportant, respectively
  388. *14:29:38* perseus wisped: This was in a technical group, where everyone writes code all the time ...
  389. *14:30:20* Ptanochyra wisped: It's about being able to say 'put that thing over there' and have it
  390. go over there. It scratches an itch or something
  391. *14:30:26* Maelin wisped: I... wait... are you guys just *pretending* or are you seriously unable to
  392. understand why MS Office has market domination over LaTeX??
  393. *14:30:53* Harrigen wisped: I know why
  394. *14:31:00* Harrigen wisped: cause anything that looks like code scares the thick users
  395. *14:31:19* Harrigen wisped: and the mark up in latex looks like it
  396. *14:31:24* Harrigen wisped: and thats only for nerds not cool people like me!
  397. *14:31:36* Harrigen wisped: so fisher price UIs it is
  398. *14:31:41* Krigaren wisped: I get why Office-like rules, it's because a kid can use it and that
  399. appeals to people in charge.
  400. *14:31:42* Silan wisped: The separation between making a change and seeing the result makes things
  401. harder to learn and use. Programmers are just used to it.
  402. *14:31:51* Maelin wisped: It's got nothing to do with the people in charge.
  403. *14:32:02* Ptanochyra wisped: I had a boss who wanted action plans for everything in writing. Which
  404. is a good plan in management school
  405. *14:32:23* Epic wisped: also it's really not fair to call users thick just because they don't want
  406. to go through the effort of learning a new skill to get things done.
  407. *14:32:32* perseus wisped: I've seen technical folks choose to stick with Word, so it's not just a
  408. code thing
  409. *14:32:47* Maelin wisped: Man, how do you get through life with such an abysmal lack of even the
  410. most basic understanding of your fellow human beings?
  411. *14:32:51* Harrigen wisped: well maybe, however it is fair to call them thick because they refuse to
  412. learn even the smallest thing about a tool they use every day
  413. *14:33:02* Ptanochyra wisped: Writing an action plan/flowchart thing for 'why is the comptuer
  414. broken' was a challenge. It was illuminating the first time, but it was every time a computer broke.
  415. *14:33:04* Silan wisped: Word's also better for collaboration, what with commenting and change
  416. tracking.
  417. *14:33:05* Epic wisped: and if Word does the trick for you and wins the compromise over: I want text
  418. in a document vs. I want to be able to specify everything to my liking then why not.
  419. l
  420. Zeek says in Morporkian with a Bes Pelargic accent: say that again.
  421. Vines, herbs and dried body parts cover the dusty shelves in this dark shop. Thick draperies and
  422. heavy smoke add to a lack of visibility and cleanliness in the room, also making it more difficult
  423. to judge the exact quality of the wares.
  424. There is one obvious exit: west.
  425. Beatus Mauve, Zeek and Mussafet Al'Lase are standing here.
  426. +@
  427. say say what?
  428. You ask in Morporkian: say what?
  430. (One) perseus wisps: Yeah, the change tracking is nice
  431. (One) Maelin wisps: Do you seriously find it satisfactory to just dismiss the entire world as
  432. "stupid" and put yourself on your little tiny elitist pillar as "I guess everyone else is just
  433. idiots"?
  434. (One) Harrigen wisps: no I hate people who refuse to learn
  435. one what maelin said
  436. You whisper into the silver and aquamarine nipple chain.
  437. (One) Janeka wisps: what maelin said
  439. (One) Ptanochyra wisps: it's not between 'a tool that's hard' and 'a tool that's easy'
  440. Zeek says in Morporkian with a Bes Pelargic accent: the diatribjium you said before.
  441. (One) Ptanochyra wisps: nobody writes code in assembler anymore even though it's technically faster
  442. say ooh
  443. You say in Morporkian: ooh
  445. (One) Epic wisps: sharelatex has a nice way of showing changes. However, it still lacks any kind of
  446. 'accept', 'reject' provisional reviewing mechanism
  447. say cast a spell, then I'll mock it
  448. You say in Morporkian: cast a spell, then I'll mock it
  450. A wisp of greasy smoke assaults your nose.
  451. eye zeek
  452. You squint critically at Zeek.
  454. You eye Zeek over.
  455. [Scouter leaves Discworld -- crafts and faith teacher]
  456. Zeek stares hard into space.
  457. Zeek makes some hour glass motions with his hands.
  458. Zeek waves his arms around wildly.
  459. (One) Ptanochyra wisps: it's about ignoring a technically superior solution because learning a more
  460. difficult skill is too much work. it's not like Word is easy to use. it's just a skill people have
  461. already
  462. Zeek quickly reaches out and pulls back a bunch of flowers.
  463. (One) Krigaren wisps: It could be added with a version control system.
  464. m.cas zeek
  465. [Janeka: You call that casting? Are your feelings hurt? Well, I tried that in front of Old Mother
  466. Quotid once and she said to me, "You call that casting? You know, you are just abysmal! Err. There's
  467. no other way to put it, except possibly terrible." Oh, that looks more like falling over after
  468. tripping on a cat than casting. Err. I'll give you a good casting upside the head, I will. Uhm. Now,
  469. people these days. Err. You know, it used to be that we didn't have these newfangled maces, you know,
  470. we had to throw honey at our enemies and hope bees would sting them. Our Annie Spindlewit, Gennie
  471. Applebottom, and Nasty Nefred are watching from far away, mockingly. Hah! I think. Possibly, anyway.
  472. ]
  473. You loudly say in Morporkian: You call that casting, Zeek? Are your feelings hurt? Well, I tried
  474. that in front of Old Mother Quotid once and she said to me, "You call that casting? You know, you
  475. are just abysmal! Err. There's no other way to put it, except possibly terrible." Oh, that looks
  476. more like falling over after tripping on a cat than casting. Err. I'll give you a good casting
  477. upside the head, I will. Uhm. Now, people these days. Err. You know, it used to be that we didn't
  478. have these newfangled maces, you know, we had to throw honey at our enemies and hope bees would
  479. sting them. Our Annie Spindlewit, Gennie Applebottom, and Nasty Nefred are watching from far away,
  480. mockingly. Hah! I think. Possibly, anyway.
  482. Zeek is unaffected by your mockery.
  483. (One) perseus wisps: Then again, I work with a technical writer who is 60 years old and doesn't
  484. understand how change tracking works ;-p
  485. Zeek gives a bunch of bleeding hearts to you.
  486. m.cha
  487. Try something else.
  489. (One) perseus wisps: He marks up stuff in coloured fonts
  490. l hearts
  491. Graceful thin stalks bearing heart shaped white flowers with red petals dripping downward say either
  492. "I love you", or "Thanks for fulfulling the contract on my heart."
  493. It looks quite fresh.
  494. The bouquet shimmers in octarine.
  495. flower me
  496. You braid the bunch of bleeding hearts into your hair.
  498. (One) Ptanochyra wisps: and if you've decided you've learned all the skills you need and never need
  499. to learn something new, you are the enemy
  500. l me
  501. Looking at yourself again? What a narcissist!
  502. You see Wee Janeka Summers the Witch.
  503. She is a strapping young human lass.
  504. She is in good shape.
  505. She is standing.
  506. You can't help but notice ten warts upon her face.
  507. She has a frying pan floating around her.
  508. A small swarm of brightly coloured damselflies is slowly circling around her.
  509. She has a bunch of bleeding hearts neatly braided into her hair.
  510. Holding : a slender blade (left hand) and a slender blade (right hand).
  511. Wearing : a pair of white kid boots, a padded monk's robe, a staff harness, a knapsack, a pink
  512. leather choker, a witch's pointy hat, a fruitbat flavoured badge, a taliswoman, a keyring necklace,
  513. an artificer's tool belt and a club badge.
  514. Carrying: a closed small yellow dictionary, a small stick and two large turquoise bottles.
  515. thank zeek
  516. You thank Zeek.
  518. A pungent aroma escapes from the herbs.
  519. (One) Krigaren wisps: I'm not elitist, and yes, I get why the WYSIWYG-paradigm is on top in most
  520. environments, I just disagree with it.
  521. Beatus Mauve grins.
  522. Beatus Mauve looks at you.
  523. (One) perseus wisps: Word is actually pretty tricky to use, and buggy ...
  524. Beatus Mauve nodnods brightly.
  525. Zeek says in Morporkian with a Bes Pelargic accent: no TM from that. :(
  526. (One) Maelin wisps: Word has an intuitive interface, very low barrier to entry, immediate visual
  527. feedback loop, and a smooth difficulty gradient. LaTeX has none of those.
  528. (One) Krigaren wisps: It's easy if you use it as a replacement for notepad.exe.
  529. m.loc zeek
  530. [Janeka: You call that lockpicking? I'll give you a good lockpicking upside the head, I will. Err.
  531. You know, you're more of a danger to yourself than anything else, with that kind of lockpicking. Uhm.
  532. Now, that reminds of the time when I saw Old Wicked Kikimora in Mad Stoat and she was lockpicking
  533. away, why, you should have seen it. Well, back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled maces, you
  534. know, we had to beat in heads with our bare fists. And they weren't as nice as the fists you get
  535. these days, either, they were made of mere flesh and bone. Uhm. Our Nasty Nefret and your own dear
  536. grandmother would be ashamed of you. Err. Hah!]
  537. You loudly exclaim in Morporkian: You call that lockpicking, Zeek? I'll give you a good lockpicking
  538. upside the head, I will. Err. You know, you're more of a danger to yourself than anything else, with
  539. that kind of lockpicking. Uhm. Now, that reminds of the time when I saw Old Wicked Kikimora in Mad
  540. Stoat and she was lockpicking away, why, you should have seen it. Well, back in my day, we didn't
  541. have these newfangled maces, you know, we had to beat in heads with our bare fists. And they weren't
  542. as nice as the fists you get these days, either, they were made of mere flesh and bone. Uhm. Our
  543. Nasty Nefret and your own dear grandmother would be ashamed of you. Err. Hah!
  545. Zeek is unaffected by your mockery.
  546. You lose interest in Zeek.
  547. (One) perseus wisps: I don't think you've used Word enough if you really believe all that.
  548. You could swear that one of the hands on the shelves just waved at you.
  549. (One) Silan wisps: I'd say that Word has a commonly taught interface similar to previous commonly
  550. taught interface. Not sure about intuitive.
  551. (One) Epic wisps: Actually, Pages is really good at that as well, Maelin.
  552. (One) Ptanochyra wisps: Nine times out of ten what's being done in Word could be done in notepad. It
  553. would save disk space, office licences, and infinity headaches.
  554. alias m.evo mock $arg:group$ evoking by saying You're more of a danger to yourself than anything
  555. else, with that kind of evoking. Well, are your feelings hurt? Well, they'd better be! You know,
  556. what kind of evoking do you call that? That looks more like fueling than evoking. People these days.
  557. You know, it used to be that we didn't have these newfangled maces, you know, we had to beat in
  558. heads with our bare fists. And they weren't as nice as the fists you get these days, either, we
  559. couldn't afford new fists for everyone so we had to time-share them with the neighbours. Old Biddy
  560. Jaceth, Ethel Applebaum, and Our Agnes Nitt are watching from far away, mockingly. Now go away and
  561. try harder, or I'll mock you again.
  562. Added alias "m.evo".
  564. [Kaerin leaves Discworld -- will blorp rings, helped w spells after 2nd death]
  565. (One) Hakanin wisps: I find formating to satisfaction in MS Word is a nightmare.
  566. (One) Maelin wisps: I use Word every day, and I show other people, at varying levels of ability, how
  567. to use it as well.
  568. Zeek says in Morporkian with a Bes Pelargic accent: although my Morporkian is at 90/90, I guess i
  569. won't TM very easily.
  570. alias m.wat mock $arg:group$ evoking Now, are your feelings hurt? Well, they'd better be! I've seen
  571. better watching from Old Nanny Ogg, and she was underwater, you awful person! My goodness, what
  572. kind of watching do you call that? That looks more like breakdancing than watching. Back in my day,
  573. we didn't have these newfangled broomsticks, you know, we had to will ourselves into the sky by
  574. sheer adventuring.acrobatics.vaulting. Biddy Jaceth and Our Wee Janeka are watching from far away,
  575. mockingly. Now go away and try harder, or I'll mock you again.
  576. Added alias "m.wat".
  578. (One) perseus wisps: What do you use it for? Grocery lists?
  579. alias m.wat mock $arg:group$ watching Now, are your feelings hurt? Well, they'd better be! I've
  580. seen better watching from Old Nanny Ogg, and she was underwater, you awful person! My goodness,
  581. what kind of watching do you call that? That looks more like breakdancing than watching. Back in my
  582. day, we didn't have these newfangled broomsticks, you know, we had to will ourselves into the sky
  583. by sheer adventuring.acrobatics.vaulting. Biddy Jaceth and Our Wee Janeka are watching from far
  584. away, mockingly. Now go away and try harder, or I'll mock you again.
  585. Changed alias "m.wat" from "mock $arg:group$ evoking Now, are your feelings hurt? Well, they'd
  586. better be! I've seen better watching from Old Nanny Ogg, and she was underwater, you awful person!
  587. My goodness, what kind of watching do you call that? That looks more like breakdancing than watching.
  588. Back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled broomsticks, you know, we had to will ourselves
  589. into the sky by sheer adventuring.acrobatics.vaulting. Biddy Jaceth and Our Wee Janeka are watching
  590. from far away, mockingly. Now go away and try harder, or I'll mock you again.".
  591. hide
  592. You feel more able to remain visible, try again.
  593. hide
  594. You feel more able to remain visible, try again.
  595. hide
  596. You feel more able to remain visible, try again.
  597. hide
  599. You feel more able to remain visible, try again.
  600. i
  601. A wisp of greasy smoke assaults your nose.
  602. You are unburdened (31%) by:
  603. Holding : a slender blade (left hand) and a slender blade (right hand).
  604. Wearing : a club badge, a pink leather choker, a keyring necklace, a fruitbat flavoured badge, a
  605. pair of white kid boots, a witch's pointy hat, a taliswoman, an artificer's tool belt, a staff
  606. harness, a knapsack and a padded monk's robe.
  607. (under) : a pair of black silk bikini underwear, a silver and aquamarine nipple chain, a white linen
  608. tunic and a lavender blue silk belt pack.
  609. Carrying: a closed small yellow dictionary, a small stick and two large turquoise bottles.
  610. Your purse contains only moths.
  612. (One) Ptanochyra wisps: how do you figure out how much text you can put on a page without spilling
  613. over? I just have to do trial and error, because once it breaks into a second page you have to
  614. delete the whole line and try again
  615. (One) Ptanochyra wisps: it bedevils me constantly, but there must be a better way
  616. alias m.cir mock $arg:group$ circling by saying Anyway, you are just abysmal! There's no other way
  617. to put it. You know, I'm surprised you've got the gumption to show your face in public. Now that I
  618. think of it, that reminds of the time when I saw Old Annie Spindlewit in Creel Springs and she said
  619. to me, "You call that circling? You daft bugger, if you keep this up, you'd be contracted by the
  620. The Coffee Nostra, for murdering their consigliere!". Oh, back in my day, we didn't have these
  621. newfangled swords, you know, we had to throw honey at our enemies and hope bees would sting them.
  622. Our Gammer Nudity and your dear grandmother are pointing at you from far away, laughing about your
  623. terrible skills. Hah!
  624. Changed alias "m.cir" from "mock $arg:group$ circling by saying Why, what were you thinking? Now
  625. that I think of it, that looks more like praying than circling. Really, that reminds of the time
  626. when I saw Mother Quotid in Razorback and she said to me, "You call that circling? Are your feelings
  627. hurt? Not as hurt as Our Wicked Kikimora would be if she saw your terrible attempt at circling. ".
  628. My goodness, you really believe that's circling? That circling is just abysmal! There's no other way
  629. to put it, except possibly awful. I'm sorry, people these days. You know, it used to be that we
  630. didn't have these newfangled maces, you know, we had to beat in heads with our bare fists. And they
  631. weren't as nice as the fists you get these days, either, we couldn't afford new fists for everyone
  632. so they were practic'ly family heirlooms. Old Mama Diksha and Biddy Jaceth are pointing at you from
  633. far away, laughing about your abysmal skills. Hah!".
  635. Zeek asks in Morporkian with a Bes Pelargic accent: do all the languages have to be at 90 before any
  636. language can go over 90?
  637. (Igame) Taliesin wisps: deliver two second-hand lab robes to Rebecca Palm at Rebecca Palm's Clothing
  638. in the Magic Emporium. I bought them from her own shop.
  639. (One) Maelin wisps: I also used LaTeX extensively when I was at uni. Two years later I tried to use
  640. it again and I couldn't remember, nor figure out without external help, how to *even make a document
  641. that would render*.
  642. (One) Krigaren wisps: I don't agree it's intuitive. You need to search through cluttered menus and
  643. hazard guesses all the time.
  644. (Igame) Nuala wisps that she chuckles
  645. alias m.chant mock $arg:group$ chanting You daft bugger, I've seen better chanting from Bessie the
  646. cow, you abysmal person! Well, that reminds of the time when I saw Our Mum Blithesome in Ohulan-
  647. Cutash and she said to me, "You call that chanting? If you keep this up, you'd be lynched by the
  648. Unseen University for encroaching on their exclusive right to sheer foolishness!". I'll give you a
  649. good chanting upside the head, I will. That reminds me of back when witches were more respectful,
  650. they were! Old Wee Flaudia, Aunty Ogg-San, and Old Agnes Nitt are pointing at you from far away,
  651. laughing about your awful skills. Hah!
  652. Added alias "m.chant".
  654. (One) Krigaren wisps: I also don't see the point in direct visual feedback, as you called it.
  655. alias m.chant mock $arg:group$ chanting by saying You daft bugger, I've seen better chanting from
  656. Bessie the cow, you abysmal person! Well, that reminds of the time when I saw Our Mum Blithesome in
  657. Ohulan-Cutash and she said to me, "You call that chanting? If you keep this up, you'd be lynched by
  658. the Unseen University for encroaching on their exclusive right to sheer foolishness!". I'll give
  659. you a good chanting upside the head, I will. That reminds me of back when witches were more
  660. respectful, they were! Old Wee Flaudia, Aunty Ogg-San, and Old Agnes Nitt are pointing at you from
  661. far away, laughing about your awful skills. Hah!
  662. Changed alias "m.chant" from "mock $arg:group$ chanting You daft bugger, I've seen better chanting
  663. from Bessie the cow, you abysmal person! Well, that reminds of the time when I saw Our Mum
  664. Blithesome in Ohulan-Cutash and she said to me, "You call that chanting? If you keep this up, you'd
  665. be lynched by the Unseen University for encroaching on their exclusive right to sheer foolishness!".
  666. I'll give you a good chanting upside the head, I will. That reminds me of back when witches were
  667. more respectful, they were! Old Wee Flaudia, Aunty Ogg-San, and Old Agnes Nitt are pointing at you
  668. from far away, laughing about your awful skills. Hah!".
  670. (One) Maelin wisps: Perseus: I'm not sure what you're trying to imply. I'm a teacher; I write and
  671. edit tests, assignments, and exams in Word daily.
  672. one
  673. You whisper to the silver and aquamarine nipple chain, asking for the last few chats on channel one.
  674. The eyes mutter about your bad memory.
  675. *14:35:00* perseus wisped: Then again, I work with a technical writer who is 60 years old and
  676. doesn't understand how change tracking works ;-p
  677. *14:35:14* perseus wisped: He marks up stuff in coloured fonts
  678. *14:35:22* Ptanochyra wisped: and if you've decided you've learned all the skills you need and never
  679. need to learn something new, you are the enemy
  680. *14:35:30* Krigaren wisped: I'm not elitist, and yes, I get why the WYSIWYG-paradigm is on top in
  681. most environments, I just disagree with it.
  682. *14:35:38* perseus wisped: Word is actually pretty tricky to use, and buggy ...
  683. *14:35:57* Maelin wisped: Word has an intuitive interface, very low barrier to entry, immediate
  684. visual feedback loop, and a smooth difficulty gradient. LaTeX has none of those.
  685. *14:35:58* Krigaren wisped: It's easy if you use it as a replacement for notepad.exe.
  686. *14:36:30* perseus wisped: I don't think you've used Word enough if you really believe all that.
  687. *14:36:43* Silan wisped: I'd say that Word has a commonly taught interface similar to previous
  688. commonly taught interface. Not sure about intuitive.
  689. *14:36:46* Epic wisped: Actually, Pages is really good at that as well, Maelin.
  690. *14:36:50* Ptanochyra wisped: Nine times out of ten what's being done in Word could be done in
  691. notepad. It would save disk space, office licences, and infinity headaches.
  692. *14:37:05* Hakanin wisped: I find formating to satisfaction in MS Word is a nightmare.
  693. *14:37:11* Maelin wisped: I use Word every day, and I show other people, at varying levels of
  694. ability, how to use it as well.
  695. *14:37:42* perseus wisped: What do you use it for? Grocery lists?
  696. *14:38:06* Ptanochyra wisped: how do you figure out how much text you can put on a page without
  697. spilling over? I just have to do trial and error, because once it breaks into a second page you have
  698. to delete the whole line and try again
  699. *14:38:23* Ptanochyra wisped: it bedevils me constantly, but there must be a better way
  700. *14:38:45* Maelin wisped: I also used LaTeX extensively when I was at uni. Two years later I tried
  701. to use it again and I couldn't remember, nor figure out without external help, how to *even make a
  702. document that would render*.
  703. *14:38:51* Krigaren wisped: I don't agree it's intuitive. You need to search through cluttered menus
  704. and hazard guesses all the time.
  705. *14:39:12* Krigaren wisped: I also don't see the point in direct visual feedback, as you called it.
  706. *14:39:15* Maelin wisped: Perseus: I'm not sure what you're trying to imply. I'm a teacher; I write
  707. and edit tests, assignments, and exams in Word daily.
  709. One of the vines slithers away from the light.
  710. Beatus Mauve unexpectedly exclaims in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: One does not always lug all
  711. their holy items with them -- perhaps you forgot your shield at the party last night? Worry not,
  712. Hat's got you covered. Even though it may not be as powerful shielding as you are used to, Hat's
  713. feathery Minor Shield can stop most of the malicious force headed your way. Glory to Hat, the
  714. Vulture-Headed God of Unexpected Guests!
  715. (One) Silan wisps: But hunting through menus is something users are already trained to do. It's
  716. cruddy, but they'll do it.
  717. (One) Krigaren wisps: When I make a document, I want to enter content, the layout is another matter.
  718. Beatus Mauve says in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: Nope.
  719. Beatus Mauve says in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: Your language knowledge doesn't depend on any
  720. other.
  721. Beatus Mauve exclaims in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: However!
  722. (One) Ptanochyra wisps: See that would be great if it were true, but content and layout are
  723. inextricable.
  724. (One) Maelin wisps: Krigaren: then use LaTeX. Most people do not write documents the same way you do.
  725. (One) perseus wisps: OK, writing tests, assignments and exams is a minimal use of Word's features
  726. (One) Krigaren wisps: Preferably, layout is standardised and decided easily, applied to the content
  727. and out comes a really nice product.
  728. eye me
  729. Beatus Mauve says in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: 90 levels is considered fluency and you can't
  730. TM from NPCs.
  731. You focus a squint on yourself... and almost end up staring up your own nostrils!
  733. You suddenly realise that your eyes have stuck crossed!
  734. (One) Zeek wisps: also I have it on good authority that to pronounce LaTeX correctly the monitor has
  735. to have spittle on it after saying it.
  736. (One) Ptanochyra wisps: I spend a lot of time and I think other people do too just changing the
  737. layout on content.
  738. l me
  739. Looking at yourself again? What a narcissist!
  740. You see Wee Janeka Summers the Witch.
  741. She is a strapping young human lass.
  742. She is in good shape.
  743. She is standing.
  744. You can't help but notice ten warts upon her face.
  745. She has a frying pan floating around her.
  746. A small swarm of brightly coloured damselflies is slowly circling around her.
  747. She has a bunch of bleeding hearts neatly braided into her hair.
  748. You can't help but notice that her eyes are stuck crossed.
  749. Holding : a slender blade (left hand) and a slender blade (right hand).
  750. Wearing : a pair of white kid boots, a padded monk's robe, a staff harness, a knapsack, a pink
  751. leather choker, a witch's pointy hat, a fruitbat flavoured badge, a taliswoman, a keyring necklace,
  752. an artificer's tool belt and a club badge.
  753. Carrying: a closed small yellow dictionary, a small stick and two large turquoise bottles.
  754. stats
  755. Constitution ... 13 Strength ....... 13 Weight ......... 80.0 kg
  756. Dexterity ...... 13 Wisdom ......... 13
  757. Intelligence ... 13 Height ......... 176 cm
  758. stats
  759. Constitution ... 13 Strength ....... 13 Weight ......... 80.0 kg
  760. Dexterity ...... 13 Wisdom ......... 13
  761. Intelligence ... 13 Height ......... 176 cm
  762. You could swear that one of the hands on the shelves just waved at you.
  764. Beatus Mauve says in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: You can only TM from players whose language
  765. skill sumit worse than yours but not more than 10 leveli.
  766. (One) Ptanochyra wisps: it'
  767. m.moc me
  768. Mocking yourself? Daft!
  770. You feel slightly more silly than before.
  771. stats
  772. Constitution ... 13 Strength ....... 13 Weight ......... 80.0 kg
  773. Dexterity ...... 13 Wisdom ......... 11 (-2)
  774. Intelligence ... 13 Height ......... 176 cm
  775. hb
  776. (One) perseus wisps: If you have to show people how to do that in Word, you're working with some
  777. really odd people.
  778. You prepare to cast Hag's Blessing.
  780. You cast your spirit out over the land.
  781. (One) Hakanin wisps: The X is the greek letter chi.
  782. Beatus Mauve says in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: Sjius if you're at 90 levels, you need to be
  783. listening to someone with 80-89.
  784. You send out the promise of a bowl of jam.
  785. You concentrate firmly on lingonberry jam, making it believe it is really there.
  786. A swarm of fireflies arrives and circles around you.
  787. hb
  788. You prepare to cast Hag's Blessing.
  790. You cast your spirit out over the land.
  791. You send out the promise of a bowl of jam.
  792. You concentrate firmly on strawberry jam, making it believe it is really there.
  793. A swarm of fireflies arrives and circles around you.
  794. say 88 here
  795. Beatus Mauve says in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: In practictio you don't really need >90.
  796. You say in Morporkian: 88 here
  797. hb
  798. You prepare to cast Hag's Blessing.
  800. You cast your spirit out over the land.
  801. (One) Ptanochyra wisps: It's a waste of human brainpower to pour content from one layout to another
  802. but it happens all the time everywhere
  803. You send out the promise of a bowl of jam.
  804. You concentrate firmly on lingonberry jam, making it believe it is really there.
  805. A swarm of fireflies arrives and circles around you.
  806. hb
  807. You prepare to cast Hag's Blessing.
  809. You cast your spirit out over the land.
  810. You send out the promise of a bowl of jam.
  811. You concentrate firmly on raspberry jam, making it believe it is really there.
  812. A swarm of fireflies arrives and circles around you.
  813. hb
  814. You prepare to cast Hag's Blessing.
  816. You cast your spirit out over the land.
  817. You send out the promise of a bowl of jam.
  818. You concentrate firmly on raspberry jam, making it believe it is really there.
  819. Beatus Mauve piously says in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: If, Hat forbid, you haeppeinial to get
  820. hurt, no matter how it happened, He can cure, wash away your wounds. All you need to do is recite a
  821. devout prayer, asking Him for help. If you're worthy, you shall receive it. You can't possibly
  822. argue about this.
  823. hb
  824. A swarm of fireflies arrives and circles around you.
  825. You prepare to cast Hag's Blessing.
  827. You cast your spirit out over the land.
  828. A pungent aroma escapes from the herbs.
  829. You send out the promise of a bowl of jam.
  830. You concentrate firmly on apricot jam, making it believe it is really there.
  831. A swarm of fireflies arrives and circles around you.
  832. [Jaceth enters Discworld -- witch who helped me fix blorp]
  833. hb
  834. You prepare to cast Hag's Blessing.
  836. You cast your spirit out over the land.
  837. You send out the promise of a bowl of jam.
  838. You concentrate firmly on persimmon jam, making it believe it is really there.
  839. Zeek says in Morporkian with a Bes Pelargic accent: worse? That doesn't make sense. :(
  840. A swarm of fireflies arrives and circles around you.
  841. hb
  842. You can't concentrate well enough to cast Hag's Blessing; it would cost you 25 guild points.
  843. hb
  844. Queued command: hb
  846. You prepare to cast Hag's Blessing.
  847. You cast your spirit out over the land.
  848. You send out the promise of a bowl of jam.
  849. You concentrate firmly on raspberry and apple jam, making it believe it is really there.
  850. A swarm of fireflies arrives and circles around you.
  851. alias m.str
  852. m.str: mock $arg:group$ striking by saying Why, I'm surprised you've got the mettle to show your
  853. striking in public. Now, that reminds of the time when I saw your dear grandmother in Creel Springs
  854. and she was striking away, why, you should have seen it. Anyway, I've seen better striking from Old
  855. Granny Weatherwax, and she was underwater! I'm sorry, what were you thinking? You know, if you keep
  856. this up, you'd be lynched by the Unseen University for encroaching on their exclusive right to sheer
  857. foolishness! People these days. You know, it used to be that we didn't have these newfangled swords,
  858. you know, we had to beat in heads with our bare fists. And they weren't as nice as the fists you get
  859. these days, either, we couldn't afford new fists for everyone so they were practic'ly family
  860. heirlooms. Our Gammer Nudity would be ashamed of you. Now go away and try harder, or I'll mock you
  861. again.
  862. m.moc me
  863. Mocking yourself? Daft!
  865. You feel slightly more silly than before.
  866. m.moc me
  867. Mocking yourself? Daft!
  869. You feel slightly more silly than before.
  870. m.moc me
  871. Mocking yourself? Daft!
  873. You feel slightly more silly than before.
  874. stats
  875. Queued command: stats
  877. Constitution ... 13 Strength ....... 13 Weight ......... 80.0 kg
  878. Dexterity ...... 13 Wisdom ......... 5 (-8)
  879. Intelligence ... 13 Height ......... 176 cm
  880. Beatus Mauve says in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: Well, you can always TM from people whose
  881. level is either at most 10 levels worse than your or who are better.
  882. m.moc me
  883. Queued command: m.moc me
  885. (Witches) Jaceth wisps: Wotcher, witches.
  886. Mocking yourself? Daft!
  887. You feel slightly more silly than before.
  888. (One) Ptanochyra wisps: That's what weekly progress reports are (80% of each one, at least) and a
  889. lot of what other things are too.
  890. m.moc me
  891. Mocking yourself? Daft!
  893. You feel slightly more silly than before.
  894. stats
  895. Constitution ... 13 Strength ....... 13 Weight ......... 80.0 kg
  896. Dexterity ...... 13 Wisdom ......... 1 (-12)
  897. Intelligence ... 13 Height ......... 176 cm
  898. skills ma
  899. Queued command: skills ma
  901. =======SKILLS=======Level/Bonus=================================================================
  902. magic............... 93 148 | | | charming...... 120 211 | | | conjuring..... 48 43
  903. | spells............ 131 109 | | | convoking..... 111 206 | | | divining...... 50 43
  904. | | offensive....... 75 141 | | | cursing....... 120 211 | | | summoning..... 54 44
  905. | | defensive....... 230 203 | | physical........ 97 199 | items............. 58 89
  906. | | misc............ 120 159 | | | binding....... 88 194 | | held............ 54 87
  907. | | special......... 100 51 | | | brewing....... 100 201 | | | wand.......... 33 70
  908. | methods........... 75 141 | | | chanting...... 120 211 | | | rod........... 32 69
  909. | | elemental....... 49 168 | | | dancing....... 100 201 | | | staff......... 32 69
  910. | | | air........... 53 172 | | | enchanting.... 120 211 | | | broom......... 120 107
  911. | | | earth......... 48 167 | | | evoking....... 85 192 | | worn............ 50 85
  912. | | | fire.......... 48 167 | | | healing....... 84 192 | | | amulet........ 51 86
  913. | | | water......... 48 167 | | | scrying....... 85 192 | | | ring.......... 50 85
  914. | | mental.......... 106 204 | | spiritual....... 51 44 | | scroll.......... 28 64
  915. | | | animating..... 78 189 | | | abjuring...... 49 43 | | talisman........ 100 101
  916. | | | channeling.... 101 201 | | | banishing..... 55 45 | points............ 108 103
  917. shoo swarms
  918. You could swear that one of the hands on the shelves just waved at you.
  919. You shoo eight swarms of fireflies away.
  921. Eight swarms of fireflies buzz off.
  922. hb
  923. Beatus Mauve says in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: But 90 levels is a special case and you don't
  924. use GPs when listening to people who are better than you.
  925. You prepare to cast Hag's Blessing.
  927. You cast your spirit out over the land.
  928. You send out the promise of a bowl of jam.
  929. (Witches) Rhowan wisps: Wotcher, our Jaceth
  930. You concentrate firmly on rhubarb jam, making it believe it is really there.
  931. A swarm of fireflies buzzes past, humming peacefully.
  932. (One) Maelin wisps: Of course, but I'd estimate that around 98% of human endeavour is a waste of
  933. human brainpower.
  934. (One) Epic wisps: Did someone share this study already? http://journals.plos.
  935. org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0115069
  936. wit wotcher, our Jaceth!
  937. You whisper into the silver and aquamarine nipple chain.
  938. (Witches) Janeka wisps: wotcher, our Jaceth!
  939. hb
  940. You can't concentrate well enough to cast Hag's Blessing; it would cost you 25 guild points.
  941. sv
  942. Queued command: sv
  944. Hp: 1514(1514) Gp: 16(153) Xp: 55348 Burden: 31%
  945. sv
  946. Jaceth beams at Rhowan and you.
  947. Queued command: sv
  949. Hp: 1514(1514) Gp: 16(153) Xp: 55354 Burden: 31%
  950. sv
  951. Queued command: sv
  953. Hp: 1514(1514) Gp: 16(153) Xp: 55363 Burden: 31%
  954. (Witches) Sorae wisps: Wotchers our Jaceth!
  955. gp
  956. You have 16 (153) guild points.
  957. * You can use 12 (149) for adventuring commands.
  958. * You cannot use any guild points for covert commands until you have more than 51.
  959. * You cannot use any guild points for crafts commands until you have more than 28.
  960. * You cannot use any guild points for faith commands until you have more than 90.
  961. * All of your guild points can be used for fighting commands.
  962. * All of your guild points can be used for magic commands.
  963. * All of your guild points can be used for people commands.
  965. (One) Epic wisps: "We show that LaTeX users were slower than Word users, wrote less text in the same
  966. amount of time, and produced more typesetting, orthographical, grammatical, and formatting errors."
  967. score brief
  968. Hp: 1514(1514) Gp: 16(153) Xp: 55381 Burden: 31%
  969. score brief
  970. Hp: 1514(1514) Gp: 16(153) Xp: 55384 Burden: 31%
  971. i
  972. You are unburdened (31%) by:
  973. Holding : a slender blade (left hand) and a slender blade (right hand).
  974. Wearing : a club badge, a pink leather choker, a keyring necklace, a fruitbat flavoured badge, a
  975. pair of white kid boots, a witch's pointy hat, a taliswoman, an artificer's tool belt, a staff
  976. harness, a knapsack and a padded monk's robe.
  977. (under) : a pair of black silk bikini underwear, a silver and aquamarine nipple chain, a white linen
  978. tunic and a lavender blue silk belt pack.
  979. Carrying: a closed small yellow dictionary, a small stick and two large turquoise bottles.
  980. Your purse contains only moths.
  981. score brief
  982. Beatus Mauve devotedly says in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: Summon Hat's powers to cure, cast
  983. away your wounds when you suffer a horrible papercut or a mild stagnial in the neck. Modo prout and
  984. He will relieve you of your pain quickly if you properly pray regularly. Surprisingly, maybe. Or
  985. at least I hope so.
  986. (One) Epic wisps that it uses LaTeX over word for that matter.
  987. Hp: 1514(1514) Gp: 16(153) Xp: 55396 Burden: 31%
  988. score brief
  989. Hp: 1514(1514) Gp: 16(153) Xp: 55399 Burden: 31%
  991. Beatus Mauve suspiciously says in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: One does not always lug all their
  992. holy items with them -- perhaps you forgot your shield at the party ultimeo night? Worry not, Hat's
  993. got you covered. Even though it may not be as powerful shielding as you are used to, Hat's feathery
  994. Minor Shield can stop most of the malicious force headed your way. And that, my friend, is true.
  995. Beatus Mauve piously asks in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: Sometimes planting a simple Haunting
  996. in your foes' heads can solve a conflict even before it starts. Let them ruffle each other's
  997. feathers. Don't get involved unless you have to. Have a drink instead. Words of true wisdom,
  998. don't you think?
  999. score brief
  1000. Hp: 1514(1514) Gp: 16(153) Xp: 55405 Burden: 31%
  1001. score brief
  1002. Hp: 1514(1514) Gp: 16(153) Xp: 55411 Burden: 31%
  1003. score brief
  1004. A wisp of greasy smoke assaults your nose.
  1005. Hp: 1514(1514) Gp: 16(153) Xp: 55414 Burden: 31%
  1006. score brief
  1007. Hp: 1514(1514) Gp: 16(153) Xp: 55417 Burden: 31%
  1009. Beatus Mauve lists the inventory.
  1010. skills ma.po
  1011. =======SKILLS=======Level/Bonus=================================================================
  1012. magic............... 93 148 | points............ 108 103
  1013. skills ma.po stats
  1014. =======SKILLS=======Stat dependencies===========================================================
  1015. magic............... DIIIW | points............ IISWW
  1017. Zeek asks in Morporkian with a Bes Pelargic accent: have you two been ex pestering nanny ogg?
  1018. Beatus Mauve eats the frog tail.
  1019. say weird, my gp isn't regenning
  1020. You say in Morporkian: weird, my gp isn't regenning
  1022. Beatus Mauve asks in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: Mhmm?
  1023. help heartbeat
  1024. Could not find any help on "heartbeat". Type "help here" for help on how to use this room.
  1026. Beatus Mauve says in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: Ii are.
  1027. (One) Hakanin wisps: Isn't that a bit hard to look objectively, when looking at subjective
  1028. performances?
  1029. syntax restart
  1030. Forms of syntax available for the command "restart":
  1031. restart Restart your heart beat, should it for some
  1032. reason stop.
  1033. restart
  1034. Removed queue.
  1035. Ok, heart_beat restarted.
  1036. gp
  1037. You have 16 (153) guild points.
  1038. * You can use 12 (149) for adventuring commands.
  1039. * You cannot use any guild points for covert commands until you have more than 51.
  1040. * You cannot use any guild points for crafts commands until you have more than 28.
  1041. * You cannot use any guild points for faith commands until you have more than 90.
  1042. * All of your guild points can be used for fighting commands.
  1043. * All of your guild points can be used for magic commands.
  1044. * All of your guild points can be used for people commands.
  1045. sv
  1046. Beatus Mauve says in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: You're just using them by listening to me.
  1047. Hp: 1514(1514) Gp: 16(153) Xp: 55495 Burden: 31%
  1048. sv
  1049. Queued command: sv
  1051. Beatus Mauve exclaims in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: And my preaching!
  1052. Hp: 1514(1514) Gp: 16(153) Xp: 55498 Burden: 31%
  1053. Zeek says in Morporkian with a Bes Pelargic accent: Ohhh! 'You feel like the Morporkian language is
  1054. less confusing.'
  1055. say no, it's stuck at 16
  1056. You say in Morporkian: no, it's stuck at 16
  1058. Beatus Mauve says in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: Yes.
  1059. The draperies billow slightly, in an unfelt gust of wind.
  1060. Beatus Mauve says in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: Because I keep talking~
  1061. Beatus Mauve grins.
  1062. (One) Ptanochyra wisps: 'less text in the same amount of time' is pretty damning.
  1063. (One) Maelin wisps: I imagine the researchers probably tried to control for obvious variables. As,
  1064. you know, all researchers do.
  1065. say it should drain 88 gp at a time, and not drain until it goes above that
  1066. You say in Morporkian: it should drain 88 gp at a time, and not drain until it goes above that
  1067. i
  1068. You are unburdened (31%) by:
  1069. Holding : a slender blade (left hand) and a slender blade (right hand).
  1070. Wearing : a club badge, a pink leather choker, a keyring necklace, a fruitbat flavoured badge, a
  1071. pair of white kid boots, a witch's pointy hat, a taliswoman, an artificer's tool belt, a staff
  1072. harness, a knapsack and a padded monk's robe.
  1073. (under) : a pair of black silk bikini underwear, a silver and aquamarine nipple chain, a white linen
  1074. tunic and a lavender blue silk belt pack.
  1075. Carrying: a closed small yellow dictionary, a small stick and two large turquoise bottles.
  1076. Your purse contains only moths.
  1077. sv
  1078. Hp: 1514(1514) Gp: 16(153) Xp: 55576 Burden: 31%
  1080. Beatus Mauve says in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: It's not always like that.
  1081. Zeek says in Morporkian with a Bes Pelargic accent: Morporkian spoken just went up to 91 \o/
  1082. [Valerin leaves Discworld -- wolf furry, asked about catgirls club]
  1083. Beatus Mauve cheers enthusiastically at Zeek.
  1084. Beatus Mauve says in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: See, TM'ing from Janeka.
  1085. say also it's fixed at 16
  1086. You say in Morporkian: also it's fixed at 16
  1087. say doesn't go even one point from there
  1088. A wisp of greasy smoke assaults your nose.
  1089. You say in Morporkian: doesn't go even one point from there
  1090. sv
  1091. Hp: 1514(1514) Gp: 16(153) Xp: 55681 Burden: 31%
  1092. one my gp's been stuck at 16 for the past minute or so, is this normal?
  1093. Beatus Mauve bows slightly and mumbles a few soft words.
  1094. You whisper into the silver and aquamarine nipple chain.
  1095. (One) Janeka wisps: my gp's been stuck at 16 for the past minute or so, is this normal?
  1097. Zeek asks in Morporkian with a Bes Pelargic accent: how is the Brindisian?
  1098. (One) Maelin wisps: Try typing 'restart', Janeka?
  1099. one I did, but it doesn't help
  1100. The draperies billow slightly, in an unfelt gust of wind.
  1101. You whisper into the silver and aquamarine nipple chain.
  1102. (One) Janeka wisps: I did, but it doesn't help
  1103. l
  1104. Beatus Mauve says in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: I'm fluent in all languages; even those I
  1105. don't know. Praise Hat for that.
  1106. Vines, herbs and dried body parts cover the dusty shelves in this dark shop. Thick draperies and
  1107. heavy smoke add to a lack of visibility and cleanliness in the room, also making it more difficult
  1108. to judge the exact quality of the wares.
  1109. There is one obvious exit: west.
  1110. Beatus Mauve, Zeek and Mussafet Al'Lase are standing here.
  1111. +@
  1113. Beatus Mauve grins.
  1114. Beatus Mauve surprisingly asks with a Genuan accent: Even Hat has His day sometimes. It is good
  1115. manners to ask Him how He is doing from time to time. And whether you have been praising Him as He
  1116. deserves! Do not forget about Devout Inquisition, which is exactly the ritual you should use for
  1117. this purpose. It is similar to meditating on obsecration, or mooing as some like to call it;
  1118. however, this is not as exhausting and is more portable! Ahem. Did it make any sense to you?
  1119. (One) Arkyn wisps: remove all gp lights etc?
  1120. one I'm not in the shrine, not wearing gp lights
  1121. You whisper into the silver and aquamarine nipple chain.
  1122. (One) Janeka wisps: I'm not in the shrine, not wearing gp lights
  1124. (One) Krigaren wisps: Are you at Brother David's?
  1125. one gp lights wouldn't stick my gp at 16
  1126. You whisper into the silver and aquamarine nipple chain.
  1127. (One) Janeka wisps: gp lights wouldn't stick my gp at 16
  1129. Zeek asks with a Bes Pelargic accent: again?
  1130. one I'm in the magic shop on the serpent
  1131. You whisper into the silver and aquamarine nipple chain.
  1132. (One) Janeka wisps: I'm in the magic shop on the serpent
  1134. You could swear that one of the hands on the shelves just waved at you.
  1135. i
  1136. Zeek says with a Bes Pelargic accent: I've got a permalight
  1137. You are unburdened (31%) by:
  1138. Holding : a slender blade (left hand) and a slender blade (right hand).
  1139. Wearing : a club badge, a pink leather choker, a keyring necklace, a fruitbat flavoured badge, a
  1140. pair of white kid boots, a witch's pointy hat, a taliswoman, an artificer's tool belt, a staff
  1141. harness, a knapsack and a padded monk's robe.
  1142. (under) : a pair of black silk bikini underwear, a silver and aquamarine nipple chain, a white linen
  1143. tunic and a lavender blue silk belt pack.
  1144. Carrying: a closed small yellow dictionary, a small stick and two large turquoise bottles.
  1145. Your purse contains only moths.
  1147. (One) Arkyn wisps: agreed,did you get poisoned or something? there was someone with this problem a
  1148. day or two ago
  1149. Zeek says in Morporkian with a Bes Pelargic accent: I've got a permalight
  1150. Beatus Mauve suspiciously says with a Genuan accent: Reaching the deep understanding of fellow party-
  1151. goers can sometimes be achieved only from within. Seeing the world through their eyes is often more
  1152. powerful than any meditation or debate. To reach the enlightenment, Hat empowers His flock with
  1153. Parasitic Vision, a unique, definitely not an offensive power. Really. You can't possibly argue
  1154. about this.
  1155. one I'm under a stat penalty, but that shouldn't reduce my regen to 0
  1156. You whisper into the silver and aquamarine nipple chain.
  1157. (One) Janeka wisps: I'm under a stat penalty, but that shouldn't reduce my regen to 0
  1159. Beatus Mauve convincingly says with a Genuan accent: At times you may pop in a really cold, windy
  1160. and generally very unpleasant location. Like the Hub. Or even Ramtops. Chances are you are not
  1161. dressed appropriately for that. At least I usually am not. Don't panic. Keep Hat in your heart
  1162. and pray. Your faith will warm you. Seriously, I mean it.
  1163. Zeek gets a toy growler from a pocket in a close-fitting black leather bag.
  1164. Zeek pulls the cord on the toy growler.
  1165. A squeaky voice comes from Zeek's toy growler: Il Chiapode Uomo Cheninadi Un Nesecia Ciale In Il
  1166. Gionisseimente Rescridi Bar.
  1167. Zeek pulls the cord on the toy growler.
  1168. A squeaky voice comes from Zeek's toy growler: Il Ciniraci Decomente cannot be Noceza A Cottetumente
  1169. Rilegiu.
  1170. Zeek pulls the cord on the toy growler.
  1171. A squeaky voice comes from Zeek's toy growler: Biala Guate Raguidiscia E sinew Sturbanidi Per
  1172. Sciamobaore
  1173. Zeek pulls the cord on the toy growler.
  1174. A squeaky voice comes from Zeek's toy growler: Il Gieguira Risaisi Fuppoce E Riggidei Il Chiapode
  1175. Gelara Scire.
  1176. Zeek pulls the cord on the toy growler.
  1177. A squeaky voice comes from Zeek's toy growler: Il Chiapode Uomo Cheninadi Un Nesecia Ciale In Il
  1178. Gionisseimente Rescridi Bar.
  1179. Beatus Mauve fervently says with a Genuan accent: Like it or not, not every item in the world has
  1180. been consecrated to Hat yet. With His help, we may be able to see the holiness of everything around
  1181. us. Embrace the tangerine-tinted bits. Consecrate the dark items. And avoid those glowing cyan,
  1182. white, golden, grey, aquamarine, red or any other unfriendly color! Don't you dare to disagree with
  1183. me on that.
  1184. br
  1185. Zeek pulls the cord on the toy growler.
  1186. A squeaky voice comes from Zeek's toy growler: Il Ciniraci Decomente cannot be Noceza A Cottetumente
  1187. Rilegiu.
  1188. Now using Brindisian for speaking and writing.
  1189. spamsays
  1190. Zeek pulls the cord on the toy growler.
  1191. A squeaky voice comes from Zeek's toy growler: Biala Guate Raguidiscia E sinew Sturbanidi Per
  1192. Sciamobaore
  1193. You say: Spam is a brand of canned precooked meat products made by Hormel Foods Corporation. It was
  1194. first introduced in 1937 and gained popularity worldwide after its use during World War II.[1] By
  1195. 2003, Spam was sold in 41 countries on six continents and trademarked in over 100 countries.[2] In
  1196. 2007, the seven billionth can of Spam was sold.[3]
  1197. You say: According to its label, Spam's basic ingredients are pork shoulder meat, with ham meat
  1198. added, salt, water, modified potato starch as a binder, sugar, and sodium nitrite as a preservative.
  1199. Natural gelatin forms during cooking in its tins on the production line.[4]
  1200. Queued command: say By the early 1970s the name "Spam" was often misused to describe any tinned meat
  1201. product containing pork, such as pork luncheon meat. With expansion in communications technology, it
  1202. became the subject of urban legends about mystery meat and other appearances in pop culture.[5] Most
  1203. notable was a Monty Python sketch portraying Spam as both ubiquitous and inescapable,
  1204. characteristics which lent to its name being borrowed for unsolicited electronic messages,
  1205. especially spam email.[6]
  1206. Queued command: say Spam was introduced by Hormel in 1937. Ken Daigneau, brother of a company
  1207. executive, won a 100 prize that year in a competition to name the new item.[3] Hormel claims that
  1208. the meaning of the name "is known by only a small circle of former Hormel Foods executives", but
  1209. popular beliefs are that the name is an abbreviation of "spiced ham" or "shoulders of pork and ham".
  1210. [7] Another popular explanation is that Spam is an acronym standing for "Specially Processed
  1211. American Meat".[8]
  1212. Queued command: say The difficulty of delivering fresh meat to the front during World War II saw
  1213. Spam become a ubiquitous part of the U.S. soldier's diet. It became variously referred to as "ham
  1214. that didn't pass its physical," "meatloaf without basic training",[1] and "Special Army Meat". Over
  1215. 150 million pounds of Spam were purchased by the military before the war’s end.[9]
  1217. (One) Epic wisps: did you try to su?
  1218. You say: By the early 1970s the name "Spam" was often misused to describe any tinned meat product
  1219. containing pork, such as pork luncheon meat. With expansion in communications technology, it became
  1220. the subject of urban legends about mystery meat and other appearances in pop culture.[5] Most
  1221. notable was a Monty Python sketch portraying Spam as both ubiquitous and inescapable,
  1222. characteristics which lent to its name being borrowed for unsolicited electronic messages,
  1223. especially spam email.[6]
  1224. You say: Spam was introduced by Hormel in 1937. Ken Daigneau, brother of a company executive, won a
  1225. 100 prize that year in a competition to name the new item.[3] Hormel claims that the meaning of the
  1226. name "is known by only a small circle of former Hormel Foods executives", but popular beliefs are
  1227. that the name is an abbreviation of "spiced ham" or "shoulders of pork and ham".[7] Another popular
  1228. explanation is that Spam is an acronym standing for "Specially Processed American Meat".[8]
  1229. Zeek pulls the cord on the toy growler.
  1230. A squeaky voice comes from Zeek's toy growler: Il Gieguira Risaisi Fuppoce E Riggidei Il Chiapode
  1231. Gelara Scire.
  1232. You say: The difficulty of delivering fresh meat to the front during World War II saw Spam become a
  1233. ubiquitous part of the U.S. soldier's diet. It became variously referred to as "ham that didn't pass
  1234. its physical," "meatloaf without basic training",[1] and "Special Army Meat". Over 150 million
  1235. pounds of Spam were purchased by the military before the war’s end.[9]
  1236. Zeek pulls the cord on the toy growler.
  1237. A squeaky voice comes from Zeek's toy growler: Il Chiapode Uomo Cheninadi Un Nesecia Ciale In Il
  1238. Gionisseimente Rescridi Bar.
  1239. A wisp of greasy smoke assaults your nose.
  1240. Zeek pulls the cord on the toy growler.
  1241. A squeaky voice comes from Zeek's toy growler: Il Ciniraci Decomente cannot be Noceza A Cottetumente
  1242. Rilegiu.
  1243. Zeek pulls the cord on the toy growler.
  1244. A squeaky voice comes from Zeek's toy growler: Biala Guate Raguidiscia E sinew Sturbanidi Per
  1245. Sciamobaore
  1246. Your eyes finally uncross.
  1247. Zeek pulls the cord on the toy growler.
  1248. A squeaky voice comes from Zeek's toy growler: Il Gieguira Risaisi Fuppoce E Riggidei Il Chiapode
  1249. Gelara Scire.
  1250. Zeek puts the toy growler in a pocket in the close-fitting black leather bag.
  1251. [Gnu leaves Discworld -- runs a shop]
  1252. Beatus Mauve kneels and spreads her arms.
  1253. one not yet
  1254. Beatus Mauve prays quietly, her lips moving rapidly.
  1255. You whisper into the silver and aquamarine nipple chain.
  1256. (One) Janeka wisps: not yet
  1257. su
  1258. Beatus Mauve starts to chant loudly, in what seems to be a variety of languages.
  1259. Discworld
  1260. Where all your dreams can't come true.
  1262. Auditors
  1263. Wodan Sojan Taffyd
  1264. Kaea Pit Aristophanes Tique
  1266. Avatar of the Apocralypse
  1267. Pinkfish
  1271. Please imagine a very nice picture of four Elephants standing on the back of
  1272. a Turtle (sex unknown) swimming through space. On the Elephants rests the
  1273. Disc of the world, garlanded by the long waterfall at its vast circumference
  1274. and domed by the baby blue vault of heaven. Imagine this, because there is
  1275. not enough room here to draw it.
  1277. Enter password:
  1278. szq212
  1282. You last logged in from ::ffff: (::ffff: and are currently logged in
  1283. from ::ffff: (::ffff:
  1285. **************************************************************
  1286. * It is your responsibility to know and adhere to the rules. *
  1287. * If you are not sure what they are read 'help rules'. *
  1288. * Ignorance of the rules will not be accepted as a defence. *
  1289. **************************************************************
  1292. You have 1 NEW mail message. Go to a post office to read it.
  1293. Queued command: look
  1294. Please set your finger information with "chfn".
  1295. Your client says it's mudlet 2.1.0.
  1296. Vines, herbs and dried body parts cover the dusty shelves in this dark shop. Thick draperies and
  1297. heavy smoke add to a lack of visibility and cleanliness in the room, also making it more difficult
  1298. to judge the exact quality of the wares.
  1299. There is one obvious exit: west.
  1300. Beatus Mauve, Zeek and Mussafet Al'Lase are standing here.
  1301. +@
  1302. Beatus Mauve piously says in Dwarfish with a Genuan accent: Khin'khel'khab'durak'gash gash'bir
  1303. khel'durak durak'hikn'bhil'rhag karkh akh'mit'ahd'durak mit'aule'khin zhak gash'mit'khin'khuz
  1304. zhak'bir khand'khab mit'akh'khin'gash bir'karkh. Khab'khar'hikn'rhag zhak'bir mit'barad rhag
  1305. khel'bhil'rhag! Hikn'khuz zhak'hikn khel'hikn'dhum zhak'bir bir'nha'gash karkh whit'nha'gash.
  1306. Hikn'khuz zhak'hikn rhag'khuz aule'rhag'gash zhak khab'gash'bir'bhon. Aule'rhag
  1307. aule'hikn'gash'durak'khel bir'bhon'durak'khab hikn zhak'gash khel'rakh khab'bir'khin'khuz
  1308. hikn'khab'rhag'rhag'khin bir'khar'khin'rhag'durak.
  1309. follow mauve
  1310. A surreptitious rustling sound starts emanating from your person.
  1311. A violent flash of light bursts forth as several spells escape from their scrolls, leaving you quite
  1312. shaken.
  1313. The tiny flashing explosions obscure your vision!
  1314. Cannot find "mauve", no match.
  1316. You lose consciousness.
  1317. Someone grins.
  1319. Inventory regeneration complete.
  1320. Someone convincingly says in Tsortean with a Genuan accent: Py'uisafri'at el bof azhodustruratsib um
  1321. tanduuh thuappi-miinb kas bujuduajub i isafie'ag ulpar su'aun sa'abrur. Zakalhri'at el ralzg
  1322. mazuihb zriamts idhab ab umtas datsipy'u hludjiru'az brus uv'u julutsduaul udh odustita. No py'uisk
  1323. el iky'iajulikjups, Krik a'ibhludjirb Afb ngud sa'abr Thuthib'yuduabl G'ab'yuul, u jabgrii,
  1324. oduhrakatapar tsak us ubbikb'yue'a hludjir. Py'uaspar. Urat brar, rya su'autsarat, ab ktii.
  1325. A stone falls upwards and disappears with a *sproink*.
  1326. Someone surprisingly asks in Krullian with a Genuan accent: ? OCkarsepaairisi deåt äsä meäarvs
  1327. du hum'p ondp til aep vop meolt oklo ett arstjbrnte föä, säi, daerutnde du lakss supkäklo ryål
  1328. ov sooforyks gron bohåvain sekss, ell fördeps lertönde ursvtels so du hu nejp deper til hu iris
  1329. kvisnen duoalv. NEju, ev du deper en käksli och en ghaka paa du, du käm mald des uglue väp urtil
  1330. ett velpryl, jap vauri klokonte. Dubr förfökad Enskaäp Slykep och helt morutlisen. Oå och vai
  1331. tätm'p du mela til bignin jabröfrui?
  1332. Someone lively says in Komic with a Genuan accent: Qoooihapta Ha Oh'ria Rtahtawuusah Oh'riaorreh
  1333. Irrrba' Iiet Buhta Banka'i, Seqtasqar'kla'i' Bbeshaabqa Borrpeqrosah Rehet Aynsahaw' Stayeersah Awsa
  1334. Pahoasawisah Krastaitzsah Qotahapta Zlasaterr Abairr Stprkorra Mnesairbasaizqaparnsah. Rhagei
  1335. Oh'riamu Zlayua'i' Zeitra Netsah Zeir'kl. K'lawtesptsah Abairr Shaawqasah Zeitra Riqerba'
  1336. Qroitzhaou Yaieqha Korraustu Abai' Taagbe Nyarbzqapqairba' Yunpsah Arn Abairr Zqaptemusah. Gi
  1337. Krikubaba. Abai' Rtawilamqa Orrehbapras Trai'f. Abai' Rtawilamqa.
  1338. The draperies billow slightly, in an unfelt gust of wind.
  1339. (One) Harrigen wisps: well that phone interview went badly
  1340. A passing cabbage bids you a friendly 'Hello'.
  1341. Someone surprisingly says in Gnomish with a Genuan accent: Eef cheeee're heedeeng een ee zhell,
  1342. feeerce chem teee reveeel cheeer teezteee heeertz eend leeverz sweech ee zeeereeng teeeeech eeef
  1343. Zeeereeng Teeeeech. Eet zheell teeech chem teee be heeenezt sweech che sweeerld. Eend eef neeet,
  1344. eet sweell meeke cleeenzeeng chem sweech zheerp eemplementz ee beet eeezeeer. Zeerpreezeengleee,
  1345. meeeeebe. Eeer eet leeezt Ee heeepe zeee.
  1346. Someone yawns.
  1347. You hear a faint *glingleglingle*.
  1348. Someone shakes her head at someone.
  1349. You turn to see a gnome playing the accordion.
  1350. i
  1351. You are unconscious. You can't do anything.
  1353. You hear a faint *glingleglingle*.
  1354. One of the vines slithers away from the light.
  1471. [Gnu enters Discworld -- runs a shop]
  1582. [huFF leaves Discworld -- silver star, teaches crafts]
  1583. A wisp of greasy smoke assaults your nose.
  1584. You can see clearly now the flashing's gone.
  1585. You regain consciousness.
  1586. You groan.
  1587. one I su'd, and then my scrolls exploded on account of my stat penalty that didn't get recalculated
  1588. till now
  1589. You whisper into the silver and aquamarine nipple chain.
  1590. (One) Janeka wisps: I su'd, and then my scrolls exploded on account of my stat penalty that didn't
  1591. get recalculated till now
  1593. (One) Talven wisps: Ouch.
  1594. one only just woke up
  1595. Beatus Mauve moans painfully.
  1596. You whisper into the silver and aquamarine nipple chain.
  1597. (One) Janeka wisps: only just woke up
  1598. one
  1599. Beatus Mauve moans painfully.
  1600. Beatus Mauve moans painfully.
  1601. Beatus Mauve melts in ecstasy.
  1602. You whisper to the silver and aquamarine nipple chain, asking for the last few chats on channel one.
  1603. The eyes mutter about your bad memory.
  1604. *14:44:24* Epic wisped that it uses LaTeX over word for that matter.
  1605. *14:45:20* Hakanin wisped: Isn't that a bit hard to look objectively, when looking at subjective
  1606. performances?
  1607. *14:45:57* Ptanochyra wisped: 'less text in the same amount of time' is pretty damning.
  1608. *14:46:05* Maelin wisped: I imagine the researchers probably tried to control for obvious variables.
  1609. As, you know, all researchers do.
  1610. *14:47:51* Janeka wisped: my gp's been stuck at 16 for the past minute or so, is this normal?
  1611. *14:48:09* Maelin wisped: Try typing 'restart', Janeka?
  1612. *14:48:19* Janeka wisped: I did, but it doesn't help
  1613. *14:48:32* Arkyn wisped: remove all gp lights etc?
  1614. *14:48:40* Janeka wisped: I'm not in the shrine, not wearing gp lights
  1615. *14:48:51* Krigaren wisped: Are you at Brother David's?
  1616. *14:48:56* Janeka wisped: gp lights wouldn't stick my gp at 16
  1617. *14:49:07* Janeka wisped: I'm in the magic shop on the serpent
  1618. *14:49:33* Arkyn wisped: agreed,did you get poisoned or something? there was someone with this
  1619. problem a day or two ago
  1620. *14:50:02* Janeka wisped: I'm under a stat penalty, but that shouldn't reduce my regen to 0
  1621. *14:50:28* Epic wisped: did you try to su?
  1622. *14:50:55* Janeka wisped: not yet
  1623. *14:51:39* Harrigen wisped: well that phone interview went badly
  1624. *14:55:12* Janeka wisped: I su'd, and then my scrolls exploded on account of my stat penalty that
  1625. didn't get recalculated till now
  1626. *14:55:21* Talven wisped: Ouch.
  1627. *14:55:23* Janeka wisped: only just woke up
  1629. Beatus Mauve mumbles something about TMs under her breath.
  1630. The draperies billow slightly, in an unfelt gust of wind.
  1631. (Igame) Taliesin wisps: tfat chick carrefour cres
  1632. count scrolls in all
  1633. You count two sheets of cheap writing paper with a total of two items.
  1634. skills ma
  1635. =======SKILLS=======Level/Bonus=================================================================
  1636. magic............... 93 121 | | | charming...... 120 211 | | | conjuring..... 48 0
  1637. | spells............ 131 51 | | | convoking..... 111 206 | | | divining...... 50 0
  1638. | | offensive....... 75 116 | | | cursing....... 120 211 | | | summoning..... 54 0
  1639. | | defensive....... 230 167 | | physical........ 97 199 | items............. 58 42
  1640. | | misc............ 120 131 | | | binding....... 88 194 | | held............ 54 41
  1641. | | special......... 100 0 | | | brewing....... 100 201 | | | wand.......... 33 33
  1642. | methods........... 75 116 | | | chanting...... 120 211 | | | rod........... 32 32
  1643. | | elemental....... 49 168 | | | dancing....... 100 201 | | | staff......... 32 32
  1644. | | | air........... 53 172 | | | enchanting.... 120 211 | | | broom......... 120 50
  1645. | | | earth......... 48 167 | | | evoking....... 85 192 | | worn............ 50 40
  1646. | | | fire.......... 48 167 | | | healing....... 84 192 | | | amulet........ 51 40
  1647. | | | water......... 48 167 | | | scrying....... 85 192 | | | ring.......... 50 40
  1648. | | mental.......... 106 204 | | spiritual....... 51 0 | | scroll.......... 28 30
  1649. | | | animating..... 78 189 | | | abjuring...... 49 0 | | talisman........ 100 47
  1650. | | | channeling.... 101 201 | | | banishing..... 55 0 | points............ 108 48
  1651. stats
  1652. Constitution ... 13 Strength ....... 13 Weight ......... 80.0 kg
  1653. Dexterity ...... 13 Wisdom ......... -4 (-17)
  1654. Intelligence ... 13 Height ......... 176 cm
  1656. Zeek looks at you.
  1657. one also my wisdom is now at -4
  1658. You whisper into the silver and aquamarine nipple chain.
  1659. (One) Janeka wisps: also my wisdom is now at -4
  1660. gp
  1661. You have 10 (98) guild points.
  1662. * All of your guild points can be used for adventuring commands.
  1663. * All of your guild points can be used for covert commands.
  1664. * All of your guild points can be used for crafts commands.
  1665. * You cannot use any guild points for faith commands until you have more than 42.
  1666. * All of your guild points can be used for fighting commands.
  1667. * All of your guild points can be used for magic commands.
  1668. * All of your guild points can be used for people commands.
  1669. sv
  1670. Hp: 1514(1514) Gp: 10(98) Xp: 56450 Burden: 31%
  1671. one gp is now stuck at 10 instead of 16, despite all the time I spent unconscious
  1672. You whisper into the silver and aquamarine nipple chain.
  1673. (One) Janeka wisps: gp is now stuck at 10 instead of 16, despite all the time I spent unconscious
  1675. One of the vines slithers away from the light.
  1676. (One) Maelin wisps: I think there is only one possible cure for your current predicament, Janeka.
  1677. [Maelkren enters Discworld -- newbie pishite]
  1678. (One) Maelin wisps: You must submit an idea rep for a 'yiff' soul.
  1679. remote maelin yiffs you vigorously.
  1680. You remote to someone: Janeka Summers yiffs you vigorously.
  1682. You could swear that one of the hands on the shelves just waved at you.
  1683. Epic Malpractice tells you: can i come to you
  1684. title none
  1685. You reset your player title.
  1686. tr yeah
  1687. You tell Epic Malpractice: yeah
  1688. sv
  1689. Hp: 1514(1514) Gp: 10(98) Xp: 56669 Burden: 31%
  1691. Suddenly brightly coloured plastic balls start appearing from all directions and collecting together.
  1692. To your surprise Evil Epic Malpractice pops out of the balls exclaiming happily: Bazinga!
  1693. l epic
  1694. You see Evil Epic Malpractice the Divine of Gufnork.
  1695. It is a strapping young human.
  1696. It is all kind of things.
  1697. It is in good shape.
  1698. It is standing.
  1699. It has an Ankh-Morpork coat of arms sticker stuck on it.
  1700. A faint halo glitters softly above its head.
  1701. A shroud of sparkling mist swirls around its body like a living cloak.
  1702. Holding : a small leather shield (left hand) and a strange needle (right hand).
  1703. Wearing : a dramatic pale lavender himation, a large satchel, an everfull gourd, a blue fish
  1704. headband, a shell necklace, two club badges, two red roses, a pair of crystal and filigree earrings,
  1705. a gold medallion, a swirling bracelet, a unicorn brooch, a black leather long sword scabbard and a
  1706. silver "I <3 Ankh-Morpork" badge.
  1707. Carrying: a cocktail glass, a shovel, an arcane instrument, a receipt fixer, a rose rhodonite ring,
  1708. a bulletin board [ 40 notes ], an adorable stuffed buffalo, a small stick, a white "Lord of
  1709. Darkness" mug, a white "Epic" mug, a chart paper, a spell book, a beeswax candle and a magic hat.
  1711. Evil Epic Malpractice bings happily.
  1712. sv
  1713. Hp: 1514(1514) Gp: 10(98) Xp: 56747 Burden: 31%
  1714. sv
  1715. Evil Epic Malpractice covers itself in frogs.
  1716. Queued command: sv
  1718. Hp: 1514(1514) Gp: 10(98) Xp: 56750 Burden: 31%
  1719. say still 10
  1720. Evil Epic Malpractice looks at you.
  1721. You say: still 10
  1723. say hi!
  1724. You exclaim: hi!
  1726. Evil Epic Malpractice nods.
  1727. One of the vines slithers away from the light.
  1728. Zeek gets a small waxed paper packet from a pocket in a medium satchel.
  1729. sv
  1730. Hp: 1514(1514) Gp: 10(98) Xp: 56894 Burden: 31%
  1732. Zeek tears a page from the open cheap flimsy chapbook.
  1733. Zeek juggles around his stuff and fumbles a small waxed paper packet.
  1734. Evil Epic Malpractice asks in Morporkian with a D'reg accent: so... what did id do before you
  1735. realised what was up?
  1736. The draperies billow slightly, in an unfelt gust of wind.
  1737. Evil Epic Malpractice asks with a D'reg accent: so... what did you do before you realised what was
  1738. up?
  1739. say I'll look at the logs
  1740. You say: I'll look at the logs
  1742. Zeek holds Stink and a quill in his left hand and right hand.
  1743. Zeek gets a small waxed paper packet from a small, dingy shop.
  1744. Some of the damselflies around you flutter away.
  1745. The damselflies surrounding you scatter in different directions and fly off.
  1746. Beatus Mauve asks in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: What's happening?
  1747. Beatus Mauve asks in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: The GP thing?
  1748. say I think it happened after I cast Hag's Blessing eight times
  1749. You could have sworn that Evil Epic Malpractice's adorable stuffed buffalo looked in your general
  1750. direction!
  1751. You could swear that one of the hands on the shelves just waved at you.
  1752. Beatus Mauve asks in Morporkian with a Genuan accent: Did Janeka's heartbeat die?
  1753. You say: I think it happened after I cast Hag's Blessing eight times
  1755. Evil Epic Malpractice nods at Beatus Mauve.
  1756. Evil Epic Malpractice acks.
  1757. say I remember my gp was regenning for the last two times, and then it wasn't
  1758. You say: I remember my gp was regenning for the last two times, and then it wasn't
  1759. say oh, also I mocked myself
  1760. You say: oh, also I mocked myself
  1761. stats
  1762. Constitution ... 13 Strength ....... 13 Weight ......... 80.0 kg
  1763. Dexterity ...... 13 Wisdom ......... -4 (-17)
  1764. Intelligence ... 13 Height ......... 176 cm
  1766. Evil Epic Malpractice asks with a D'reg accent: can you send me logs?
  1767. One of the vines slithers away from the light.
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