

Nov 18th, 2018
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  1. # MagiBridge, by Eufranio
  2. #
  3. # You can use the following placeholders on the DISCORD -> MC formats:
  4. # %user% -> user who sent the message in the Discord channel
  5. # %message% -> message that was sent to the channel
  6. # %toprole% -> name of the highest role/rank of the user in the Discord server
  7. # %toprolecolor% -> color of the user's role, according to the replacer at the bottom of this config
  8. #
  9. # You can use the following placeholder on the MC -> DISCORD formats:
  10. # %player% -> player who sent the message in the chat channel
  11. # %prefix% -> prefix of the player that sent the message. Usually set via permission plugins
  12. # %topgroup% -> name of the highest group of the player who sent the message
  13. # %nick% -> nickname of the player. If no nick is assigned to the player, his name will be used instead
  14. # %message% -> message that the player sent
  16. channel {
  17. # Role that users need to have to be able to send colored chat to minecraft
  18. # Set to "everyone" to allow everyone use colors in the messages
  19. color-allowed-role=vip
  20. # If a command is defined here, it will ONLY run if the user has the defined role.
  21. # In this example, ONLY who have the admin role can stop the server
  22. # Set the role to "everyone" to allow everyone use the command
  23. commands-role-override {
  24. ban=mod
  25. stop=admin
  26. }
  27. # Discord command that executes server console commands
  28. console-command="!cmd"
  29. # Role that a user needs to have in order to run the console command
  30. console-command-required-role=admin
  31. # Should MagiBridge delete the player list message?
  32. delete-list-message=true
  33. # ID of the main Discord Channel, where start/stop messages will be sent to
  34. main-discord-channel="channel"
  36. nucleus {
  37. # Discord Channel ID which global messages are sent to
  38. global-discord-channel="GLOBAL_DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID_HERE"
  39. # Channel that HelpOp messages will be sent to (if enabled)
  40. helpop-channel=""
  41. # Discord Channel ID which messages from the staff chat are sent to
  42. staff-discord-channel="STAFF_DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID_HERE"
  43. }
  44. # Discord command that shows the current online player list
  45. player-list-command="!online"
  47. ultimatechat {
  48. # Channels defined here override the global format, so you can have per-channel formats
  49. channel-overrides {
  50. global="&7[&a&lG&7] &f%user%&7: %message%"
  51. }
  52. # Format: ChannelID = IngameChannelName, Example:
  53. # 12345678912345 = global
  54. # Replace the default value with your own channels
  55. channels {
  56. "12345678912345"=global
  57. }
  58. }
  59. # Should MagiBridge use Nucleus? If this and use-ultimatechat are both false, MagiBridge will use the vanilla chat system
  60. use-nucleus=true
  61. # Should MagiBridge use UltimateChat instead? If this and use-nucleus are both false, MagiBridge will use the vanilla chat system
  62. use-ultimatechat=false
  63. # Should MagiBridge send messages trough Webhooks instead a bot?
  64. use-webhooks=false
  65. }
  66. colors-converter {
  67. # Conversor from RGB to in-game colors (for %toprolecolor%)
  68. # Format: "RGB" = "IN-GAME COLOR"
  69. discord-to-mc-replacer {
  70. "206694"="&1"
  71. "11806A"="&2"
  72. "1ABC9C"="&a"
  73. "1F8B4C"="&2"
  74. "2ECC71"="&a"
  75. "3498DB"="&3"
  76. "546E7A"="&8"
  77. "607D8B"="&8"
  78. "71368A"="&5"
  79. "95A5A6"="&7"
  80. "979C9F"="&7"
  81. "992D22"="&4"
  82. "99AAB5"="&f"
  83. "9B59B6"="&5"
  84. A84300="&6"
  85. AD1457="&d"
  86. C27C0E="&6"
  87. E67E22="&6"
  88. E74C3C="&c"
  89. E91E63="&d"
  90. F1C40F="&e"
  91. }
  92. }
  93. core {
  94. # Should MagiBridge send advancement messages to Discord?
  95. advancement-messages-enabled=false
  96. # Bot Token of the Bot User that you want to be used when sending messages to Discord
  97. bot-token="bot"
  98. # Set to false if MagiBridge should NOT cut messages coming from Discord with more than
  99. # 120 characters. This can turn the chat ugly if someone sends a big message
  100. cut-messages=false
  101. # Should MagiBridge send death messages to Discord?
  102. death-messages-enabled=true
  103. # Should MagiBridge enable the Topic Updater, updating the topic of the main Discord channel?
  104. enable-topic-updater=true
  105. # Don't send messages of a player to Discord if he is vanished
  106. hide-vanished-chat=true
  107. # Should MagiBridge send Nucleus' HelpOp messages to Discord? The channel that the messages will be sent
  108. # SHOULD be defined in the Channels section if this is enabled!
  109. send-helpop=false
  110. # Topic Updater interval in seconds, minimum is 10
  111. topic-updater-interval=10
  112. # Should MagiBridge enable Boop support? Will only work if Boop is installed and updated
  113. use-boop=false
  114. }
  115. discord-to-mc-replacer {
  116. # Text that will be replaced in messages sent TO the game
  117. # Format: "word-to-replace" = "word-replaced"
  118. discord-to-mc-replacer {
  119. ":dizzy_face:"=xO
  120. ":frowning:"=":("
  121. ":heart:"="<3"
  122. ":joy:"=";D"
  123. ":kissing:"=":*"
  124. ":laughing:"=xD
  125. ":neutral_face:"=":|"
  126. ":open_mouth:"=":O"
  127. ":smile:"=":D"
  128. ":smiley:"=":)"
  129. ":sob:"=";("
  130. ":stuck_out_tongue:"=":P"
  131. ":stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:"=xP
  132. ":stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:"=";P"
  133. ":sunglasses:"="B)"
  134. ":tired_face:"="x("
  135. ":wink:"=";)"
  136. }
  137. }
  138. messages {
  139. # Message that will be sent to the main discord channel when a player receives an advancement
  140. # Supports %advancement%
  141. advancement-message="**%player% got a new advancement: %advancement%**"
  142. # Messages sent to Discord when a player goes/retuns AFK, if enabled
  143. afk {
  144. enabled=false
  145. # Message sent when a player goes AFK
  146. going="%player% is now AFK"
  147. # Message sent when a player is not AFK anymore
  148. returning="%player% is not AFK anymore"
  149. }
  150. # Name of the attachment tag shown in-game when someone sends an attachment to the Discord channel
  151. attachment-name="[Attachment]"
  152. # Game that will be displayed in the bot's game status
  153. bot-playing-status="Playing on a nice server!"
  154. # Message that will be set in the main discord channel topic every X seconds
  155. # Supports %tps%, %players%, %maxplayers%, %hoursonline% and %minutesonline%
  156. channel-topic-message="%players%/%maxplayers% players online | TPS: %tps% | Server online for %hoursonline% hours or %minutesonline% minutes!"
  157. # Message that will be set in the main discord channel topic when the server goes offline
  158. channel-topic-offline="The server is currently offline!"
  159. # No permission message (for console command)
  160. console-command-no-permisson="**You don't have permission to use this command!**"
  161. # Message that will be sent to the main discord channel when a player dies
  162. death-message="**Bad day for %player%: %deathmessage%**"
  163. # Format of the messsage sent from Discord to the server
  164. discord-to-server-format="&f%user%&7: &7%message%"
  165. # Format of the messages sent from the Discord Staff channel to the server
  166. # Node: This format is used ONLY when using the Nucleus hook!
  167. discord-to-server-staff-format="&f%user%&7: &7%message%"
  168. # Message that will be sent to the main discord channel when a new player joins the server
  169. new-players-message="**Enjoy playing on our server, %player%!**"
  170. # Message shown when there are no players in the server
  171. # and the list command is executed
  172. no-players-message="**There are no players online!**"
  173. # Text that will be used in %toprole% when the user don't have any roles (besides @everyone)
  174. # Use only if you need. If you don't, leave this option as ""
  175. no-role-placeholder=""
  176. # Message that will be sent to the discord-main-channel when a player joins the server
  177. player-join-message="**%player%** joined the server"
  178. # Format of the player name displayed in the channel list command (!online)
  179. player-list-name="%player%"
  180. # Message that will be sent to the discord-main-channel when a player leaves the server
  181. player-quit-message="**%player% logged out.**"
  182. # Prefix that will be sent before the actual message, with a hover and clickable link
  183. prefix {
  184. enabled=true
  185. hover="&bClick do join our Discord!"
  186. link=""
  187. text="&6[Discord]"
  188. }
  189. # Message that will be sent to the discord-main-channel when the server starts
  190. server-starting-message="**The server is starting!**"
  191. # Message that will be sent to the discord-main-channel when the server stops
  192. server-stopping-message="**The server is stopping!**"
  193. # Format of messages sent FROM the server TO discord
  194. server-to-discord-format="**%player%**: %message%"
  195. # Format of messages sent FROM the server staff channel TO the discord staff channel
  196. # Used only when Nucleus is running and enabled
  197. server-to-discord-staff-format="**%player%**: %message%"
  198. # Format of the name of the webhooks that will send messages to Discord, if enabled
  199. webhook-name="[%prefix%] %player%"
  200. # URL that webhooks should get the skin picture from
  201. # Note: the link SHOULD return a valid .png picture from the request!
  202. # Supports %player%
  203. webhook-picture-url=""
  204. }
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