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a guest
Nov 10th, 2011
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  1. C:\Users\Frederick\Desktop>untitled.g3d
  2. In [..\..\source\shared_lib\sources\util\util.cpp::Shared::Util::SystemFlags::
  3. tSystemSettingType Line: 212]
  4. In [..\..\source\shared_lib\sources\util\util.cpp::Shared::Util::SystemFlags::
  5. it Line: 232]
  6. In [..\..\source\shared_lib\sources\util\util.cpp::Shared::Util::SystemFlags::
  7. it Line: 254]
  8. In [..\..\source\shared_lib\sources\platform\common\simple_threads.cpp::Shared
  9. PlatformCommon::LogFileThread::execute Line: 460]
  10. In [..\..\source\shared_lib\sources\platform\common\simple_threads.cpp::Shared
  11. PlatformCommon::LogFileThread::execute Line: 468]
  12. In [..\..\source\shared_lib\sources\util\util.cpp::Shared::Util::SystemFlags::
  13. it Line: 263]
  14. -=-=-=-=-=-=-= looking for file in possible location [D:\Megaglest\data\glest
  15. ame\]
  16. -=-=-=-=-=-=-= looking for windows specific file in possible location [D:\Meg
  17. lest\data\glest_game\windows_glest.ini]
  18. -=-=-=-=-=-=-= About to load fileName.first = [D:\Megaglest\data\glest_game\gl
  19. t.ini]
  20. Property key [DataPath] now has value [D:\Megaglest\data\glest_game\\]
  21. Property key [LogPath] now has value [C:\Users\Frederick\AppData\Roaming\megag
  22. st\]
  23. Property key [UserData_Root] now has value [C:\Users\Frederick\AppData\Roaming
  24. egaglest\]
  25. -=-=-=-=-=-=-= About to load fileName.second = [C:\Users\Frederick\AppData\Roa
  26. ng\megaglest\glestuser.ini]
  27. Startup Adding model [C:\Users\Frederick\Desktop\untitled.g3d] list size 1
  28. OpenGL Extension [GL_EXT_framebuffer_object] supported status = 1
  29. Load model, fileVersion = 4
  30. meshCount = 1
  31. Exception caught loading 3d file: C:\Users\Frederick\Desktop\untitled.g3d
  32. bad allocation
  33. OpenGL Extension [GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic] supported status = 1
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