

Jan 8th, 2015
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  1. The PPV started out with [url=Owen's Music]Owen Hart[/url] vs [url=Pillman's Music]Brian Pillman[/url].
  3. The match started out normally, with Owen and Pillman working each other over. Pillman starts out by whipping Owen into the turnbuckle. He tries to kick Owen, who ducks out of the way, and grabs Pillman's ankle, tripping him. Owen grabs Pillman's legs and starts to set up the Sharpshooter, but Pillman shifts around, and kicks Owen in the face instead. Pillman and Owen start trading blows, with Pillman escaping from every hold Owen tries to put him into, until Pillman hits Owen with a clothesline, and starts beating on him. Pillman wears out Owen's legs with stomps and kicks, and applies an Indian Deathlock.
  5. Owen is able to resist the pain and makes it to the bottom rope. Pillman gets up, and gets Owen in his sights as he struggles to his feet. Once Owen gets his footing, he stands still for a second, and chuckles a little. Pillman runs the ropes, and jumps at him to hit him with a clothesline, but Owen ducks, and trips Pillman when he lands, bouncing him off the top rope. Pillman jumps to the top rope, intending to hit Owen with a corkscrew, but Owen counters with a dropkick. Pillman gets up, but Owen takes him down with a Tornado DDT. Owen is using Pillman's moves against him! Pillman is livid, and screams “Two can play at that game!” Pillman knocks Owen down and grabs his legs, and puts him in a Sharpshooter.
  7. Owen is just laughing through the pain, and starts rolling around on the floor. Pillman tries to hold onto Owen's legs, but Owen uses the force of his legs to flip over, and reverses Pillman's Sharpshooter into one of his own. Pillman screams, and [b]is forced to tap out. Owen wins![/b]
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